Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1)

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Marked by a Vampire (The Hybrid Coven Book 1) Page 11

by Angela Sanders

  “Not dead, just felt like I was going to die. I thought he was ripping me open from the inside out and I couldn’t fight back,” she said laying her head on his shoulder. “So you do care, huh?” She looked up at him and grinned.

  Grace felt like a third wheel in the conversation and got up to give them some privacy, but Tristan grabbed her wrist. “Thank you… for everything. You saved us all. I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

  “Well, you can start by taking care of my friend and stop feeding on humans. If you do that, then we might be able to help you make a fresh start. What’s up with your friend over there? He’s been silent since Donavon went up in smoke.”

  “This is all going to be an adjustment for Caleb. It has only been the three of us for the past century. He seems to be in shock. He might even be a bit scared of you and your friend,” Tristan said with a light chuckle, then looked back at Amelia in his arms.

  Grace could see how they cared for one another by the look in their eyes. She wasn’t sure what went on while Amelia was forced to stay in Donavon’s hideout, but she hoped Amelia would tell her someday when she was ready.

  Matthew and Dee were sitting up against the wall drinking some sort of potion. Grace had no idea what it was, but apparently it helped them to regain their strength. She walked over to Dee, then leaned down and hugged her tight. Dee wasn’t quite up for talking just yet, but hugged her back and nodded that she was all right.

  As soon as Matthew saw Grace, he tried to stand, but Liz and Genevieve pushed him back down to the floor making him drink another bottle of potion. Grace held back a laugh and went to sit beside him. “How are you holding up?” she asked.

  “Fine. I was supposed to protect you, but it seems you don’t need much protecting,” he replied with a slight grin.

  “It appears I don’t. My magic came in handy, thanks to you guys. I think my hybrid skills may have kicked in a notch as well. I might not be human anymore, but I can’t say that I won’t enjoy this new life.”

  “That’s good to hear. Will you be staying at your apartment now that Donavon is dead?” Matthew asked.

  “Well, considering I no longer have a front door, I highly doubt my landlord will allow it. I’m also without a job at the moment. If you don’t mind, I could use a room for a few weeks, at least until I get things settled,” Grace replied with a lopsided smile.

  She knew what Matthew was getting at. He was fishing, wanting her to stay without asking outright. Why not? She wanted to see where their relationship would go or if there would be a relationship at all. She also wanted to get to know the other hybrids within the coven. It had been too long since she had a family to call her own.

  Amelia walked over to Grace and Matthew. “Can you ever forgive me?” she asked, tears welling up in her eyes.

  Grace stood and looked at her friend. “Of course, you’re already forgiven,” she replied, hugging Amelia, then looked into her eyes. “You’ve been there for me through the worst days of my life and I intend to be there for you.”

  Dee interrupted. “Forgetting someone? Come here, Amelia. I love you, girl. Sorry I was so hard on you earlier. But seriously, don’t bite me. I’ve seen enough fangs for one day.” All three friends began laughing in a group hug.

  Matthew and Tristan stood by and watched the women, but then Tristan remembered Caleb. Genevieve had been holding him down with her magic, but after all the chaos settled, she let him go to tend to Matthew and Dee.

  “Shit,” Tristan mumbled, then looked at Matthew. “Caleb’s gone.”

  “What’s that?” Liz asked walking from the kitchen holding an icepack to her head.

  All the women in the apartment turned to Tristan. “I said, Caleb is gone. He left.”

  Chapter 15

  “What do you mean, he’s gone?” Liz shrieked.

  “I mean, he left while we were all preoccupied,” Tristan answered. “I have no idea where he might be. The bar is in Donavon’s name and I doubt he went there or back to the hellhole where we were staying.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” Dee said, then looked to Genevieve. “What are we gonna do?”

  “I never had the opportunity to question him or his motives,” Genevieve said, then glanced at Tristan. “You know him best. Is he a danger to innocents or does he exhibit the same traits as Donavon?”

