A Bride For Obadiah
Page 3
“I don’t know anything else. Where was yours?” He didn’t mean to pry but he had to know. To know her past and why she wanted to prove herself so much.
Esther stirred the stew in the cast iron pot hanging over the fire. She’d looked through what he’d brought and came up with this for their meal. It smelled good and she wasn’t sure what it would taste like. Obadiah didn’t care how hungry he was. He was more curious about her answer to his question. As she looked over the fire at him, she spoke with more sadness and heartache in her words than he had ever heard.
“He raped my Ma. Never knew either of them.”
Obadiah cursed. Not what he expected her to share. Unshed tears shimmered in her eyes. He saw her fighting hard not to let them fall. This tough woman had a softness to her and he didn’t know how often she showed this side. The thought took him back. Part of him wanted to treasure her and the other wanted to push her away.
She shrugged her shoulders. “I know nothing else. Parents don’t love their children, but I want to be different.”
The lie she believed hurt him to his soul. His parents loved him and his brother so hard and deep they never doubted. In the tribe, everyone stayed together. Their community is so different than the one back in town. Sure they saw heartache sometimes and all, but they pulled together. No gossip about one another. If a parent died, then the others stepped up to take care of the children. Always loved and wanted. His Ma and Pa said that’s how God is, but he still didn’t believe it. Someone so caring wouldn’t allow bad things to happen.
“Not all. Parents love.”
She ladled the soup into some bowls and handed him one. Sitting, she shook her head again. He took a bite, moaning. She really knew how to cook. At least they wouldn’t starve. If it was up to him to cook, well, by the end of this trip, they’d lose weight for sure.
“I’m thankful God loves me and has always been with me.”
Another like my brother. Crazy. An invisible God who does nothing.
Glancing over the bowl he tried to figure out how she could believe this when she’d been abandoned as a baby. It made no sense. She didn’t offer anything else about her life. The openness was gone. She ate, looking around at each sound around them. If he was a betting man, he’d bet she’d never slept outside or spent time in the woods. Her letters had come from Chicago, so maybe she’d been catered to, except her hands told another story.
He placed his bowl on the ground, stood, stretching. “I reckon we should get some sleep. Early morning.”
Her attention flew to his. Brows furrowed upward. “Where’s my sleeping sack?”
Sweet dove thought he’d brought two. No. They were married and he wouldn’t be made a fool in front of the men. “With me.”
She was shook to her core. He couldn’t mean that. Together in the same bed. No!
He stood next to the tent holding the opening for her to enter. No joke. She made her way to him, ducking before going inside. Her hands shook like a leaf in the trees during a storm. Being near a man wasn’t a situation she’d been in before. She and Ruth had run before the man they had owed money could do anything to them. She hurried and got into the sack, scooting over as far left as it would let her, pulling the rest up to her chin.
Obadiah slouched as if he’d done this before. Had he? The thought made her uneasy. Were Indians raised differently? Were they allowed to sleep around or did they follow the same moral code as everyone else? She’d never met one before and didn’t understand how they lived. But it was not like she understood moral anyway, having not lived in a Christian home.
She watched him with fear building deep inside of her. She prayed he wouldn’t want to consummate the marriage. It was too soon. She couldn’t. They didn’t know one another. Her fingers clenched the rough material again, holding it in place.
The smirk on his lips made her want to smack it from his face. She kept her eyes lowered. His attention never left hers and she forced herself to breathe. He slipped a button lose from his shirt. One. Two. Three. Esther sucked in a breath. He was going to take his shirt off. She felt her cheeks turn red. Pressing her hand to her mouth. No. She didn’t want to see his chest.
In the darkness, the moonlight cascaded through the opening at the top of their tent. The glow fell on him. She saw what she’d been praying not to see. Patches of hair glistened in the night. Even his chest looked to be muscular. Her throat suddenly became dry. With each unfastened button, her heart beat faster. Taking the tie from his hair, he let it fall over his shoulders.
