Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3 Page 16

by JoAnna Grace

  “Hey.” Bren came around the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. “What the hell happened to you? You look terrible.”

  “I can’t stay here.”

  Once the words were spoken, Dante knew they were true. Ashton’s offer was looking better with every encounter he had with Yankee. He could see why the Thracians in Europe hated the Elites, especially if that asshole was the ambassador.

  “Okaaaay,” Bren said. “Let’s go chill at the training center for a while, play some video games, or punch something.”

  “I don’t mean at the palace. I mean here, in this Haven. I’m going back home.” Dante pushed by him, headed down the corridor for the wing of the palace where they stayed. He could gather his things and move out of the castle. For now, it would put plenty of space between him and Lysa until Ryse came back.

  “Whoa! Hey, hey, hey.” Brenden jumped in front of his path and held up his hands. He glanced right, then left to make sure they were alone. “Don’t do anything hasty, okay. Talk to me, man. What’s up? Is it Yankee? The woman?”


  Bren groaned. “Ah hell, what did he do now?”

  Dante let out a gust of air and clenched his fists. “He made his point. I have feelings for her. I can’t get her out of my head. The gods will punish us both if we cross that line.”

  “You have to give her time. She’s been through a lot lately, Dante.”

  He stared at Brenden’s blue eyes, now permanently shadowed with heavy bags. “Wasn’t it you that told me to stay away from her?”

  The other soldier put his hands on his hips and hung his head. “Yeah. I did. Because I didn’t want you pining over a woman you shouldn’t even be looking at that way. But I’ve talked to her, Dante. She might be fragile right now, but she cares for you, even if she shouldn’t.”

  Dante ran his hands through his hair. “This is a bloody mess. We both have vows that cannot be ignored. We are not supposed to be together and yet I don’t care. I want her anyway. What do I do?”

  Brenden leaned against the wall and rested his head backwards, closed his eyes. “I know what I said. Truth is, I wouldn’t give anything for the time I had with Nikki. I’d give up our future together if it meant she lived. At least I have the memory, at least she knew without a doubt how I felt about her.” He opened his eyes and turned his head to Dante. “If you love her, tell her. Damn the rules, damn the protocol, damn what anyone says. Take every minute you can. ‘Cause when Ryse gets back, you might not ever get the chance again. I don’t believe in coincidence. Maybe it took Troy’s death for you two to be together. You never know with the gods. Don’t pass up the opportunity to be with her.” He straightened from the wall. “I’ll go on watch until you’re ready to deal.”

  “I don’t know if she’ll ever want to see me any time soon. I nearly kissed her, then bailed.”

  “Give her time, man. She’s been through a lot. It’s a huge adjustment. I’m sure the last thing she expected was to fall for you in the middle of turmoil.” Bren grinned. “Bring her more flowers; she loves that mushy crap.”

  Dante mustered a quick smile.

  “You cool? No more deep-end diving?” Bren asked. When Dante nodded, he slapped him on the bicep and sauntered off.

  Dante went to his room and flopped down on his bed. Gods, what would Ryse think? What would Avery do? He’d been too hasty in saying he didn’t want to be here. Guilt shoved into every crevice of his mind. What was he thinking? He could never leave Avery. His vow as a soldier had been made.

  Yet, so had Lysa’s. The thought of hurting her was too much. As long as she’d worked for the chance to join the Pythia, she would never forgive him if he acted hastily and blew it all to Hades.

  Maybe Brenden was right, though. Maybe the chance to love and be loved was as powerful as any vow. Lysa said before that she didn’t fit in at Delphi. What she saw as damaged, he saw as beautifully whole and perfect. Brenden had been prepared to balance a life with Nikki and his position as Avery’s head guardian. Could he, too, take such a risk? Did he dare open Pandora’s Box and let her into his world?


  ASHTON NEARLY DROPPED his tumbler of vodka when his mother burst through his door and slammed it shut.

  “What in the name of the gods are you doing?” He caught the wildness in her eyes, the frantic way they darted around.

