Inside, Pt. 2

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Inside, Pt. 2 Page 46

by Kyra Anderson

  “Kind of,” Clark admitted. “You’re just acting different, and I don’t know if I should be worried.”

  “Why would you be worried?”

  “Because I don’t want you making a careless mistake,” Clark said, his voice strained. He looked at me seriously. “Just remember…you’re not only risking your life, but mine as well. And Mark’s, and Josh’s, and Tori’s, and—”

  “Alright, alright, I’ll be careful,” I groaned. “I’m sorry if I upset you, I was just enjoying my Friday.”

  And after five minutes of being on the balcony, I went back to the pulsing crowd of teenagers to enjoy the high once more, trying to dispel the indignation I felt at Clark’s chastising.

  When I got home, the feeling had not worn off and my entire body was on fire. I ached for something more, something that was no longer accessible to me. I was longing for Mykail.

  I had missed him many times since he had gone to live in the fort, but tonight was different. Tonight, my need was far more carnal than the loneliness of missing my boyfriend. I needed to feel his touch on my skin, his lips against mine, I needed to drink him in…

  With my heart pounding against my ribs and every brush of the fabric against my skin as I walked fanning the flame, I tried to tell my parents that I was tired and wanted to go to bed.

  I closed my bedroom door behind me and leaned against it, wondering what I was going to do being so hot and bothered. I let out a frustrated groan and moved to the bathroom, kicking off my heels before unzipping my dress, letting it fall to the tile as I moved to the shower. I pressed the setting button to start the water before going to the vanity and looking at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed but, otherwise, I could not see any sign of not being composed, other than the hunger in my eyes.

  I pulled the pins from my hair, letting the rest of the curls tumble down my back and over my shoulders. Even there, in only my bra and panties, I felt powerful.

  Slowly removing the final articles of clothing, I stepped into the shower.

  I allowed the hot water to beat over my skin, but the steam made it hard to breathe and that did nothing more than arouse me further. When I was no longer able to bear it, I went to the seat of the shower and sat down, closing my eyes and running my hands over my shoulders and neck before dropping them to my breasts, feeling the rapid heartbeat and the coursing hot blood through my body.

  I leaned my head against the tile and remembered the first time Mykail and I had showered together. I remembered his hands on me, working my flesh into sweet heightened tension, the way his mouth peppered kisses down my torso and over my thighs before paying attention to the area between my legs, where I so desperately needed to feel him.

  My hand drifted down my belly, sliding with the water droplets to rest at the same spot, my eyes still closed as my fingers brushed over the sensitive flesh.

  I imagined him kissing me sweetly, how gentle his hands were as he handled me…

  I let out another frustrated groan, my hand stilling as I tried to hold onto the image of Mykail. But it was not enough. My mind turned to another fantasy. Mykail was still kneeling between my legs, but he grabbed my arms, which were crossed over my chest, and pinned them next to my hips, capturing my mouth hungrily in a kiss.

  Mykail was much taller and broader, and my fantasy moved away from the shower into a familiar office as I sat on a large, dark mahogany desk, still fully dressed, but pinned under the strong arms of the man with me.

  I felt one hand leave my wrist and move to my ankle, gently caressing the skin in small circles before pushing my skirt over my knee to bunch at my waist as I panted with need, my head rolling around uselessly on my neck. The large hands dipped under the back of my skirt and pulled my hips, scooting me closer to the edge of the desk as my legs wrapped around his waist, anchoring him to me as I ground against him.

  He remained still, letting me move on my own before one of his hands traced up my side to the front of my blouse. With a sharp tug, three of the buttons popped off and scattered with clicks on the desk’s surface.

  His hands moved into my shirt, pulling my bra down and freeing my breasts, causing me to let out a carnal groan and push them forward, yearning for his touch.

  “My, my, you’re getting bold…” his voice chuckled.

  I whined, wanting to feel his hands on me but loving the teasing, never knowing where his hands would fall next.

  “That’s it…” He had a grin in his voice and that made me shudder. His hand moved to tangle in the hair at the base of my neck and pull my head forward until my mouth locked with his, both of our tongues battling for control. I breathed him in, arching my back to bring us closer, though he still was so far away, purposely keeping contact minimal.

  “Slow down…I’m going to train you…”

  The words were like bombs that exploded over my skin, causing a moan to slowly push out of me as my belly tightened. I was in such need, I was sure I would die unless my fantasy touched me.

  He did, but it was not slow and tender in the fashion of memories. It was sharp, commanding, dominating me in every way.

  I choked on the groan in my throat and pushed my hips harder against my hand as I moved my fingers desperately.

  In my fantasy, it was his fingers, and he was moving them sharply inside me, crooking them to stroke my inner walls, causing lightning to rocket through me. My back arched and my hips moved in time with his fingers. They began pushing into me, harder and faster, causing my whole body to jolt. I felt the pressure building deep within me, ready to hurl me into the clouds.