Inky black and silky, she ached to run her hands through it, wondering if his hair felt as soft as it looked. Biting her bottom lip, she let her gaze slide up to his face. Darn being cursed with the lightest skin ever, she thought. Heat infused her body, she felt the burn all the way to the top of her head. He dropped to his knees, leaning in. Inches away from her face.
“Sweet Dove, have you never seen a man without a shirt?”
The blunt question caught her off guard. She blinked, trying to think of what to say. He’d seen her watching and didn’t seem bothered by it. Who was this man? “N-No.”
Blast it all. He enjoys getting me all out of sorts.
“You can…look. We’re married.” He inched closer cupping her cheek in his hand, rubbing his thumb on her chin. “The innocent way you watch me. I like.”
The frank way he spoke to her, shook her. She wanted so hard to lean into him, to give in to his touch. No. Snapping out of her daze. Only because she wanted to be loved was much, she so ready to give him whatever he wanted. No. Not until she was in love. It was the one gift she planned on keeping until she found love…except she was married. There was no finding love anywhere else.
Pain washed over her. She jerked away from him, away from the warmth and fire that he filled her with. “You're crazy. I was shocked at your lack of morals. I think it best if you put your shirt back on.” Esther, slipped deeper into the bedroll, rolling over on her side so she could not see him.
She wondered if her heart might beat out of her chest. A few deep breaths and it started to slow, just a bit. She felt him get up. She didn’t need to turn to look; she could tell that he put the shirt back on and then again slipped in beside her with his back against hers. They had to find another way of sleeping. It wouldn’t work with them sharing the bed this way. No.
“One day, you’ll kiss me.”
She gasped. How dare he! “You’ll be waiting a long time. You repel me.”
Chapter Four
After the previous night and his boldness, he left Esther alone to get dressed. She came out from the tent and shielded her eyes from the sun coming up over the mountains. She placed the black cast iron pot back over the fire to warm up the stew from last night. Obadiah was over with the other men talking in a huddle. Maybe planning out the day but she did not know.
The other women in the camp worked on breakfast or tore down tents. At least she wasn’t alone out here with a bunch of men. It would have been a little off putting if they didn’t have their wives with them. Except for the one man. He was alone. Tall, with salt and pepper hair and a small beard. She didn’t trust him but didn’t know why. Her husband had a bad boy aura around him. This man though…he was danger. The hair on her arms stood on end when he glanced her way.
A shiver of unease ran over her body once again as he stared at her while her husband spoke to the other men. She tried hard not to show any emotion, as she didn’t want him to think she was interested in him. Far from it. Obadiah looked over the other man’s head, and locked eyes on her. His eyes narrowed, cold and dark, then he turned his attention to James. He excused himself and came to her.
He leaned in close and whispered, “Are you okay?”
She handed him a bowl of stew, avoiding his eyes. There was no way to explain her unease with the older man, and she didn’t want to worry him over nothing. After all, she didn’t trust older men as a rule. Where she c
ame from, they wanted only one thing and she wasn’t one of those girls. “I’m fine.”
“Look at me.”
She shook her head no, holding her bowl tightly. He didn’t need to act as if he cared. Their marriage was on paper only and she was fine with the arrangement, so he could let her handle any other situation that came along.
He tugged her chin until she looked up at him. Okay, she thought, she’d be alright if he’d stop touching her. Making her burn something fierce. Something she didn’t understand and didn’t want to understand either. Esther tried pulling away, but his grip wouldn’t allow it. “Please, talk to me. I know the way we got married was unusual, but I’m responsible for you. What’s wrong?”
Looked up through her lashes at him, she debated on speaking or keeping her concern quiet. He seemed to be a man to rely on and so different. She’d never had parents or a man to help her. She and Ruth together made it through whatever came up. Except now Ruth was back in town and Esther had no way of getting word to her. The person she relied on most…gone. Glancing over she saw the man named James as he moved away from her and her husband. Turning his back to the others, she wondered if she’d imagined it all in her mind.
