Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne

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Bound For Pleasure at Blackthorne Page 40

by Roger Hastings

  “Oh, no!” Kathleen’s face went pale with shock.

  The door swung open revealing a flight of stone steps leading down.

  “This is where we keep the nurses, when they are not servicing the men. All the above-ground rooms are needed for the hospital. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “I suppose that makes sense,” she said. “But you said, ‘servicing the men.’ What does that mean?”

  “No,” Chalmers replied. The smile had vanished from his face. “I said, ‘serving’. Caring for our patient’s needs.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I guess all this strangeness here is playing tricks on my mind.”

  “All our nurses have mentioned that when they first arrive. Ah, there’s the tray with your supper, sitting on the table next to your bed. You can remain here for the rest of the evening. Doctor Vance will come for you in the morning. Try to get as much sleep as you can. I can promise you your first day of duty will be exhausting.” A secret smile flickered across his face. He left and closed the door behind him.

  While she was eating, Kathleen reviewed all that she had seen and heard. When she finished, she went to the door to place the tray outside.

  It’s stuck! She twisted the lever harder. It wouldn’t budge. The door’s locked—he locked me inside this room. Why? Kathleen was getting frightened. There was a small window in the far wall, its vertical opening hardly big enough for even her body to squeeze through, even if it didn’t have those close-set steel bars in it. The pane was cut from milk glass, letting in light but showing no view of the outside world.

  I’d like to see out, even though it’s probably just that walled-in courtyard. What’s that?

  She heard voices outside the window, faint and distant. A girl whimpering, and a man laughing. Kathleen backed away from the window, not wanting to hear, not wanting to know what abnormal things happen to girls in that bizarre courtyard.

  She slept soundly all night, never suspecting a powerful drug had been mixed into her supper.

  Kathleen woke to hear a knocking on her door. “Come in.” When a strange man opened the door, she modestly tugged the blanket up under her chin.

  “Good morning, Kathleen. I’m Doctor Vance.” He smiled, his brown eyes bright with expectation. Kathleen smiled back, admiring his raven-black hair and handsome face, his muscular, athletic body dressed in an impeccable white lab coat, and his resonant, mesmerizing voice.

  “I’ve brought you your breakfast,” he said.

  A maid entered after him, pushing a squeaky-wheeled cart laden with food and dishes fit for a princess. Kathleen tried to avoid staring at the nurse’s skimpy uniform, cut and fashioned to display the maximum of her female charms, with an absolute minimum of fabric. The maid filled a slim goblet with ruby-red wine.

  “Oh, I’ve never drank wine before.”

  “But you are not a child any longer. And this is your home now. We all drink this wine, it’s almost a law here. It’s a marvelous wine, made from the Blackthorne Estate vineyard. It has a special, secret ingredient that will change the way you feel—and the best possible way, of course.”

  “Well, all right.” Kathleen picked up the crystal goblet and sipped. “But I will get tipsy, so please don’t laugh at me.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” Vance said. “When we laugh around you, it only shows how much we enjoy having you with us.

  “It tastes so good. May I have more?” The maid was already filling her goblet again. Kathleen wolfed down the eggs, bacon, toast and coffee, amazed at how hungry she was.

  “Everything is so delicious!” she chirped cheerily.

  Vance smiled, some beguiling secret flickering behind his eyes. “Yes, everything—and everyone—is delicious at Blackthorne House. We indulge ourselves with every whim that catches our fancy.”

  Kathleen daubed her lips with the linen napkin. “Oh, I ate so much! I hope you don’t think I’m too...”

  “Chubby? Not at all, my dear. I myself appreciate a bit of plump on a full-bosomed girl.” His warm brown eyes caressed her extra pounds, so perfectly distributed on her body to enhance and exaggerate her femininity perfectly. “You look perfect for me.”

  “Oh, thank you Doctor Van...uh!” She put a hand to her head and shook it gently. “Doctor Vua-a-a...uh—something’s wrong—buzzing in my head—feel so funny...Buh-h-h-h.” She stared stupidly at her third glass of wine slipping from her numb fingers and spilling the last dregs on the blanket. Her eyelids slowly shut as her arms flopped down on the bedcovers. Her upper torso and head collapsed back on the scented silk pillows.

