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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

Page 37

by Roger Hastings

  Kerrie wept, her tears streaking down her face, dripping on the silky nakedness of her quivering breasts. Her cage was only eighteen inches square, and about six feet high. She could only stand up inside, shivering as she waited. Every whisper of the breeze, every dried leaf that twitched in the sighing air, every drip of dew from the trees bordering the clearing startled her.

  Then there was a different sound. The soft padding of bare feet on the carpet of leaves and tiny twigs at the northern edge of the circle. The clearing was large, at least fifty yards across. The light of the one lonely torch hardly illuminated the things creeping out from between the tree trunks. Kerrie whimpered as she saw the glitter of reflected light in their slitted yellow eyes. Her lower lip trembled uncontrollably.

  The largest creature led the herd, his head wreathed in a crown of gleaming green oak leaves. They crept toward the imprisoned Kerrie on their two rough-haired legs with hooves instead of feet. Their small bodies, barely three feet tall, were man-shaped, with an incredibly long, man-sized cock jutting upward, greedy to fuck every female they could catch. Their heads were covered with a tangle of brown curls of abundant hair. Long, golden-gray horns curled up from their foreheads and swept back in a noble curve.

  Kerrie whimpered and closed her eyes, begging for a miracle. “No, god, no! They can’t be real. I must be going mad!”

  Something jarred her cage and she opened her eyes. There were more than fifty of the satyr creatures surrounding the cage, their long red tongues jutting out, the tips weaving back and forth like a charmed snake. The proof that they were all male jutted proudly out of their hairy groins, bobbing with jovial anticipation. Those lucky enough to press against her cage stuck their sex-probes through the bars, massaging Kerrie’s thighs with them.

  The crowned leader reached inside. Kerrie screamed as he gripped a tuft of her pussy hair and tugged her hips toward his cock. She shrieked again as she felt the leathery cock behind her slide in between her ass-crack.

  “Where now, old boy?” Scott said to Ulysses. The black stallion galloped across the open moor toward Moorland Lane and the edge of Blackthorne Forest only a mile ahead. “Think you can find them among the millions of trees in that inky darkness?”

  Ulysses raised his black head and whinnied a lustful, “Yes!” They struck Moorland Lane at the south end of Smuggler’s Bog. Ulysses swung to the right and trotted northeast, staying on the lane until three miles farther they came to the forest path leading west into the inky darkness of trees and unknown perils.

  Scott patted the stallion’s neck. “Well, at least my arms are free now. I feel safer.” He reached into the saddle bag and caressed the sleek butt of the heavy revolver. “Especially with this.”

  The tree trunks closed on each side, and the interlacing branches low overhead made the path seem like an endless cave filled with ink. The only sounds were Ulysses’ breathing, and his hooves crunching through last Fall’s dried leaves strewn on the path.

  “Hope you know the way, old boy. I can’t see a thing but an occasional spark of starlight in the rare openings overhead.”

  Ulysses snorted and nodded his head. He was walking slowly now, picking his way by feel and scent along the wildly curving trail, deeper into the endless darkness. An occasional owl hooted down from above, or flew like a dark ghost across the path in front of them. They passed a huge carcass of an old oak, its limbs broken and scattered, and rotted out inside. A covey of bats swarmed out and Scott ducked. He shielded his head with his arms as they fluttered around him, shrieking and squealing, then they disappeared into the darkness.

  “Poor Kerrie must be crazy with fear by now. Maybe she won’t be so insolent and refuse to be fucked after her ordeal tonight.”

  Their progress was slow along the twisting path, and it was an hour before Scott caught the first glimmer of torch light far ahead. “Good boy, Ulysses. Now we both can enjoy some more fucking fun.”

  The stallion hurried across the last hundred yards and pushed into the clearing. In the center Scott saw the phallic pillar of stone, and the square stone platform covered with the large furry pelt of a tiger. There was a tall, tiny cage glittering in the torch light. A number of small, unearthly creatures were swarming around it, reaching in between the bars. Kerrie jerked and struggled inside as she screamed in terror.

