The Abuse of Ashley Collins

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The Abuse of Ashley Collins Page 12

by Athan, Jon

  Logan sighed, then he said, “You're right. You're absolutely right.” He rubbed the nape of his neck as he glanced around the home, contemplating his options. He said, “As far as I know, we only have two options: we keep her down there for the rest of her life or we... or we get rid of her, too.”

  Jane held her hand to her chest and stepped in reverse, caught off guard by the suggestion. The mere thought of filicide caused her to shudder. She didn't tremble out of fear, though. She was ashamed to admit it, but she was excited.

  Jane said, “Well, I'm... I'm fine with either one. You do whatever you have to do to... to save us.”

  Logan hugged his wife and kissed her head. He said, “Good. I'll consider all of our options. Either way, I'll take care of everything. I promise.”

  “Thank you for everything, honey.”

  “What do you say we go out for a little celebratory dinner tomorrow night, huh? Something to help us clear our heads. Does that sound good to you?”

  “It sounds perfect.”

  Jane cried into her husband's chest – tears of joy. Logan nuzzled Jane's hair and rubbed her back, genuinely happy. Although they were not eager to admit it, a future without Ashley was welcomed with open arms.

  Chapter Nineteen

  This Is How It's Going To End

  Logan walked down the stairs, a plastic bag full of supplies in his right hand. He smiled and nodded at Ashley – good morning – then he approached the workbench. He carefully placed his supplies on the table as he struggled to contain his excitement. The side of his mouth twitched and his fingers trembled.

  He took his seat in front of the support beam and asked, “How are you feeling this morning, sweetheart?”

  Ashley stared at her father with a steady face, expressionless like a mannequin – a battered, bruised, and bloodied mannequin. She slumped her head down to her chest and stared at the floor. She already gave up on life, so she did not plan on listening to her father's self-righteous rants.

  Logan smiled and said, “I'll take that as: I'm fine, daddy, thanks for asking.” He chuckled and shook his head, as if he were reminiscing. He said, “You know, when I first started doing this, I did it because I wanted to make you better. I wanted to 'fix' you. You were running around, always misbehaving and disobeying... I just got to that point – that boiling point. It frustrated me knowing I couldn't control you, so I figured a few rough lessons wouldn't hurt.”

  In a raspy tone, Ashley said, “I'm better. I've learned my lesson. So, let me go.”

  “Don't lie to me like that. You haven't learned your lesson. I can see it in your eyes. If I let you go, you'd be worse than ever before. You have my blood in you. You have your mother's blood in you and you've seen what she can do. You'd be looking for vengeance if we let you go, wouldn't you?”

  Ashley remained quiet – her father was correct.

  Logan said, “Besides, you tried to seduce your little brother while you were locked up down here. That's just inexcusable.”

  “I told you already: I never did that.”

  Logan shrugged, then he said, “It doesn't matter anyway. Something happened, you know? A lot has happened over the past few weeks. Down here, it's grim and dark. I understand that. But, it's been beautiful up there without you, Ashley. We can talk when we eat breakfast, we can go out shopping or to dinner without someone causing a scene, we can rest knowing our kid isn't running off to some gang-bang. And, you know what? I want to keep it that way.”

  Keep it that way – the statement caused Ashley to tremble. Fear and anger flowed through her body as her breathing intensified. She glared at her father, stony-faced. Her father's statement led her to two possibilities: she was going to remain imprisoned for the rest of her life or she was going to be killed.

  Logan said, “So, let me tell you what we're going to do. We're going to get rid of you and your boyfriend. Yes, we're going to kill you, then we're going to melt your bodies.”

  Wide-eyed, Ashley gasped and pulled her head back. She was reinvigorated by the threat of death.

  Logan continued, “We're not just going to ignore everything, either. No, that would be suspicious. We're going to report it. If we don't, we'd have a media shitstorm on our porch. I won't have that. So, we're going to tell the police you ran off with Tyler to get married. It all fits, too, since that's exactly what he wanted. Who knows what he saw in you...”

