Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne Page 27

by Roger Hastings

  Lissa made for the far bank, hoping to outrun him long enough to hide again. Three blurs of white flesh dashed along the other bank; three naked men led by Crom, running to cut off her only hope of escape. The last two men ran up behind Shawe. They were Chalmers and Farley. When Lissa stopped, exhausted and sobbing with hopelessness, Chalmers signaled the men to hold their position. They stood there leering at her.

  In the moonlight reflecting from the river, her tear-blurred eyes searched in vain for some sign of pity. Some power inside her shoved aside her modesty and even in her shame she stared at these living statues of naked male flesh. Their muscled torsos, and powerful arms and legs sang out some secret song of forbidden mysteries, and her belly answered in a duet of surrender. She waited, knee-deep in the chilling water, watching them grinning and caressing their pulsing erections.

  Finally, Chalmers stepped into the flowing water, moving slowly, savoring every second of Lissa’s agony. She bent her knees, leaning forward at the waist and lowering her head until her tears dripped into the cool stream. The rabbit ears drooped down in front of her, a mute declaration of surrender to her fate.

  Chalmer’s voice was low, almost soft, as he scooped up her trembling body in his arms. He held her against his warmth. “Come, little bunny, you owe us a night of pleasure in return for all that running you made us do. I will have you first. Your experience will be brutal, but it will be over at dawn.”

  He waded out of the water and carried her a short distance to a path. She whimpered, her limp body making no effort to escape. Her head pressed against the naked warmth of his muscled chest. She listened to the hypnotizing thump, thump--thump, thump, of his powerful heart driving the heated blood through his veins, drenching every cell of his male body with testosterone--feeding life and hardness to his...male-thing.

  The sound soothed her, and woke that bewildering feeling she had first felt in the pit of her stomach when Richard had chained her down on his bed and ripped off her gown.

  His dancing man-thing fascinated me when he knelt between my spread legs. Why must I think of that now? Will I welcome the pain these men will inflict on my defenseless body just to feel it inside my...silken love-chamber? Will they stimulate it like Richard did until I shriek and struggle under their bodies in wanton orgasms?

  The other five men did not follow. Chalmers carried Lissa a few hundred yards through the pines as the branches stroked against their bodies. The sleek, yielding needles dragged across Lissa’s naked flesh, until her entire body was tingling and electrified with expectancy. She barely noticed the two trees four feet apart, with ringbolts and chains attached to the massive trunks about seven feet above the ground.

  Chalmers cradled her petite body effortlessly with one arm as he gripped her wrist and raised it to the pair of cuffs attached to the chain. Lissa closed her eyes and offered no resistance when the smaller cuff tightened around her wrist. She whimpered softly as she heard the lock snap shut. Chalmers shifted arms and raised her other wrist to the opposite tree’s chain and cuffs. Lissa felt the leather of the small cuff trap her wrist in its grip.

  Now Chalmers could release her body, letting it hang between the trees, her toes a few inches above the mossy ground while her arms stretched out in a shallow “V” above her. He seized her ankle, and drew it upwards alongside her wrist, locking it in the larger cuff attached to the chain. Then her other ankle was imprisoned beside her other wrist.

  Lissa hung suspended between the sky and the earth, her arms and legs lifted and spread wide. She tilted her head, letting it rest against her arm. The night breeze dragged invisible feathers across her body, teaching her awareness to the mystical delights of naked skin. The loving air fluffed her pubic wisp and tickled her defenseless pussy as it waited for punishment and pleasure.



  Chalmer’s riding whip stung a red stripe across her exposed inner thighs.


  “I-I-EEE!” Lissa’s torso jerked wildly between the unsympathetic trees. A second streak of reddened flesh glowed in the moonlight.



  Chalmers paused while Lissa’s unprotected legs quivered in pain and dread of the next blow. She half-opened her eyes when the blow didn’t come. She clamped them shut again as Chalmers drew back his arm again.


  “OW-AUGH! Please, sir, no more no...”


  “YAUGH! OW OW OW!” The tears sped down her cheeks and were flung off while she shook her head in denial.

