Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3

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Divine Judgment- the Divine Chronicles #3 Page 24

by JoAnna Grace

  “They’re sickeningly sweet together.” Hayden grinned at his mother. “I think they might be worse than Ryse and Avery.”

  “It’s good to see that something beautiful has come from this. They both deserve to be loved.”

  “Yeah, even if the rest of us want to gag.” Hayden’s smile didn’t touch his eyes, but at least he was attempting humor.

  Falcon continued on with his introductions. “I present to you our beloved Deities, Prince Hayden Castille and our Divine Grace, Queen Dynasty.”

  Hayden held out his arm to escort her onto the stage, looking every bit the Deity Prince. He wore black dress pants and a black formal shirt. Draped over his shoulders and falling about his modern clothing was a chlamys of deep green to pay homage to their Greek ancestors. A large, gold brooch depicting an eagle with a snake in his talons held the fabric on his shoulder. The symbols of Zeus were also on the ring on his finger and the crown on his head.

  Dynasty paused before they were on the stage. “Son.” Hayden looked at her. “I am so proud of you. Your father would be overjoyed to see you today, as regal and honorable as he was.”

  Hayden took a deep breath and held up his chin. “He can see me, Mother. And I know he’s proud. I’m glad you are too.”

  Hayden kissed her cheek and they stepped out into the morning sunlight in front of thousands of their Olympian followers.

  The crowd was on their feet, clapping, cheering, and waving. Dyna blew kisses to the crowd, waved at her people. Shouts of love and support overwhelmed her. A chorus of “bless our queen, bless our queen” began and soon the entire arena was chanting and pumping their fists in the air. Even the Thracians held up their right fists in a show of support. She looked at her son and he too was moved by their people. They both raised their right fists in the air. The crowd went wild, cheering even louder than before. To keep them from seeing how overwhelmed with emotion she was, she turned to be seated.

  Her throne sat alone on the top of a pyramid of steps with three levels, split down the middle with a staircase. Titus and Gabrele took up their posts on either side.

  Dynasty picked up the gown she wore as she was seated on the throne. Since she was still in the traditional mourning period of their people, her gown was black with a thin, gold belt winding around her from her breasts to her navel. Her hair was covered in a dark green and gold shawl. Her crown sat atop the silky fabric. It was the first time she’d been so formal in front of her people in decades. Perhaps it was past time.

  On the tier below her were four smaller thrones, two on either side of the staircase. Hayden and Lysandra sat on her right. The two thrones on her left had to be for Ryse and Avery. Dyna searched the crowd and found Hanna on the front row, only feet from the edge of the platform. She nodded and gave Dynasty a tight smile. It was enough to let her know she was nearby if needed.

  She took a moment to survey the area around her. Her family sat to the far right of the wide stage. In the middle were the portal and the soldier of Zeus. To the far left were three more thrones all in a line together. General Falcon introduced the Avondales and they came to sit on stage. Charles sat on the right, then Filene and Ashton closest to the edge of the stage.

  Dynasty’s stomach clenched when the cheers from the crowd quieted. The crowd gawked at the European Deities. The people had gone far too long without seeing other royals and the gods. This was quite the show to them. The other Deities wore their colors as well: blue, white, and silver. Filene’s and Ashton’s attire was very modern. Only Charles wore a brilliant royal blue chlamys over his suit like Hayden. He stopped and bowed to her. She inclined her head and smiled as best she could, given the sickness in her gut. Filene and Ashton followed, but their bows were forced and ire shone in their eyes.

  Once the royals were seated, Thracians came to stand around them. Xavier and a couple others she didn’t know stood behind the Avondales.

  Falcon made another announcement. “I present to you the Elite Thracian warriors and the honorable Deity Prince and Master Thracian, Ryse Castille.” His voice boomed the name proudly.

  She heard a collective gasp from the people as the Elites came to sit in the six seats at the base of their pyramid. Hammon, Philippe, and Cutter on the right side; Yankee, Brenden and Dante on the left. All the men were dressed in a uniform of black, gold, and green. Their crest was different. On their right biceps was the emblem of Ryse: golden sword with the symbols of Ares and Zeus carved into the blade. Only Brenden’s and Dante’s differed. Theirs had a lion’s head over the sword, exactly like Avery’s tattoo. Each man also had a decorative golden sword hanging from his belt. While they might have been beautiful embellishments, there was no doubt that the swords could be used as weapons.