  “It’s okay to come in now,” Vance said toward the door. “She’s unconscious. But hurry, this drug will keep her asleep only fifteen minutes.”

  Two naked men strode into the room; one tall and blond, the other a giant-bodied black man with white teeth gleaming in his grin. Both men’s cocks began swelling and lifting as soon as they saw Kathleen’s beautiful body lying unconscious on her bed.

  Vance grinned and nodded to them. “Gregor, you and Shawe take her to the examination room behind the surgery and secure her on the table. I’ll join you there as soon as I undress.”

  “Yes, Doctor,” Shawe said. He looked at the black man “Come on, Gregor, let’s pick her up and lay her on the gurney.”

  “I’d like to lay her anywhere, Shawe,” the male giant replied with a deep, resonant laugh. They

  put Kathleen’s limp body on the cart and wheeled her out the door and down the corridor.

  Chapter Nine

  A Girl’s Worst Nightmare

  Kathleen swam up through the blackness, thrashing to escape the sticky muck of unconsciousness deep in her mind. She moaned as she struggled to reach that tiny pinpoint of brilliant light above her. There was a man’s voice next to her.

  “She’s coming out of her sleep,” Vance said. “She’ll still be weak as a kitten until the paralysis wears off.”

  “Good,” replied the robust voice. “Now we can have some fun with her.”

  Kathleen’s sky-blue eyes fluttered open. She stared up at the light above her, puzzled until she realized she was lying on her back, looking at the ceiling. She turned her face, surprised to see her arms laid out in a narrow “V” on each side of her head.

  There were two men beside her, their naked chests visible over the edge of the examining table, from just above their waist. One was a blonde man, about 35 years old. The other, a magnificently tall and heavily muscled man, with black skin. The overhead light reflecting off his bald head. They were grinning at her. With a gasp of fright, she turned her head. Doctor Vance stood next to that side of the table, grinning at her, also with his chest naked.

  When she lifted her head, she discovered her legs spread apart, her ankles extended from under the bottom hem of her dress. There were black leather cuffs strapped tight around them, and when she tried to move them, she realized the cuffs were secured to the ringbolts on the extended metal beams spread out on each side of the foot of the table.

  “What? Why...?” Kathleen next tried to pull her arms back down beside her, but they were trapped in cuffs, too, secured to the other pair of metal beams spread out beyond the head of the table. Her torso twisted ineffectually as she began struggling.

  “It’s no use,” Doctor Vance said. “Even if you weren’t almost paralyzed from the drug, it would still be impossible to free yourself.”

  “Drug?” Kathleen shook her head, trying to clear the last dregs of sleep and confusion from her mind. “Where am I, and why am I on this examination table.” Her eyes widened as her awareness returned. “And why are you...” She rocked her head from side to side, staring at the men’s bare chests... “Why aren’t you wearing your shirts and jackets?”

  Gregor laughed, his large gleaming white teeth showing against his coal-black skin. “We’re not wearing anything, pretty girl. Not one scrap of cloth anywhere on our bodies. We are just as nature made us, and very soon, you will be, too.”

r! Doctor!” Kathleen shrieked. “Please, let me up. Release my hands and feet!”

  “I will, my pretty little dumpling, as soon as we are through examining you.”

  “Examining me? Wha...” Her crimson lips were trembling, and her words choked in her throat. “What kind of examination?”

  “A beauty exam,” Vance said. “We want to remove all your clothes so we can enjoy looking at your feminine charms.”

  “And ravage them, too,” Broc added. “With our fingers, and with our male weapon.”

  Kathleen’s mouth opened to scream, but her throat clamped shut with terror. Tears welled up in her staring eyes and skittered down the sides of her face. Her heart pounded as she watched Doctor Vance reach out and begin unbuttoning her blouse.

  The only sound she could make was a thin, keening whine as button after tiny white button was forced out of its buttonhole. Shawe stood on one side, and Gregor on the other, slowly, cruelly pulling her blouse open as Vance continued undoing the buttons.

  A heavy, starched and reinforced bodice reaching down to just above her navel still defended her virtue. Its tiny pink ribbons and delicate lace trim amplified the beauty and innocence of her defenseless feminine torso. Many strong metal hooks held it closed in the front, defying the lust bred in men’s hearts.