  Scott hissed into the ear of the stallion. “Go, Ulysses! Go!” The black horse lunged forward, carrying Scott toward the scene at a gallop. He reached into the saddlebag and pulled out the large-caliber revolver. He had already covered more than half the distance when he aimed at the sky and fired three quick shots. The concussion of sound echoed back from the wall of trees around the clearing, amplified and rolling like thunder. The surprised creatures squealed and shrieked as they stumbled over each other in their desperation to escape. Within a few seconds they had melted into the forest northward.

  When Scott dismounted, Ulysses’ trained nose had already discovered the scent of the mare’s pussy. He lifted his proud head and lunged forward, whinnying his lust as he galloped toward her.

  After the sound of the satyr’s panicked flight faded into the darkness, the world was quiet again. Only Kerrie’s hysterical sobbing serenaded Scott’s ears. He lay the still-smoking revolver on the stone platform and picked up the silver key lying next to it. He thrust the key into the door and unlocked Kerrie’s cage.

  She lunged into Scott’s arms, pressing her naked body against his. “Oh, Scott,” she sobbed, “They were horrible!” She nuzzled her head against his expansive chest as he embraced her.

  “More horrible than letting me caress your naked body?”

  Kerrie’s only answer was to wipe her wet cheeks against his warm flesh and kiss his chest repeatedly. The soft cloud of her bronze-tinted hair brushed lightly against his jaw, its stimulation hardening his cock and lifting it to nudge into the soft cushion of her belly.

  Her rasping breath steadied after a few moments. She glanced down at the weapon of man-flesh. “You’re going’re going to put your...”

  “I’m going to fuck you, Kerrie. I’m going to spew my sperm into the depths of your unprotected pussy. I’m going to plunder your virginity for my own pleasure. If you are a real woman, you will feel pleasure, too.”

  “I don’t know—I don’t know what to expect. I’m scared of you, Scott. And, it looks so—so...”


  “Strange—and beautiful. I never saw one before. My mother and my aunts taught me to be afraid of what men treasure between their legs. At school my teachers said the Devil created them so men could shame and torment girls.”

  “Look at my cock, Kerrie. Look at it!”

  Kerrie’s eyes fluttered open again and she bowed her head, gazing at the round beam of rigid flesh jutting out from Scott’s groin. “It’s big and grotesque. It’s going to hurt me!”

  “When I force it into your pussy, you will feel only what you want to feel. If you are afraid and resist, it will hurt you terribly. But if you surrender your body to its true destiny, this could be the most beautiful night of your life.”

  “How can I believe that, after the men have hurt me so horribly in that dreadful cellar?”

  “They changed you, Kerrie. Changed you from a stubborn puppet of old women’s fantasies into a different girl, free to explore the endless ecstasies of sexual submission.”

  “I’m not free! You keep me locked in a cell, or bound in this diabolical harness so I can’t protect myself from even the tiniest creature with sharp teeth and claws.”

  “Exploring the depths of helplessness is part of the discovery, Kerrie. Being exposed to unknown and ominous dangers while being absolutely unable to protect your body is the key that opens the sensual core of your mind. Only then can men and women savor the sensations of their flesh without guilt or regret. That’s why I say we are giving you the marvelous gift of true freedom. All of us in Blackthorne House have discovered the joy and beauty of
living naked and unashamed with total sexual accessibility to each other’s bodies.”

  Scott reached under her and lifted her petite physique effortlessly. He carried her the short distance to the stone platform and laid her face-up on the soft fur of the tiger pelt. There were chains attached to each corner with wide leather cuffs at the ends. He spread Kerrie’s shapely legs wide apart and strapped the cuffs tight around her ankles. Then Scott unbuckled her harness, releasing her arms.

  Kerrie stretched them, rubbing their length. “Oh, my arms, they ache terribly.”

  “A little stretching should cure that,” Scott said with a wicked grin. He tugged her wrists out to the other two corners, imprisoning them in the smaller cuffs and stretching the chains taut until Kerrie’s arms and legs spelled “X”, displaying the beauty of her naked charms to the unfathomed depths of a vast, starry sky arching over them.

  Scott paused, drinking in the unmatched loveliness of a beautiful naked captive, electrifying a male cock with the tempting display of her defenseless pussy. Scott stood at the bottom edge of the stone slab, leaning over between Kerrie’s spread legs. His erect manhood lifted insolently over the sensual feast of her copper-haired portal to the sumptuous temple of Venus. Scott’s eyes glittered with unrestrained lust as his male glory twitched rhythmically with the blood-surging pump of his galloping heart.