  “No, he wanted to stop him from hurting Grace, same as me, but I don’t understand why he would flee without saying a word.”

  Matthew sighed. “We’ll just have to wait it out and hope he contacts you sometime in the future. Are you linked to him?” he asked, taking Grace’s hand. She looked down at their joined hands not expecting that at all, but decided to stay put.

  “Yes and no. He can block me from his mind if he wishes. I can try to speak to him, but I can’t guarantee he’ll answer. Maybe give him a few days. He was closer to Donavon than I was. They were truly brothers as they had the same maker. He felt his death, that I’m sure of,” Tristan replied, looking down at his feet.

  Amelia walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, then laid her head on his shoulder. “I’m just happy it’s all over. We’re finally free and I can go back to some semblance of normalcy. You’re not alone, Tristan.”

  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and kissed her forehead. “As much as I tried to push you from my thoughts, I couldn’t. I’m not going anywhere. Wherever you go, I go,” he said looking down at her.

  Amelia looked back up at him and grinned. “I knew you wanted me. Who could resist all this?” she asked motioning toward her body, then giggling. “In all seriousness, I’m happy you’re staying.” Then without a word, Tristan leaned down and captured her lips.


  Genevieve was smiling at the new couples forming around her. It had been such a long time since she’d been in love. Her husband, Frank, had been taken from her over forty years ago at the hands of a rogue vampire when her coven was in the process of ridding New Orleans of another onslaught of vampires attempting to feed on and kill innocents.

  When Frank died, Genevieve felt she could never love another. She was resigned to a life without love, and surrounded herself with her coven. Yet lately, she found herself wanting someone to share her long life with. Maybe love could come twice in a lifetime. She knew her heart was open to the possibility and decided she would pray about it.

  “Okay, enough of this mushy crap,” Liz said, cringing. “You guys need to take it somewhere else.” She rolled her eyes and turned toward Genevieve. “Whatever you do, don’t let the love bug get you too. It’s so not worth the trouble.”

  “I second that,” Dee added. “You guys about ready to go? I’m done and would like to get some sleep.”

  Genevieve looked around at everyone once more and nodded. “Tristan, Amelia, you’re welcome to stay at the coven’s home—Matthew’s actually.” She glanced at Matthew. “If it’s all right with you, of course,” she said.

  Matthew walked up to Tristan and extended his hand. “You’re welcome in my home any time. Thank you for your help today. I’m forever in your debt.”

  Tristan nodded and shook what was offered. “I appreciate your kindness and hospitality. I believe we might make an excellent team in the future, that is if you’ll have me.”

  “And me,” Amelia cut in with a huge grin.

  “Of course,” Matthew replied. “But we will have to set some ground rules first. We can discuss them after you get settled.”

  “All right then. Let’s get the hell outa here,” Liz said and Dee followed suit.

  “I’m right behind ya. Don’t forget to lock up, Grace.” Dee teased as she stepped over the chipped remains of the front door.

  “Smart ass,” Grace snarked back. “See ya in a minute.”

  “Grace, would you like to pack some of your belongings before we head back to the mansion?” Genevieve asked.


  Although Grace had clothes at Matthew’s, she wanted to bring
some of her own things along as well, especially her bra and panties. “Only a few things. I’ll just be a minute,” she told Genevieve before walking down the hall.

  Grace went to her bedroom and pulled out her travel suitcase, then opened her closet. She grabbed several outfits from the closet, then matching bras and panties from her drawer and placed them in her suitcase. Just as she was about to walk into her bathroom, Matthew appeared in the doorway startling her.

  “Hey, you scared me. Is everything all right?” she asked.

  “I apologize if I scared you. I only wanted to offer my assistance. Would you like help packing?” he asked with a playful grin.

  “Well, I’m almost done. I just need to grab a few things from the bathroom.”