  When his mouth locked with mine again, I was thrown high into the air, my entire body bowing with the force of my orgasm before falling limp against the seat of the shower. I felt my body pulse around my fingers and I let out whimpers, feeling sated but unsatisfied. I purposely did not think about what my fantasy could mean about my mental state. I was bound tight that evening, and my brain had been acting of its own accord.

  I could not be held responsible for the fantasy. Not that night.

  * *** *

  It would have been a far more entertaining Commission meeting if Dana had been present, but he was with Leader Simon, trying to find out if there were going to be any more reveals that weekend.

  I guessed that the two simultaneous incidents earlier in the North-East Region had really startled Leader Simon. There was anticipation that everyone could feel, but no one was prepared. It was a big weekend for parades, since this was the time to celebrate the Second Revolution in all its glory, and everyone had been waiting for news that there had been another sighting of the terrorist movement.

  My parents had been watching the news that morning, waiting anxiously.

  I was listening intently as I was making myself a snack of cheese and crackers. I had been pretending not to be interested, but when I heard that breaking news was coming in from the North-East Region, I felt my entire body go to attention.

  “Lily!” my mother called. “Come quick.”

  I abandoned my snack and ran into the living room, turning to the screen to see a male anchor.

  “We have received news that the Washington March Parade suffered an incident this morning. The parade showed sentiments for the strange movement that has been surprising the country by claiming that the Commission of the People is taking their prisoners and making them into weapons. As the congregation, holding the same banners and fliers seen at the Liberation Day Parade, moved down the street, spectators broke through the barriers and crowded Jersey Lane, demanding that the Commission of the People open their doors to an investigation of the allegations…”

  I was smiling too much to notice the horrified expressions on my parents’ faces.

  Later that afternoon, another report came in.

  “We bring you this clip from a local news station in the North-East City of Castleton,” the main anchor said before the shot cut to another station reporter.

  “Daniel, I’m here on Georgia Avenue
, where the parade has just gotten underway. People are excited to see the special guests this year. RM celebrities such as Prescott Faraway and the singer Lydia are both present in today’s—”

  There were gasps and cries behind the reporter followed by people screaming “there they are!” The anchor whirled around, motioning the camera closer. The camera man jogged forward and captured the parade moving down Georgia Avenue, holding the banners of the revolution and the pictures of the people currently living in Fort Daniels.

  There was even someone in the middle of the crowd who had fake wings, leading the chant.

  “We want answers!!”

  Everything was going even better than hoped.

  Four strikes against the Commission of the People and we were already getting a response. I was riding a continuous high.

  After the Commission meeting, where little was accomplished because everyone was too flustered to figure out how to handle the increasingly worrisome situation, I was feeling confident that our movement would gain enough followers to make a difference before the Commission could make a move to eliminate us. Especially since it seemed that the Commission was completely ineffective without their leader present.

  I trailed behind my family as they joined one of the groups at the end of the meeting. Everyone was still trying to figure out the best way to handle the growing support before they had another revolution on their hands. I was careful to listen, in case I needed to be a few steps ahead of their plan.

  But Clark distracted me.

  “Hey,” he greeted, his eyes cast down as he walked up to me.

  “Hey,” I repeated, looking him over. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he said unconvincingly. “Listen, I was wondering…the zoo is holding a charity event tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.”

  I blinked, confused.

  “Don’t worry, Mark will drive us,” he completed.

  “Oh, of course,” I said quickly, realizing we were going to the fort. My heart soared at the thought of seeing Mykail.

  “Okay, we’ll pick you up tomorrow at nine,” Clark told me. “The event is all day, so be sure you ask your parents if it’s okay.”

  “They’re not going to care.”

  Clark opened his mouth to say something, but he stopped and shook his head.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He walked away. I stared after him, confused about his odd behavior and wondering why he seemed so annoyed with me.

  The following morning, I went downstairs to have breakfast and told my parents about Clark and I going to the charity event at the zoo, which I had looked up online the previous night to be sure I had enough knowledge to answer their questions.

  However, their questions had nothing to do with the event.

  “Lily, are you sure that wandering around on a date is appropriate, given the situation?” my mother asked in a parental tone, her eyebrows high.


  “The Commission is being attacked by a group of terrorists, a group that managed to break into the Commission and release these weapons. And you have been acting as though you’re happy about it.”

  “Well, I am,” I shrugged nonchalantly.

  “Lily!” my mother gasped.

  “You should not be pleased about this, Lily,” my father shook his head in disapproval. “This is very dangerous for all of us, and for the country. The entire world is getting nervous. Dana has had to be in meetings all week with foreign leaders to assure them that he has the situation under control.”

  “Does he?” I asked.

  “No,” my father said sharply. “But you have to understand that the Commission has sold weapons to foreign governments. If the Commission is revealed, then there is a strong chance that these other governments will find themselves in trouble, and that could lead to a full-scale world war.”

  “Well, Dana shouldn’t have been involving the other countries,” I shrugged. “Of course, now that I think about it, that was probably his plan. He wants to see the world fall apart.”

  “Don’t say such things,” my mother scolded. “This is a very delicate situation and Dana is doing the best he can to keep a lid on it.”

