by Amy Clipston
“Miriam loves Zach Fisher,” he said. “I don’t think she loves me.”
Naomi shook her head. “No, I think you’re wrong there. I think she’s only friends with Zach. Lilly hasn’t said anything to me about Miriam and Zach courting.” She nodded toward the door. “Go to the hospital. Be with Miriam and ask her about Zach. You and Miriam belong together. Go and give her a chance. I’ll be okay. I’ve bounced back before.”
He hesitated, debating it in his mind and feeling as if he’d let her down. However, in his gut, he knew she was right, and she was a wonderful person.
Timothy kissed her cheek. “You have a loving heart. I know someday you’ll find the right man who will love you the way you deserve to be loved.”
She sniffed and her lips formed a sad smile. “Funny. I think I’ve heard that before.”
“I hope we can be friends,” he said.
She nodded. “I suppose so. Miriam’s sister is my best friend, so I’m sure we’ll see each other often.”
He gave her a quick hug. “We better finish our lunch.”
“Forget lunch. Go get a ride to the hospital. Miriam needs you.” She squeezed his arm. “Go.”
He rushed from the office to the front of the store, where he found Eli speaking with Elmer. “Dat,” he said. “I need to get a ride to Pittsburgh. Miriam’s niece is having her liver transplant.”
“Oh.” Eli gave him a strange expression. “Did Miriam call you?”
“No.” Timothy shook his head. “Beth Anne did, but I know Miriam needs me. I can feel it in my heart.”
“Then go, Son.” He picked up the phone. “I’ll call Roger right now and tell him to come pick you up. We’ll figure out another ride home.”
“Danki.” Timothy wrung his hands. He had to get to Pittsburgh to be with Miriam. She needed him.
And he needed her.
At approximately four in the afternoon, Miriam rushed into the waiting room where Aaron sat, holding Hannah close.
When Hannah’s eyes met Miriam’s, Hannah stood and enveloped her into a tight hug. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered in Miriam’s ears. “Danki for coming. I need you, Schweschder.”
“I wouldn’t miss this for the world.” Miriam held her close. “How is she?”
Hannah took Miriam’s hand and led her to the sofa next to Aaron. “We were with her until a few minutes ago.” She sniffed and wiped her eyes. “She was very excited and said she wasn’t afraid at all. She’s such a brave girl.”
Miriam tried in vain to stop the tears pooling in her eyes. “Ya, she’s very brave and very special. How long will the operation take?”
“It depends,” Aaron said. “It could be eight hours, but a nurse will keep us posted on how it’s going. It’s going to be a long night.”
Miriam squeezed his hand. “I’ll do what I can to help you both through this. I promise.”
“Danki. We’re glad you’re here.” He gave her a forced smile. “The liver is a perfect match.”
“Praise God!” Miriam held onto his hand. “A perfect match.”
“There’s a gut chance it will last a very long time,” he said, his eyes filling with tears. “The doctor said it should last at least ten years if all goes well with the surgery.”
Hannah sniffed. “I just hate that someone had to die to give my dochder life.”
“Ya, but it’s God’s will, Hannah. It’s not our fault.” He put his free hand on her shoulder and then pulled her closer to him. “We must trust God’s will.”
“Aaron’s right,” Miriam said. “We must trust God and have faith. As Elizabeth Kauffman often says, ‘Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.'”
Hannah wiped her eyes. “I know. It’s just difficult sometimes. I’ve been praying for the family who lost their loved one today. That person is giving Lena Joy life. He or she has made the ultimate sacrifice as an organ donor.”
“Ya.” Aaron pulled Hannah to his chest. “Praise God for that person.”
Miriam held Aaron’s hand and also took Hannah’s in hers. “Let’s say a prayer for Lena Joy and for the donor.” She closed her eyes, and they prayed silently together.
When she opened her eyes, she squeezed their hands. “Have you eaten?”
They shook their heads.
“Not since early this morning,” Aaron said.
