With Me in Seattle Bundle Two

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With Me in Seattle Bundle Two Page 59

by Kristen Proby

  I meet him halfway and press my lips to his, then sit back to enjoy the movie.


  “Sam’s gonna be here, isn’t she?” I can’t bring myself to open the Jeep door. Mark just parked in front of one of the biggest homes I’ve ever seen, in an exclusive neighborhood of North Seattle.

  I’m at Will Montgomery’s house. The football player. The super sexy and talented Will Montgomery.

  Holy fucking hell.

  “Yeah, she’s going to be here.”

  “She hates me.”

  “No, she doesn’t.” He cups my chin in his hand and makes me meet his gaze. “Sam’s mellowed a lot over the past few years. Besides, I don’t give a shit what Sam thinks. Remember?”

  I nod and look back to the house, swallow hard, and try to think up a viable excuse to go home.

  “It’s gonna be fine, M.”

  I nod again. I can just nod. Why am I so fucking nervous? I’ve danced before audiences of thousands. Tens of thousands. The super rich and famous and everyone in between.

  But these people matter to Mark and in the past forty-eight hours, Mark has grown to matter more than anyone else ever has before.

  After the movie, we went back to my place and watched TV all evening. At around midnight, he kissed me thoroughly and then went home.

  He went home without making love to me.

  Because we’re getting to know each other again.

  I don’t want to screw this up with the people who mean the most to him.

  “Okay, your brain is moving way too fast, baby.” He jumps out of the Jeep, jogs around to my side, and pulls me into his strong embrace. “Take a deep breath, M.”

  “I’m breathing.”

  “No, you’re not. Just breathe. You’ll have fun. You’ve already met almost everyone here.”

  I nod and smile bravely. He’s right. This is no big deal. I’ll make conversation and the next few hours will pass quickly and then I’ll have Mark all to myself again.


  “Yeah. Sorry.”

  He takes my hand and leads me around the side of the house to the back yard. The view of the Puget Sound is breathtaking. It’s a gorgeous spring day, warmer than usual for this time of year. Tables with umbrellas are scattered about the yard, and children are laughing and running around.

  “I thought you said this was a small family thing,” I whisper to Mark in a new panic.

  “It is.” He smiles apologetically. “This is all family.”

  My eyes widen at the number of people here. I recognize Jules holding Stella, gazing lovingly up at a tall, dark man wearing a black T-shirt and jeans. His right arm is covered in tattoos. Luke and Natalie are standing with them, laughing at something Jules is saying.

  “Hold on,” I say and tug Mark’s arm back. No one has seen us yet. “Before you start introducing me, point out who we’re looking at so I have my wits about me.”


  “I recognize Luke, Natalie and Jules. That must be Nate?”

  “Yes. Over there is Sam and Leo.”

  “Holy shit, the rags were right. Sam’s with Leo Nash.”

  “She is. He’s really cool. That redhead with them is Meg. She and Leo grew up together and Meg is Will’s fiancée.”

  “I’ve seen her photo before,” I reply with a nod. “And I’ve met Leo before too.”

  “You have?”

  “Yeah, he and Starla are, um, friends.” I bite my lip, not wanting to tell him that Leo and Starla were much more than that way back when.

  “I think Sam mentioned that before. Small world. Okay, let’s see.” Mark scans the back yard. “Over there is Caleb and Brynna with Isaac and Stacy.”

  “Yep, I know them from class.”

  “That’s right. You know my parents.” He points to one of the tables where it looks like all of the parents have gathered. Some are holding babies. The women are talking and the guys are laughing. “There are also Gail and Steven Montgomery, and Brynna and Stacy’s parents.”

  “That’s right, Brynna and Stacy are cousins, right?”

  “Yep. And that’s Matt with his girlfriend, Nic.”

  “Lots of people.”

  “I think that’s it.”

  “Who’s the hot Italian guy?” I ask without thinking, earning a cocked brow from Mark.

