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I Only Have Fangs For You yb-3

Page 25

by Kathy Love

  She closed her eyes for a moment, sighing deeply. She knew she’d have to move on from him eventually. It was inevitable. But she didn’t want to think about that now. About a time without Sebastian.

  She opened her eyes, her skin tingling. She looked down at herself. Steam swirled around her, like mist just before a strong storm. She continued to watch as her nipples puckered, forming tight little beads. Her skin grew more sensitive, more aware of the water and the continual brush of that damp steam on her skin. Her breasts grew heavier, achy. And between her thighs, she felt more throbbing need.

  A small whimper escaped her as she closed her eyes and moved her legs apart. The water and the mist lapped between her thighs, making her wet and desperate.

  Could just thinking about Sebastian make her ache this way? She opened her eyes, telling herself she was out of control. She needed to get a handle on her need for the man. And still the mist swirled like a mini-twister around her body.

  She whimpered again, her hand moving to her breasts, cupping her aroused skin. Skimming her palms, her fingers over her nipples. Imagining it was Sebastian touching her that way.

  In the mist she could see him, his damp features, the curl of his wet hair, the glistening of water on his skin. She really was far too obsessed. Then her misty, fantasy image spoke.

  “I like watching you touch yourself.”

  She made a startled noise, her hand pausing on her breast.

  “Don’t stop.” Sebastian stepped forward and Mina realized he wasn’t a fantasy. He was real and solid-her eyes drifted down his naked body. Very, very solid.

  “How did you do that?” she asked, even as she knew the answer. Vampires could change form. She knew that intellectually, although she’d never been able to do it herself. And she didn’t know that in their other forms they could still touch another.

  “You were doing that,” she murmured. “Swirling around me. Touching me.”

  He nodded. “But it’s not a substantial touch. More just a faint, stimulating stir of the air. Nothing more than mist. Or shadow.”

  She nodded, then she realized her hands still cupped her breasts. She started to drop them, but Sebastian shook his head. “No, keep touching yourself.”

  “Sebastian.” She blushed. They had done so much together. But somehow standing before him, pleasing herself, made her too aware of herself. Too aware of him.

  “Please,” he said with his sexy grin.

  She mustered her courage, then rubbed her hand over her water-slicked breast. He watched her, the heat in his golden eyes encouraging her. She caressed the other breast, her fingers toying with the tightened nipple.

  Sebastian’s gaze remained fascinated on her. His attention excited her. She squeezed one breast, wringing a low moan from herself. When she opened her eyes, Sebastian was gone.


  Then she felt him, the mist again eddying around her. She gasped, the touch of him in that form just as he said, faint, barely there, yet so exciting, so, so arousing.

  Helpless to stop herself, one of her hands left her breast, gliding down her stomach to the curls at the juncture of her thighs. She parted herself, finding her clitoris. Desperately she began to stroke herself. The mist also stroked her, spinning and churning around her, driving her mad. She pressed her fingers hard to herself, feeling herself being twirled toward her release.

  Just as she started to cry out, Sebastian was there, hard and real at her back, his hand joining hers between her spread thighs. She screamed, her orgasm flooding her like a storm amid rolling fog.

  Sebastian held her tightly as she trembled with the power of her release. His own desire was only barely held in check, but he managed to control it.

  He had no idea using his shifting abilities could be so much fun, so damned sexy. That had been…

  “Wow,” Mina finally murmured, still boneless against him.

  “This wasn’t exactly how I planned this lesson to go,” he said, kissing her ear.

  “Mmm,” she rubbed back against him, from satisfaction rather than arousal. His cock pulsed anyway.

  “How was the lesson supposed to go?”

  “I was going to take you to the botanical gardens. They have a lovely herb and perennial garden that reminds me very much of the gardens we had outside of our estate in Derbyshire, back before I crossed over. I planned to teach you how to shift, then we could sneak in to see it, since it’s after closing hours.”

