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Heaven's Gate

Page 36

by Benjamin E. Zeller

  Grummett, David

  Guinea. See Applewhite, Marshall Herff


  Guyana, Peoples Temple in

  Habits of the Heart (Bellah)


  “Hail Bop”

  Hale-Bopp comet

  Hanegraaff, Wouter

  Hansen, Lars Ivar

  Hargittai, Eszter

  Harry Potter (Rowling)

  The Harvest. See Apocalypticism; Heaven’s Gate recruitment

  Hatch, Nathan O.

  Healing, prayers for

  Health, holistic

  Heaven. See Next Level

  Heaven’s Gate: anthology

  development of


  language of

  music about

  names of

  study purpose

  study sources for


  Heaven’s Gate leaders. See Applewhite, Marshall Herff; Nettles, Bonnie Lu

  Heaven’s Gate members: adherence by bounded choice of

  adherence over brainwashing of

  castration of

  class backgrounds of

  cognitive dissonance of

  defection choice of

  defection rate of

  defection reasons of

  diets of

  dwelling of

  election of

  family subgroups of

  first group

  first individual

  love relationships of

  names of

  Nettles’s death response of


  possessions of

  recruitment periods of

  reentry of

  religious backgrounds and traits of

  religious practices shaped by

  retention of

  satellite groups of

  as seekers

  separation of

  suicide of former

  suicide participation by

  uniforms of

  as walk-ins

  Heaven’s Gate organization: as family subgroups

  of first dwellings

  hierarchy of

  of partners

  of satellite groups

  shortcomings of

  Heaven’s Gate recruitment: from anthology

  cognitive dissonance and

  Exit Videos as last


  first groups in

  first individual

  government conspiracist target for

  by Internet

  militia target for

  periods of

  science fiction fan target for

  seeking theme in

  ufologist target for



  Heaven’s Gate religious practices: behavioral self-control

  bounded choice and

  castration in




  extraterrestrial characteristics and

  grafting in

  meditative visualizations in

  member shaping of

  monastic self-control in

  name giving


  science fiction in

  self-transformative core of

  uniform wearing

  walking out

  wandering as

  Heaven’s Gate suicide: Applewhite’s aging theory on

  Balch and Taylor’s theory on

  bounded choice theory on

  cosmic timing theory on

  discovery of

  Exit Videos

  fragility theory on

  government inaction theory on

  Hale-Bopp comet and

  inspiration for

  Lalich’s theory on

  Lifton’s theory on

  media coverage of

  members in

  preparation and method

  as rational graduation decision

  societal rejection cause of

  theological shift to

  theology without

  Wessinger’s theory on

  Heaven’s Gate theology: apocalypticism in

  Christology in

  cosmology in

  demonology in

  dispensationalism in

  election in

  extraterrestrial biblical hermeneutics of

  name giving in

  New Age views in

  Protestant roots of

  religious corruption shift in

  salvation in

  suicide as graduation in

  suicide not in

  suicide shift in

  Waldport teachings of. See also Next Level

  Heaven’s Gate worldview: conspiracy culture in

  creation of

  cultural drivers of


  extraterrestrial walk-ins in

  Hale-Bopp comet in

  individualism in

  intrigue of

  materialism in

  as pastiche

  prayer revealing

  science and technology in

  science fiction in

  soul understanding in

  Heinlein, Robert A.

  Henten, Jan W. van

  Hermeneutics, extraterrestrial biblical

  “He’s Back, We’re Back, Where Will You Stand?” (poster)

  Hewes, Hayden


  Hill, Betty and Barney

  HIM. See Human Individual Metamorphosis

  Hinduism: gurus in


  visualizations in


  Homemaking. See also Dwelling

  Houston, Texas

  Howard, Robert Glenn

  Hudnut-Beumler, James

  Human Individual Metamorphosis (HIM)

  Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of: castration for

  Christology and


  language of

  original idea of

  prayer for

  science and technology angle of

  self-control activities for

  self-control behaviors for

  soteriology of

  suicide shift in

  The Two’s Demonstration vision and

  “Human Individual Metamorphosis” statement: composition of

  excerpts from

  Humanistic psychology

  Human Potential movement

  Humphry, Derek

  I AM movement

  Idaho, Ruby Ridge Weavers in

  Identity: group, self-control activities for

  individualism and

  name giving for


  uniforms and

  Incarnation. See Christology; Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of