  “Leave us,” she commanded to the servants and guards. “All of you. Except you, Xavier.”

  The general exchanged a glance with him before aiding Filene into a seat.

  “What has your skirts twisted?”

  Filene touched a shaking hand to her lips and closed her eyes. “I overheard something terrible.”

  “What?” He let out a heavy sigh. For weeks, he’d listened to her pity party about being a horrible mother, about somehow messing up Salina and blah, blah, fucking blah. If ever he wanted to escape his mother, it was worse now.

  “I wanted to try to talk to Dynasty. Things are so strained between us and I wanted to see if they could ever be like they were. Even with everything that has happened, I miss our friendship.” Filene sighed and put a hand over her heart. “I wanted to make things right.”

  “Yes, Mother,” Ashton said in his gentle “don’t break the glass” voice that he always used with Filene. “I know you love her dearly. What did you overhear?” He sat down next to her. The attentive, sensitive son act was wearing on him. Bloody hell, he hoped she had something useful.

  “Outside her suite, I saw your son.” She looked to Xavier. “And that boy, the blond one with the big blue eyes. What is his name?”

  “Brenden? The Elite?” Xavier supplied.

  “Yes, yes, the animal boy. Dante was leaving the suite. He was upset about something and Brenden was trying to console him. Dante said he couldn’t stay here because he had feelings for a woman he shouldn’t. He said the gods would punish them both if anything happened. Then Brenden said that this woman cared for Dante, even though she shouldn’t, and something about how she’s had a hard time lately and needs time.” Filene put her hand to her cheek. “And this is the worst part: Brenden suggested that Troy had to die so that they could be together.”

  “Holy mother of Zeus,” Xavier gasped.

  “Did they ever say her name?” Ashton prayed they did. This was too good.

  “Well, no. Not exactly. But they must be talking about Dynasty,” Filene said, her eyes wide and bouncing between Ashton and Xavier. “Who else could it be? If it were her Shadow Lady, why would the gods punish them for being together? They had to be talking about Dynasty.”

  Ashton stood and paced, the wheels in his mind turning. “That’s who the roses are for.”

  “What roses?” Filene asked.

  “Every day, Dante picks a flower from the garden and takes it to her suite for their tutorials.”

  Bloody hell. It all made sense now. Why else would the young soldier be spending so much time in her private chambers? They said she was tutoring him in history, but apparently, they were learning a lot more.

  “I’m sickened.” Filene shot to her feet. “I’m absolutely sickened. Her husband passed less than two months ago and she’s—” She cupped her mouth as if gagging. “This is a disgrace. What do we do?”

  “What can you do?” Xavier said. “She’s broken no laws. Besides one overheard conversation, we have no other proof.”

  “True. We need to investigate. If nothing else, she should be held accountable for dishonoring the memory of our Grand Deity. The mourning period is not over, not even close.” Ashton would use any excuse to make the Castilles look like fools.

  “I can’t believe I’m saying this.” Filene sat back down in her chair and shook her head. “I’m afraid I don’t know Dynasty at all. What if…” Her breath hitched. “Dear gods, what if she did have an affair? What if you’ve been right all this time, Ashton? What if Ryse really is a product of her infidelity?” She held up her hands and shook them. “No! No. I can’t believe this.
I can’t believe I even said it. She swore on her honor to me centuries ago that Ryse was Troy’s son. I can’t forget the fact that both boys looked entirely like their father, acted like him. I’m just so confused.” She covered her eyes with her hands.

  Ashton stood back and observed his mother have an entire conversation by herself. No doubt about it, the woman was slipping into madness. Not that it was a bad thing. Weak minds were easily manipulated.

  Even if spotless Dynasty wasn’t having an affair with young Dante, she gave the appearance and that was a situation he could twist and use against them.

  “Don’t worry, Mother. I promise to get to the bottom of this. If Dynasty and Dante are having an unethical relationship, they will have to answer for it.”

  “What are you going to do?” Xavier asked.