“Let me go get you both something. I have money.” She stood. “I’ll go ask the woman at the desk where the cafeteria is, and I’ll bring you back something.”
“No,” Hannah said. “Let’s all go together.” She glanced at Aaron, who nodded.
Miriam asked the volunteer at the waiting room desk for directions to the cafeteria and then they headed down the hallway toward the elevator.
Miriam carried a tray filled with three different sandwiches, three varieties of chips, three soft drinks, and three pieces of chocolate cake to a booth in the corner where Aaron and Hannah sat huddled together. Aaron’s arm was draped over Hannah’s shoulder while he spoke softly to her. Miriam ignored the glances from curious Englishers while she crossed the cafeteria.
Plastering a smile on her face, Miriam approached the table. “I hope you’re hungry. I bought a good variety, hoping something would appeal to you.”
“Danki,” Aaron said with a smile. “You’re very thoughtful.”
“Gern gschehne,” Miriam sat across from them and distributed the drinks. “I’m happy to help.”
“I’m not hungry,” Hannah muttered. “I couldn’t possibly dream of eating right now.”
“You must eat.” Aaron placed a sandwich and bag of chips in front of his wife. “You need your strength for Lena Joy.”
“He’s right,” Miriam said. “You said yourself that it’s going to be a long night.”
Hannah unwrapped the sandwich and took a small bite. “I can’t stop worrying. I know that they do thousands of transplants each year, but there’s always the risk of complications.”
“You mustn’t think that way.” Miriam took Hannah’s hands in hers. “Lena Joy’s transplant will be routine for the team of doctors. It will be a success.” She squeezed her hands.
“But there’s so much that can go wrong.” Hannah’s voice quavered. “Just going under anesthesia is risky. I was reading in a medical book that you can have a reaction to the medication or even stop breathing. She could also contract an infection or have uncontrollable bleeding.” She swallowed a sob, and Aaron took her in his arms.
Miriam took a deep breath to stop her own tears. “Oh, Hannah. You have to stop thinking this way. The whole district is praying for Lena Joy. I know in my heart it’s going to be a success. You have to trust God.”
Aaron rubbed Hannah’s back. “Listen to your sister. She’s very wise.”
Hannah laughed. “Ya, she is.” She took a deep breath. “This transplant was Lena Joy’s choice. I have to keep reminding myself of that.”
“That’s true. Lena Joy and I were discussing it last week, and she said she hoped she’d have her transplant this year. She wants to be healthy before she starts attending social events with the rest of her friends.” Miriam nodded. “And you said it yourself, Hannah. The doctors do these transplants all the time.”
Aaron glanced at Hannah and smiled at Miriam as if to thank her for her words. He then unwrapped his roast beef sub and took a bite.
“Lena Joy is going to be healthy and happy after this,” Miriam continued. “Just you see.”
“Right.” Hannah wiped her eyes and sipped her drink. “How have things been at the bakery?”
“Busy.” Miriam unwrapped her turkey sandwich and then opened her bag of barbecue chips. “But I love it.”
They chatted about the bakery and then discussed news they’d heard about friends and family members. Nearly an hour passed while they ate and chatted. When they finished their meal, they moved back toward the bank of elevators.
Miriam mashed the arrow button an
d then stared at the wall, silently praying that Lena Joy would come out of the surgery healthy and strong. She also prayed she would be the encouragement that Hannah and Aaron would need throughout the night. Being their rock was a tall order, one that would require all of the faith and strength she had in her heart and her soul.
Hannah patted Miriam’s back and looped her arm around her shoulders. “I’m so glad you’re here,” she whispered.
“I am too,” Miriam said.
As the door to the elevator whooshed open, Miriam wished she had someone to keep her positive and strong during the surgery.
Timothy strode down the hallway toward the waiting room. During the long ride to the hospital, he replayed the conversation he’d had with Naomi over and over in his mind, wondering if he’d imagined what she’d said. She’d released him from the engagement. She’d insisted he belonged with Miriam.
