Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3 Page 20

by JoAnna Grace

  Filene gasped and held a hand to her throat. “They wouldn’t dare.”

  “They don’t need us, Filene. Zeus wants us, loves us, but they do not need us. We were created to love them back and we’ve royally botched it up. They have blessed us with gifts humans could only imagine and we’ve spat in their faces. No more,” he swiped his hand through the air. “No longer will I sit back and watch my people fall deeper into pits of arrogance and greed. I will follow the gods. I will devote the rest of my days to their cause and their worship. And you are either with me or you are against me. Search your heart, Filene, because the day is soon coming when the judgment of the gods will rain down and I hope you’re standing beside me.” Charles pinned Ashton with a glare. “And you as well, son. You are to rule one day, but my faith in you is lacking. Make your stand.”

  Ashton intended to do just that. Charles missed one key point. The gods were thinking only of the Olympians. They didn’t count on the demons making a stand also. The only thing in the demon’s way was the Thracians. Normal Olympians couldn’t fight demons and live. Only a Thracian had the strength and power to kill one. Which was why the demons wanted to invade the very heart of Thracian territory, the training center. Wipe out the next generation of warriors, and clear the way.

  For now, he had to make sure loose ends were tied up. If Dante was alive, he had a problem.


  RYSE BENT DOWN and kissed Avery’s soft cheek. Why hadn’t she awakened yet? Didn’t Andreas escort her to the portal? She should be here, with him.

  Where are you, baby? Come back. I need you now. I need to have you beside me as I prepare for what’s to come. Please. Dearest goddess, please bring her home.

  He had to trust the gods’ timing. More than ever before, he had faith that they knew best. There was something about having to face this execution alone that caused a sickness to settle into his gut.

  “I need you, Avery,” he whispered to her as he sat on the edge of the bed, his elbows resting on his knees. It was easier not to look at her beautiful face when he spoke his next words. “I’m dreading this more than any other task I’ve faced. I fear the aftermath. Will Brenden hate me when he sees me whip Nikki? Will you? My mother and Filene are already at odds with one another. Will it destroy their friendship forever when I have to,” he swallowed the lump in his throat, “when I behead Salina? And Charles. Dear Zeus, I can barely look the man in the eyes as it is. He says his faith and loyalty rests with the will of the gods. But will he still feel that way when the blood of his daughter stains my blade?” Ryse sighed and pushed his long hair off his face, absently thinking he should trim it. “I fear I might lose my mind before this is all over. And truly, it’s only the beginning of a long journey to get our people back to the old ways.”

  He stood and paced the room, continually speaking out loud. He nearly tripped over his own two feet when he glanced over at the bed and saw Avery looking up at him.

  Ryse froze.

  Emerald eyes, pure and shining with life, tracked his movements. Her face remained pensive, fearful.

  “Avery,” he whispered, his voice catching.

  “That’d be me. Who the hell are you?”

  Oh shit.

  “Mother,” Ryse called in to the next room. He didn’t move, even when Dynasty and Hanna came rushing in.

  “Avery!” they exclaimed, going to her side. Dyna picked up her wrist and checked her pulse, felt of her forehead. “How do you feel, child? Can you move your arms, your legs?”

  Avery stared wide-eyed at them both but didn’t speak.

  “Avery?” Dynasty whispered, looking into her eyes. “Do you understand what I’m asking you?”

  “I gotcha. I’m just tryin’ to move my arms and it ain’t workin’.” Her eyes misted over. Her face softened and she turned into a vulnerable little girl right before them. “I feel like I should know you. Do I know you?”

  Dynasty cast Ryse a glance before turning back and speaking very slowly to Avery. “My name is Dynasty. This is my friend, Hanna. This is my son, Ryse. Does any of that sound right to you?”

  Avery’s breathing deepened; her aura was wild and out of control, swirling with a mixture of fear, desperation, and pain.

  “Ryse?” She took in a jagged breath. “It hurts my heart to look at you. Why? How do I know you?”

