SEAL in a Storm

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SEAL in a Storm Page 13

by KaLyn Cooper

  It was a damn good thing she got up from his lap to deal with the dishes while he dealt with his unruly dick. He hadn’t been this turned on in years.

  Rayne grabbed two bottles of water from the fridge and headed back. He was a little peeved when she skirted around the coffee table, out of his reach, but Dex figured she may need a little space as well. Two minutes ago, while he fondled her breast, her breathing had become erratic. He’d bet his next paycheck that if he had slipped a finger between her wet folds, her clit would be hard and begging.

  She dropped onto the sofa, once again, before handing him a bottle of chilled water. After a long drink, she glanced his way. He simply watched her, waiting for the rest of the story, or an invitation to continue this later as they headed straight to the shower.

  But he needed this information first. Maybe he’d pick up something that she and her team missed while vetting Angelique Johnson Sedgwick.

  Finally, she spoke. “You had asked me how Angelique and Robert met. During Robert’s most recent run for Congress, Angelique showed up as a volunteer in the Roanoke office. All she was truly qualified to do was stuff envelopes and make voter encouragement phone calls.”

  Rayne sipped her water. “When we vetted her, the campaign coordinator at that office told us that Angelique only came to work when Robert was scheduled to be there. She fawned all over the man, sticking her boobs out toward him every chance she got, pawing his arm as she told him how much she enjoyed working for his campaign. I was close to the point where I usually pulled Congressman Sedgwick away and someone on my team moved in to block her.”

  She paused for a long moment. “Looking back, I pegged her that day as a potential troublemaker. Brian, my second-in-command, mentioned that Angelique’s accent was fake. He’d know, because he was born and raised in Western Virginia.”

  Taking another sip, Rayne continued, “That night, at a fund-raising dinner, somehow Angelique ended up in the seat right next to the congressman—wearing a dress so low-cut that my team was taking bets if, and when, her nipples were going to pop out.”

  Dex loved how straightforward Rayne could be. Sometimes, he would forget that she was a woman because she acted so much like the men around him, and the next moment she could be soft and supple, very feminine. Like a rogue wave hitting him while swimming in the middle of the ocean, he realized he preferred women with strong personalities.

  That’s why he and his first wife, Jan, didn’t make it. Rayne wouldn’t have any problem with him being gone for long periods of time, and she could handle the problem, without four phone calls, when the washing machine broke down. She would also be loyal, unlike Genevieve, his second wife. He hadn’t been gone ten days when one of his buddies back in Virginia Beach had called him after seeing her leave a local club in the arms of another man.

  No. Rayne would take care of her own needs. He wondered how many vibrators she owned. He glanced toward the bedroom. Had she brought one with her? Playing with toys could be fun for them both. Her voice brought his gaze, and attention, back to the woman who continued to fascinate him.

  “Angelique dragged Robert onto the dance floor several times, positioning herself next to him as he made the grin-and-grip rounds. Until we started the vetting process, we had no idea that the Roanoke coordinator hadn’t set that up. Our job is purely security and has nothing to do with his campaign except to ensure the venues are secure,” she explained.

  Rayne sipped more water and looked as though she just wanted to close her eyes and fall asleep. He’d get her to bed soon enough. He, too, was fighting sleep.

  Taking a deep breath, she leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. “The next night, she showed up in Lexington. She couldn’t worm her way onto the stage that night, but she did manage to dance with him several times. Once again, she was hanging on his elbow as he greeted local dignitaries. I was able to ask him if he wanted us to remove her, and he claimed she was harmless, so we backed off.”

  “Let me guess, she showed up in his hotel room one night?” Dex offered. He had that happen to him in Dubai. He’d been flirting with the female Navy pilot who had flown them from the ship for a few days of R and R. When he’d returned to his room after 4x4 dune bashing and sand boarding, he’d found her naked in his bed. They enjoyed three days, and three fuck-fabulous nights together, before parting ways.