  Vance produced a pair of scissors and held them above Kathleen’s face. “See these, my fleshy little dumpling? They are called ‘dressmaker’s scissors’. But we men have consecrated them to a more sensual, exhilarating purpose.” He snipped the blades together in the air with sinister insinuation. “These,” he said, lowering the gleaming device to the fabric, “we have transformed into ‘undressing scissors”

  “No...” Kathleen’s faint whisper was barely audible. Her drug-weakened muscles agitated her head in a shake of denial. “ can’t do that. It’s wrong...It’s dirty!”

  “It’s nature,” Vance said. “We are all born without clothes. There’s nothing more natural and pleasant than being publicly naked. It goes against nature to keep our bodies hampered with the unfriendly and unnatural idea of wearing clothes.

  “Why deny ourselves the pleasure and convenience of seeing and touching each other’s naked bodies? It’s shame that is unnatural. We get the perverse idea of shame beaten into us by a cruel and tyrannical society that harbors the insanity of thinking pleasure is evil. When we are babies, our naked bodies are called ‘cute’. Then as we grow into toddlers, something cruel is done to us. When we are caught exploring our natural curiosity about our genitals, we are beaten and reproached until our minds are warped into a hideous fear of exposing our sexual gifts and making them freely available to anyone who desires us.” Vance paused, and Kathleen could hear the deep, rapid breathing of the men. “We will cure you, Kathleen. We will take away your clothes, then in the days ahead, we will cure you of shame. You have a new life now, and in time you will thank us for it.”

  “No! Never! I could never...” She gasped as Gregor’s brawny black hands moved toward her face. He was holding a leather blindfold. He strapped it over her eyes, and imprisoned her mind with darkness.

  She felt the cold blade of Vance’s scissors slide under the bottom of her bodice. “Stop! Oh, please, stop!” Kathleen emptied the vision from her imagination, trying to escape from the horror of her helpless defilement. She shivered uncontrollably as she heard the shirring sound of cloth being cut apart. The blades closed a second time, and she felt her bodice separating, exposing more of her virgin beauty.

  The men were talking, laughing at her fear, reveling in the anticipation of exposing her intimate charms to their lurid stares. “Look at her face,” Gregor boomed. “Red as fire with shame.”

  “You can look at her face,” Shawe replied. “I’ll look at something much more interesting.”

  The scissors continued slicing upward, cutting away the fabric between her heaving breasts. Kathleen was sobbing, her feeble squirming against her restraints amusing the men.

  “Struggle, pretty little dumpling,” Vance said with a grin. “Tug and squirm against those cuffs holding your arms and legs prisoner. Watching our captives frantically strain and struggle to avoid our touch excites us. Think about what men like us do to helpless, naked girls. Imagine what we are going to do to you.”

  “Oh, please,” Kathleen moaned. “Not that—not...”

  There was a chorus of male glee as the scissors severed the last thread holding Kathleen’s bodice together. The cloth gapped open, but still covering the ample mounds of her twin glories. Their movement delighted the men, rising and sinking with the rapid pulsing of her lungs.

  “Pull apart her bodice,” Shawe hissed. “Let’s have a look at her.”

  “In a moment,” Vance answered. “Let her think about it awhile first.” He grinned down at her, amused by her shuddering sobs. “She can feel her shorn bodice gapping open, unable to protect her modesty. She feels it just lying on top of her soft, chubby breasts, vulnerable to our hands; dreading the moment we lift the fabric and spread it open. Don’t you, cute little dumpling?”

  Kathleen’s eyes were clamped shut under her blindfold, the tears leaking out, cascading over her cheeks and dripping onto the mattress. “Help me!” she moaned. “Oh, please—why doesn’t someone please help me?”

  The torture of waiting for the inevitable was excruciating. She shrieked when she felt the male fingers grasping the severed edges of her bodice. Then there was nothing but the cool air caressing the splendor of her sumptuous breasts. Male fingers captured her left breast and began kneading its unprotected splendor. Something warm and wet stroked her right breast, then she felt the bite of a man’s teeth. She cried out as they nipped at the sensitive flesh. A different hand caught her breast in its grip, and a male mouth pressed against her lips, sucking her breath away.