  He forced himself to shake off the terror of the moment and slowly approach the bed. He smiled, even though he wanted to shake her awake. “You’ve been through a lot, Avery. I’m sure it’s normal for things to be mixed up for a while.”

  But to forget him, her husband and soul mate? This couldn’t be right. No, this was all wrong. They had known each other in the Heavens. What had changed? He’d expected a happy reunion full of tears and kisses and wrapping up in each other’s arms. Not this. Gods, anything but this.

  “Why don’t we see to your physical needs?” his mother suggested in her gentlest voice. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

  “I know how to cook,” Avery said. “I’m a good cook.”

  “You are. Very good, darling.” Dynasty touched her cheek. “Can you remember anything else?”

  “Frank. Where is Frank?”

  The room went still. Avery didn’t remember the tragic events that led to the death of her best friend and Ryse bringing her to the Haven. How were they going to explain it without upsetting her?

  “Are you thirsty? Hanna can bring you water.”

  “Please.” Avery was temporarily distracted. She turned her eyes to Ryse’s and stared at him. Even as she sipped the water, she stared.

  “Do you think you can walk?” Dynasty asked.

  Avery opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. Her eyes were glued to Ryse and he couldn’t look away either. By the gods, she was so beautiful. Every feature of her face pleased him, her emerald eyes and high cheekbones, luscious lips and slightly upturned nose. He loved the way her mass of unruly curls formed a deep red wreath around her head and cascaded down her back. The recollection of their lovemaking flooded his memory and he could still feel those soft curls against his naked skin.

  Avery took in a sharp breath. “What were you just thinking?”

  Ryse stuttered and stammered. If Avery could read his aura, she would know. His mother surely did, guessing by the way her cheeks colored.

  “Ryse, son, why don’t you come around to this side of the bed and try to help Avery stand up?”

  He nodded and the ladies cleared the way for him. He leaned over and slowly peeled back the blankets so he could move her feet to the floor. The moment his hands touched her skin, a zing of electricity shot through him. He flicked his eyes up to meet hers.

  “My dang legs don’t remember how to work.” Avery laughed nervously. “They feel all tingly, like I’ve been sitting too long. How long has it been?”

  “A little over two months,” Dynasty said.

  “Holy crap. No wonder.”

  They moved her feet to the floor and gave her time to sit up and adjust.

  “We’ve worked with you every day, darling. Moving your arms and legs, sitting you up, and making you remain vertical for at least a couple hours a day. I’m hoping your muscles have not suffered too much.”

  “I feel weak.” Avery sighed.

  “Let me help you.” Ryse reached for her waist and she tentatively touched his arm. “It’s all right, baby.” They locked eyes again. His entire world, his every breath focused on her. As he guided her to her feet, she clenched her hands around his arms, her legs and hips shaking.

  There was a moment when time froze. The clock never ticked. No one drew breath. In that heartbeat, there were only Ryse and Avery.

  It was like they were seeing each other for the first time. His heart beat like a snare drum in his chest and he could feel her rapid pulse against his body. Her eyes traced the lines of his face and, when she stared at his lips, his blood nearly boiled over.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his mother and Hann
a retreating to the other room. Thank the gods.

  Ryse bent his head and gently pressed his lips to Avery’s. He swallowed her gasp, using her slightly opened mouth to swipe his tongue against hers. Even though her body went rigid, her mouth was pliant and cooperative. She tilted her head and ran one hand to the back of his neck, pulling him closer. Perfect.

  Sweeping her off her feet, he held her against him while he sat down on the bed and kept her in his lap.

  “I’m in love with you, aren’t I?” she asked before devouring his mouth again.

  Ryse smiled at the way her accent thickened with frustration. “You’re my wife, Avery.”

  Her head popped up and wide eyes met his. Her lips were beautifully swollen from their kissing. “Wife?” she whispered.

  “Yes, baby. We were recently mated not too long before you—fell asleep.”

  “That’s why I’m so drawn to you? It’s like I can’t get enough. That’s pretty bat-shit crazy, given my current state of what-the-hell.” She tried to smile, but he could see the fear in her eyes.