  “You know that I have never agreed with the Commission. I’m happy this is happening. Maybe it will make some changes and shut down the Commission for good.”

  “You know nothing,” my mother hissed angrily. “The Commission may not be a clean organization, and there may be some things that are not seen as part of the moral path, but let me tell you something, young lady, the Commission is necessary in today’s world. Without it, the entire world would have come crashing down and you would have been born in a nuclear winter.” My mother stood and grabbed my plate, even though I was not finished eating, and turned to the kitchen. “You just think on how fortunate you are that the Commission has given you such a secure world to live in.”

  I groaned and rolled my eyes.


  I went upstairs and grabbed my coat and scarf, pulling them on as I went down the stairs to the front door.

  “Lily, I never said you could go with Clark,” my mother called.

  “Like I need your permission.” I rolled my eyes, walking out the front door, slamming it behind me.

  I still had fifteen minutes to wait, so I sat down on the icy front step of the porch and waited for the familiar black car to roll up to the curb. I was not necessarily angry at my parents, I just didn’t feel like their opinion mattered. I knew what I was doing and, with the way the people were reacting and supporting us, it was obvious that the entire country had been nervous about the Commission, particularly with the reactivation of the Sweeps.

  I knew I was doing the right thing for the country—the right thing for the world.

  My mother and father did not bother coming outside to talk to me. I sat in silence until I saw the car turn the corner onto my street and slowly pull in front of my house.

  Too excited to notice anything else, I darted through the crisp, clear air to the car and got in as Mark was about to open the door for me. He sat back in the car as I settled in, smiling at Clark.

  “Morning,” I greeted.

  “Good morning.”

  “Wow, you seem off,” I noted. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he said again. “I just didn’t sleep well.”

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t know,” he shrugged. “My mind was too busy, I guess…”

  “Oh,” I said, not knowing how else to respond. I turned to Mark to dispel the awkwardness. “How about you, Mark? Doing well?”

  He nodded once.

  The car felt tense. I tried not to let it get to me, turning to look out the window, watching the city pass by as Mark drove toward the zoo. There were a lot of cars and busses in the parking lot, bringing people to the charity event. Mark parked the car near the back of the parking lot and got out, opening the door for us. I huddled into my coat, feeling the chill of the air at the higher elevation. As Mark removed his shoe, pulling out the container with his tracers, I was startled by a familiar voice behind me.

  “Clark! Lily!”

  I quickly rounded to see Becca jogging toward us with a large smile across her face.

  “Becca!” I grinned, hugging her briefly when she reached us. She smiled, shifting her feet around.

  “Wow, it’s freezing today!”

  “Thank you for coming, Becca,” Clark said, nervously looking at his feet. I smiled at his shyness around the girl he liked, trying not to think about the more complicated network of relationships that was occurring within our group of friends.

  “No problem.”

  “Did you ask her to come here?” I asked, confused.

  “Yeah,” Clark nodded, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a plastic bag, showing his tracers. “She agreed to be our cover. This is kind of her test to win Mark’s trust.”

  I turned to Mark, who had jus
t closed the driver’s door and turned to face Becca.

  “Are you Mark?” Becca asked.

  He nodded once.

  “It’s nice to meet you.” Becca extended her hand. I was not sure if her trembling was due to being nervous or cold. Mark hesitated, making all of us anxious, but he eventually removed his hand from his pocket, taking hers and shaking it once.

  “You can’t speak?” she asked awkwardly. He shook his head, making the situation that much more uncomfortable. Mark was wary of Becca. I rolled my eyes and laughed, leaning into Mark, bumping him with my shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Mark,” I assured. “She’s a good friend. You can trust her.”

  Mark forced a smile and nodded. He did not trust her. It was starting to annoy me how distrusting he was.

  “It’s okay that he doesn’t trust me,” Becca said with a nervous chuckle. “I mean, you guys have to be careful. But I’m just going to keep those in my pocket and spend some time with the animals.”

  I grinned, reaching into my sock, pulling out the little bag of the tracers and handing it to Becca. She put both of our tracers in the zipped pocket of her coat.

  “There,” she smiled. “I don’t need to have Mark’s?”

  “No,” Clark shook his head. “He’s supposed to stay in the car while we’re here, so they’re going to stay in the car.”

  “Okay,” Becca said. “Well, I’ll just be in there,” she motioned to the zoo behind her. “I’ll be in the café when I’m finished, so you guys can find me there when you get back.”

  “Thank you, Becca,” Clark murmured. I hugged her again. As she walked to the bustling entrance of the zoo, the three of us went the opposite direction.

  “Mark, you can trust Becca,” I said. “There’s no need to be worried.”

  “He’s just being careful,” Clark defended. “Have you forgotten what a dangerous time this is for us? We can’t get careless.”

  “We’re not being careless,” I scoffed. “It’s Becca.”

  “We just need to be careful, okay?” Clark repeated in an annoyed tone as he trudged ahead of me on the trail. I hesitated before jogging to catch up to him.


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