  “Close, but not quite.” Rayne’s lips pulled into a straight line. “She tried, though. Our protocol always includes an agent in the congressman’s room after it’s been cleared of bugs, even when it’s empty. You would be amazed at how many people walk into unoccupied but rented hotel rooms.”

  “So, how did she weasel her way into his bedroom?” Dex held her gaze. He was getting a bad feeling about Angelique. He knew her type.

  “She kept showing up at his campaign stops, especially in the western side of the state. One night, just as the congressman was about to go upstairs to his hotel room, she asked to speak with him privately. We knew he was in a hurry because when he was on the road without Callie, he would call her every single night before she went to bed. It also made a great excuse for him to leave a party.”

  Rayne chugged the last of her water. “So, Angelique walked with him to the elevator. We were all about to step in and separate them, but Robert waved us off. When we made it to his room and the agent inside opened the door for him, Angelique started crying, insisting she speak with him alone about a very personal matter. He invited her in. She didn’t leave until the morning. I can assure you, her walk of shame was one of pride.” Rayne grimaced. “The agent outside the door said she was a screamer.”

  Rayne looked at the empty bottle as though she wanted another. “It didn’t take long before Angelique tried ordering his security detail around, claiming that she and Robert needed privacy. Within three months, shortly after he was elected, they were married in one of the biggest weddings I’ve ever seen. Security was a fucking nightmare. Angelique had everyone invited from the Queen of England to the President. Thankfully, most of the International delegates declined.”

  Scowling, she continued. “The bad news was that over a hundred from his side of the House, dozens of senators, the President, and several international diplomats, showed up. And talk about bridezilla. Angelique was a fucking nightmare to deal with. She kept firing the wedding planners, and each new one wanted to make major changes, all affecting security. I finally had a conversation with Robert, who seemed to be more in lust than in love, but at least he had some control over her.”

  Rayne let out a heavy sigh and slowly shook her head side to side. “That bitch didn’t want Callie in the wedding. Robert insisted, though.”

  Dex’s eyebrows knitted together. “You’ve indicated before that Angelique and Callie don’t get along. Why the hell did the woman come on this trip with Callie?”

  Rayne shrugged. “I have no idea. She decided at the very last minute she was going to go, and no one could talk her out of it. Robert thought it might be a bonding experience for them, so he didn’t discourage her.”

  A niggling started in the recesses of Dex’s mind. It could be something. Or not. “How did Robert integrate Angelique into his home and Callie’s life?”

  Rayne huffed. “He didn’t. The only time he ever brought Angelique into his home was when Callie was spending the night with a friend.” Once again, she shook her head. “The first couple times she was there, if Robert was on the phone in his study, my team found her wandering around the house opening drawers, looking in cabinets, snooping. I’m not talking about the kitchen where she might be preparing a meal, or even a snack. I’m being honest here when I tell you, I’m not sure the woman knows how to serve cheese and crackers.”

  Dex grinned. As he and Rayne had worked many long nights together in Nigeria, often in his room or hers, she would get up in the middle of a conversation and throw together an elaborate plate that included several types of cheese, four or five different kinds of crackers, and any colorful fruit av
ailable in the refrigerator. Sometimes it was a meal. Sometimes it was a snack. To this day, his refrigerator contained at least ten different kinds of cheeses and a drawer filled with fresh fruit. Since their time together, he had discovered several new kinds of crackers. He’d also learned to man cook.

  “I take it you don’t approve of Angelique,” he stated.

  “No.” She said emphatically. “My whole team agreed that she was nothing but a gold-digging social climber. A stupid one at that, proven when we vetted her. She barely made it through high school, although she was very popular with the boys. Not a single member of my team felt good about her, but it’s not our place to tell the Speaker of the House who he can date.”

  The edges of Rayne’s pretty mouth turned down. “My second-in-command, Brian, tried though. He’d overseen the vetting process, but Robert didn’t seem to care about her many lies. Did I tell you that she didn’t even invite her own parents to her wedding? I was in the meeting with the wedding planner when she claimed her parents were dead. They’re very much alive and living in West Virginia.”

