Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3 Page 7

by JoAnna Grace

  “And you’re the most beautiful creature the gods ever created.” Hayden sighed as he touched her silky hair. Her facial features were delicate and soft, lovelier than anything he ever imagined could exist. Her eyes were dark brown, almost onyx, rich and warm. Latte-colored skin felt smooth under his touch.

  Could he be in love with this woman because she was a creation of his every fantasy? He had to believe she was more than an apparition formed in his mind.

  “I don’t know how much time we have, but I need you to listen, my angel. I might be gone for a while.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I’m going to the—” The word frozen on his tongue, his mouth gaping open, but soundless.

  Damn the gods. Once again, he couldn’t reveal the information that might help them find each other.

  “Where?” she asked.

  “I can’t say. But I don’t know how long I’ll be there. It could be weeks, months even.”

  “You won’t sleep?” Her head tilted like she couldn’t understand.

  “It doesn’t work like that.”

  His angel’s eyes misted again and those tears ripped his heart in two. For months, they’d spent nearly every night together. Sometimes for only minutes, sometimes hours. But they couldn’t speak the words that would lead them to each other. They didn’t exchange names, they couldn’t say the cities they lived in. Nothing vital.

  It was a cruel joke of the gods; he was convinced of it.

  “You don’t know when you will be back?” When Hayden shook his head, she nodded with understanding. “Will you kiss me then? Please? Give me something, anything to hold on to.”

  Hayden’s breath left in a rush. “Gods, yes, I can do that.” He brought his lips down on hers and the wonderful taste of her mouth sent him straight through the clouds. Not hesitating, his angel opened her lips and let his tongue slip inside. She let out a soft moan and moved to sit across his lap, her legs circling his waist. Instantly, he grew hard beneath her. What he would give to be inside her, to claim her as his mate and have her beside him in his waking hours.

  Hayden lost all inhibitions in this dream. Up until this point, their interactions had been guarded, their touches quick and gentle. Once he went to the Heavens, there was no telling how much time would pass on Earth. It wouldn’t be long for him, but it might be for her. Minutes in Heaven could equate to days on Earth.

  He let her take anything she wanted and loved every moment of it.

  She kissed him with abandon, plundering his mouth and running her hands over his neck, his chest, through his hair. Her hips moved against his erection, teasing him to a painful state. She kissed him like—he paused—like she was saying goodbye.

  Hayden pulled her face back and saw her sweet lips glistening, felt her panting breath on his neck. “You do understand that I’m coming back, right? I won’t leave you forever. I can’t.”

  “How do you know? What if this is the last time we have together?” The desperation in her voice about did him in.

  Hayden took her head between his hands. “I. Will. Find. You.”

  “Not if I find you first.” She smiled at him and his world fractured into beautiful lights like a kaleidoscope. By Zeus, no smile should bring a man to his knees like this. She had to be his.

  He had to find her in real life.

  “No, oh no,” Her hands went to her head. “I’m leaving.” Frightened eyes met his. “I love you. Come back to me. I’ll wait.” She shouted her promises as the unknown force t took her from him.

  Hayden woke up and shot up in his bed. His breath was labored and he could still feel the taste of her on his tongue, his body still aroused and pulsing with unfulfilled need.

  “Shit. Just…damn it.” He flopped back down and rubbed his hand over his face.

  As soon as he returned from the Heavens, no matter what the gods decreed, he was going to form a mass search for his night angel. Now that he knew what a hovel she lived in, his resolve was firmer than ever. She was real, and with the gods as his witness, he would find her and bring her home.


  RYSE AND CHARLES were the first to make their way to the portal. Tension hung heavy between them. Never one with flowery words, Ryse remained silent.

  “I don’t know what I’ve done wrong with my children,” Charles confessed.

  Ryse studied the other man’s face. His brows pinched together and dipped low. Lines bracketed his lips and Ryse detected a tremor in his hands.

  “I look back on Salina’s young life and can’t seem to find that place where she began to change into something unholy.” Charles looked up at Ryse. He was not a small man, but Ryse towered over most. “Am I so blind that I’m missed the cosmic shift in my daughter?”

