Passion Unleashed d-3

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Passion Unleashed d-3 Page 18

by Larissa Ione

  Feeling better than he had since this whole thing began, he headed back to Serena’s bedroom.

  When he reached her closed door, he took a bracing breath and knocked, cursing the wild pounding of his heart. She opened the door, hair wet and wearing a Family Guy nightshirt that somehow covered too much and not nearly enough.

  “I showered,” she blurted, her face taking on an adorable blush as she tugged down the nightshirt.

  As if doing so would make him stop admiring her legs.

  And… adorable? Had he really thought that? Gods, he was going soft.

  He needed to kill something.

  “Are you feeling better?” she asked, and he nodded as he strode inside.

  “Chronic headaches. Took some aspirin.” He glanced at the tray of food that was still too full. “You need to eat more.”

  “I will. I was just waiting for you to get back. You didn’t find any demons lurking in the hotel, did you?”

  Just one. “Nope. We’re demon free.” When she didn’t answer, he cupped her freshly clean cheek with one hand. “Hey, are you okay? Do you want me to go?” He really needed her to say yes.

  She closed her eyes and nuzzled his hand in a gesture so affectionate, so tender, he felt something inside break a little. “I want you to stay,” she said softly. “I’m just not used to spending the night, you know, with a man.”

  “Yeah, me either,” he teased, and she laughed, lightening the mood. “So, Family Guy, huh?”

  Her smile socked him right in the heart. “It’s a guilty pleasure. Stewie is so wicked. I love him.”

  “He’s the best.” He grinned. “I figure if I ever had a kid, that’s what he’d end up like.”

  “I doubt that.” Serena climbed into the bed and pulled the covers up to her chin.

  She was wrong, so wrong, but he couldn’t tell her why, so it was pointless to argue. Instead, he eased onto his back next to her, careful to stay as close to the edge as he could, not wanting to spook or touch her. Well, he wanted to touch her, but the way she lay there, stiff and eyeing the door like she wanted to bolt, told him now wasn’t the time.

  “How’s your head?” he asked, and she rolled to face him.

  “Better. Thank you.”

  He stared at the ceiling. “You really shouldn’t thank me for anything.”

  “Remember that conversation about you being an ass?” Her fingers came down lightly, hesitantly, on his right arm, which lay across his abs. “Just let me be grateful.”

  He’d be grateful if she stopped touching him. Stopped using the pads of her fingers to trace his dermoire, the most sensitive part of his body. Well, the second most sensitive.

  She used the backs of her nails to stroke one of the symbols on his wrist. “What’s the significance of your tattoos? They’re extraordinary. Sometimes they seem to actually move.”

  That was because they did. Usually during sex or while using his gift. They would glow or pulse, sometimes appearing to writhe. “Trick of the light,” he said smoothly. “They’re sort of a history of my family. My dad’s side.”

  “Really? How? The designs are familiar.”

  “Ancient Amorite,” he lied. They were actually Sheoulic, symbols and words in the demon language. “My father’s family is big on tradition.”

  “I know you never knew him…”

  “So why get the tats?” He couldn’t very well tell her he was born with them, but lying to her was becoming harder to do. “It’s a family thing. I’m tight with my brothers, and we all wanted to do something together, so we got the tattoos. Corny, I know.”

  “No, it’s not. It’s cool. It would be great to have family like that.”

  “What about you? I know your parents aren’t around, but brothers? Sisters?”

  “Neither. My mom was pregnant when she died.”

  Giving comfort wasn’t something he was used to or good at, so he said simply, “I’m sorry.”

  “Thank you.” She wriggled closer, so her head was on his shoulder. “Do you mind?”

  “No,” he croaked. “Feels good.” Right down to his dark soul, it felt good. “So, what happened to you after she died?”

  “Her will specified that I be raised in a convent. So I grew up with nuns who were really disappointed that I didn’t become one myself.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet.” The idea that she’d grown up with nuns, well, it gave him the jeebies. The things she would have learned, about sin, about sex… a weight settled deep in his gut. Even if he got the sex, they wouldn’t be friends or have a relationship… and good Gods, what the hell was he thinking? Friendship? Relationship?