  Narrowing his eyes, Dex clarified, “So she’s an adept liar. And Congressman Sedgwick was willing to overlook this?” At that moment, he wasn’t sure who was dumber, the congressman or his trophy wife. Or if Angelique was sly as a fox and an Oscar-worthy actress?

  Rayne yawned as she nodded in agreement. “Unfortunately, yes.”

  Not trusting Angelique Sedgwick at that point, he wondered if she had any connection to Jaja. “I’m going to run next door and grab my tablet. I want you to look at a few pictures and tell me if you’ve ever seen Angelique with any of these people.” As he stood, he scanned her sexy but dirty body. “It may take a few minutes to download the pictures, so why don’t you shower while I’m gone?”

  Deep appreciation crossed her pretty face. “Take your time. I intend to enjoy every minute of the hot pounding spray.”

  Hot. Pounding. The words bounced around in his brain as he thought of Rayne naked in the shower.

  No. He chastised his body as he stood. Finish this. Then we’ll play.

  Before he could reach out and grab Rayne, pulling her to him and kissing her mindless, he spun on his booted heel and headed to the door.

  “If you take too long, I’ll come get you from the shower.”He glanced back over his shoulder before he stepped outside. He gave her his panty-dropping grin. “Or I’ll join you.”

  Dex didn’t miss the lust that flashed in her deep brown eyes just before he closed the door.

  Although he was right next door, the dense vegetation forced him to go down her path then up to his villa. It gave him just enough time to place a call to Silas and share this new information. They’d talked previously about possible DC connections to Jaja and by the time Dex had his tablet turned on, the analysts were already filling a file on the secure server.

  “Silas, is it possible to find out if the Sedgwicks and anyone on this list ever attended the same party?” Dex thought it was a long shot, but he couldn’t ignore the possibility.

  “Let me see what we can find.” Silas then switched subjects. “We’ve already checked out about a third of the island. This is important, but both you and Rayne need sleep. Make that happen. Homeland out.”

  As soon as the mission coordinator hung up, Dex’s tablet started to flash with downloads.

  When he arrived back at Raine’s villa, she didn’t answer his initial knock. Twisting the doorknob, he was pleased to discover it was unlocked. “Rayne, sweetheart, I’m back,” he called loud enough so she could hear him in the bedroom.

  “I’ll be right out.” A few seconds later, she strode through the door, cinching the belt on the complimentary resort hotel robe. It was large on her petite frame and opened slightly as she sat down on the couch and crossed her legs at the knee, exposing several inches of toned thigh.

  Fuck. How was he ever going to make it through the next few minutes as they perused the pictures, knowing that she was completely naked underneath the white fluffy robe?

  He tried looking down. When did her little feet and red painted toenails become so fucking sexy?

  Forcing his gaze to her face, he noticed a few fan lines near the outer edges of her eyes. She still looked delicate, like a china doll, or in her case, a Japanese doll. Free of all makeup, she was gorgeous. Large, almond shaped eyes, perfectly arched black eyebrows still wet from the shower, light smooth skin unmarred by the sun, yet tinged pink over her cheeks from the heat of her shower. He had no words to describe her beauty.

  His. That’s what he wanted. The awareness of just how much he desired this woman filled him, and his cock.

  “Okay, what do you have?” Rayne looked up at him expectantly.

  A dick as hard as a rock that I’d love for you to take in that pretty little mouth of yours, he thought as he stood in front of her, his erection practically staring her in the face.

  He quickly sat down next to her and pulled up the first picture. “These are all known contacts of Jaja, currently in the USA. Let me know if you recognize anyone, even if you think you may have seen them at a party or event.”

  Taking the tablet, she began flipping through pictures. “I’ve seen this man several times,” she declared. He was an aide to the ambassador from Chad.