“Nothing.” She shrugged her shoulders and tried playto the feelings off as no big deal.
“I’m not buying this. Something upset you and I want to know what.” The concern in his voice stirred her heart deep inside. Taking a deep breath, she looked at him. She couldn’t help but tell him now. How he made her feel safe and at ease at the same time, which took her by surprise.
“The man named James, he…I’m not sure. I feel uneasy around him. He was staring at me and I’m not sure why.”
Thunder crossed his face. Lips pursed together in a hard line. His pulse throbbing in his cheek. Rigid all over his body except the hand holding her chin. He pulled her into his arms as one hand anchored her by the waist. She gasped from the sudden movement. Hands splayed on his chest. It was hard as she thought it would be. “Listen to me, and listen good. He’s trouble. Stay away from him.”
She shivered in his arms. The warning came strong from his lips. He didn’t glance at her. No, his attention on James. Deep in her soul, she felt he wanted to hurt him or worse. Why? Did they have a past she knew nothing about? She’d have to find out from him soon.
“I will.”
Looking down at her. His brown eyes softened, golden flecks reflecting in them. He brushed his thumb on her cheek. She melted in his arms. Safe. Secure.
“You will what, sweet dove?”
The two words making her melt more. Blast him for knowing the words to say that made her open up to him. “Stay away from him.” She wasn’t one to cave easy. Fight or flight was her life before, and she almost always chose to fight, except when the man came after her and Ruth and threatened to take them to his boss.
“Thank you. Now you might not like what I’m about to say.”
She stiffened in his arms and gave him her full attention. What would he ask of her now? Please let it be something simple like cooking or to grab a bag. This she could do without question. She waited with bated breath. As long as she’d had her hand on him, she should move her hands without a doubt, but the feel of his hard muscles under her fingers felt so good.
He leaned in so only she heard him. His breath fanned across her cheeks. “We need to act more like we’re married. I’m going to touch you and kiss you.”
“Is that really necessary?”
“Yes, if you want him to get the point. You’re mine.” Two words. Words I never wanted a man to utter. When he says them, they reach deep inside me. She needed her head examined. Now. Moving in closer to her, he took possession of her mouth.
Esther pushed against his chest trying to get away from him. She didn’t want to know what his lips tasted like, or how he made her body come alive with a simple touch. No. Complications not welcome. He cupped the back of her head, tugging her closer. She became mush in his arms. She kissed him back, hard. She didn’t recognize this new woman she had become. For once she felt totally alive.
Pulling away, he leaned his head against hers, both of them breathing hard. Her first kiss. She couldn’t think…could not form any words.
“See it wasn’t that bad.” He winked at her, and let her go, and finished his food as if he hadn’t just kissed her senseless.
Oh, it was worse than bad. The thoughts about love that she once had in her mind all but vanished. She wanted to march over to him where he was rolling up the tent and either hit him or kiss him. Neither of the feelings stronger than the other. A couple of the wives made their way over to her with curious eyes as they looked between her and her husband. Everyone around them had witnessed their kiss.
Redness crept into her cheeks making her flush and her mouth was dry, She resisted tracing where his lips had been.
“How long have you been married?” said one woman who had her brown hair rolled up into a bun and wore a brown working dress.
Esther bit her lip. Answer or not? “Not long.”
The one with jet black hair like Obadiah answered. “We can tell.” She giggled. Her brown dress hugged her close, a slit up the side with some zig-zag patterns on the bottom. She wore a leather belt around her head with feathers sticking out of the back, almost like a crown. Her eyes sparkled.
“I apologize. I don’t know what got into him.” Esther pierced him with a gaze ready to kill for putting her in this situation. Left her to pick up the mess he made.
“I’m Lenna from the same tribe as your husband. Don’t be sorry.” Lenna smiled warmly at her and Esther found herself drawn to her. A woman who could teach her about his family ways. Why he was the wild man he was. “This is Bev.”