  Grace’s heart was thundering in her chest. Matthew was in her personal space again, with one arm against the door jamb blocking her way, leaning down toward her, with his lips much too close to her face. She could feel his hot breath as it snaked around her ear and down the side of her neck. Was he going to kiss her again? Her cheeks flushed and when she tried to sidestep him, he pulled her to his muscular body, clutching her waist.

  “Matthew, I… Is this a good idea? I mean, they’re waiting for us. The last time this happened, you kissed me senseless and—”

  He crushed his full lips to hers, immediately silencing her protests. Matthew had been waiting to kiss her since he woke up after being hit in the crossfire. The way she spoke, the way she moved, everything about her—he craved—he needed to kiss her and it couldn’t wait until they were back at the mansion.

  Grace sagged into his arms, parting her lips to give him better access. Matthew darted his tongue into her mouth, but this time she allowed him to take control. She tasted like magic and honey. He pulled her closer until their bodies were flush against one another. He could feel her hard nipples pressed against him and wanted to taste her again. He pushed her shirt up slightly to feel the underside of her ample breasts and nearly came undone.

  Grace was lost in him again and without thinking, she reached for his hand, moving her bra to the side. She wanted Matthews’s mouth on her skin. She was tingling all over and felt pressure building inside of her, screaming for release.

  Matthew knew the others were waiting, but he wanted to make love to her right there. It was all he could do not to take a few steps forward into her bedroom, but he knew it was too soon. He finally forced himself to pull away because if he didn’t, he knew he wouldn’t be able to control himself.

  Grace was breathless when she looked into his cerulean eyes, wanting and needing more. She immediately felt his warmth leave her body when he released her. Panting, she licked her lips, straightened her shirt, and then ran her hands through his thick black hair. “Thank you. I needed that after what happened today,” she said, then gave him a sexy grin that was a promise for more. She pushed past him into the bathroom and gathered her toiletries and stuffed them into a small bag.

  Grace was dying inside. How could she control herself around him if he kept kissing her like that? She was losing every bit of self-control when he was near. The man was everything she had ever dreamed about and more, yet she wasn’t willing to rush into anything—not after her first marriage. No, she knew if she wanted to be with Matthew, she needed to take things as slowly as possible. She only hoped her hormones would catch up to her brain.

  Matthew watched her every move from the doorway. Everything about the woman was sensuous; from her sapphire gaze, golden hair, to her perfectly shaped body—and her mouth, he could get lost in her kiss alone. He needed to get a grip, yet he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He realized his feelings had grown stronger and wasn’t sure when or how it happened. Matthew had never felt this intensely for another, not even his beloved wife, Jessica. He didn’t understand and had no explanation, but he wasn’t complaining.

  After she was packed, Matthew picked up Grace’s suitcase even though she objected. He was still a gentleman after all. She would have to get used to it.

  “Are you two coming or what?” Dee demanded walking into the room. “It doesn’t take that long to pack.” When she saw the guilty look on Grace’s face, she stopped. “Oh wait, never mind,” she waved a hand, then shook her head walking back toward what used to be the front door.

  “Busted again,” Grace said looking up at Matthew with a sheepish grin.

  He only shrugged in response, then looked down at her and kissed her forehead. “There’s more where that came from if you will allow it.”

  “I’ll think about it,” she said grinning, nudging him in the ribs, and then leaned her head against his massive shoulder. Sure, she wanted to take it slow, but kissing never hurt anything, right? She decided to just keep telling herself that and would stop whatever made her feel uncomfortable. She knew that she was safe with Matthew—he was nothing like Charles and she needed to continue to remind herself of that fact when those errant thoughts crept into her mind.

  Liz was pacing along the sidewalk. When she saw Matthew and Grace emerge from the apartment complex, she threw her hands out to the side and said, “Thank God. I thought you two were going for a quickie.”

  Laughter erupted all around. Dee smacked her on the back. “Get in the van, Miss Antsy Pants.” It was just like Liz to crack a joke at the most inappropriate of times.