  Lissa heard the whip drop into the dry leaves under her. She let her head fall back, her hair stroking her back. She moaned softly as Chalmers hands cupped under her buttocks and drew her wet pussy against the head of his manhood. Her moan changed to a sharp gasp of pleasure. Her belly shuddered as she felt the sweet sensation of his abundant cock slide deep into her pussy.

  Chalmers began rocking her hips forward and back, slowly--very slowly at first. Lissa’s breath came swift and intense as her dripping pussy slid smoothly back and forth over his rigid manhood. The tender walls of her love temple caressed his cock, savoring the sensation of his blood pounding violently through the tangle of thick veins surrounding it.

  Lissa felt her lips moving, heard a girl’s voice, as if some spirit in the depths of her feminine nature had escaped from the darkness of denial. “Uh, uh! Please, more--more!” She struggled with the shock of hearing her own voice confessing with such a shameless and reckless ecstasy, that she enjoyed being raped.

  Chalmers increased the speed and depth of his penetration. Now both were breathing deep and fast, as if their lungs were racing the wind, challenging the other to catch up. Lissa’s breasts surged toward him in accelerating rhythm, the vision of her defenseless body in his widened eyes heating his lust to boiling and beyond. With each gasp he voiced a grunt of delight, With each breath she moaned a wordless message of rapture.

  The god of lust waved his wand over their perspiring bodies and they orgasmed simultaneously in perfect tempo. With heads flung back, their voices sang out the universal wordless song of pulsating ejaculation. Lissa’s buttocks vibrated in his clasp while her pussy squirmed and ground against the wiry-haired flesh of his groin. He released her buttocks and wrapped his arms around under her upraised arms, pressing her tight against his heaving chest.

  “Perfect,” he gasped. “Your pussy is perfect.”

  She smiled, her eyes still closed in a pink-feather fantasy of captive sex.

  Chalmers held her until their breathing slowed, and the fiery sparks in their bellies cooled and burned out. Lissa felt his fingers releasing the cuffs. First one leg, than the other was free, then her wrists. She stood on wobbly legs and wrapped her freed arms around his waist, pressing her head against his chest.

  “It was worth it,” she whispered.

  “What was?” He slipped her harness around her shoulders and strapped up her arms behind her back

  “The pain. When you hurt me, it was awful. But then when you fucked me, it made being whipped feel like paradise. Whip me again, Sir. Will you, please?”

  “I’ve had my turn. There are five other cocks waiting for your pussy. Now run away.”


  “Run! A man wants to feel the joy of the chase, and the thrill of making a capture. That’s what makes fucking a captive so much more fun.”


  Chalmers put his hands on her shoulders, turned her toward the west, and smacked her ass with a powerful sweep of his hand.

  “I-E-E-E!” Lissa twisted away, the stinging skin of her buttocks throbbing, and sprang away.

  “Next!” Chalmers shouted. He turned and began walking toward the meadow, and Blackthorne House miles to the south. Five naked men dashed past behind him, chasing the faint sound of a silver bell jangling on a collar around a pretty girl’s neck.

  Lissa was hopelessly confused. She had no sense of direction, and no skill at
finding a pathway leading out of this dark and dreadful forest. The sound of pursuit behind her was all she knew, and panic was her taskmaster, compelling her to keep running when logic told her it was futile. The bruises on her thighs made running painful, and slowed her down. With each capture and punishment, her body would lose more and more speed and agility. By the end of the night they could chase her at a walk, and still catch her.

  The voices were getting dangerously close now, and spreading out on both sides. Soon they would close in, and then--and then...

  “There she is!”

  The shout was close, and Lissa caught a glimmer of naked flesh off to her left. She spun right and dashed into the arms of another man who stepped out from behind a tree. She struggled and almost broke free when the other men ran up and grabbed her.

  “Gotcha!” Crom said. “Now you behave like a nice little girl and I’ll let you suck my cock.” He slapped his riding whip into the palm of his hand. “I know how to teach naughty little girls to obey and make their mouths useful.”

  Lissa choked back a sob. She had heard how Crom had lost his eye to the cruelty of some young girls during the Boer war. How much hate would he deliver in every stroke of that whip? How could she satisfy such an angry man? The only experience she had with a man-thing in her mouth was in that nightmarish tower of Gregor’s. Her head drooped and she sobbed openly.