  Hammon wore a beaded sash across his chest and a round, flat-top hat that came from his home country of South Africa along with a tall walking stick he often claimed had magical properties. He was the last one to take his seat, naturally, because he stayed right beside Ryse until the final moment.

  Ryse stepped out onto the stage and the crowd went quiet. Dyna sucked in a deep breath. He was a glorious Thracian warrior of old from the black sandals on his feet to the golden helmet on his head. A black tunic hung to mid-thigh. His arms were bare and his chest was covered by a silver and gold breastplate. The symbols of Zeus and Ares decorated the front. A green and gold cape attached at his shoulders and hung down his back to his knees. The spectacle was both impressive and intimidating. Ryse was larger than life. Even the soldier of Zeus paled in comparison to his magnificence.

  While others saw the executioner of their race, Dynasty saw a black-haired, brown-eyed little boy who loved to ride horses. She saw the teenager who didn’t like to be touched, except by her. She saw a man so deeply in love with his wife that he’d challenged the gods to save her life.

  When she looked at her son, Dynasty’s heart filled with pride and a tinge of sorrow. The precious little boy she’d raised was now a warrior. The blood of their people was on his hands and it stained his soul. She couldn’t fathom the weight he carried. Scanning the crowd, she could see the fear on the faces of the people. Ryse was a living legend. Ryse was death incarnated. Today, he was going to solidify the image as the most dangerous man in their universe.

  He bowed at the waist to the Avondales. He went to his knee in front of Dynasty, removed his helmet, and spoke in Greek.

  “My Queen, please forgive what I must do in the service of the gods. May the gods bless you all your days and fill you with their light.”

  Dynasty stood and stepped down to stand in front of him. Placing a hand on his head, she recited a prayer of forgiveness and blessings, also in Greek. Although their family didn’t come from Greece, all ceremonies and rituals were done in the language of the gods. Olympian children were taught the language along with that of their home country.

  Ryse rose and bent to kiss her cheek. “I love you,” he whispered.

  “I love you too, son.”

  Ryse stood straight, replaced his helmet, and clasped his hands in front of him. He spoke to General Falcon. “Bring the sacrifice.”

  The General brought a lamb to the stage. Dynasty hated this part. As archaic as it was, she asked Ryse to skip the sacrifice. But the gods had given him strict instructions. This same ritual would be performed at every Haven around the globe in order to call the gods down.

  As man of the house, the task of blooding the lamb would have fallen to Ryse. However, since he was acting as executioner, the sacrifice fell to Hayden. The night before, Dyna had asked her son if he wanted Charles to carry this out. Hayden squared his shoulders, clenched his jaws, and told her that this was his home and he would do it. Whether Hayden was acting out of selfish pride, not wanting Charles to one-up him, or pride in his duty, she didn’t know. Either way, Hayden stepped up and pulled a dagger from his belt. The handle of the blade was adorned in gold and featured jewels thousands of years old. The knife had belonged to Troy. Seeing it in Hayden’s hands bro
ught a bittersweet ache in her heart.

  Dynasty backed away as Hayden knelt and expertly thrust the knife in to the neck of the lamb. The strike was so fast and so smooth. The lamb slowly eased down to the ground and died, its blood pooling on the wood. One of the temple workers gave him a cloth to wipe the blood from his hands, but there was none. He cleaned the blade of his dagger and put it away.

  With her sons on either side of her, Dynasty raised her hands and face to the sky. “Holy gods of Olympia,” she prayed in Greek. “We bring to you a sacrifice of purest blood. Come unto us. Walk among us and show yourselves, that we might be connected to you once more.”

  The portal began to roll like the ocean waves. Lightning flashed and thunder roared. Dynasty, Ryse, and Hayden turned to face the oval and went to their knees. Everyone in the arena followed suit.