  Sympathy flooded Ryse’s heart. He didn’t have children and he couldn’t imagine the disappointment and guilt Charles must feel. “Salina was a delightful child, Charles. I remember her youth well. It wasn’t until the last few decades that she began to turn into something…unholy, as you put it.” Ryse then addressed the white elephant that had always hovered between him and Charles. “I take part of the blame of her descent into this madness. I shouldn’t have gone to bed with her. It was a poor decision then, and it has cost me everything now.”

  Charles sighed. “None of us are perfect in our actions, Ryse. And I think Salina was sliding downhill long before she seduced you. I know she used her powers on you, son. After losing your companion and friend, she swooped in like a vulture. Do not carry this guilt with you. My dau—” he bowed his head, shook it once before continuing, “Salina is a powerful telepath. I don’t think you could have refused her, even if you had wanted.”

  “If I am not to bear the guilt of Salina’s actions, then you can’t either. Her choices were her own and so shall be her consequences.”

  Charles’s lips formed a tight line across his face, but he nodded once. “I want you to know, Ryse, that I truly respect you and your family.” He took in a deep breath and straightened his shoulders. “No matter what the gods decree, I will not let it diminish that respect.”

  As Ryse shook his outstretched hand, he knew they had come to an understanding.

  Only moments later, Hayden joined them as they stepped into the clearing. Every person in the Haven had gathered. Only Hanna and Avery were missing. Thousands of faces focused on the epicenter of light that formed where he stood with his brother and Charles.

  A great flash of lightning shot to the Earth as Zeus opened a portal and Hermes glided onto the grass. His unearthly eyes glowed as he searched the three men.

  One king is missing.

  Ryse shook his head. “My lord, all that are in this realm have assembled.”

  Hermes unblinking stare landed on Hammon. You are a king, are you not?

  Hammon stepped forward from the crowd and knelt to one knee. “I passed on my crown willingly, my lord. My heir is now the ruler of our people.”

  You shall attend this gathering, ancient one. Zeus demands it.

  Rising to his full height, Hammon approached and stood next to Ryse. All the men were tense. Deities hadn’t been summoned since Troy had been appointed Grand Deity. Even then, the gods had come to Earth, not the other way around.

  Where are your criminals?

  Ryse held up a hand to signal the Thracians who held Salina under guard. Two men held her by the arms, her body in chains and shackles. She walked with her head high, her nose in the air. Those Thracians who willingly defended Salina were next. None of them could meet Ryse’s eyes. Behind them came four men carrying Nikki’s near lifeless body. Brenden had the front corner of the cot. His eyes were haunted and blank.

  The crowd parted and made a path to Hermes. As they reached the circle where the god stood, the huge portal flashed and crackled with electricity. The swirling white and gold oval was the gateway into the Heavens for the living. The only other way to enter was to die.

  Seven soldiers exited the portal. They were giants to most of the people
in the clearing. Only Hammon and Ryse could compare. None of the seven showed any emotions. They didn’t heed the people standing around, gasping at their grand appearance. These were the guardians of the Heavens, Zeus’s personal soldiers. Each man had a bare chest except for the crisscrossing leather straps that held the massive swords strapped to their backs. Thick leather belts held up their white, flowing pants.

  One soldier stood to the side of the portal, a gate keeper. The rest calmly took over the duties of the Thracian soldiers. Their eyes saw everything, but focused on nothing, as if they were machines, not men. Ryse knew some of their faces, though. These were fallen Thracians who had found honor in the sight of Ares. Their duty extended into the afterlife. Every Thracian prayed this would be his fate upon his death.

  Two of them bowed their heads to Ryse and placed a fist over their hearts. “Teacher.”

  He returned the gesture. Pride swelled in his chest to see his predecessors and some of his students holding this honored position. Every Thracian from the training center had joined the crowd. Ryse hoped this new crop of young soldiers held the same reverence for the seven soldiers of Zeus.

