Ragged Heroes: An Epic Fantasy Collection

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Ragged Heroes: An Epic Fantasy Collection Page 41

by Andy Peloquin

  "This is the last border of the elven lands," Lorlank said to Tomu. "Keep your eyes open to the dark spaces. I do not trust this region."

  Moving into an area dotted with broken archways and larger stacked blocks built into trees, they discovered what was known ten years ago as the most sacred part of the forest. Evidence of the once-grand civilization of the high elves became more obvious to them. As they passed through several ruin arches, they were surprised to see some that still spanned the gap over the road. Many jewels, having no value to the dead, were still placed in the archway and forced Nurias to remember the times before. He had come here once, and standing within one of the sanctums built into the upper boughs of the tree, his people and the elves had signed a pact to end a border dispute between them and a kingdom to the east. Even the worst of times were better than what was to come. Too bad they were all too blind to see it as they argued and complained of daily struggles that would be a blessing now.

  Progressing down the road, the three companions moved with careful haste. By their reckoning of what they could see of the sun as it descended, it was late afternoon. They had made most of their journey relatively untouched, but Nurias was not the only one who soon heard the unmistakable sound of bone on stone once again.

  "I hear skeletons," the skull said.

  "Then be quiet," Nurias whispered.

  Both Lorlank and Tomu looked behind them and to their sides as Nurias drew his blade and rode forward as quickly as he could moving over and around many fallen trees. It was then he realized then that these trees were not simply fallen timbers lost to a storm or otherwise a natural happening, but were in fact engineered in some weird form.

  Nurias looked up and down, moving along the wooden wall that was becoming more obvious to him to be an actual construct, which he did not expect in these woods. This was not something any of the race of man would've taken the time to do, at least this far away from anyone else. The bone upon stone footfalls were erratic, as if they were running from place to place and suddenly stopping, or so it seemed. But as it was, this fort was directly on top of the road they were taking. They needed to find a way around it, but with the high likelihood that they would struggle to deal with the skeletons directly, he quickly went back to his mount.

  "Come on, we will go around. Do not need to risk angering the new locals."

  Tomu had an arrow to string, though Nurias prayed he would not have to correct the boy again. Arrows would not work against these beasts, but if the boy died, it was his own fault. Nurias was not babysitting.

  Lorlank moved his mount around nervously. The sudden sound of more footfalls approaching from behind them stirred them to hurry away from the current location. Nurias led them around the eastern side of the wooden fort, making a point to speed up his lizard and repeatedly kicking it into a faster pace. But as he came around the corner, he noticed more skeletons, and these were outside the walls. His beast ran straight through at least four of them. Their bones were shattered and thrown all over the forest floor as he pulled on the reins, causing the lizard to climb up a large boulder. As the creature clawed its way up to the top, Nurias made a quick look around, noticing there were at least thirty skeletons, and at this point, all of them raced their way. This was when he also noticed that they could not continue to go around the fort, seeing that there was a massive cross path running along the side of the fortress that blocked their path.

  * * *

  Several skeletons came upon them. Nurias and Lorlank kicked their mounts to jump from the boulders and into the fortress itself. Tomu followed just behind, but his creature instead climbed down and was quickly overwhelmed to say the least. He shouted out, and Lorlank turned his mount, charging back into the skeletons and throwing several against the boulders with a single swing of his weapon.

  Nurias turned around as well, hurrying to assist his friend and his friend’s pet boy, as he could see Lorlank reach him. The skeletons were fleeing but now heading directly toward him. Nurias dismounted, moving with purpose as he angled his sword just above his head and made a downward slash, taking down the nearest skeleton. The one advantage to fighting skeletons versus most of the normal undead was that the skeletons did not seem to have the ability to turn people upon death with a simple bite. The skeletons’ only true weapon was what was in their hands. Even attempting to bite a person could easily be dissuaded by breaking the rather fragile facial bones, but the problem with skeletons was that typically there were so many of them in random places and people wouldn’t expect them. But the skeletons would not pursue them as other creatures might. If they could just simply get away from the skeletons, they would be fine. But like their own skull had said before, the skeletons were not random creatures, and one of them had a horn that he began somehow sounding without having, which was the weirdest thing Nurias had seen in some time. As the horn call went out across the barren woods, it was clear to Nurias that very soon they would have more problems to deal with.