  Ares was the first to enter this realm. He was exactly as she expected him to be. Fierce in his glory, terrifying to behold, and cold as steel. Athena was next, a warrior princess clad in leather and weapons, as beautiful as she was deadly. Poseidon was less human than the other two. As hard as she tried, she couldn’t see him as a man of flesh and bones. His form seemed to shift between liquid and solid. Only his face remained perceivable. When he looked into her eyes, she felt as though she might drown in their depths. She could see the abyss, felt the chill of waters so dark the light could not touch them. She shivered.

  Zeus was the final god to step out of the portal. She couldn’t take her eyes off of him. He was golden and magnificent, just as she remembered from when Ryse called him forth. He was resplendent in stature and elegance while still having a fine edge of danger about him. His white and golden robes cascaded down his large body. All the gods stood over nine feet tall, possibly ten. But Zeus seemed bigger than them all. His white hair and beard were the only indication of age. His body was as muscular and fit as Ryse’s, his eyes were sharp and missed nothing.

  “Rise and take your places,” he commanded, holding out a hand to Dynasty. She slipped her hand into his, feeling infinitesimal compared to him. He guided her to her throne and then turned back to the portal.

  “Bring forth the prisoners.”

  A guardian exited the portal with Nikki. She was subdued, complying without the guardian having to touch her. She knelt at the front center of the stage, close to the sacrifice when directed, and she didn’t move.

  Another exited with Salina—Oh dearest gods of Olympia! Was that Salina? This withered old hag who fought and screamed like a mad woman? No, there must be a mistake.

  “What happened to my daughter?” Filene rose from her seat, but Charles stopped her from approaching. Her body shook and her face went pale.

  “The former Princess,” Zeus answered, “Salina Avondale, has been stripped of her gifts from the goddess Aphrodite. She stated her beauty was a curse, and the goddess rid her of the problem. Now all can see the true face of this monster.”

  “If you want to see a monster, look at your own reflection,” Salina said with a voice that sounded dry and ready to crack.

  The crowd was in shock. They had collectively moved away from the stage, not wanting to get too close to the rabid beast.

  “Even now you refuse to repent? Knowing your head is about to be severed from your body?” Ares spoke up.

  “I’d rather rot in the underworld than give my devotion to you.”

  Salina’s words caused reactions from everyone. Filene could barely contain herself. She cried and kept shaking her head. The people gasped and booed, calling out names like murderer, traitor, and witch.

  “Then you will have it your way,” Athena said with a sneer. “We start with the Shadow Lady.”

  Dynasty held her breath. She couldn’t believe what she was about to witness. Already, tears fell down her cheek and before she even had the thought, Hanna was behind her throne, handing her a handkerchief. Titus lifted her up so she could sit at Dynasty’s feet. The two women clasped hands.

  Painful as it would be, Nikki would live through this. It was Salina who weighed on her heart. Again, her mind went to days gone by. Salina had been such a lovely child. Her big blue eyes, long, blonde hair, and dazzling smile had wrapped everyone around her finger. Dyna and Troy, not having a daughter of their own, had loved her dearly. When she was only a decade old, Salina had come to stay with them many times for weeks on end. They would ride horses, wander through the mountains on adventures, and read stories of the gods in front of the fire.

  Where did that sweet, innocent child go? How did it come to this?

  The more she reflected, the more she understood. Salina had been put on a pedestal. She was adored and spoiled. The people lavished her with anything her heart desired. Especially her parents. Charles and Filene had unknowingly bred a spirit of selfishness inside of their daughter. They catered to her every whim, never disciplining her when she acted out or when she began to demand more and more. As she grew older, more self-obsessed, Dynasty could see the greed taking root in her soul. Then, when her body developed, she found a new tool of manipulation. The sad truth was, Salina had been on this path of destruction for many, many decades, possibly even the last century of her life.

  There is such a difference in knowing that each person has to suffer the consequences of their actions and seeing those consequences come to fruition. It’s hard to watch people reap the punishment of the devastation they sowed. Because just like a farmer sowing his crops, the one seed he puts in the ground will bear multiple fruits. What a person puts into the world, positive or negative, comes back multiplied and amplified.