  Industrial Society and Its Future (Kaczynski)

  Internet: Art Bell show on

  conspiracist culture on

  Exit Videos on

  as last recruitment attempt

  ridicule on

  science fiction fan target

  ufologist target

  UseNet newsgroups

  website development


  Jesus Christ: Applewhite as


  as extraterrestrial

  in King James Version of the Bible



  Jonestown, Peoples Temple in



  Jwnody: anthology work of

  on extraterrestrial characteristics

  on Luciferians

  Star Trek inspirations of

  Kaczynski, Ted

  Keck, David

  Kerouac, Jack

  Kingdom of God. See Next Level

  Klug, Clarence

  Know Place

  Kohoutek comet

  Kosmin, Barry

  Lalich, Janja

of dwelling

  of eating

  of Human Individual Metamorphosis process

  of New Age movement

  outsider compared to insider

  of science fiction

  of seeking

  Larson, Sheila

  The Late Great Planet Earth (Lindsey)

  Launch pad (dwelling)

  Laws. See Government

  Leadership: in New Age movement

  traits for

  Left Behind

  Lewis, James R.


  Lifton, Robert Jay

  Lindsey, Hal

  Los Angeles meeting

  Los Angeles Times

  Love, falling in


  Luther, Martin

  Maclean, David

  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

  Manchurian Candidate


  Manzano launch pad dwelling

  Marsden, George

  Martyrdom: Christology and

  media on

  The Two’s Demonstration vision of

  Masada suicides

  Maslow, Abraham


  McCarthy, James

  McCloud, Sean

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Media: on ancient astronaut theory

  Art Bell show

  on brainwashing

  on conspiracies

  dehumanization by

  on Heaven’s Gate suicide

  Internet newsgroups

  as martyrs

  on monastic self-control practices


  New Age leaders in

  on NRM delusions

  science fiction angle of

  on Waldport. See also Heaven’s Gate recruitment

  Medicine Bow National Forest

  Meditation: importance of

  prayers as


  Melton, J. Gordon

  Members. See Heaven’s Gate members; Heaven’s Gate recruitment

  Mental control. See Psychology

  Metaphysics. See New Age movement

  Militia support

  Millennialism. See Apocalypticism; Dispensationalism

  Miller, Perry G.

  Mind-body dualism

  Monasticism: name giving in

  self-control practices


  Montgomery, Ruth

  Mrcody: anthology work by


  on Nettles’s death

  on self-control practices

  on suicide theology

  Muhammad (prophet)

  Muktananda, Swami


  Names: of dwellings

  giving of

  of Heaven’s Gate

  of members

  of The Two

  Neff, Vincent

  Neoody: on castration

  on dwelling practices

  on Heaven’s Gate name

  on name giving

  on Nettles’s death

  on partnering and celibacy

  on recruiting failures

  suicide discovered by

  on suicide theology

  on uniforms

  Nettles, Bonnie Lu

  Applewhite’s meeting of

  background of

  death of

  as God

  prayers by. See also The Two

  Nevada, Area 51 in

  New Age movement: alchemical

  Applewhite’s background in

  astrology in

  baby boomer counterculture and

  in Christianity

  as cultic milieu

  development of


  health paradigm in

  Heaven’s Gate influenced by

  Heaven’s Gate members’ background in

  Human Potential movement and

  language of

  leaders of

  Nettles’s background in

  seeking theme in

  self-transformation theme of

  theology and concepts of

  visualizations influenced by

  yoga as

  New Hampshire meeting

  New Mexico, Manzano launch pad in

  New religious movements (NRMs): brainwashing criticism of

  cultural drivers of

  delusion criticism of

  Heaven’s Gate members’ background in

  I AM as

  New World Order

  pastiche of

  Peoples Temple

  persuasion process in

  positive thinking in

  religious corruption theme in

  science fiction used in


  self-control practices in


  study approaches to

  suicides and government in


  Unification Church

  New Thought movement

  New World Order

  New York Times

  Next Level: activities in

  bodily energy centers and

  Christian theological roots and



  Demonstration vision to

  dwelling language to fit

  energy of

  evil forces against

  extraterrestrials, characteristics of

  Nettles’s death into

  prayers to attain

  proof of

  as TELAH

  uniforms for. See also Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of

  Nichols, Nichelle

  Nichols, Terry

  Niebuhr, Reinhold


  Norway, Saami of

  NRMs. See New religious movements


  Numbers, Roland

  Olcott, Henry Steel

  “The Only Way Out of This Corrupt World” (poster)

