The Sworn

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The Sworn Page 40

by Gail Z. Martin

  There was a shift, and Thaine’s spirit came to the fore. Aidane was content to withdraw, uncertain of Thaine’s reception. Thaine, too, was unsure, and Aidane could clearly feel the ghost’s fear. After a moment, Carina’s power drew back, and Aidane stood looking at the healer in a silence that seemed to last forever.

  “Both Aidane and Thaine are what they seem to be,” Carina said finally. It was impossible for Aidane to read any emotion in Carina’s voice. What she thought of Aidane as a serroquette or what she made of Thaine’s presence in her household, Carina gave no clue.

  “Is Thaine telling the truth?” It was Jonmarc who spoke.

  Carina seemed to consider her impressions from the mental touch, and then nodded. “Yes. At least, she believes it’s the truth. Thaine is afraid.”

  “Damn.” Jonmarc began to pace. “Now what do we do?”

  “Perhaps if you contacted Captain Gellyr, he could give her safe passage to Principality City, make sure her word reaches the king,” Carina suggested.

  Kolin shook his head. “If the Black Robes get any inkling that Aidane is carrying Thaine’s spirit, they’ll try to kill her. Will Gellyr take the message seriously enough to protect her?”

  Aidane knew that Kolin’s real question was different, and she shared his fear. Will Gellyr bother protecting a whore?

  “If the king is barely conscious, then he’s not going to be able to stop this threat personally,” Gabriel said. “I would not expect General Gregor to give Aidane a worthy hearing.”

  “The Feast of the Departed is barely a week away. That’s not much time to find the traitors and stop the plot.” Kolin chewed on his lip as he thought, and despite the gravity of the conversation, Aidane smiled at how mortal the gesture was.

  Jonmarc sighed. “I don’t see an option. I have no choice about staying here to protect Berry. Gellyr is our best shot, and perhaps he knows someone other than Gregor who would hear Thaine out. But we can’t send her alone.” He looked at Kolin. “You’re not due to make another Nargi run for a while. Would you go with her?”

  To Aidane’s surprise, Kolin nodded. “I’d just worked through the options and come to that same conclusion myself. Yes, I’ll go.”

  Before the conversation could go further, there was a sharp knock at the door, and a man Aidane did not recognize peered from around the door.

  “What is it, Neirin?” Jonmarc asked, distracted.

  “Sorry to bother you, m’lord. But Captain Gellyr is here. He says it’s urgent.”

  Jonmarc exchanged glances with Gabriel and Carina. “Is he alone?”

  “Yes, m’lord.”

  “Send him in.”

  A man in the uniform of the king’s army stepped into the room. He held his helm under his arm. From his expression, Aidane knew something bad had happened. Even Thaine drew back, afraid.

  “You’re always welcome in Dark Haven, but it’s rather late for dinner,” Jonmarc said, extending a hand to the officer, who clasped both hand and arm as if greeting an old friend.

  Gellyr’s eyes held a deep sadness. “Once again, I’m afraid it’s not a social call. I came as soon as I received news.” He swallowed hard, and although he kept his composure, Aidane could see the struggle in his face. “King Staden is dead.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Carina gasped, and made the sign of the Lady in blessing. Jonmarc was silent, as he worked through the implications of Gellyr’s announcement.

  “We’ll need to tell Berry,” Jonmarc said quietly.

  Gellyr nodded. “I thought it might be best coming from you.”

  “Can we take her back to the palace without risking her life?” Jonmarc asked. “If the plague is that bad—”

  “It seems to have subsided from its peak,” Gellyr said. “That’s what I’ve heard. Staden survived the initial bout of it. He was a very strong man. But it went to his lungs, and that’s what killed him.” He met Jonmarc’s eyes. “Without a crowned monarch, Principality is vulnerable.”

  Jonmarc drew a deep breath. “You have no idea.” He turned to Aidane and motioned for her to come forward. Gellyr’s eyes widened, just a bit.

  “Aidane is a serroquette,” Jonmarc said matter-of-factly. “The spirit she’s harboring has a warning you need to hear. Carina has verified that the spirit is who she claims to be, and that she believes the message to be true. I know this is… irregular… but please, you have to hear her out.”

  Gellyr nodded. “I fear that in the next few weeks many things will be ‘irregular.’ Let the lady speak.”