  Several low roars vibrated through the air, a sound Nurias had heard on a few occasions. Whatever allies these skeletons had were moving towards them.

  "We need to go. We need to get out of here now," Lorlank said. "You know what that is? That roar? I hope I don't know what that is." Lorlank gave an uncomfortable laugh. "Well, you know what it is. The last thing I really wanted to deal with were werewolves."

  Were-beasts were creatures of an interesting sort. While there were always rumors in the time before the great calamity of the undead of creatures that haunted the woods at night and took human form during the daytime. These beasts remained beasts and were not wolves as some people once suggested.

  The first of several beasts went all the way up the opposite side of the fallen trees and jumped amongst Nurias and his two companions. In a rather surprising feat, Tomu did not hesitate as expected. The young boy pulled back his bowstring to cheek in quick fashion, sending two arrows into the nearest were-beast. It did not do too much. The creature bit at the arrows as Lorlank moved in as quickly as he could. These creatures were large. While they did have deep dark black hair of werewolves, their faces appeared as bloody flesh. The undead scouts of the necromancers were extremely quick and efficient killers, but it was clear that from the horn call of the skeletons, the were-beasts themselves did not know what to expect as they arrived.

  Lorlank slammed his axe into the creature's neck, severing arteries and cracking bone. The creature screamed for only a moment before it died. But there were at least four more of the beasts, and while they got lucky with one being distracted, that would not be the case with the others.

  Nurias ran toward Tomu, grabbing the boy and pushing him toward his mount. "We need to go now.”

  Nurias and Lorlank both took to their mounts. The creatures growled and roared as the lizards hissed back.

  "We cannot fight like this, my friend. Let us get past them and outrun them!" Nurias said to his lizard.

  Nurias led the flight from the skeleton camp, taking down one were-beast and trampling it as he kicked his mount ahead. He came to the opposite side of the wall, and before he returned to the road they were traveling before, he looked back to see Tomu just behind him and Lorlank further back. The were-beasts were pursuing them, and they would have to be much faster than they already had been. Nurias looked ahead and could see the ruins of the massive castle they were headed to in the distance. The road, though winding and difficult to see far away, appeared to be clear.

  They were quickly losing their light, and they would not want to be found needing to hide from these creatures in the dark. These were nocturnal beasts and could see the best at night. Nurias spurred the lizard into an ever-increasing sprint. He noticed that Tomu and Lorlank were now nearly beside him. The three remaining beasts were gaining on them. In no time, they were already out of sight of the skeletons in their small fort. Crossing over a large bridge, they entered what was once the inner sanctum of the elves.

  Lorlank paused at this point, forcing h
is mount to stop and reaching a pouch at his waist. As the werewolves roared and sprinted toward them, he flung a powder out in an arc, creating a blinding flash that shot out toward them. When the light darkened, the wolves appeared disoriented and stunned.

  Many more ruins were in this area, and it was among these broken towers and structures they attempted to lose their pursuers. Nurias led them up onto a large flat stone platform and the remains of what used to be an archway. Jumping from one side to the next, the beasts were just now entering the ruined area, providing a moment for Nurias and his companions to get further ahead. There was a gallery of statues coming up, and they attempted to put more space between them and the were-beasts. Twisting through several tall structures, they came to the long open pathway bordered with larger statues. In the strangest of finds, they noticed at the far end of this gallery were several standing stones still glowing a dim blue.

  "You need to restore your magic?" Lorlank asked with a laugh.