  Motherfucking poison. Eidolon had said it would turn his organs to mush, but he hadn’t said anything about his brain.

  She propped herself up on one elbow and watched him like he was some sort of mystery and she was fucking Sherlock Holmes. “You don’t like being touched, do you?”

  He liked it when she touched him. Liked it too much, which was the problem.

  “I’m not used to it.”

  “Me either.”

  “I’ll bet, seeing how you’ll die if you have sex. That would suck.”

  She laughed. “It doesn’t mean I can’t do other things.” Her voice was husky and low, touched him in places her fingers couldn’t reach, and he couldn’t stop himself from turning to her. “Like the other night.”

  “What are you saying?” He knew, but he wanted to hear her say it.

  “I’m saying I want to be with you. In whatever way we can.”

  Serena welcomed the firm pressure of Josh’s soft lips against hers. He took his time, first brushing his lips across hers and then flicking his tongue over her bottom lip before catching it in his teeth. The little pinpoints of his sharp canines made her gasp at the pinch of both pleasure and pain.

  He licked where he’d bitten, a warm sweep of his tongue over her sensitive inner lip. Her mouth opened for him, and so did her legs as he settled his hips between them. She cocked her knees to allow for greater contact, and nearly groaned at how well they fit together, his erection cradled by her sex, with only the thin barriers of her underwear and his shorts between them.

  “Don’t worry,” he murmured against her mouth, “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  “I know.”

  He was so big, dominating, and possessive, yet his sensitive, gentle streak surrounded her like a satin ribbon, making her feel feminine, sexy, and wanted. And when he slid his tongue inside her mouth and began a penetrating, thrusting motion that mimicked something much more intimate, she was the one who wanted. Wanted so much more than she could ever have.

  For now, though, she’d take what she could get.

  He rocked against her as he made love to her mouth. She felt herself go wet, and as if he knew, he growled deep in his chest and dropped one hand between their bodies. His fingers found her core, and she nearly came from the light, sweeping contact.

  “Oh, damn,” he rasped against her lips. “I can smell your arousal, and it’s killing me. I need to taste it. If you don’t want it, you’d better tell me now.”

  Her breath left her in a rush as his raw words sank in and the images, the fantasy, began to fill her thoughts.

  “No objections, then,” he rumbled, sliding down her body to pull off her underwear. Slowly, like a great cat, he prowled from her feet back up her legs, his muscles bunching and shifting fluidly under his skin. Her breath came in labored spurts as he spread her thighs.

  She wanted this so badly, but he was looking at her and she was nervous and afraid she’d made a terrible mistake, when he whispered, “Gods, you’re beautiful.” Gods? Gads, maybe. Didn’t matter what strange word he’d used, because she went light-headed and at the same time, heavy with a deep-down ache.

  Closing his eyes, he inhaled, and when he opened them again, she swore they glowed gold, but he dropped his gaze so quickly she couldn’t be sure. “Your scent is so sweet. I could spend all night between your leg

  His hands slid up from her thighs to part her slick lips, and she held her breath as he lowered his head slowly, so slowly she wanted to scream. And then she did scream when his tongue made a tentative sweep from her core to her clit.

  “Josh. Oh… oh, wow,” she breathed.

  A purring sound vibrated through her body, and his hot breath bathed her in sensation. “If I hurt you or you don’t like this, tell me.”

  Not like it? Was he crazy? “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  “Don’t want to get carried away… you taste so good, and I’ve never done this before.…”

  Her jaw dropped, but she didn’t have a chance to say anything before his mouth was on her again, kissing and sucking, bringing her hips off the bed. Nothing in her dreams or fantasies could have prepared her for this. Exquisite sensations broke across her body with every stroke of his tongue, which swirled and stabbed until she was grinding herself against it, pumping her hips wantonly. And when he caught her clit between his lips and suckled, she finally flew apart. Into a million pieces that shattered her mind.