  Thaine came to the fore of Aidane’s consciousness, and once again gave her warning. Jonmarc watched Gellyr’s face as he listened. Doubt, concern, and mistrust all showed in his expression, but to the captain’s credit, he listened without interruption. When Thaine finished and Aidane stepped back, Gellyr shook his head.

  “That’s quite a tale.”

  Jonmarc nodded. “We’ve only just heard it ourselves, before you came. Kolin’s brought back another group from Nargi, and Aidane was one of the Black Robes’ prisoners.” He met Gellyr’s eyes. “You know the trouble we’ve had right here in Dark Haven with the Durim. I’ve been afraid they were after something big. A disruption on the scale Thaine’s describing would be bad under any circumstances—”

  “But with the death of the king, it could throw Principality into chaos, right as a foreign invader comes to the northern shore,” Gellyr finished. “Damn.”

  “You know Gregor won’t believe this,” Jonmarc said. His voice was level, but there was an undercurrent that made his dislike for Gregor plain.

  Gellyr nodded. “Gregor is my superior officer, but my rank doesn’t close my eyes. He has many strengths as a military man, and many weaknesses.”

  “Is there someone else who could help us? When I was in Principality last year, I was part of the war council that helped Tris put his strategy together. Staden gave us General Darrath, and a man named Hant, who Staden called his ‘chief rat catcher.’ Hant’s the guy we need.”

  “Would he remember you?”

  Jonmarc shrugged. “Maybe. Would he believe a ghost whore? Don’t know. Berry and I are going to be on thin ice—her, newly crowned, and me, a Champion people don’t know or trust. I’d rather not make Berry force her generals into something. But we don’t have time to cut through a lot of bureaucracy. Haunts is less than a week away.”

  Gellyr thought. “I’ll have to arrange it outside of the normal chain of command. My wife’s uncle is a general. He’s fond enough of me to see me if I use her name. I can get you an audience, but I can’t guarantee how he’ll receive the information, or that he’ll do anything.” He paused for a moment. “If he buys in, he can get Hant to listen. I’m almost positive.”

  Jonmarc nodded. “Even if he won’t act, we’ve got a backup plan. We’ll know the Durim are up to something. I’ll be there, escorting Berry. I’ll take Kolin with me, and Laisren. If you could accidentally have more men stationed where there’s likely to be trouble…”

  Gellyr smiled. “I’d heard it said that before you earned your reputation as an outlaw, you were a fine military officer. I see the rumors were correct.”

  A shadow seemed to cross Jonmarc’s face. “That was before I was court-martialed and left to die.”

  Gellyr sobered. “Even here, we’ve heard about Chauvrenne. When orders conflict with true service to the king, orders must be disobeyed.”

  “Not everyone sees it that way.”

  “Before we leave for Principality City, I’ve been instructed that there has to be a field coronation.” Gellyr looked to Jonmarc.

  Jonmarc looked at him quizzically. “A field coronation? How?”

  “In extreme circumstances, a titled noble can convey the crown,” Gellyr replied. “You’re Staden’s liegeman, and the princess’s sworn protector.”

  The irony that Dark Haven’s brigand lord would crown the next monarch was not lost on Jonmarc, but a new possibility crossed his mind, and he looked to Gabrie
l. “I’d like to invite the Blood Council and the vyrkin,” Jonmarc said, and Gabriel nodded, as if the same thought had occurred to him as well. “If Thaine’s prediction is true, then it’s going to take a real alliance of the living, undead, and shapeshifters to defend the kingdom. This is a good place to start.”

  “Tonight’s far spent. It will take most of tomorrow to prepare for your trip back to Principality City. By tomorrow night, I can have the Blood Council here—those who will come—and I am sure Sior can bring the vyrkin.” Gabriel looked at Gellyr, as if expecting an objection, but the captain shrugged.

  “We’re going to need all the allies we can get, if what your lady here says is true,” Gellyr said. “The more the merrier.”

  Carina touched Jonmarc’s arm. “Perhaps we should both go to see Berry.”

  Jonmarc nodded. He looked to Kolin. “Find Neirin. Tell him what’s going on. It’s not an occasion for a feast, but he’ll need to make a room ready for the ceremony. Then see what Taru knows about these things. I don’t want to do it wrong and find out we’ve left a door open for someone to challenge the succession.”