  “Since I first set eyes on you and Poppie on that ship, I have lived for this moment. Day and night the vision of your naked body wrapped in my arms has robbed me of sleep and tortured my days. In my suffering I’ve stored up all my lust for this moment. Now my frenzied cock will wreak my revenge on your body to the full.” He clambered up on the platform on his knees and lowered his muscular torso onto the defenseless paradise of her captive body. With one swift lunge he plunged his sex-weapon deep into Kerrie.

  “I-E-E-AGH!” Kerrie’s arms and legs shuddered and strained at the chains as the stabbing pain of Scott’s male projectile ripped away the dainty membrane of her maidenhead and rammed past its shredded tendrils.

  “AUGH-H-H! No, stop! I can’t stand it!” Kerrie held her breath and gritted her teeth, waiting for the next wave of unbearable pain to bore up into her belly.

  But there was none. Scott paused, resting motionless on her quaking belly, supporting his weight on his elbows. He savored the sensual surge of her prominent breasts pressing against his chest as Kerrie’s gasping breath again pumped her chest in a rapid tempo.

  The pain flashed in rapid twinges, then relaxed into a smoldering fire in her pussy. Kerrie bit her lip, her mind flooded with the new and exotic sensations in her pussy. Her feminine orifice was filled with wonders.

  She marveled at the sensation of the throbbing pulse of Scott’s blood, rhythmically dilating the sinuous veins laced around the underside of his cock. Even the turgid, bulbous head of this male wonder pulsed with the rhythm, delicately grazing the sensitive mouth of her womb. She felt as if a mischievous butterfly had invaded her velvet flesh, mercilessly violating the seclusion of love’s sanctuary. With untiring repetition, it continued the wicked fun of perpetually tormenting her womb’s frail aperture with the tip of its fluttering wing.

  When Kerrie’s gasps subsided into gentle moans, Scott began the stroking undulation of the sexual ballet. With slow, deliberate strokes, he thrust his cock forward and back inside the shimmering clasp of her tender pussy.

  “N-N-N-UNGH! YUN-N-N-GH!” Kerrie clamped her eyes shut, gritting her teeth, and tensed her abdominal muscles. There was a convulsing urge in the bottom of her belly, struggling with her conscious mind for possession of her body. She was afraid, terrified by her own feelings, shocked by the wordless pleading of her primal desires crying out for the first time. An implacable force struggled to churn her hips in the waltz of ecstasy.

  A creature sprang to life inside Kerrie, an irresistible presence that cared nothing for shame, despised social control, and demanded surrender to desire NOW! Kerrie cried out when she recognized the creature in her mind.

  It’s ME!

  “Scott!” she cried, “What’s happening to me?”

  “You are waking up,” he replied between his panting breaths. “Your body is waking up from its long sleep. It has an insatiable appetite for sex, Kerrie, and it will never stop compelling you to satisfy its hunger for men’s cocks.”

  Kerrie rolled her head from side to side, testing the cuffs that imprisoned her.

  It’s not fair! I can’t escape being fucked, and I can’t avoid what he is forcing my body to feel. My mother, my aunts and my teachers all beat me when they caught me touching myself for pleasure. Now this man is touching me a thousand times more. The touch of his man-thing inside my secret place! Its paradise! I can’t help it. I can’t stop the beautiful joy in my belly. The words slipped out of her crimson lips, “What kind of a naughty girl am I?”

  “Kerrie,” Scott gasped, “Let go—give up! Let your body tell you what’s right. Let your pussy sing to you.”

  “Scott-Scott, I want to, but I’m scared. What can I do!”

  “I’ll do it for you, Kerrie. Don’t talk. Don’t think. Just feel, Kerrie. Feel my cock inside your pussy, and let that be everything you are.”

  “AH-H-H-H...” Kerrie’s chest heaved with a surge of lust boiling up in her torso until she thought her pussy was going to explode. “Scott!” she shrieked.

  “Something...something...AUGH!” the muscles in her arms, torso and legs snapped taut, bowing her body upward, crushing her naked flesh against Scott’s.