  Josh’s voice floated somewhere above her, and dazed, she opened her eyes. “That was… oh, damn,” she sighed.

  He watched her with awe and not a little cockiness in his expression. “You’re so sexy when you come. Let’s do that again.”

  Though she scarcely had the energy to breathe, she managed a laugh. “As much as I’d like to—”

  “Why not? Is it your head?” Now he was watching her with concern, his blue eyes bright. “Serena? Are you okay?”

  “Oh. Yes. I–I’m fine.” Which was a lie, because she wasn’t fine at all. She was falling for this man, and that was definitely not fine. But she was light-headed, and she could use a nap.

  “Shit. We shouldn’t have done this. You’re injured and you need to rest—”

  “Shh.” She touched his face, shutting him up instantly. “You sound like a doctor.”

  “A side effect of working in a hospital and having one brother who is a paramedic and another who is a doctor.”

  She smiled weakly, because she was still recovering from the mind-blowing climax. “Must be nice to have medical people in the family.”

  “Yeah, well, you haven’t met my brothers.” He eased onto his side and stretched out against her. “Go to sleep. We’ll discuss why brothers are major pains in the asses tomorrow.”

  She snuggled against him and didn’t bother hiding her yawn. “Tomorrow, then.”

  “Tomorrow,” he said, and for some reason he sounded… sad.

  Chapter 16

  Wraith and Serena slept until after noon. Well, Serena had slept. Wraith mainly kept guard, pacing the suite and the hotel floor. Nothing was going to get past him to Serena. Nothing.

  He’d called his demoness contact to let her know he needed a cure for a Mara disease and that he’d pay any price, but hadn’t heard back yet. He also knew what she’d require for payment. His body. For days.

  For the first time in his life, screwing a beautiful demon nonstop didn’t appeal to him.

  He shifted his gaze to Serena, who was just finishing up a phone call with her boss.

  She caught him staring at her as she hung up and made her way across the lobby. “We need to take a detour on the way to the train. Val wants me to drop off the coin with the local Aegis Regent.”

  Wraith broke out in a cold sweat. What if the Aegi knew what the real Josh looked like?


  “Because if Byzamoth is after me, the coin is also in danger, and we can’t let him get it.”

  “We can’t let him get you,” he growled. “We need to get on the train and get the hell out of Aswan.”

  “It’ll only take a minute. The Regent lives just a few blocks from here. And if he has a computer, I might be able to do a little probing into Byzamoth.”

  Well, shit. “Fine. Let’s go.”

  They walked, Wraith scanned their surroundings. He’d also loaded up on meds before they left, and as they approached the Aegis dwelling, he wondered if he should up the dosage. He was tiring out more rapidly and severely now, and he needed to be on top of his game.

  Eidolon had given him a month to live, but Wraith could feel his health deteriorating, and his gut told him he had a couple of days.

  A bone-deep ache had settled into every cell in his body, but even though his mind fuzzed out sometimes, it didn’t want to roll over in defeat. Which was strange, given that he’d pretty much lived his entire life nursing a death wish.

  “It should be just ahead,” Serena said, studying her map.

  The breeze picked up, bringing with it dust… and the scent of human blood. A lot of blood. Wraith jerked to a stop, slapped hard by a wall of evil. “Serena.”

  “What is it?”


  Her head whipped around. “Where?”

  “I don’t know. But something felt weird on Philae, and I’m getting that same vibe now. How close are we?” he asked, and she pointed to a house a dozen yards away. “Okay, let’s get out of the open, see if this passes.”

  She didn’t argue. She let him take her hand and lead her to the house, but as they drew closer, the coppery odor of blood grew stronger. It was coming from inside the Regent’s place. The hair on his neck stood up, and though his mouth should be watering at the scent, it went dry.

  “Serena,” he said, “I need you to stay here on the porch while I check inside.”


  “This isn’t up for debate. I have a really, really bad feeling, and my gut is always right.”

  “Okay.” Her voice was firm, strong, but he picked up the sound of her heart rate doubling. “Okay. I trust you.”