  Nurias did not use magic, obviously. But his friend could not help but make a joke at the fact that that was in fact what the stones were used for. It was surprising that they still had energy within them. Normally, there must be elves present to activate the stones. Nurias turned around, seeing two of the three beasts directly behind them. They had not gained much in the way of an escape. He questioned where the other beast was.

  As they came to some large monolithic stones, they turned their mounts and prepared to defend themselves. The fact there were two beasts and the fact that they could not actually escape meant that it was time to fight. Tomu fired several arrows, but none seemed to do any damage. Now it was Lorlank and Nurias’s turn. As they both took stance, Nurias looked out the corner of his eye and happened to notice another were-beast approaching at their right flank. It was nearly upon them, jumping from one large dilapidated tower. The creature had the perfect angle, and though Nurias pulled Lorlank out from where the creature was likely going to land, it was as if he could not bring his sword up fast enough.

  It was upon him. He forced the hilt of his sword into its neck. As he stared into the creature's eyes, its gaping flesh-filled mouth blotted out the light as its darkness came upon him. There was a sudden splash of warm blood over his neck and chest, and his first thought was how very little pain he felt. Then he realized that the creature's head was severed. The beast landed on him, squirting fluids during its last few moments of actual life. Nurias turned to see Lorlank engaging the two beasts, but then he happened to see another figure. This figure was covered in bones but was not of the undead. It bore a large curved scimitar, and in his hand was a bright blue magic orb. There was an explosion of an electrifying blast as their savior brought down one of the were-beasts in a single blast. The figure then jumped, driving his blade into the second one before bringing his hand in and once again electrifying the beast to death.

  As they stared upon the strange figure as he stood upon the dead beasts, the winds blew upon them, blowing fragments of leaves around them.

  "You've come a long way," the figure said.

  Lorlank, already seeing that this person was not their enemy, dropped his axe and ran to pull the beast off Nurias. Nurias stood and noticed that Tomu had an arrow to cheek and was trembling.

  "You are young and have a bow," the figure said. "And you do not seem too confident with it."

  "Well, perhaps it's because he just saw a random figure appear from the shadows and cut down two beasts in rather quick motion," Lorlank suggested.

  The figure laughed. "Perhaps."

  The figure was wearing a helmet of bone affixed with metals, and as he removed it, they all understood why he was here. It was an elf. Though missing a single eye, he had the token pointed ears and elven armor, though it was mostly covered in bone.

  "Thank you for your assistance," Nurias said. "Are there any more of you?"

  "There have not been more like me for a very long time. When I first came here, all I found were ruins. I was injured many, many years before now. I was placed into a healing chamber of my people, and when I awoke, everyone I had known was dead.

  "So, what do you know of? What do you remember?" Lorlank asked.

  "Not too much."

  Nurias was curious of the elf. Though he only recently learned that the elves did not in fact abandon the armies of men, he did not look like an elf based off his armor. In fact, of all the compositions of armor and pieces he had seen, he had yet to see one wearing the bones of their enemy.

  "We had a shrine not too far away from here, a place where one could heal if injured beyond simple bandaging. I was put there after an early battle and put into a deep sleep and when I awoke, I literally found the desolation we see.

  “I went searching, attempting to find some trace, and I came across the mass graves of my people. These woods and the magic within them, what little remained, has driven me to fight, and with no other purpose, I have embraced defending this land. There's something drawing close; I felt it while in meditation this morning. Now, I have found you," the elf said, looking at them, "but you are not what I felt."

  "We are searching for a plant of some kind, something locked away in a sanctum protected by magic. It is the key to defeating the necromancers. Do you know of it?" Lorlank asked.

  "I do not know of any particular plant, but I know the area you must go to. It is not too far away from here, but I suggest we take the tunnel. By the way, the name is Evlar."