  “Need any help with her, Crom?”

  “No, Gregor. She knows I am her master. Don’t you, pretty girl?” He shoved his fingers under her chin and forced her head up. “Well?”

  “Y-yes, sir. You are my master.”

  “This way.” He put his large hand against her back and shoved her forward.

  There was a tiny clearing a short distance farther on, with a low, framework made from poles in the center. Crom made her step up on a raised plank and stand against a pole hip-high.

  “Spread your legs. Wider!” He tied her ankles to the bottom cross-piece.

  “Bend over, girl, until your shoulders touch the other pole.”

  Lissa lowered her torso until her shoulders were lower than her ass. Crom released her arms and stretched them down, tying her wrists to a lower pole near the ground. He crouched down until his face was close to hers.

  “Do you like to play games?” he asked.

  Her lower lip trembled, but no words came out.

  “I know pretty girls like to play games,” he continued. He lay a finger on the black patch over his missing eye. “They like to play this kind of game. Do you like to have fun tying a man to a pole and cutting off all his clothes? All that naked flesh unable to protect itself so you can do awful things to it. Do you laugh when the man struggles and cries out for mercy?” His face darkened in the shadows. “They did.”

  “I was in the Boer War. Some of our soldiers captured a village and raped all the girls in it. When we left they cursed us and vowed revenge. I was a new arrival the next day, and was innocent. But that didn’t matter to them. When their soldiers captured me, they tied me to a pole, arms straight up and my legs spread wide. Then they turned me over to the girls of the village.”

  “The girls lifted their dresses and danced in front of me, taunting me with their naked pussies. Then they punished me for looking at their pussies by taking my eye. My regiment rescued me that night, but it was too late. Do you want to see the other scars, or the seared skin where they pressed their branding iron? Be thankful they didn’t destroy my manhood, or I might be maiming pretty girls instead of just punishing them and fucking them.”

  Lissa was trembling and sobbing. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m sorry they hurt you. Please sir, I didn’t hurt you. Please don’t hurt me.”

  “That’s exactly what I said to those girls. They just laughed and waved their knives and pincers in my face. But I have something better to wave in your face.” He clasped his cock with one hand, and gripped her chin in his other. “I vowed to spend the rest of my life forcing girls to give me pleasure to make up for the pain they gave me.” He released her chin and picked up his whip. “But first, I want to hear you beg for mercy.”

  He strode around behind her. Lissa fought the temptation to turn her head to see that whip raised above her ass.

  The first blow stung so intensely that her throat clamped shut, trapping the scream in her lungs. Her open mouth had no voice. The second blow forced the air from her bursting lungs, her scream echoing from the trees.

  “Beg!” Crom shouted, striking again.

  “AUGH! Please, Sir. Please stop!”

  “Beg me to shove my cock into your mouth!”

  “Please, sir, stick your...AUGH! OW! OW! Please stick your...c-c-cock into my mouth.”

  “You don’t sound sincere.” His muscled arm swings again.

  “A-A-AUGH-H-H! I want you to! Please, Sir, I really want you to...AUGH! I mean it! I want your cock inside my mouth!” She gritted her teeth and waited for the next blow.

  Lissa heard his feet moving through the dry leaves on the ground. She felt his hand under her chin. Her eyes half-opened. Now there was no whip in his hand.

  “Open your mouth!”

  She obeyed.

  His exertions had sent the hot blood racing through every vein, heating even the length of his cock. It was warm and pulsing as he pressed it between her lips. Lissa’s tongue detected the rapid, heart-powered surge of testosterone flooded blood pounding through the corded veins energizing his cock. She searched the circumference of his manhood, the tip of her tongue burrowing around the crease behind its head.

  Crom’s grunts sounded like pleasure. Lissa felt his grip relax and his hands softened, caressing the sides of her head. Her mind drifted, blurred by the pungent opiate of his cock’s flavor. The rough bark of the poles chafed her tender skin, and she dreamed she was strapped on the back of some leathery beast while its driver sat backwards on its neck, his cock nesting in her mouth. The rhythmic stride of the animal stimulated her pussy, as if the beast had forced its tail into her.