  Teary-eyed, Ashley asked, “He... He really wanted to marry me? It–It wasn't a joke?”

  Logan chuckled, then he said, “Oops. I probably shouldn't have brought that up. It would have been easier for you if you didn't know that. I'm sorry, sometimes I have a big mouth.”

  Ashley scowled at her father, furious. Despite confessing about his planned murder, her father still tried to mentally injure her. She grunted as she jerked on the support beam, trying her damnedest to break free from the rope and handcuffs.

  She said, “You're crazy. You're a goddamn monster. You... You can't do this to me – to us.” Logan did not answer. The teenager said, “Please, tell me this was all part of some sick joke. It's another lesson, right? You... You can't be that sick, you bastard!”

  Yet again, Logan did not respond. He stood from his seat and returned to the workbench. The bag rustled as he shuffled through his supplies. His eyes widened as he grabbed a high-density polyethylene bottle. He held the bottle over his head and revealed his plans to Ashley.

  He approached the support beam and said, “This is sulfuric acid – 98-percent, to be exact. The other two-percent is water. Don't be fooled, though. This... This eats through flesh. It's going to help me get rid of the body. They really shouldn't sell this type of acid in stores, but, what are you going to do? It's readily available for all parents who want to kill their kids.”

  He chuckled at his own morbid joke, delighted. He unscrewed the cap, then he held the bottle over Ashley's head. He purposely trembled and teased his daughter.

  Ashley said, “Stop. Please, stop it. I'm so tired of this.”

  Logan said, “Even if you had hair, one drop of this would burn through your scalp. Just... one... drop.”

  A drop of the clear liquid spilled out of the bottle and plopped on Ashley's shaved head. Shocked, Ashley tightly closed her eyes and shrieked. She convulsed on the support beam, violently trembling as if she were having a seizure. The liquid stung her bare skin. She whimpered upon hearing her father's maniacal laughter.

  She opened her eyes and stuttered, “Wha–What's going on?”

  As he laughed hysterically, Logan said, “You... You should have seen the look on your face. Oh, God, it was priceless. I'm messing with you. It's just some ice-cold water.”

  Ashley gazed at her father in utter awe. She couldn't conjure the words to respond. She was simultaneously relieved and disgusted. Her father was playing with her on a psychological level, toying with her mind like a trepanning doctor.

  Logan stopped laughing. With a deadpan expression, he said, “I'm still going to burn your fucking face off, sweetie. That was all true. You understand me? This is how it's going to end.”

  Ashley breathed deeply through her nose as she glared at her father. She refused to balk at his challenge. She was ready to die and, if given the opportunity, she was ready to kill. A beast was awakened.

  Logan gently slapped her cheek and said, “It would take all day if I started now, so I'll be back to finish the job before midnight. I'm not going to kill you now 'cause we want you to suffer. We want to melt you while you're still breathing. That's the truth and I'm not ashamed to admit it. I wish I could have done the same to your boyfriend. So, please try to behave yourself until then. I don't want to hear about any fighting with your brother. Okay? I have a special date with your mother to celebrate our freedom. Then, we'll come to melt your face. I promise.” He smiled smugly as he pinched her cheeks. He said, “Don't worry, this is how it was meant to be. A happy ending for everyone... except you. See you tonight.”

  Logan hummed a merry
tune as he strolled out of the dungeon. Ashley watched her father with sharp eyes until he exited the basement.

  As soon as the door closed, she tilted her head towards the ceiling and roared. Her battle cry could be heard throughout the first floor of the house, but it did not seep into the street. She didn't want the world to hear her pain anyway. Her bellow served only as a threat to her parents.

  Chapter Twenty

  A Favor for a Favor

  Calvin sat at the corner of his bed. He held his sister's panties in his hands, shame sitting on his shoulders like angels and devils. There was a white stain on the crotch of the underwear. The stain was a result of one of his 'experimental' sessions. He didn't plan on staining the panties, he just didn't know any better.