  “That’s Dominic. He’s a half brother to the Montgomerys. I’ll tell you that story later. I’ll also be watching you around him. He’s the last single one among them.”

  “Hey, you’re here!” Jules jogs over to us and hugs us both. “I’m so glad you came,” she tells me.

  “Thanks for having me,” I reply.

  “Come on, I’m going to introduce you to everyone.” She smiles widely, looking beautiful in her red sundress and sandals. “Don’t you just love this weather?”

  “Yes, I’m so ready for summer,” I reply and smile as Jules introduces me to everyone in the back yard. When we make our way to Sam and Leo, I feel my heart rate pick up and the nerves go crazy in my stomach.

  Fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

  “Hey, Leo and Sam, this is Meredith. She’s here with Mark.”

  Sam’s face goes pale in shock. Her jaw drops and then she blinks and looks around for her brother.

  “Hi, Leo,” I say lamely.

  “Meredith.” He pulls me in for a hug and smiles happily. “It’s been a while. You must be the Meredith that teaches dance class for the girls.”

  “One and the same,” I confirm.

  “You two know each other?” Jules asks.

  “Yes, I used to tour with Starla,” I reply. “The music community is a small one.”

  “Ah yes, the bimbo you banged years ago, right?” Sam asks with a smirk and rolls her eyes.

  “According to you, I banged everyone,” Leo replies with a smile.

  “I know for a fact you banged Starla.”

  “There’s no video proof,” Leo replies and Mark laughs next to me. Holy shit, these people are funny. At least, I hope they’re being funny.

  “That we know of,” Sam replies and watches me with narrowed eyes.


  “How is Starla?” Leo asks.

  “She’s great. She’s getting married in Paris this fall and goes back on tour next year.”

  “Good for her. I’m glad to hear it.” Sam walks away and Leo pats my arm before following her. “It’s great to see you, Mer.”

  “You too,” I reply and nod, then feel myself blush under Jules’ stare. “What?”

  “You have gossip,” she accuses me. “Admit it.”

  I laugh and shake my head, finally feeling myself begin to relax. “I’ve signed nondisclosure agreements, Jules.”

  “Oh, honey,” she says as though I’m a child with so much to learn. “I’ll give you liquor. That’ll loosen those lips right up.”

  “I’ll have to remember not to bring Jax around. Pretty girls and liquor will make him spill his guts every time.”

  Jules leads me back to Natalie and Luke, who both hug me tightly. I’ve felt Mark’s eyes on me the whole time, and he smiles at me from Luke’s side.

  “Meredith has gossip. We need to take her with us on girls night out to liquor her up and make her spill the beans.”

  “I’m telling you,” I insist. “Jax is better at that than me.”

  “Is Jax your partner?” Natalie asks.

  “Yes, he’s been my dance partner for years and now we’re business partners.”

  “He’s hot,” Jules informs everyone. “I saw him at the recital.”

  “Is he now?” Nate asks calmly and kisses a sleeping Stella’s head. Holy hell, Nate is one fine specimen of man. He’s all dark and toned and… wow. “Something you need to tell me?”

  “Don’t get your panties in a twist, ace.”

  “No worries,” I assure him as well. “Jax is very gay.”

  “Oh my god,” Natalie exclaims. “We’re bringing you both out for girls night out.”

/>   “We’d love that.”

  “Miss Mer!” Josie and Maddie both run over to me and throw themselves in my arms, hugging me tightly. “You’re here!”

  “I’m here,” I say and hug them back just as Sophie joins them. My arms are full of little girls.

  “This is our baby cousin Livie,” Maddie says, introducing a tiny little dark-haired girl who smiles up at me shyly.

  “I remember you from the recital. How old are you, Livie?”

  “She’s two,” Natalie says with a smile.

  “She’s beautiful.” Livie giggles and holds her arms up for me to lift her into my arms. I can’t resist her. “Hello, gorgeous girl. Don’t you have the prettiest hair?”