  She turned in his arms, a small, dreamy smile curling her rosy lips. “That does sound lovely. But this was lovely too. Very lovely.”

  Sebastian gritted his teeth, trying to stay focused on their conversation rather than the slick rub of her breasts against his chest.

  “But you didn’t learn anything new about your vampirism.”

  Her eyes widened and she laughed. “Didn’t I? I think I learned something very new. And I want to learn more, right here in this shower.”

  “Like what?” he asked, liking the naughty gleam in her blue eyes.

  “Like how to please a vampire.”

  He laughed this time, a startled laugh. “Oh baby, you already know exactly how to do that. No lessons needed.”

  She smiled again. “Oh, I think I do.”

  She ran her hand down his sides and over his hips as she slid her body down his front until she was kneeling before him.

  He watched as her hands came out to touch his penis jutting forward, steely hard, pulsating. She stroked him, studying every detail of his reaction to her fingers, the curl of them around him. The pumping strokes.

  He swallowed, trying to stay calm as one of her hands cupped his testicles, the other still pumped his cock. Then she leaned forward and kissed the swollen head.

  His hands sank into her hair, not controlling her movements, just giving him an anchor.

  She kissed him again, her tongue flicking across the very top. “Do you like that?”

  “God, baby,” his voice was ragged, “you have no idea.”

  She licked him again. Then again. Tasting the head, the sensitive length of the underside. The head again.

  His hips arced forward, his head fell back against the tile wall. When her lips formed a perfect «o» and pulled him into her hot, wet mouth, his whole body jerked and he nearly came right that instant.

  Instead he forced himself to calm, to just absorb that amazing, amazing feeling of her lips, her tongue, her mouth.

  “Isn’t… this a better… lesson… for tonight,” she said between lick and sucks.

  “So, so much better,” he muttered roughly.

  And damn, he thought, his head falling back against the shower wall as she took him fully into her mouth again. She really was such a fast learner.


  Mina sat at one of the booths in the nightclub, watching the dancers on the floor below. Then she glanced around, feeling like she was being watched in return. She was. Two women sat at the bar staring at her, whispering. When they realized Mina was looking, they had the good grace to look away. Most didn’t.

  Mina had found herself to be the novelty of Carfax Abbey. Sebastian Young’s steady woman. Apparently the first, if all the buzz was any indication.

  “Hey, Mina.” Greta appeared at the table. “Can I get you a drink?” Her friend smiled at her.

  Mina had been very surprised by Greta’s reaction to the fact that Sebastian and Mina had been at the club together for the past several nights. She’d been surprised by all the employees’ reactions. They’d taken it in stride. Of course, they still didn’t know she was the one who’d tried to sabotage the club. Only Nadine knew, and she didn’t show any signs of holding it against Mina.

  “Shit happens,” the tall, gorgeous werewolf had said with a philosophical air. “You needed to see who Sebastian really was. And he has helped you, right?”

  Mina had nodded with no hesitation. Yes, Sebastian had helped her more than anyone, including Sebastian, could know.

  “And you’v
e helped him, too,” Nadine said. “So it’s all good to me.”

  Mina didn’t know about that. But she hoped, in some small way, she’d made Sebastian happier or something.

  “I swear, girl, you are the most lovesick person I have ever seen,” Greta said laughingly.

  Mina blinked, realizing she hadn’t answered her question.

  “I think Sebastian is getting our drinks. Thanks, though.”

  Greta looked to see Sebastian at the bar. Sebastian spoke to Bryce, then turned and started toward them. His eyes sought out Mina’s. He smiled, his full lips curling more at one corner than the other.

  Would that wonderful, lazily sexy smile always make her heart do flips? She knew for certain it would. Forever.

  “I take that back,” Greta said with another laugh. “I think you two are equally lovesick.”

  Mina looked away from Sebastian, surprised by her friend’s words. Greta watched his approach too.

  “No,” Mina said with a laugh of her own. “He’s just a consummate charmer.”