  As he rubbed the underwear between his fingertips, blatantly disappointed in himself, Calvin whispered, “I have to get rid of 'em. I... I can't give them back to her like this. I can't put 'em in the laundry. They'll notice the stain and they'll blame me. Maybe I can say I dropped milk on them? No... No, shit, I messed up...”

  Guilt festered deep in his heart. Disappointment clung to his mind. He hated himself for his deviant actions. He couldn't even look at his own reflection without scowling or whimpering. While his parents were concerned with abusing Ashley, they had forgotten about parenting their only son. He was left to deal with his confusing emotions by himself – and it only led to more deviance.

  Calvin shoved the panties into his pillowcase. I'll throw them away next time, he thought. He sighed as his stomach growled. He stood from his bed and exited his room, hoping to grab a snack in the kitchen before nighttime. He stopped in the hallway, though. Music played from the master bedroom – a love ballad.

  Music wasn't out of the ordinary – everyone loved music – but it was odd considering the circumstances. To the boy, the home had a dreary and grim atmosphere. He didn't feel any 'love' in the household. It was all a facade and he could see through it. Yet, his parents were willfully blind, continuing their lives as if nothing were wrong.

  Calvin stepped into the doorway of the master bedroom. His mother sat at the edge of her bed, her hair tied in a neat bun and her body draped in a thin silk robe. She fiddled with her earring, seemingly preparing herself for a date.

  Upon noticing her son's presence, Jane glanced over at the door and said, “Hey, sweetie. What are you doing?”

  Calvin asked, “Are you going somewhere?”

  “Yes. Didn't we tell you already?”

  Calvin shook his head and shrugged – nope.

  Jane smiled and said, “Sorry about that. I thought your father told you. We're going on a dinner date. We're... How do I put this? We're celebrating our family and our love. You'll be fine staying home alone, right?”

  “Yeah, sure. I mean, Ashley's still going to be here, right?”

  “She'll be here. I just don't really want you to see her.”


  Jane glanced back at Calvin with wide eyes. She repeated, “Why?”

  “I mean... just in case anything happens, I should go see her, right?”

  “Wrong. I don't want her to poison you anymore, sweetie. Let us deal with her. Trust me, we know what we're doing. Promise me you won't go see her. Please.”

  Calvin rubbed the nape of his neck. Part of him wanted to confess to his actions and reveal the truth, the other part warned him of the consequences. He couldn't imagine going through the same abuse as his sister.

  He nodded and said, “I won't see her. I promise.” He took a step in reverse and said, “I'm going to grab some chips from the kitchen.”

  “Want me to make you something before we go?”

  “No, thank you.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, I'm sure.”

  Calvin left the door cracked open. He gazed into the room through the crack on the door as he considered confessing once more. He couldn't muster the courage to do so, though. He shook his head and walked down the hall, heading towards the kitchen for a snack.

  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at the basement door. He could hear his sister's whimpering – faint but painful. He approached the front door and peeked through the peephole – his father's car was gone. The music still played upstairs, too.

  The coast was clear.

  The boy punched his father's code into the door knob. To his surprise, his father changed the pin. It wasn't a problem, though. Along with his sister and mother, he knew most of his father's passwords. He tried the first four digits of his dad's credit card and – voila – the door unlocked.


  Calvin slowly walked down the stairs, as if he were afraid the stairs were going to collapse under him. At heart, he was simply trying to buy time. He kept his eyes locked on his sister every step of the way, too. He was awed by her bruised and bloodied appearance. He stopped in front of her and examined her condition.

  There was an infected cut on the bridge of her broken nose – brown and red. The gash on her cheek appeared to be infected, too. Her lips and cheeks were swollen, bruised, and bloodied. More than half of her face was covered in dark, dried blood. Her chest and stomach were covered in bruises and cigarette burns. He couldn't see her burned genitals, but there was more blood on her skirt than before – he could connect the pieces.

  Eyes brimming with tears, Calvin said, “I'm... I'm sorry. I'm sorry for everything, Ashley. I didn't mean to do anything wrong, I swear. I... I... I just didn't know what was happening. They said it was so you can get better. I'm... I'm sorry. It's all my fault, isn't it?”