  “Done.” Kolin disappeared at vayash moru speed.

  Jonmarc looked to Jolie. “Who’d have thought, huh?”

  Jolie smiled sadly. “I knew there was more for you than smuggling the river, cheche. You take care of the princess. My girls and I will take good care of Aidane. We’ve got some work to do to get her ready if she’s palace-bound.” And with that, Jolie took charge, slipping her arm through Aidane’s and leading her out of the room.

  “I’ve brought a small contingent to escort you and your party to the palace,” Gellyr said.

  Jonmarc nodded. “Thank you, Captain. I’ll have Neirin see to it that you’re well fed and given a place to sleep.” He spread his hands wide to indicate the manor house. “If you hadn’t noticed, it’s gotten crowded here with the refugees, but we’ll do the best we can.”

  Gellyr managed a half smile. “Even the barn will do, m’lord. My men and I have slept in worse places.”

  Too many thoughts were tumbling around in Jonmarc’s mind as he and Carina headed for Berry’s room. The enormity of the news still left him feeling shock. Staden had been the first king to back Tris Drayke’s quest to reclaim the Margolan throne, and Jonmarc, Carina, Carroway, Harrtuck, Kiara, and Soterius had been Staden’s guests for much of that year as Tris had trained with the Sisterhood and prepared to retake his kingdom. And while nothing in Jonmarc’s background had prepared him to be the guest of a king, he’d grown to genuinely like and respect Staden, and to see him through Berry’s eyes. It made the loss much more personal than he had ever imagined.

  But aside from the human loss, Staden’s death put Principality in a dangerous position. Margolan’s reeling from plague, famine, and Jared’s aftermath, plus the battle at Lochlanimar. Isencroft’s on the brink of civil war. If Principality falls into chaos, it endangers Eastmark and Dhasson. And if Trevath and Nargi are backing the Durim and this new dark summoner, the Winter Kingdoms are doomed. Dark Haven can’t hold them all off alone. I made a vow to protect Berry. I promised to keep Carina and the twins safe. I swore I’d defend Dark Haven. And I have no idea how the hell to do that.

  “Jonmarc?” From Carina’s tone, it was clear she had been calling him without response.

  He grimaced. “Sorry. My head’s still spinning.”

  Carina nodded toward a closed door. “We’re here.” She stepped forward and knocked. “Berry? It’s me, Carina. I’ve got Jonmarc with me. Can we come in?”

  They heard footsteps, and the door opened. Berry was wrapped in a dressing gown, although from the lamp that was lit on a table and the open book, Jonmarc guessed she had been reading rather than napping. “What’s going on?” But before her voice faded, Berry’s expression froze. She looked from Carina and Jonmarc and her eyes widened as she found in their faces confirmation of her worst fear.

  “He’s dead, isn’t he?”

  Carina nodded, and Berry collapsed against her, sobbing. Jonmarc closed the door behind them and Carina guided Berry to a chair, while Jonmarc went to pour a small amount of tea from a kettle near the fire, and brought a cup to Berry.

  “I didn’t get to say good-bye,” Berry whispered, as sobs racked her body and she clung to Carina. Tomorrow, she would become a queen. Tonight, Berry was a grieving young girl. At a total loss for what to say, Jonmarc stood behind Berry’s chair and laid a hand on her shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Berry,” he said in a strangled voice. “I’m sorry.”

  After a while, Berry’s sobs subsided. Carina handed her a kerchief, and Berry blew her nose, wiping the tears from her face with the back of her hand. She took a deep breath and sat up straight. In that moment, she seemed to be several years older, and the regal bearing Jonmarc had glimpsed in the confrontation with Gregor reasserted itself. Whatever turmoil Berry was feeling inside, she knew her duty to Principality. “What now?”

  Carina smoothed back the hair from Berry’s face and sat back. “Neirin is pulling together what we need to have a ceremony here tomorrow night, before you head for Principality City. We’ll do a version of the coronation here, and then once you reach the palace, they’ll make the public display.”

  Berry reached up to clasp Jonmarc’s hand on her shoulder, and she drew him around to where she could see him. “You’re coming with me.” It was both a statement and a plea.

  Jonmarc nodded. “Of course. I’m bringing Laisren and Kolin, and we’ll have someone else with us. Aidane.”