  Matthew and Grace walked hand-in-hand, snickering at Liz’s remarks. Grace didn’t know Liz well but now considered her a friend. She couldn’t wait to learn more about the magic lying in wait within her body.

  After Matthew placed Grace’s suitcase into the back of the van, he climbed in the backseat to sit next to her. This time, she didn’t mind. Amelia could be the sandwich on the way home. Home, she hadn’t meant to think of Matthew’s place as home, but somehow it clicked in her mind. It was a huge step and one she would think about another time. She had too many things on her plate at present and that was just another item to add to the long list of what to do’s.

  Now that Grace no longer had to worry about being marked by a vampire, she was free to live her new life the way she wanted. Although she was a bit apprehensive, she looked around at the people in the van—her new family, something she had longed for, and now she had her friends back as well. Amelia was a vampire, but somehow she had kept her humanity intact, along with Tristan. Grace wondered if it had anything to do with her prayers to God and the ancestors. After all, God himself had created all beings, whether human or supernatural. She sent up a silent prayer of thanks for all of the wonderful gifts that had been bestowed upon her, both family and magical alike.

  Chapter 16

  Once they arrived back at the mansion, everyone let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long day and Liz was ready to go back to her rather crowded home. She walked over to Grace and hugged her tight, then pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. You’re a very gifted witch and I’ll teach you everything I know, along with Dee of course,” she added as Dee walked up to stand beside her.

  “I appreciate everything you did tonight, Liz. I can’t thank you enough,” Grace replied.

  “You better come back around. We need all the help we can get. You’re the expert potion maker,” Dee said, then hugged Liz goodbye.

  Liz walked around saying her goodbyes, then stopped at Amelia. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” she asked pulling her away from Tristan.

  “Sure, is everything all right?”

  “Yes, I just want you to know that I’m here if you ever need me. I’m the only one who truly knows what happened to you and your secret is safe with me. I can’t imagine, but remember this: you don’t have to be what they made you. You’re still Amelia on the inside—remember who you are and that will never steer you wrong,” Liz said pointing to Amelia’s heart.

  Amelia’s eyes welled with tears. “Thank you, Liz. You’re a good person.” That was all she managed to strangle out in order to stop the sobs from escaping her. She hugged Liz tight and promised to call if
the nightmares became too great.

  Liz bid them all goodbye and walked to her Mustang, then sped away.


  Tristan felt Amelia’s pain and stepped alongside her. “Are you all right?” he asked, looking concerned.

  “Just a little girl talk. I’m fine,” she said, turning toward him, swiping a stray tear from her face.

  Tristan knew Amelia was holding something back, but he didn’t want to pry. He hoped she would tell him when she was more comfortable. Caleb had come to Tristan one night while he was in one of his drunken stupors trying to get Amelia out of his head, saying that Donavon had harmed her, but he didn’t go into detail. Now, Tristan wondered what exactly that night had entailed and wished he had been sober enough to ask questions. Too bad Donavon was already dead or he would kill him himself for touching a hair on her head. He pulled Amelia into a hug and walked her inside the house.

  Genevieve and Matthew were waiting by the door to get everyone settled.

  Dee claimed the room next to Grace and Matthew offered the bedroom across the hall to Tristan and Amelia. Once they dropped off what little they had, he asked them to join him and Genevieve in the family room in ten minutes.


  Dee decided to take a shower and lie down for a nap. After being struck by black magic, she wanted to rest and gather her strength. She was beating herself up inside for allowing her emotions to get the best of her. She’d made a rookie mistake and had forgotten to take her protection potion. Now, she had to pay the price. Although she’d fought against black magic before, she’d never been hit with such power and felt her own power waning—it might take days for her to recover.

  It had been one hell of a day. She’d have to call her mother tomorrow, then go through the arduous task of cleaning her apartment sometime later. Thankfully, Geno had given her two weeks off from work due to a family emergency giving her plenty of time to set everything back to rights.


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