  The muscle in her pussy spasmed, clutching at the cock violating her. With the unconscious instinct that evolution had bred into the female’s vagina, the rapid flexing of Kerrie’s love sinew tugged at Scott’s cock.

  Give, damn it, give! it demanded. Spew your cum into me!

  “ARGUH-H-H-H!” With a bellow of conquest, Scott ground his hips against her groin as a surge of gelatinous love-cream spewed from his distended cock slit. The moment exploded into a melding of their consciousness; into a spree of crazed genital eruptions.

  Kerrie’s throat clamped shut in a fit of ecstasy. No sound flowed from her cupid’s bow lips. Only the music of her body’s quaking signaled her surrender to her first orgasm.

  Scott thrust savagely against her, burying his manhood again and again as they lunged their bodies wildly together in perfect synchronization.

  Eons later sanity returned to their dazed minds. Scott lay on Kerrie’s gasping body. Her delicate lungs struggled to draw in each breath as the full weight of his body compressed her ribs, pressing down on her petite body. His profuse sweat trickled down onto her naked skin, dripping freely onto the tiger skin under her.

  Scott slipped his fingers under Kerrie’s head, lifting it and pressing her lips against his for long moments.

  When her mind returned from its magical journey into paradise, she inhaled a long breath and sighed. “Scott, was that real, or did I just have a wonderful dream?”

  “It was real, Kerrie. Now you understand why we had to punish you so in your training. You had to unlearn so many unhealthy rules before this night. Love isn’t just flowers and boxes of chocolates and moonlight strolls. It’s sex, Kerrie—unbridled, unlimited, carnal lust—even in public with people watching you. You must immediately surrender your body to every man who wants to fuck you.

  “That’s love, and that’s the unbreakable law of Blackthorne House. Break that law by hesitating just one second when a man beckons to you, and you will be punished with savage brutality. That’s the choice you will repeatedly make every day—between pleasure and pain—between ecstasy and agony. Never forget that, Kerrie.”

  Scott rolled off her limp body and sat up. “I’ll leave you now, Kerrie. Lissa is waiting for me somewhere out there in the darkness. She must be getting impatient, wondering where I am, what I have been doing to Poppie and you. It wouldn’t be hard for a girl like her to guess. I’ve heard she enjoys being on both sides of a whip. I’ve wondered if that�
�s true. I’ll find out soon.”

  “Wait, Scott!” She jerked frantically at her chains. “Let me loose. Those horrible little creatures—they will come back and...oh, God, I can’t bear to think of what they will do to me!”

  “I don’t think they will come back, Kerrie. There are men roaming this forest tonight. Men with guns. All you need to fear is what those other men will do to you. Whatever they decide to do with your body, I’m sure they will make it very interesting for you.”

  The black stallion had exhausted his horse-cum in the mare, and was grazing peacefully at the edge of the clearing. He galloped eagerly back when he heard Scott’s whistle. There was one more mare waiting for him, and his cock would be fully recharged by the time he found her. Scott leapt into the saddle and they galloped away westward along the south cliff bordering the waters of Loch Lure.

  Chapter Seven

  Prisoners Of The Past

  Lissa’s mare trotted northward up the windblown heath with the edge of the steep cliff only a few yards to the left. The long arm of Blackthorne Forest reached out toward Lissa as they approached its southernmost tip. The sun had already dunked into the sea, and gulls circled overhead, keening their shrill insults, taunting Lissa’s captivity with their own freedom.

  Lissa jerked and tugged at her binding harness without any success. There was no possibility of her freeing her arms and saving herself if the mare stumbled and pitched over the edge onto the rocks twenty yards below. Lissa’s life was in the hands—or hooves—of the horse, and the person who trained it.

  She closed her eyes and filled her mind with the carnal sensations of the lascivious surging and swaying of her abundant breasts. The feeling brought back a flood of memories....

  She was bound naked with her back forced hard against the rough-bark of a tree, her arms pulled tight around behind the trunk. Her unprotected breasts jutted out, a tempting target. She had played cards with Barth, the herdsman, and the wager was to be totally helpless at the dubious mercy of the winner. The bet allowed free use of the loser’s bound and naked body for two hours.


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