  “Listen to me,” Ryse said and touched her cheek. “Don’t worry about a thing. We’ll handle this one day at a time. Just know that I’m here for you and I love you with every beat of my heart.”

  Her eyes narrowed a fraction. “I believe you.”

  Ryse’s shoulders relaxed and he pressed his face into her neck. “I do. Gods, how I’ve missed you, how I’ve needed to hear your voice and hold you again.”

  “Shh,” she comforted him, a strange twist of roles. “I’m awake now. Don’t know if I’m worth a darn, but we’ll figure it out, right?”

  They held on to each other for a long time, soaking up the nearness. Something settled in Ryse. They would be okay. He knew the gods would take care of them. It was a solid faith he hadn’t had in many, many decades.

  Avery’s body was jelly. I guess two months of sitting on your ass does that, she thought as she tried to walk. Needles pricked her skin and every nerve tingled. When she raised her arms over her head to remove the shirt she wore, her fingers went numb. She had to sit down twice because she was lightheaded.

  “I’m really sorry,” she said to Dynasty as the woman caught her and set her on the edge of the tub. She wanted a bath so bad she couldn’t stand it. Unfortunately, she wasn’t strong enough to tend to her own body.

  “It’s nothing, sweet girl.” Dynasty kissed her forehead, her eyes full of tears that were ready to overflow. “I’m so glad you’re home. I’ve never been so relieved.” She blinked and took a deep breath. “Forgive my emotions; I’m quite overwhelmed.”

  The other lady, the one with black hair who never spoke, handed Dynasty a tissue.

  “So, let me get this straight.” Avery slid her legs into the warm water. “You’re a queen.” She pointed to Dynasty, then Hanna. “You’re her—”

  “Shadow Lady,” the quiet one said.

  “And that’s like a helper-maid-person?”

  She nodded.

  “And Ryse is a prince…that I’m married to…and he has a little brother…but his father was killed before I…went to sleep. Right?”


  Avery hugged her knees and leaned her chin on them. Being nude in front of two semi-strangers should’ve bothered her. Then again, they had dressed and bathed her for the last two months while she…slept. That pretty much killed all modesty between them.

  While Dynasty washed her hair, Avery thought back to the man with the brown eyes and delicious lips. Damn, he was hot. Not simply hey, he’s cute but pick your tongue up off the ground and wipe your drool smoking hot. Tall, dark, and sexy…and married to her. If she was dreaming, this was the best damn dream ever. Ryse was pure muscle from head to toe with shoulders as wide as a barn door. When she’d held on to his arms, she’d nearly made a fool of herself. It was like grabbing rock. Yet when he held her, his body was giving and curved perfectly to fit her frame. It’s like he was made just for me.

  “I have to say, well done on creating Ryse. Solid eleven on a scale of one to ten. Wow.”

  Dyna and Hanna chuckled. “Thank you. You should have seen his father.” Dyna paused and her face fell again. “Avery, can you tell me the last thing you remember?”

  “Um, I remember going the café and Izzy was talking about some cute blond she’d met.” She took a breath. “Things get fuzzy after that. Like a dream.”

  “Do you remember going to the dance hall with Frank?”

  Mentioning the event brought it to mind. Yes, she remembered. She’d been nervous, so very nervous because…“Ryse was coming. I wanted to look good for him. Jerry was acting weird and he left. Then I danced with Frank and…Ryse. Yeah, I do remember that.” The memory of being in his arms brought a smile to her face.

  Dynasty rinsed out her hair and sat on the edge of the tub. “I know this might be very difficult for you, but you’re doing great. I’m going to see if we can’t jog your memory a bit.”

  “I don’t like missin’ pieces of my brain.”

  “It’s nothing to fret over, child.” Her smile was warm and kind, welcoming. This was a woman who genuinely cared and Avery trusted her. “After the dance hall, you went home and waited for Ryse to arrive.”

  Even as she said the words, the memories came back. “He didn’t come. It was…oh god. It was Jerry. Jerry came and he hit me and he tied me up.” She breathed deeply, trying to handle the fear and pain that came with the memory. “He did terrible things. To me and Frank, my parents. God. I remember.” She started to cry and noticed the water in the tub was boiling.