  “Do you remember ever seeing Angelique talking with him?” Dex pressed.

  Rayne shrugged. “At these events, we’re concentrating on anyone who could be a potential threat to the life of Congressman Sedgwick. I tend to ignore Angelique as much as possible. But I do remember this man talking to Robert recently, within the last month to six weeks.”

  Dex clicked on the information icon. “Well, isn’t that a coincidence. It seems he is a distant relative of the prisoner in Chad that Jaja wants released.” Dex didn’t believe in coincidences. He marked that one as a possibility and clicked on the icon to send it directly to the analysts.

  She scanned through several more pictures until she stopped and stared once again. “He looks familiar, but I’m not sure why. There’s something not quite right about the picture.”

  Once again expanding the information, they had an aha moment at the same time.

  “Damn. He certainly does look like his father,” Rayne noted.

  Dex and Rayne had chased Usman, Aahil Mohammed Jaja’s older brother, for nearly a month. He was credited masterminding the $4.2 million credit card heist. His master’s degree from Stanford in computer science, and a blatant despise for Americans, made him the primary suspect.

  The man in the picture could have been a younger version of Usman. Faruq was about to finish his undergraduate degree—surprise, surprise—in computer science, at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and had already been accepted into the school’s master’s degree program. His picture got flagged and with the click of a button, it was sitting in a hot box at Homeland Security.

  There were a few more pictures that Rayne took an extra few minutes to examine.

  She yawned as she came to the end of the photographs.

  They still had nothing definite, but plenty of leads.

  Dex placed his palm on Rayne’s cheek. Leaning in slowly, he brushed his lips across hers. “Thank you, sweetheart, you did well.”

  She slid his tablet onto the coffee table and grabbed his head with both her small hands. Pulling him back to her, she kissed him hard and long. Their tongues dueled as he traced his fingertips down the pounding pulse line in her neck. He slid his hand under the soft robe and caressed each bare breast, tracing the underside with a finger.

  Just like she’d done twelve years ago, she gasped in a breath and squeezed her knees together. Oh, yes. She was as turned on as him. His heart was racing, and he was panting as though he had just completed the annual physical fitness test.

  He needed to make sure she understood that this was a onetime event. He couldn’t offer her any more than an immediate release. That’s all he expected of her as well. She had betrayed him once. He would never give he
r the chance to do that again.

  Pulling back, he gave himself a few seconds to catch his breath. “You know I want you, but I need you to understand this is just sex. A stress reliever. We’re not picking up where we left off in Nigeria.”

  “Nigeria had been great, until you—”

  “No. We’re not going to go there.” He didn’t want to hear more of her lies. All he wanted, no, needed, was her gorgeous body. And she needed his. “Promise me. Just sex.”

  “I promise.” Then the glint returned to her eyes. “Now kissed me and touch me until I fall apart in your arms.”

  Thank Christ that she was on board with this plan. He leaned down and kissed her, never releasing her mouth, he untied the belt. Gently kneading her breasts, he rolled her nipples in unison between his thumbs and forefingers. He was positive she didn’t realize that she was arching into him offering him more. When he pinched her hardened nipples, she bit his lower lip and rocked her hips toward him.

  Breaking the kiss, he gently laid her back on the couch as he kissed his way down. He concentrated for a few moments on each breast before continuing his path over her flat stomach, to the black curls he’d dreamed of last night.

  His shoulders were a tight fit on the couch, so he picked up her legs, licking the inside of her thighs as he spread them wide, making his way to her glistening folds. He ran the tip of his tongue the length of her slit, not wanting to miss a drop of her feminine essence, before he used his thumbs to open her to him.

  When he kissed her clit, her hips shot off the couch.

  Oh, yes. He remembered how much she loved it when he licked and sucked her to orgasm. Lapping up her juices, he then concentrated on the hard bundle of nerves that had swollen under his ministrations. He slid two fingers into her and curled them, finding the G spot, rubbing it as he sucked her clitoris.


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