  Greta shook her head. “No. He’s crazy about you. Everyone knows it. It was bound to happen someday. I’m just glad it’s someone who will be good to him.”

  Mina couldn’t believe Greta’s words. “But you yourself said that Sebastian would never settle down.”

  Greta shrugged, her beautiful blond hair cascading over her shoulders. “Yes, I did think that. I certainly knew he wasn’t going to settle down with me. But you…»

  She gave Mina a pleased smile.

  “Hi, Greta,” Sebastian said as he reached the table, sliding into the booth, close to Mina.

  “Hi, Sebastian. How are you?”

  Sebastian glanced hotly at Mina, then said, “Great.”

  Greta gave Mina an I-told-you-so look and waved her good-bye.

  Mina watched her sashay across the room, more than a little dazed by Greta’s words. Sebastian wasn’t interested in settling down. Mina knew that. Yes, everything had been amazing between them. She’d stayed at his apartment since the night of the altered shapeshifting lessons. He’d even been the one to suggest that she pack enough clothes to stay for awhile.

  But he’d been quite sensible about the plan.

  “I don’t think Donatello will be back,” he’d said, “but I feel better knowing you’re safe.”

  Not the vow of love she’d wanted. But he did make her feel safe, and she loved being with him.

  Sebastian had also decided he needed to stay close to Carfax Abbey. He wanted to be sure this Donatello, whether he was the Donatello or another one, didn’t hurt anyone else. So they spent part of their nights at the club, and part just alone together.

  She hadn’t expected to enjoy the club. After all, the club was overwhelming with its loud music and rowdy people. And there were the women, who flocked to Sebastian. But Sebastian had dismissed all of them with polite smiles and a few amiable words, which had surprised her. She didn’t think he could have kept himself from flirting. But he hadn’t. That definitely hadn’t spared Mina from the angry glares, but it had spared her from having to share him. This was her time, and as long as it lasted, she wanted him to herself.

  “What were you and Greta talking about?”

  Mina gave him a vague smile. “Nothing.” Then she added, “I feel strange having my old coworkers trying to wait on me. After all, I was one of them not too long ago.”

  Sebastian raised an eyebrow at that. “Mina, you were never one of them. Believe me.”

  She turned in the booth to face him. “What do you mean?”

  “Mina, my love,” he said with a sheepish smile, “you were probably one of the worst waitresses I’ve ever seen.”

  Mina would have been offended, except she was too distracted by the fact that he’d just called her my love.

  “But,” he added quickly, “because I happened to like you so much, I’d consider hiring you again. If you want.”

  Because I like you so much. That sort of deflated the elation she felt at being called his love. She had to remember that while he did like her-and she did believe a lot-he wasn’t the type to fall head over heels. Despite what Greta said. What did Greta know?

  “So what do you say? Are you ready to wait table again? I think I have a uniform in the backroom that would fit you.”

  She frowned at him, tempted to say yes.

  But seeing the deliberation in her eyes, he shook his head. “On second thought, I don’t think so. I’m not letting all the men here ogle my woman as she slings drinks.”

  She rolled her eyes at that-certain he was really teasing now.

  Bryce appeared with a bottle of wine and two glasses. Mina noticed that Sebastian stiffened slightly when the friendly werebear smiled at Mina and chatted for a few moments.

  “And,” he pulled her tight to him after Bryce left, picking up with his conversation as if the bartender had never been there. “I don’t think you will have time to serve drinks. You’ll be far too busy with me.”

  She tried to look disappointed, but couldn’t. She sank against him, lifting her face to receive his kiss.

  “Are we interrupting?”

  They parted to see Rhys, Jane, Christian, and Jolee.

  “No,” Mina said quickly, feeling her cheeks flush. She’d met Sebastian’s family a few times since the night of the attack, but still she felt awkward around them. Even though they were all nice, she knew they had to be wondering about her and Sebastian’s relationship. And they had to be surprised that he was having whatever their relationship was with her.