  “Avery.” Dynasty stood slowly. “Calm down, darling. You’re safe now. You’re safe here with me. Jerry is dead. He can’t touch you anymore.”

  Two strong hands lifted her from the boiling water. Ryse wrapped her in a towel and cradled her to his chest on the floor. “I’m here. You’re safe, baby.” The deep rumble of his voice instantly soothed her. He stroked her hair and held her tight until she could think again. His scent flooded her mind, his warmth covered her and created a protective barrier from the cold memories.

  “What’s wrong with me?” Avery whispered. “I know I’ve dealt with this, but it feels raw, like I’m living it again for the first time.”

  “You’ve suffered a loss. It’s natural to mourn.” He looked at his mother, whose eyes filled with tears. “We all have to mourn in our own time.”

  Dynasty covered her mouth with her hand. She shook her head and stood, exiting the bathroom.

  Avery watched her leave. Guilt pinged in her chest. “I upset her.”

  “She’s a strong woman, just like you. Everyone is running on fumes right now, baby. We could all use some rest.”

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “Never.” He kissed her hair. “Never again, baby.”

  He helped Avery dress and flashes of déjà vu hit her. “We’ve done this before.” She narrowed her eyes at him, remembering snippets of a small room, her body covered in blood, and a quilt. “After Frank was killed. You helped me, but I was angry with you.”

  Ryse’s lips twitched. “You didn’t mind showing it, slammed a door in my face.”

  “A couple times.”

  “And slapped me.”

  “A couple times.”

  Ryse’s full smile melted her insides until she was lightheaded again. “You do have a temper.” He kissed her bare shoulder. “Even then, I couldn’t help think how beautiful you are. Like now. The gods created a work of art when they made you.”

  “Rhea,” Avery whispered. She closed her eyes, desperately trying to see the image of the woman in her mind. The goddess was a blur. “She created me. Other gods helped, but she created me.”

  Ryse nodded once, allowing her to think.

  “She created me for you and you for me. We have work to do.”

  He stared at her, letting her verbally work things out. But the memories were done revealing themselves for the moment and she felt exhaustion settle into her bones.

  “There is much more to this story, isn’t there?”

  Ryse held her shoulders and furrowed his brow. “I wish I could tell you that it’s a pleasant story, Avery. I can’t. Much has happened and the effects of those events are about to come to fruition. You’re going to have to be strong.”

  Avery nodded, not knowing what to say. Fear of what she might remember hung over her. As she rested her head against Ryse’s chest, she prayed she was strong enough to deal with whatever happened. If not for herself, then for him.


  LYSANDRA FELT DANTE stir. Her heart leapt. He’d been still as death for two days and it worried her. Dealing with all these human emotions had worn her out. She couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and couldn’t stand watching the only man she’d ever cared for suffer. Being in Delphi had made her so numb to fear, anger…love. As she traced the lines of Dante’s jaw with her finger, she wondered how she’d lived—no, existed—so long without knowing the excitement of love, the flutter of that first eye contact, the tingling sensation on her lips after a kiss. Was it worth the sacrifice? Was it worth putting her heart on ice to perform a job that had become so antiquated that even the gods questioned the necessity for it? Couldn’t she do so much more good here on Earth, serving the Deities who ruled?

  “Lysa?” Dante whispered, his dry voice snapping her out of her thoughts.

  “I’m here.” She took the hand he feebly tried to raise. “Be still, my love. Everything is going to be fine.”

  He swallowed, his throat hoarse. “I feared I’d never see you again.”

  “Shh. I’m fine. You saved me. You did well. I love you, my darling. Rest and heal. I’m right here.”

  This was all he needed to hear before he slipped back into sleep. She hadn’t realized she’d begun to cry until her tear dripped down onto his face.

  “He awake?” Yankee asked as he stumbled into the room. “I heard voices.”

  Lysandra stiffened. She wiped her face and turned to him. “He spoke for a moment, then drifted off again. I don’t think he will heal swiftly. The demon blood still courses through him. He’s lucky to be alive.”


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