  Now Salina would have to deal with her consequences. Unfortunately, her actions affected so many other people.


  RYSE GREW IMPATIENT as he stood on display while the gods did their tricks. He was ready to have Avery officially back and have this day over with. He was quite ready to get out of this costume.

  Zeus waved his hands in the air and the portal shimmered and rippled. It rose and sailed through the air until it was positioned over the audience, like another set of watching eyes. Through its watery screen, the entire Olympian population could see the events unfold in their Haven.

  “Before we carry out this sentencing,” Zeus raised his arms to the crowd, “we would like to right a wrong committed against the house of Castille.”

  Ryse’s heart leapt. Here it was. Avery. The only thing that made this day bearable. He stood motionless, even though he wanted to shake the god until he hurried up.

  “During her capture, Salina Avondale took the life of the newly bonded Divine Grace, Avery McClain. Avery’s soul has rested in the hands of the gods. However, we know that a Deity will need his Grace to rule by his side. In a measure to show our faith in the Thracian soldiers and the Olympian race, the gods deliver Avery back into the world of the living.”

  A blinding white lightning bolt formed in Zeus’ hand. It hurt to look at it and many in the crowd shielded their eyes. He pointed the bolt to the sky. Clouds darkened and swirled, then turned into a red cylinder of flames. It was awe-inspiring, to say the least. The crowd looked panicked and yet they watched with rapt attention.

  Ryse was spellbound right along with them. The flaming tornado touched down onto the stage, the wind blowing about like a storm. No doubt, every Olympian on Earth who watched the spectacle held their breath as the fires touched the stage with an explosive clash of lightning and thunder. As quickly as Zeus called the clouds forth, he sent them away. Left on the stage was a woman on fire, spinning in a circle until she crouched low. The flames receded.

  Avery stood slowly as the fire left her body. She was dressed in what could barely be classified as clothing. The green sheath was more like a scarf that had been draped around her neck, crisscrossed over her breasts, and tucked into a belt. The skirt was little more than two sheets of fabric, one in the front, one in the back. A sliver of her thigh could be seen on each side. Except for the gold belt at her waist, and another right under her chest, her
entire back was bare, hidden only by a thick curtain of deep red curls hanging to her bottom. Golden sandals adorned her feet and the straps wound up to her knee. A thin crown sat atop her head. The symbol of Rhea, two lions, was encrusted in jewels.

  She was a true goddess come to Earth. Her ethereal beauty had everyone stunned. Even the Avondales gasped.

  Ryse, humbled by the privilege of making love to this woman for the rest of his life, stepped to her side and offered his hand. The crowd broke their silence and roared as the couple lifted their hands.

  “Hell of an entrance, huh darlin’?” she said without moving her mouth. Avery smiled and waved to the crowd.

  “A little dramatic for my taste. But, damn, you’re sexy.” Ryse could barely contain the small smile that crossed his lips. Thankfully, his helmet hid his mouth. In the middle of his personal hell, Avery was heaven. He removed the helmet and lifted her hand to his mouth. When they locked eyes, the atmosphere crackled with electricity. “Milady.”

  As if she hadn’t caused enough of a scene, Avery bowed to him, kneeling at his feet. “My Lord.”

  Those two words nearly caused him to come undone. Before he made a fool of himself, he ushered Avery over to the side of the stage.

  As she passed Nikki, she paused, nearly tripping. She reached out and touched Nikki’s cheek. Her whole body went stiff. Avery didn’t move for a long minute.

  Nikki flickered her eyes from her mistress to him and back. “What’s wrong with her?”

  Avery’s eyes widened as recognition lit in her mind. “I remember,” she whispered, her voice breathy. “Oh god, Ryse. I remember.” She turned to Nikki and shivered. “Nikki, I—I’m so sorry.”

  “Have faith,” Nikki whispered back, the women locked in each other’s gaze. “Go.”

  Thankfully, Dyna was right there to take Avery’s hand and lead her to her throne. She covered well, but Ryse’s lover was about to fall apart.

  Ryse stood once again in front of Nikki. Guardians tied her hands to the shackles of the whipping post. Damn. He was really about to do this. Acid rolled in his gut.


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