She’d said it was God’s will.
But how could it be God’s will if Miriam loved Zach Fisher?
Timothy didn’t know if it was truly God’s will, but he knew he had a desperate desire to be with Miriam and help her through this stressful time. No matter what lay ahead for Miriam and him, he was determined to at least be her friend.
He approached the waiting room and stood in the doorway. He spotted several small groups of people throughout the large room, while two television sets murmured above the quiet conversations. His gaze found Hannah and Aaron sitting together and holding hands in a far corner.
His heart thumped in his chest when he spotted Miriam. She stood by herself, looking out the window at the far end of the waiting room. He took a deep breath and crossed the room, thankful no one seemed to notice him, not even Hannah and Aaron, who were sharing a quiet conversation.
Timothy sidled up to Miriam, and when she didn’t acknowledge him, he placed his hand on her shoulder. The contact sent electric shockwaves through his body.
She faced him. Her brown eyes widened, and her mouth gaped. “Timothy?” she whispered. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
“I’m here to support you.” He opened his arms to her and held his breath, hoping she’d accept his invitation of a hug.
She glanced down at his chest and hesitated. Then her expression softened, and she collapsed in his arms, holding on as if her life depended upon him.
Timothy blew out the breath he’d been holding in and savored the moment. Warmth coursed through him as he held her close. Resting his cheek on her head, he breathed in her sweet scent. It was just as lovely as he’d remembered—cinnamon mixed with hyacinth.
Holding her felt so right as memories rained down on him. It was as if they’d never separated, and these last four years apart from her were just a bad dream.
Miriam wrapped her arms around his waist as he rested his arms on her shoulders and rubbed her back. He closed his eyes, silently thanking God for this time with Miriam. He wished the moment would last forever.
She gasped and sobbed, and he pulled her closer.
“Miriam,” he whispered. “It’s okay to cry. I’m here for you. Feel free to cry all you need to. I’m sure God is going to take good care of Lena Joy. I think she’s going to come through this strong.”
“Ya,” she said, still holding onto him. “I think you’re right. I’m praying for her constantly, and I have faith that she’ll be fine. But I still worry for her. It’s a risky surgery, but she’s young and strong.”
“Ya, she is.” He continued to rub her back.
She held onto him for a few more moments, and then she stepped back and swiped the back of her hand over her cheeks. “You really surprised me. I never expected you to come here.”
He folded his arms in front of his chest. “Beth Anne called me and told me you’d headed to the hospital. I thought you might like some company.”
“Beth Anne called you?” She looked surprised. “When did she call you?”
“She said you’d left for the hospital, and that you were going to be here for Aaron and Hannah.” Timothy glanced toward Hannah, who gave Timothy a surprised expression as she and Aaron waved at him. “Beth Anne said you might need someone to be here for you, and she suggested I come. I hope it’s okay,” he said, waving back at Hannah and Aaron.
She stared at him and blinked. “I must be dreaming,” she muttered.
“What did you say?” he asked, stepping toward her.
She smiled and shook her head. “This can’t be happening. I must’ve had too much caffeine today or something.”
“What?” He grinned. “Are you making a joke?”
“No.” She glanced past him. “Where’s Naomi?”
He cut his eyes to the clock on the wall. “Home, I would imagine. She usually closes up the quilt stand around four, and it’s nearly six now.”
Miriam studied him. “She’s not here with you?”
“Does she know you’re here?”
“Ya.” He nodded. “She was there when Beth Anne called me to tell me the news about the surgery.”
Miriam knitted her eyebrows together with confusion, looking adorable. “I don’t understand. Naomi wasn’t bothered with the idea of your coming to the hospital to be with me without her?”
He frowned. “I can’t say she wasn’t bothered by it, but she understood.”
“Oh.” The confusion remained in her expression.
“Where’s Zach?” he asked.
“Probably with Lilly. She has Hannah’s other kinner at Daed’s house.”