  On the Road (Kerouac)

  Oregon: The Two’s mission realization in

  Waldport meeting

  Organic-cultural flows

  Organization. See Heaven’s Gate organization

  Orthodox Christianity

  “Our Position Against Suicide” (Internet posting)

  Outer space. See Next Level


  Partridge, Christopher


  Pavesic, Max

  Peak experiences

  Pearce, Anne

  Peep. See Nettles, Bonnie Lu

  Peoples Temple

  Peterson, Gregory R.

  Pew Forum

  Phelan, James S.

  The Phenomenology of Prayer (Benson and Wirzba)


  Pig. See Nettles, Bonnie Lu

  Pike, Sarah M.


  Portsmouth, New Hampshire

  Positive thinking


  Prayer: by Brnody


  “A Focusing”

  for healing

  meditative visualization

  by Nettles



  types of

  worldview revealed in

  Premillennialism. See Dispensationalism

  “Preparing for Service” (Nettles)

  Presbyterian Christian

  Primal experience

  Prison: Applewhite in

  brainwashing theory and

  The Process. See also Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of


  Proselytizing. See Heaven’s Gate recruitment

  Protestant Christianity: apocalyptic

  Bible version in


  Heaven’s Gate’s roots in

  popularity of

  theology of

  Psychology: Applewhite’s

  of brainwashing

  of charismatic commitment

  cognitive dissonance in />
  Heaven’s Gate behavioral guidelines

  mind-body dualism

  positive thinking

  transpersonal and humanistic

  of visualization

  Purple Book anthology

  Quest. See Seeking; Wandering

  Raelian movement

  Raine, Susan

  Rancho Santa Fe, California

  The Rapture

  “The Real Q: An E.T. Speaks Out” (Internet posting)

  Recruitment. See Heaven’s Gate recruitment

  Religion. See New religious movements; Theology

  Religious “nones”

  Religious practices, study of. See also Heaven’s Gate religious practices

  Resurrection: Christology and

  The Two’s Demonstration vision of

  Reynolds, Michael

  Rich, Frank

  Richardson, James T.

  Rituals. See Heaven’s Gate religious practices


  Robbins, Thomas

  Rodman, Rosamond

  Roof, Wade Clark

  Roswell UFO crashes

  Rowling, J. K.

  Ruby Ridge, Weaver family of

  Rules. See Heaven’s Gate religious practices


  St. Francis

  Saliba, John

  Salvation. See also Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of; Protestant Christianity

  Salvation in a UFO (Balch and Taylor)

  San Clemente meeting

  San Francisco Chronicle

  Sarna, Jonathan D.


  Sawyer (member): on defection

  on Nettles’s death

  on recruitment failure

  Science and technology: American post-Bomb culture of


  in Christianity

  conspiracy theories on

  good versus evil

  in Heaven’s Gate worldview

  Human Individual Metamorphosis process via

  in ufology

  website development

  Science fiction: conspiracy culture in

  dwelling language using

  in Heaven’s Gate religious practices

  in Heaven’s Gate worldview

  language of

  Luciferianism in

  Next Level characteristics in

  as recruitment angle

  uniforms inspired by

  walk-ins in

  Scofield, C. I.

  Seekers (UFO group)

  Seeking: as member trait

  as New Age theme

  by The Two

  Segal, Alan


  Self-control: activities


  religious history of

  Self-transformation: New Age theme of

  Tantric. See also Human Individual Metamorphosis, process of

  Serenity Prayer

  Sex: castration


  demonology and

  identity and

  partnering to test




  Shakti Devi. See Nettles, Bonnie Lu

  Sharon (member)


  Shramek, Chuck

  Shri Pranavah. See Applewhite, Marshall Herff

  Smart, Ninian

  Smith, Joseph, Jr.


  Socialization. See Brainwashing

  Society. See Culture and society



  Spirits: angels as



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