  He stood still as they moved to take control of the prisoners. Brenden’s nostrils flared when the soldier came to take his handle of Nikki’s bed. Ryse figured this would be hard on him. Brenden didn’t know if he would ever see her again. None of them did. The heartbroken man bowed to his Master, then turned and left. He didn’t stay to see the ascension. Ryse knew he returned to Avery’s side, but to everyone else, he simply looked distraught, grieving over a lost lover.

  It is time. Hermes waved his arm towards the portal. Together, Ryse, Hayden, Hammon, and Charles stepped foot into the electric barrier. Everything in Ryse’s world turned brilliant, blinding white. Air left his chest and the building pressure in his body caused him to scream. No sound came from his throat. The bone-crushing pain intensified before his eyes rolled back in his head and his world went black.

  Ashton held his mother’s trembling hand as all the men stepped through the portal and made their way to the realm of the gods. He had to admit, it was unsettling to see his rock-steady parents nervous. Usually, his father held a reserved respect for the gods, and his mother mentioned them like most would mention the weather. They were not devout as they had once been. Did they regret that now that Charles was off to face the gods? Were they actually afraid for their lives or their status? Filene hurried to the temple to pray and he let her go. That answered his question. Hell, he’d thought his mother had forgotten how to pray.

  Useless fear, he thought with a huff. Salina had murdered the Grand Deity and a Divine Grace in cold blood and none of the gods swooped in to punish her or stop the events. Even now, they were too preoccupied to come to Earth. They sat on their thrones and called the Olympians like dogs. Hermes might as well have whistled and handed out bone-shaped treats. They didn’t care about earthlings anymore.

  The gods had abandoned the Olympians and only the rogues were smart enough to figure it out. The rest of these pathetic bastards had a rude awakening in their future. The only beings paying attention to Earth now were the demons. Ashton had seen the writing on the wall months ago and these events only confirmed what he already knew. The gods were out, the demons were in. If any of these Olympians wanted to survive, they had better start playing for the winning team.

  Ashton glanced over at the blond man who kept glancing at him. “Is that your son, Xavier?”

  The warrior behind him stepped up to his side. “Yes, sire.”

  “You’re angry with him?”

  “Disgusted, sire.” These words were said through clenched teeth. “If I may speak freely, I think there is more to this story. Dante is not nearly as useful as they make him out to be. I should know.”

  “What are you saying?” Ashton tilted his head and examined the boy. Dante held out his arm to escort Lady Dynasty back to the palace. The queen smiled up at him. “He’s not a bad-looking chap. Maybe they are getting more use out of him than we think. You think your son is capable of such?” Ashton looked into Xavier’s sand-colored eyes.

  “After his actions the last few days, I put nothing past him or those others. They think they are so superior.” Xavier’s lip curled up in a snarl.

  “That’s the problem with all the Olympians in this Haven, isn’t it, Xavier? Perhaps the gods are punishing the Castilles and the Elites. We should further their cause.”

  Xavier’s lip kicked up to an infinitesimal smile. Ashton recognized the cunning expression. “What did you have in mind?”

  “We’re stuck here until Father returns. Might as well take notes. Who leads the Elites now that Ryse and Hammon are gone?”

  “Philippe. The Italian.”

  “Keep him occupied. Who else?”

  “The Asian man is next in line. Yankee is an arrogant sonofabitch, keeps to himself. Brenden, the animal boy; he’s so caught up in his pathetic heartbreak that he’s weak and blind. Then there’s Dante.” He let out a huff. “Those three are nothing to worry over. Brutes, not too much brains. I’ll keep Philippe and Cutter distracted.”

  “Good. I’ll deal with Dante. He’s their weakest link.”

  Ashton and Xavier exchanged a nod.

  Dante was a prime target. With Hammon gone, the Elites were now down another man. If he could get Dante away from the others and burrow into his mind, Ashton might find the one thing he needed to put an end to the Castilles.



  RYSE AWOKE TO the sounds of laughter and a thick Irish brogue. The sound was familiar, but it was impossible that he recognized it.

  “Rise and shine, princess. You been sleepin’ long enough. Too much more beauty rest and you’ll be as good lookin’ as me.”