He nodded, wondering why Zach wasn’t here with Miriam. Was there significance to the comment that he was with Lilly?
“Can I get you something to eat?” he asked. “Or maybe a drink?”
“A drink would be wunderbaar. I want to see if Aaron or Hannah need anything.” She led him across the room to her sister.
Hannah and Aaron glanced up as they approached.
“Timothy.” Aaron took and shook his hand. “It’s gut to see you. We weren’t expecting you.”
“I came to offer you all some support. I heard you three were here alone, and I thought you might like some extra company.” In his peripheral vision, Timothy spotted surprised and animated expressions passing between the sisters.
“Danki,” Aaron said, his eyes expressing the exhaustion he must’ve been experiencing. “We very much appreciate the support. It’s not easy sitting here and waiting for news on your dochder.”
“I can’t even imagine.” Timothy shook his head with sympathy. “Have you heard any news on the operation?”
“Just that she’s gone into surgery. Nothing more.” Aaron sighed. “It’s going to be a long night.”
“Ya.” Hannah rubbed Aaron’s arm. “We’re glad you’re here, Timothy. Miriam needs someone she can lean on. Did you come alone?”
Timothy nodded. “Ya. It’s just me. I hope that’s okay.”
“It’s perfect.” Hannah smiled.
Timothy glanced at Miriam and noticed her cheeks were blushing a bright pink while she gave her sister a horrified look. He wondered what he’d missed.
“Would either of you like a drink?” Timothy offered. “Miriam and I were going to go for a walk and check out the soda machines.”
“No, danki.” Aaron glanced at Hannah. “Did you want anything?”
“No, but thank you.” Hannah yawned. “I think I may try to close my eyes for a bit. It’s going to be quite a while before she gets out of surgery, and I need my strength.” She smiled at her husband. “I hope you like being a pillow.”
Aaron lowered himself back onto the sofa. “That’s my job, ya?”
Timothy hoped he could joke that way with Miriam sometime in the near future.
“We’ll be back,” Miriam said, placing her hand on Timothy’s arm. “You two just relax.” She led him out to the hallway. “I spotted a vending machine area down here earlier. We can see what’s there. If there’s nothing you like, then we can go to the cafeteria. It’s not too far.”
; “I’m not picky. I’m sure whatever is in the vending room is just fine.” He enjoyed the sensation of her hand on his arm while they walked together down the hallway.
He wished he could sense her thoughts. He longed to tell her Naomi had broken the engagement and insisted he belonged with Miriam instead of her. He had to tell her the truth and soon. He didn’t want Miriam to think he was being unfaithful to Naomi.
They stepped into the vending room, and Miriam stood in front of the Coke machine.
“Would you like a Coke?” She pulled a small change purse from the pocket inside of her apron.
He fished out his wallet from his pocket. “I have money.”
“It’s okay,” she said, dropping quarters into the machine. “I got it.” She put in the required amount and then pushed the button.
The machine rattled and then spat out a plastic bottle of Coke. When she handed it to him, her fingers brushed his, and a spark ignited the air around them. He wondered if she’d felt it too. Her eyes widened for a split second, giving him the notion that she had.
She turned back to the machine, slipped in the quarters, and then chose a Diet Coke for herself. She retrieved it from the slot at the bottom and then nodded toward a small table in the corner. “Shall we have a seat?”
He followed her to the table. “How are your legs?” he asked as they sat across from each other. “You took quite a fall at Sarah Rose’s wedding.”
“They’re better.” A little bit of a blush stained her cheeks. “They were just a little scraped up and bruised, but they’re healing pretty well. Danki for asking.”
“How are you holding up through all this?”
She shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I’m worried sick about Lena Joy, but I’m trying not to think about it. The surgery is very risky. There could be many complications.” Her eyes filled with tears, and she took a long drink of soda.
He touched her hand, which was warm and soft. “I truly believe Lena Joy will be just fine. In fact, she’ll be better than fine. She’ll come through this strong and healthier than ever.”