  Another man’s grunting called her back to reality. Shawe had crept up behind her while her attention was centered on servicing Crom’s manhood. It was Shawe’s cock that was exploring the delights of her temple of Venus. Lissa’s mind spun out of control as she realized that more than one man could use her at the same time. She tried to push away an ominous thought that loomed up from the darkest pit of her mind

  No, No! A man couldn’t do that—it’s filthy!

  But still the thought shimmered in the darkness of her dream, mercilessly becoming more visible like the Cheshire Cat’s grin.

  A woman’s body has a third orifice...

  Crom’s voice changed, a cycling half-wheeze, half-whine. Lissa’s tongue detected the first small tremor of his cock. First a drop of dew, then the dam burst. With a roar of triumph, Crom’s sperm surged from the eye of his cock and flooded Lissa’s mouth. While she was a prisoner in his tower, Gregor had taught her the cruel lesson that a girl does not let one drop of cum escape from her lips. She swallowed as each spasm spewed from Crom’s manhood.

  Shawe was hooting behind her, his cock shuddering with the rhythm of his orgasm. Lissa giggled around Crom’s cock as her imagination pictured both men’s cum colliding in her belly and shaking hands.

  “The little minx enjoys it,” Shaw said.

  “Of course,” Crom answered. “No Cailean man would marry a girl that didn’t.” They both laughed as Crom used Lissa’s hair to clean the glistening lather from his cock. Shawe strode around to her head and did the same with his cock.

  “Time for you to make another man happy,” Crom said. Shawe helped him untie Lissa and strap her arms up in the harness again.

  Shawe gripped her shoulders and aimed her to the north. “Off you go, little bunny.” He slapped her hard across the red whip marks on her buttocks.

  Lissa yelped and leapt away, her aching thighs protesting every stride.

  “One more whipping and fucking, and she’ll be slow enough for Selby to catch her

  “He better be quick. It will be dawn in a few hours, and Gregor has his turn next.”

  “Gregor’s huge, and perpetually horny. If he doesn’t shove his tool in her right away, it will probably squirt his juice out on the ground.” The men laughed and began the long hike back to Blackthorne House.

  Lissa couldn’t run any more. The ache in her thighs was growing worse. A moderate trot was the best she could manage. The ringing of her collar bell made running useless anyway.

  Men can run so fast, she thought, and it’s all a cruel game, anyway. No matter how hard I try, they will still catch me and do whatever they want with me and nobody will care. Not even Richard, even though I know he loves me. His family is so exotic. I must be, too, or I wouldn’t be letting them do this to me. Love makes people willing to do such abnormal things.

  The pounding tread of a man’s feet grew louder behind her. He was so close she could hear his rapid breathing.

  Why run? Why not just let him have me?

  Lissa stopped and turned, watching Gregor lope toward her. He slowed and trotted the last dozen yards to her.

  “Got you,” he grinned, fists on his hips, leering at her nakedness. “You’re the prettiest girl we got,” he said. “If your pussy still feels as good as your body looks, I’m going to enjoy this a lot.” He reached up and fondled her breasts.

  Lissa bit her lips and forced her body to endure his kneading and pinching.

  “My cock says I haven’t the time for whipping your ass, he’s ready to fuck.” He grasped her shoulders and forced her down on her back in a patch of moss. He grunted into her ear, “Now spread your pretty legs and make Mister Cock happy.” Lissa’s pussy was still slippery from Shaw’s cum, so Gregor’s manhood slid in easily. “By the gawd of lust,” he groaned, “your pussy feels so good.”

  He pumped furiously without preliminaries. “Ungh, Ungh, Ungh.” His increasing grunts measured the pleasure he extorted from her defenseless pussy. “Yeah...yeah...YEAH! UNGAH!...UNGAH!” His mammoth black body shuddered on top of tiny Lissa as gush after gush of his ooze spewed into her. An eternity passed as his prolonged orgasm continued. Finally, it was finished. He groaned and rolled off her torso, lying on his back and panting.


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