  Kathleen struggled and whimpered against their assault until she lay gasping for breath, her weakened body exhausted.

  At last they released her tingling breasts. But her hope for their pity was futile. Once again the scissors touched her, sliding under the hem of her long skirt, singing their lascivious chant of ‘snip—snip—snip!’

  She felt the cool air creeping up her legs, then her thighs betrayed the secret of her growing nakedness. Inch by inch, her dress and undergarment were cut open by Vance, and eagerly pulled away by Gregor and Shawe. The alluring shape of her calves, the adorable curves of her thighs, and finally, the tempting swell of her hips were bared to their lustful stares. Now, only Kathleen’s diaphanous silk and lace panties were left, a frail and insubstantial shield, utterly incapable of defending her virginity.

  She whimpered as the men’s hands caressed her belly, the inside of her thighs, and returned again and again to squeeze and abuse her breasts.

  “Let’s get on with it,” Shawe said. “I want to feel her pussy!”

  “Easy,” Vance replied. “Savor the moment awhile. Remember, you can only fuck a virgin once. Then she’s not a virgin anymore.”

  “All pussys are targets for my cock,” Shawe replied. “Sure, virgins are rare treasures, but the pussy I like best is always the one I’m cumming in at that moment.”

  “I agree with Doctor Vance,” Gregor said with a chuckle. “I’m always dreaming about my next virgin captive. I wish this chubby little delight was mine first.”

  “Your turn is coming soon,” Vance replied. “You’ll get the next virgin we kidnap.” He bent over Kathleen, whispering in her ear. “It’s time, my fluttering dove. Now we are going to play with your sweet little pussy.”

  Kathleen’s torso shook with her sobs. She lay still, no longer having a hope of escape. She surrendered her body to its fate.

  The scissors cut through each side of her panties with one snip each. The elastic band pulled the fabric together, leaving only a narrow ribbon of shiny white silk covering her pussy. Stray strands of curly auburn hair peeked out from under the edges.

  “Hey,” Shawe said. “She’s a genuine red-head. I love red-hai
red pussys. They’re always the hottest-feeling holes I’ve ever stroked my cock in. Feels like fucking an oven.”

  “Gregor and I will enjoy testing your claim,” Vance said. “I will enjoy proving you’re right.”

  Kathleen felt a touch on her groin. Male fingers grasped a pinch of silk and slowly pulled away her wounded panties.

  “No! No! Stop! Don’t...AUGH!” For the first time in her life, a man’s fingers stroked her maiden’s muff. Her hips squirmed and strained to escape their touch. It was useless. The straps holding her prisoner, and the drug still kept her muscles semi-paralyzed. Her femininity was an easy prey for the cruel lust of men.

  “Let’s get her outside so you can fuck her,” Gregor said.

  “Yeah,” Shawe added. “Then we can have our turn.”

  “Shall we take her to the courtyard and strap her down on one of the platforms?”

  “No,” Vance answered with a pause. “I’d like to see her strapped to the horizontal beam out in the center of the meadow, where anyone can watch me fucking her.”

  Kathleen was still blindfolded as Gregor and Shawe, with two other men, carried her out into the open meadow. Doctor Vance stayed behind in the hospital to eat lunch before his sex-tryst with the defenseless girl. He grinned to himself, imagining Kathleen’s anxiety as the morning hours crawled past.

  Kathleen was so weak from the drug her feeble struggles to escape only made the men laugh. Gregor held her standing up as Shawe positioned her arms straight out from her sides, level with her shoulders. She felt him wrapping leather straps around her wrists, elbows and shoulders. He cinched them tight, trapping the back of her arms against the flat surface of the squared horizontal wooden beam.

  Hands gripped her ankles and pulled them wide apart. Leather cuffs circled them, and Kathleen felt the tug and heard the clink of the cuff rings being snapped to ringbolts attached to widely spaced posts.

  An image bloomed in her mind, the drawing by Leonardo DaVinci of the man with his arms and legs stretched out—just as she was. But she was sure these men intended to use her exposed sexual beauty for something more fun than scientific study.


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