“It sure is nice to have some other women folk with us. I’m Esther.” She meant the words so much coming from her lips. The way she missed Ruth was something fierce and at least she could talk to these ladies and maybe learn some more about their town and way of life.
“It’s nice to see him settle down. Our chiefs have been worried about him since his Ma died. If you have any questions about how we live, I’m happy to answer them.”
Esther placed a few items in a bag. She glanced up with grateful eyes. The ladies seemed thoughtful and willing to help her learn. She needed someone like this. “Thank you.”
“We should head back. I’m sure we’ll be leaving soon,” Bev tugged on the other women’s arm. They promised to stop and talk again once they were at the next campsite. She mulled over the words they told her. Part of her wanted to trust these ladies and another part, from the experiences of her childhood wasn’t sure. Trusting other women was hard for her. She had to fight at the home. They didn’t mind hurting one another there to get further along and get good jobs. She’d keep an eye on them and maybe ask her husband about the one woman. He’d have to know who she was.
Obadiah laughed to himself when he saw Bev and Lenna walk straight over to Esther. Lenna had to be in the middle of everything in the tribe. Always wanted to push her boundaries a little more. A woman who wanted to be chief one day, but he thought it would never happen. Chiefs must be men. He’d let his wife figure Lenna out on her own. His lips still burned from her kiss. Crazy white woman.
At least their kiss had kept James at bay for now or he at least hoped so. The man had stared coldly at them as they kissed. He wanted his wife and there’s no way Obadiah would allow this to happen. It would mean death. Either way, the man would die. Obadiah had marked his claim on her.
He hadn’t expected to enjoy her kiss as much as he had. Her small hands fisted in his shirt, pulling him close, opening up to him so he could deepen the kiss even more. Her soft moans he drew from her lips. Had she kissed before? Deep inside he wanted to know more about her, her life. Something he never cared to find out before from anyone. It made no sense.
“Can I have you work on drawing some scenery today?” Eric Hale walked up on him and startled him, but he’d ne
ver admit it. He looked over his shoulder and nodded.
“Sure. What are you interested in, animals or any water we find?” He placed the bag on his shoulder, and turned to face the foreman for this expedition. At least it wasn’t the enemy James that he had to answer to. It would never work if it had been.
“That will be fine. Anything we come across along those lines, sketch them out for us. We need to know if there are any lakes around. Would hate for others to come out here and get lost.” But it was okay for this group to get lost. Typical white man’s thoughts.
At least he and Lenna be able to help them if they got into a bad situation. He thought highly of her abilities, even if he didn’t agree with her marrying a white man, especially when his best friend loved her too. He had longed to make her his wife and mother of his children. She’d been engaged to Obadiah’s friend and then left to come back already wed to another man. It caused a rift in their tribe. Now going on this expedition made it worse, as she was the one who signed up her husband and herself.
She shook her head and tried to refocus on the job at hand.
“I’ll hang back with Esther and get what you need,” replied Obadiah.
Eric nodded and turned to leave as they began to set out. Obadiah grabbed the other bag and made his way to where Esther was waiting. She started to walk behind the other ladies. He whistled to get her attention. Seeing confusion on her face, he waved her over to him. Two more steps and she stood near him and he tried hard not to smile.
“We’ll be a little behind them today. I have to do some sketching for the maps.”
Her eyes grew wide, mouth open. “You draw?” He watched as she tried to recover from her question. He loved the way her cheeks flushed so easily.
“Yes. That’s my job on this.”
Chapter Five
She wiped the sweat from her brow as they made a stop next to a small river. Esther sat on the bank’s edge dipping her feet into the cool water. Pebbles scattered on the ground. A few bigger ones were off to the side to step on and they had used them to cross to the this side. The sun bounced off the water, making it look as if small waves rippled through it from the light breeze. She pulled a shawl over her shoulders.