  He wished she’d stop saying that. “Just stay here, and yell if you need me.” He kissed her, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world to do.

  Cursing to himself, he tried the door. Unlocked. It swung open with a creak, and the stench of death hit him so hard he took a step back. Not just death, but misery. Blood. Bowels. His stomach lurched as he moved cautiously inside. His senses didn’t pick up the presence of others, but that didn’t mean he was alone. Many creatures didn’t have heartbeats or physical bodies. And some could conceal their life forces.

  He cast a quick glance over his shoulder to make sure Serena had stayed put. She had, but the way she shifted her balance and worried her bottom lip told him she wasn’t going to stay there for long.

  He found the Regent in the bedroom. And the bathroom. And the kitchen.

  He lost his lunch in a garbage can, and as he splashed water on his face and rinsed his mouth in the kitchen sink, he became aware of the fact that he wasn’t alone. He whirled around and found himself face to face with Byzamoth.

  “Humans are so… fragile.” Byzamoth smiled and licked the blood from his fingers. “We’ll see how Serena compares. I do hope she’s intact. For both your sakes.”

  Wraith smashed his fist into the male’s face. Twice. He followed with a knee to the groin and an elbow to the throat. Byzamoth didn’t have time to be surprised. He went down hard.

  “That’s what I’m talkin’ about.” Wraith delivered a kick to the demon’s privates. “Oh, yeah—oof!”

  Byzamoth had swung his legs out, catching Wraith in the knees. Wraith slammed into a cabinet, barely kept from hitting the floor. The demon hit him with a full-body slam, and Wraith’s skull cracked hard on the wall, putting a dent in the plaster and putting his temper into orbit.

  With a roar, he rammed Byzamoth into the counter, sending glasses and dishes crashing. The guy was stronger than most, and it didn’t take long to realize that in his weakened condition, Wraith might, for the first time, not come out on top of this.

  Byzamoth’s hand closed around Wraith’s throat and squeezed. A vise grip of pain tore all the way to Wraith’s spine. He fumbled behind him with one hand, seeking the knife block he’d seen on the counter. Byzamoth’s face was a mask of evil, h
is teeth bared, blood staining them red.

  “She’s mine,” he hissed, squeezing so hard Wraith’s vision dimmed. “No more games. It’s time for you to die.”

  Not yet, asshole.

  Wraith closed his hand around the hilt of a knife and swung. It plunged into the male’s neck, in the soft spot between his neck and shoulder. Blood spurted, and an unholy scream issued from the hellish depths of the demon’s body. He released Wraith, but the knife didn’t slow him down. His eyes glowed crimson, and shit, his entire body began to glow. And grow. And morph.

  Fuck a motherfucking fuckduck. Byzamoth wasn’t your average spawn of hell. He was a fallen fucking angel. Time to haul ass.

  Wraith charged to the door, just as Serena rushed over the threshold. “What’s happening?”

  “Go!” he yelled. “Now!”

  She dove back through the door, and he was right on her heels. An infuriated roar followed them, so powerful Wraith felt a blast of heat scorch his back. He grabbed his bags in one hand and Serena’s wrist in the other and sprinted down the street. Ahead, a man was getting into his car. Wraith shoved the guy out of the way, took his keys, and pushed Serena into the vehicle.

  The guy cursed at Wraith in Arabic as Serena scrambled into the passenger seat. Wraith ignored him, leaped into the driver’s seat, and started the car.

  In the rearview mirror, he saw the angel coming after them… looking like a massive gargoyle with big fucking teeth and giant-ass wings… scratch that: only one wing. He gunned the engine and peeled out of there, driving like a madman until they reached the train station.

  “What was that thing?”

  “Byzamoth. He’s a fucking fallen angel.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Pretty much.”

  “Did it… did he… kill the Regent?”


  “Oh, God.” She fingered her necklace as she twisted around to peer through the rear window. “Josh?”

  “What?” Wraith screeched around a corner and slammed the car into a parking space.

  “Why would Byzamoth have been there?”


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