  Ashton shrugged and turned his back. “Dante and I have a sort of friendship blooming. Perhaps I can entice him to tell me the truth.”

  Xavier clasped his hands behind his back and lifted his chin, his words whispered for Ashton alone. “I knew the boy wasn’t Thracian material. I just had no idea he would sleep his way to the top. First Avery, now Dynasty.”

  Ashton sent him a nod and turned back to his mother, speaking to her as if she were a child. “I’ll get to the bottom of this. I’m sure it was all a misunderstanding. You should never eavesdrop, Mother. You know that.”

  Filene relaxed into the chair. “I know.” She sighed.

  She was so weak. When did his mother get like this? How had he missed her becoming a delicate bubble so easily popped? It only steeled his resolve to guide her away from the fold of the gods and into the future where demons and Olympians ruled together.


  THE DISTANCE WAS painful. The silence was torture. The lack of roses was disheartening.

  Lysa did her best not to make eye contact when Dante was in the room. The passion she’d witnessed was gone. Only a cold, desolate cavern remained. Him on one side, her on the other.

  Dynasty and Hanna picked up on the tension and that only added to the layers of silence in the room when Dante was on watch. He’d switched his rotations to mainly night shifts when all three women would be asleep. He sat in his chair by the fire and read until someone relieved him.

  No doubt, he was relieved to get away from her. And that cut her deep.

  One morning, when she went to check who had replaced him, he was still there. Dante’s head rested against the side of the tall, winged-back chair. His eyes were closed, his face free from the usual worry lines and creases. The urge to run her fingers through the soft blond hair that fell over his forehead was so strong, she actually lifted her hand but stopped. She didn’t have the right to such intimacies. Gods, did she want them, though. Dante was so attractive, more than any man she’d ever seen. What would it be like to kiss his lips and feel the satin of their caress? How would he touch her if she were his lover?

  Lysandra shook her head to dislodge the thoughts before they could grow roots in her mind. It could never be.

  With a sigh, she moved right in front of him and softly called his name. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes.

  “Damn it. I fell asleep.” He gazed up and focused on her. “Has anyone else been in here?”

  “Only me.”

  “Good.” He stood and stretched his arms to the ceiling, exposing his long arms roped with muscles. “Thanks for waking me.”

  “Are you getting enough rest?” Lysandra asked as she gathered the glass of water beside him to be washed.

  “Huh? Oh, yeah. I’m fine.”

  She nodded, accepting but not believing his answer, and scuttled off to the kitchen. When she returned, he was talking on the cellular phone. “Yeah, I know I’m off today. I think I need to crash for a while. I’m fine, man. Need to clear my head, you know? I can’t keep this up.”

  Lysandra cleared her throat and Dante finished his conversation with brisk efficiency.

  “Are you hungry? I can—”

  “No. Thank you. Brenden will be here shortly. Have a good day.” He righted the decorative pillow in the chair and gave her a mere head nod before he stepped out the door to the antechamber.

  Just before he shut her in—or out, as it were—she noticed his book on the table. As her fingers wrapped around the old leather tome, she fell into the chair with a vision.

  Two people hold each other. Their bare bodies are close, skin on skin. Heat and friction build. A man looks up, adoring his lover. Dante.

  “I love you. I’ve been yours since the moment I first saw you.”

  The woman is slowly moving on top of him, their bodies joined in lovemaking.

  They are panting together, rising together towards the pinnacle. Their tongues mingle and duel, kissing, stroking. Her body is on fire and getting hotter with every thrust.

  “Dante,” she cries out, her hands gripping his hair.

  He picks up the pace, moves her underneath his massive body. The intensity is too much and light explodes behind her eyes, her body winds tight and springs loose. She’s having an orgasm…with Dante! He says her name over and over again, whispering it like a prayer. Finally, he groans, gasps, his body shudders as he fills her with his release. His body relaxes on hers, but his hands and lips never stop their ministrations.