  Ryse’s eyes flashed open to see a face that still appeared in his worst nightmares. Not because of the man, but because of the way he died. A smiling brute with red hair, pale freckled skin, and hazel eyes greeted him.

  “Andreas.” Ryse tried to hop up, but was disoriented. The room spun and stars danced in his vision. His stomach had taken a roller coaster ride and wasn’t back yet.

  “Aye. I’ve only seen you stumble once before and it was from drink.”

  Ryse cleared his head as he examined the seven-foot mammoth in front of him. It was Andreas’ face, but his body was twice the size. “I must be drunk. ‘Cause it seems there’s more ugly to you now than when I last saw you.”

  Andreas’s laughter echoed and he pulled Ryse into a manly hug. This was his way; Andreas was one of the most physical people he’d ever known. He hugged, he touched, and he constantly made contact with others. “It’s good to see you, my friend.”

  Ryse had to be dreaming. Did he die after all? Had the gods tricked him? He had to be in the Heavens because he had watched Andreas die in the same fashion as his father. The battle had been decades ago and Andreas had been the first Elite warrior Ryse commissioned.

  “What?” Andreas queried when Ryse kept staring.

  “I saw you die,” Ryse whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

  Andreas’ happy face grew solemn. “Aye, you did. And because you taught me so well, the gods showed me favor. I’m a soldier of Zeus and I have you to thank, Master.”

  Air left his lungs and he thought he might really screw up and cry. This was his long lost best friend standing in front of him, living, a soldier of Zeus who thanked him and called him “Master.”

  “Easy now, lad. Don’t want to be lookin’ like a couple o’ Nancys.” Andreas slapped him on the shoulder and winked. He knew. Of course he knew. This was Andreas. “Besides, I’m not the only one up here anxious to meet you.”

  Ryse took a second to look around and gather his faculties. He was in a stately room clearly designed to let people recover from the portal. There were benches and maidens handing out goblets of water. Hayden sat with his head between his legs as a young woman held a damp cloth to his neck. Charles was still passed out on one of th
e benches. Hammon attempted to stand and wobbled. Another maiden caught his arm and steadied him.

  “What the hell happened in that portal?” Ryse asked.

  “Yer soul was separated from yer skin, lad. Nasty bit o’ work. That’s the only way to get in. I’ve heard it’s not as bad goin’ back.”

  “By the gods, I hope not. Wait, then. Where is my body?”

  “In the portal. Safe.”

  “How do you know?” Ryse questioned. He stopped walking, hesitant to leave his skin unattended.

  Andreas gave him a smug grin. “Have time to stop and smell the roses, did ya? In case you haven’t noticed, Master Ryse, you fared much better than the others. None linger in the portal. Don’t you worry.” He motioned for Ryse to follow him.

  By then, Hammon had taken notice of who was in the room.



  The two men embraced and exchanged heartfelt words of joy. Ryse often forgot that Andreas hadn’t only been his loss, but Hammon’s as well. The two had been friends long ago. It did his heart good to see them reunited.

  “You’ve had a hellova time with that one, Hammon.” Andreas nodded over to Ryse. “I can’t believe you haven’t run him through with yer sword yet.”

  “I’ve been tempted, old friend.” Hammon’s shining smile stretched ear to ear.

  “Now I remember what it was like having both of you mothering me. By the gods, you two separate.” Ryse clapped them both on the backs as they shared a rare moment of familiarity.

  It took a few more minutes for Charles and Hayden to join them, but finally, all the men were back in their right minds and on their feet. Andreas opened the tall, ornate doors and they beheld a landscape Ryse couldn’t have imagined, even in his wildest dreams.

  Rolling hills with the greenest grass the eye could fathom. Temples of stone that were once erected on Earth now stood out in white contrast. People milled about, made their way into the temples, and carried tomes he could only guess the age of. His jaw hung open when he looked into the skies and saw the planets, the entire solar system so close he could spin the rings of Saturn or touch the rust-colored soil of Mars. All of creation and the mysteries of the universe were in those skies.


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