  Berry looked puzzled. As quickly as possible, Jonmarc filled her in on Aidane’s role and Thaine’s warning. Berry seemed to push the grief aside and she frowned as she thought. “If all that’s true, it’s a really bad time to lose Father and put a young, untested girl on the throne.”

  Jonmarc had to smile at her perceptiveness. “Thanks for saving us all a week’s worth of polite attempts to explain that. Yes, it makes it dangerous for you, and dangerous for Principality.”

  Berry’s eyes looked haunted. “There’s going to be war, isn’t there?”

  Jonmarc and Carina exchanged glances. “It looks that way,” Jonmarc said. “Although I wish there were another path.”

  Berry looked up, and Jonmarc could see in her expression that she’d reasoned it out for herself. “But there isn’t. The Durim aren’t just trying to revive the Shanthadura cult, which would be bad enough. They’re set to betray us from within to whoever the invaders are from across the sea, whoever’s backing this dark summoner. This war is going to pull in all of the Winter Kingdoms.”

  Jonmarc sighed. “I’m afraid so.”

  Berry rose and walked over to one of the trunks she’d brought with her from the palace. She worked the complicated lock, and dug down below a mound of gowns that she’d refused to wear at Dark Haven to withdraw a wooden box. It was beautifully made, covered with Noorish inlay, and Jonmarc guessed that it was spelled to open only for Berry. At her touch, the clasp snapped open. With an expression both resigned and sorrowful, she withdrew a sheaf of papers. Berry held out the papers to Jonmarc.

  “Here, you’ll need these for the ceremony. Father forced me to take them with me when he sent me away from the palace. I tried to tell him they weren’t necessary. Maybe he’d had a premonition. They’re the instructions for a field investiture and the legal papers attesting that I’m really the heir to the crown.”

  Jonmarc accepted them, handling them gingerly. “I’m sorry, Berry. It would be a bad situation even for someone as seasoned as Staden. I thought Tris came to the throne under rough circumstances. I’m afraid it’s not going to be any easier for you.”

  Berry managed a half smile that did not reach her eyes. “Then it’s a good thing I’ve got friends.”

  • • •

  Jonmarc and Carina walked back to their rooms in silence. When they were inside, Jonmarc placed the papers in a leather pouch for safekeeping and poured himself a glass of brandy. Carina walked to the
window and opened it. She leaned against the frame, staring out into the night.

  Jonmarc’s stomach clenched. “Carina—” When Carina did not answer, he walked toward her slowly, feeling at a total loss. “About Thaine…”

  Carina sighed. “You’d told me about her, about what it was like with the Nargi. And when I did the mind healing, I saw your memories from those times.”

  “That’s not the same as having her ghost show up on our doorstep.”

  Carina shook her head. “No, or having you go off to war, taking her with you.” Her hand fell to her belly. “I can’t go along to help this time. And if war comes, you might be on the battlefield when the twins are born.”

  “We don’t know that for certain. There might still be a way to avoid war.”

  “You don’t really believe that.”

  Jonmarc looked down. “No, not really.”

  Carina looked up at him, and he could see that her eyes were bright with unshed tears. “I’m afraid for you, Jonmarc. If there’s a dark summoner involved, this won’t be a normal war. And if the Durim are able to raise the things that live in those barrows, it really might be a War of Unmaking.”

  Jonmarc stepped up behind Carina, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. She leaned back against him, and he let one hand splay over her belly. “If I hadn’t promised Staden I’d be Berry’s protector, I wouldn’t go. You know that. I want to stay here and protect Dark Haven, the twins, and you. I’ve had my fill of war.”

  Carina swallowed back tears. “I know. But you are the best fighter in the Winter Kingdoms. And you’re the Dark Lady’s chosen warrior. When you saw your vision of Her, She said that without you, the future would change for the Winter Kingdoms. Perhaps this is what She saw, or part of it.”

  “Right now, I’m more worried about you.” Jonmarc kissed the top of Carina’s head. “That’s why I’m going to ask Laisren to go with us to Principality City, instead of Gabriel. I want Gabriel here to protect you. As it is, if war comes, most of the mages will have to leave Dark Haven for the front lines. I want to make sure that you—and Dark Haven—are protected.”


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