  He gazes at her with wonder in his eyes. “I love you, Lysandra. I have to believe the gods sent you for me.”

  “I know they did.” It’s the happiest, purest moment of her life.

  Lysandra jolted from her vision, her heart thundering in her chest. It had all been so real. But it couldn’t be right. Dante could barely stand the sight of her, much less want to take her to bed.

  For over an hour, she didn’t move. The vision replayed in her mind, a continuous loop of making love to Dante, him wanting her and loving her. What a fantasy. What a miracle it would be if he did love her.

  All her visions had a purpose. All of them warned her of events to come or gave her direction and insights. Rhea had filled her mind with the knowledge. Was this too from the goddess? Was this her way of preparing Lysandra for the future? Could she truly be destined to be with Dante after her job with Avery was over?

  “Hey. Hello? Lys? Lysandra?”

  She snapped out of her trance and looked up to see Brenden standing over her.

  “You okay in there?” he asked. His mouth might have curved into a smile, but his eyes were still dim and hollow. Each of his expressions were flat, not quite as lively as they should be.

  “I’m fine. Thank you for asking.” She rose and offered him breakfast, but he had eaten.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Of course, warrior.” Lysandra motioned to the chairs in the living area. She chose the one Dante often occupied. It still held his scent from last night. “How may I serve you?”

  “I know something is going on with you and Dante.”

  Heat crept into her face and her eyes darted away from his. “I’m afraid you must be mistaken.”

  “Cut the crap, sweetheart.” He sighed. “You two look at each other like love-sick puppies. I’d know that look anywhere. I practically invented it.”

  “Is that how you look at Nikki?”

  This time when Brenden smiled, it held a flicker of life. “Yeah. That girl wrapped me up fast. I’d give anything to kiss her again.” His face fell. “You never know what tomorrow holds, Lys. You never know when the person you love might be ripped from your grasp.” He leaned over and took her hand, made sure she looked him in the eyes. “Dante is messed up over you, believe it or not. He’s too honorable to do anything about it, though. You’ve got to take a chance on him. Don’t give up on him, ‘kay?”

  Lysandra blinked away the forming tears. “I’m afraid.”

  “Love is some scary shit.” They grinned together. “But once you grab a hold of it, it’s amazing.”

  “I’ve never been so…” She couldn’t find the right words.

  “Vulnerable? Freaked the hell out?” Brenden smirked when she nodded. “Yeah, sweetheart, that’s part of the package.”

  “What if he doesn’t find me adequate?”

  Brenden scrubbed a hand over his face. “Lys, trust me when I say the boy is crazy about you. I wouldn’t steer you wrong.”

  She smiled and patted the top of his hand. “I know. You’ve been a good friend to me, B-Brenden.”

  His face brightened a fraction. “Was it so hard to call me by my name? It’s nice.”

  Heat rose in her cheeks again and she turned away. She finally felt like she had a friend.

  Brenden narrowed his eyes and chewed on his bottom lip for a moment. “I know what we can do. He’s resting today. I can get you to him without being noticed.”

  Frantic butterflies winged about her stomach as Lysa made her way to Dante’s room. Her body was covered in her black cloak, her aura locked up tightly in her mind. No one would see her ghost down the back halls to where the soldiers had taken up residence. Never in her life had she done anything this bold, this unplanned and rash. But deep inside, she knew that Rhea had sent her here to find love, to find the life she’d been sacrificing for so long during her service to the Pythia. No, she would never be one of the three sacred Oracles. Truth be told, she’d figured that out fairly quickly after joining the temple. For centuries, she’d given it her all, watched others ascend before her. After only a few months on Earth, it was clear she didn’t belong in Delphi.

  Every time Dante delivered a bloom, she knew in the deepest recesses of her soul she could not live without ever smelling the fragrance of roses again. Every time she walked among the tall oaks of the forest, she knew life would be dull without their sounds and textures. A breeze blowing through their leaves was music to her ears. The roughness of the bark and the softness of their leaves gave them character and life. Her existence would be monotonous without them.


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