  And she couldn’t help noticing that Sebastian always acted a little strange too. Uncomfortable.

  “We decided to join you, since Christian and I are heading back home tomorrow,” Jolee said, offering one of her wide smiles.

  Mina slid over to offer them more room, her movement bringing her flush against Sebastian. He slid an arm around her, the action rather surprising her.

  “So you’re heading back to the wilds of West Virginia, eh?” Sebastian said, grinning.

  Christian gave him a wry look.

  Sebastian had told Mina about how Christian had fallen for Jolee. And while Sebastian was happy for his brother, the idea still struck him as amusing. From what Sebastian had told her, Mina could see the humor of his brother, who’d been snobby, rude, and at one point downright evil, falling for a big-hearted, down-to-earth human and-Sebastian’s favorite part of the story-karaoke bar owner. Well, he was torn between the karaoke bar and the fact that they lived in rural West Virginia. Although they’d apparently moved out of the trailer park where they’d met to a sprawling farmhouse. Which Sebastian still found amusing.

  “Christian didn’t even like our estate in Derbyshire,” Sebastian had laughed as he told her about the trailer park. “And we’d had at least twenty-five servants and all the amenities of the time.”

  Mina watched as Christian tucked Jolee against him, giving her a smoldering look that showed every bit of the love he felt for the gorgeous redhead. Jolee gave him an adoring look of her own, then touched his jaw and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

  “He loves West Virginia,” Jolee said after they parted. “Even if he won’t admit it.”

  “No, you love West Virginia,” Christian said. “And I love you, so I live there.”

  Jolee rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  “He loves it,” she mouthed.

  Mina laughed at the two of them.

  “So has the club been quiet?” Rhys asked.

  Sebastian nodded. “Not even so much as bickering among the clientele.”

  “That’s good,” Jane said. “I really hope Annie is okay. She was badly shaken, and understandably so.”

  Mina had thought about Annie often, hoping she was okay, too. She knew how hard it was to shake off an experience like that. Although, thankfully, hers had turned out better than Mina’s.

  Sebastian seemed to sense her train of thought, because he pulled her closer to him and pressed a kiss to her
hair. Again, the gesture, in front of his family, surprised her.

  Then the conversation turned to other things: how someone named Jed, who apparently lived behind Jolee and Christian’s bar, was; when was Jane going to play them one of her always-promised but yet to be heard funeral songs on the piano in her and Rhys’s apartment.

  “Would you want to hear that?” Jane asked Mina, shaking her head, although she smiled at their teasing.

  “You’re the one who boasted you can play a mean funeral dirge,” Sebastian pointed out.

  Mina laughed with everyone. It was sort of funny that Rhys had ended up marrying a mortician’s daughter.

  “It’s true,” Rhys agreed with his brother. “You do keep promising.”

  “The undead sitting around listening to funeral hymns. You are all sick,” Jolee teased.

  “That’s what I say,” Jane agreed.

  “It’s bad enough that Sebastian insists on singing “I Died in Your Arms Tonight” every time he’s at the karaoke bar.” Jolee laughed.

  Christian groaned. “That one, and ‘Only the Good Die Young. “

  “Hey, those are fine songs,” Sebastian defended himself. He started to sing the Billy Joel song, until Jane clapped a hand over his mouth.

  “Thank God,” Rhys said.

  Mina laughed at their antics. She looked around the table at each of them, amazed at the sense of family she felt. Here they were, vampires, the undead, monsters, and she felt more of their loving and caring for each other than she’d ever felt in her supposedly perfect family.

  Mina looked at Sebastian who laughed at something Christian said. God, she never wanted this to end. Never.

  “You know,” Sebastian said, “I was thinking we should all go to England this year. You know, go see the old estate. I’d love to see how the place looks now.”

  Mina glanced at the others. Christian and Jolee both seemed to think the trip would be a good idea. Jane did too, although she gave Rhys a worried look. Rhys frowned, not appearing as keen about the suggestion as the others.


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