  Ashley cracked a smile as she glanced at her brother. She sniffled, snorting the blood and mucus clogged in her crushed nostrils.

  She said, “It's okay, Cal. I don't blame you for anything.”


  “Really. I don't think you're a monster like them. No, you're not evil. You're just a kid, right?”

  Calvin nodded and said, “Right.”

  “You made a mistake, but you can still fix it. Help me escape. Please, let me go.”

  Calvin took one step in reverse, reluctant. He said, “I... I don't know about that. I don't... I don't want to end up like you. I'm scared of them. They're not the same anymore.”

  “That's why you have to help me,” Ashley explained. She could see the fear in her brother's glimmering eyes. She said, “Trust me, Cal, nothing is going to happen to you. You're precious to them. You're their favorite. You've broken as many rules as me, but they never did anything like this to you. It's because they really love you. They can't hurt you.”

  Calvin rubbed the nape of his neck and stared down at his sneakers. He contemplated his sister's explanation and considered all of his options. Ashley could sense the reluctance within him. However, she could also see he was malleable.

  She said, “If you let me go before they see us, I'll run away before they even notice. I'll be long gone. I'll be free and safe again – and it'll all be thanks to you.”

  Calvin asked, “If you run away, will I ever see you again?”

  “Sure, sure. I'm not going to leave the country. I'm just going to... to start a new life away from this house – away from them. I'll be watching you, I'll still take care of you. I'll even come see you when they're not around. It's the perfect plan, Cal. Please, believe me.”

  Calvin believed her. His sister could take care of herself. He was reluctant, though. As he stared down at his feet, he caught a glimpse of her bare legs. The blood did not bother him. In fact, he was aroused by her thighs. He could feel his pants tightening around his crotch. His deviance had taken control of his mind.

  Anxious, Calvin asked, “If I do this, will... will you do something for me?”

  Ashley frowned upon spotting the small bulge in his pants. She closed her eyes, breathed deeply, and gritted her teeth – infuriated. She was disgusted by her brother's arousal during such a dire time. She realized he was a monster like their parents. Yet, she figured she could use his t
eenage curiosity against him.

  With a cracking voice and tears welling in her eyes, Ashley said, “Sure, buddy. What can I do for you?”

  Tears dripping from his eyes with each blink, Calvin said, “It's embarrassing, but my friends were talking about it and I... I think you can help me. I want you to teach me about... sex.”

  Struggling to contain her anger and sorrow, Ashley said, “Please, get to the point.”

  “Will... Will you give me a BJ?”

  Tears streaming across her cheeks, Ashley grimaced and groaned. She tried to keep her composure, but she was appalled and frustrated by the vulgar request. It broke her heart to hear her brother – an innocent boy – spew such a deviant demand. She thought: does he even know what he's saying? Does he know it's wrong? Her parents failed to teach him about the birds and the bees.

  For a moment, she considered hitting him to teach him a lesson after she was freed. However, she realized she would be just as bad as her parents if she did. Hitting him would only continue the cycle. She bottled her frustration and rapidly nodded.

  Against her will, Ashley said, “Yes. Yes, I will give you a... a 'BJ.' I'll give you a BJ every time we see each other. That sound good to you?” Calvin nodded, ashamed. Ashley asked, “Are they home? Can you free me now?”

  “Dad is out, mom is upstairs. I need to go get the keys.”

  “You don't need the keys right now. This is easier than you think. Grab his bolt-cutters from his workbench and break the chains on the handcuffs. I'll get rid of the bracelets later. Use a saw or something to cut the rope. Just hurry.”

  Calvin glanced back at the workbench. Indeed, her great escape plan was very easy to grasp. He grabbed the bolt cutters, then he rushed to the other side of the support beam behind his sister. He hesitated for a moment as he spotted the bruises around her wrists – the handcuffs were tight. He snapped the chain between the bracelets, which allowed Ashley to separate and twirl her wrists. He did the same to the handcuffs on her ankles.


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