  None of them were much for introductions, and Evlar did not require it. He pointed his blade and directed them to tie up the lizards not too far from one of the glowing stones. Nurias noticed there were several berries here, and he had not seen something like this in some time.

  “Do not bother,” Lorlank told him. “Those are poisonous.”

  “You know plants well,” Evlar said.

  “I was of the Holy Order.”

  “Well, they’re all likely dead now. The gods have abandoned here. I may not have left this region, but in meditation, I do not see their divine light.”

  Evlar went to the rear of one of the standing stones and moved his hand in a pattern over the rock. A passage opened the rock itself, revealing a stone stairwell.

  "Come, come quickly," Evlar said.

  Each of them moved down the stairwell, unable to really see much below them. Evlar came last, and the way to the outside world closed. The elf motioned his hand directly near Nurias, and a burst of yellow light shot from his fingertips, illuminating the stone all the way down to the bottom. The passage was rather narrow, and they barely had enough room for all of them on the ladder itself. They reached the lower level and found a large torch-lit room where random but useful supplies were kept.

  "Most of the stuff I have scavenged from my own homeland. Much was burned away, but there were quite a few passages and hideaways where I found some supplies. It seemed the elves expected some level of destruction from above. I was surprised that everyone had died. Is there anyone of my kind left?"

  Nurias looked around the room, seeing broken trinkets and burned parchments. Clearly, like the lord back in town, the elf sought to hold on to something of the old world.

  "I don't know," Nurias said. "It is difficult to say who is alive or dead now. If you'd asked me this morning, I would've said all elves were dead. Give it time, and the only thing alive will be the undead."

  "Unless we can find this plant," Tomu said exuberantly.

  The elf shook his head. “I do not know for sure of any such plant existing, but perhaps there was a discovery after I was injured.”

  Evlar led them down the passageway, and they soon came to a series of doors and subsequent hallways until at last they reached a large room with a shimmering blue glow on one side.

  "The edge of the inner sanctum of the old castle. Passing through it is simple enough, but once it has been opened, it cannot be closed again. I have had no need to go here, for I have wished to protect it from the defilers."

  “But I don't think we'l
l need it closed again," Lorlank said.

  "It is not us getting in that I worry of but what else could be trying to get in. The fog around this place is thick, and I worry of the enemy. Do not mistake me to be one of the great sages of my race, but I must tell you that you are the first I have encountered who did not simply run away.”

  "Well, the sight of bones of any kind tends to scare away most people nowadays," Lorlank pointed out.

  "True wisdom, but most coming this way have already been affected. I presume every adventurer is like yourselves, but they do not have an elf to save them at just the right time. Nevertheless, the way it is now, I see no point in keeping this sacred place sealed away. If there is something within that can help, we must access it."

  As they reached the glowing wall, Evlar took out a small stone and moved it in a pattern along the wall. The wall shimmered and vanished, turning to dust that simply dissipated before them. The room on the other side had massive glowing white torches and several altars, with light coming from crystals affixed to the ceiling above. Nurias spotted the leaves upon one of the pedestals and immediately walked toward it. They were in a small brown box of a simple design. They went up to it and picked up one of just a small stack of leaves. Evlar was just behind them.

  "This? This is what they sent you for?"

  "One of the last of the Holy Order commanded us here."

  "For a common plant like this? This is not sacred. At least, it wasn’t before. This can kill a necromancer?"

  They picked up the sack of leaves, noticing there were no more than six in number. They were long in shape and green with red veins that seemed to be crystallized.

  "That's what we were told. I don't know. This is the last bit of hope that I feel any of us have had in some time. I'm retrieving the plant and taking it back to the town south of here."

  As he put the leaves in the back, Nurias nodded to the elf. "Thank you. I don't know how we were to pass the ward without your assistance. You've taken something that would've taken a much longer time and made it a simple task. I’m not even too sure we could have found a way through without you. If you want to, come with us. You’re the type that I am sure my friend here wouldn't mind having around.”


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