  “She has hair like her mama,” Luke says and kisses Natalie’s forehead.

  “Will you dance with us?” Maddie asks hopefully.

  “Dance!” Livie exclaims, making us laugh.

  “Maybe later, sweetie.” Someone has piped music outside, and Kelly Clarkson is currently singing through the speakers.

  “Yes!” Josie yells and the girls run away. Livie squirms in my arms, wanting to follow her cousins, so I set her on her feet and she toddles away.

  “At what age can we put her in class?” Natalie asks.

  “I recommend after three, after potty training.”

  “Hold a place open for us.”

  “There is always space for you guys,” I assure them and feel Mark slip his hand possessively on my lower back. I lean into him and sigh in contentment.

  Over the next few hours, I make the rounds with Mark around the party, speaking with Will and Meg and the other siblings. Jesus, the Montgomerys are gorgeous. Every single one of them. It’s a visual feast that I don’t mind in the least. Mark’s parents hug me warmly. I’ve never been welcomed so quickly by a group of people in my life.

  I walk over to a cooler by the back door and pull a fresh bottle of water from the ice and turn in time to run smack into Dominic.

  “Oh! Excuse me.”

  “My fault,” he assures me and grips my arms to make sure I don’t fall backward. “Sorry about that.”

  “I wasn’t watching where I was going. I don’t think we’ve met yet. I’m Meredith.” I hold my hand out to shake his, and he raises my hand to his lips, kisses it softly and then lets go.

  “I’m Dom. Welcome.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Who are you here with?” he asks and turns to scan the yard.


  He turns back to me with a raised brow. “Really. Very interesting.” He takes my hand again kisses it, then winks before pulling away. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Meredith. Good luck.”

  He leaves me standing here, confused. What did he mean by interesting? Suddenly, I realize the condensation from the water bottle has dribbled down my shirt. I walk into the kitchen to dab at it with a towel, and just then, Sam walks into the kitchen behind me.

  When she sees me, she turns abruptly to leave, but I stop her.

  “Wait. Sam, can we talk?”

  She stops mid-stride and sighs deeply before turning back around and facing me. Her face is completely sober, but I can tell this is not the conversation she wants to have.

  “What’s up?” she asks.

  “I swear, Keaton eats more than I do,” Natalie says as she bustles into the kitchen and pulls a bottle out of the fridge, then turns to us and her eyes go wide. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “You didn’t,” Sam replies. “What do you want, Meredith?”

  “First of all, I hope I didn’t cause any trouble by mentioning Starla earlier.”

  Sam laughs and shakes her head, surprising me. “Trust me. Starla is not an issue. I’ve known about her for a long time, and not that it’s any of your business, but Leo and I are just fine.”

  She begins to walk away, but I stop her again.

  “Well, I guess I want to clear the air. I know you’ve never liked me.”

  She holds her hand up for me to stop talking. “I didn’t know you. I was away at college when you dated my brother all those years ago. But I do know that you broke his heart.”

  “I don’t want you to hate me—”

  “I don’t hate you. I just don’t trust you.”

  Well, there you go.

  “Sam,” Natalie says softly. “You didn’t trust me either.”

  “I didn’t know you either, but you didn’t see Mark after she broke it off,” Sam reminds her, then glances back at me and pulls in a deep breath before letting it out slowly. “People grow up. They change. I know that.” She props her hands on her hips. “I love my brothers more than just about anything, so I’ll be watching, Meredith. I don’t hate you. I don’t even dislike you. I don’t trust you.”

  “I get it.” I nod and shrug.

  “What the hell is going on?” Mark asks from the doorway.

  Chapter Five


  I saw Mer walk through the back door a few minutes ago, and Sam followed her, and neither has emerged.

  I don’t have a good feeling about this.

  “Hey,” I say to Luke quietly. “I’ll be back.”

  He nods and I make a beeline for the open door, and just as I’m about to walk through, I hear Sam say, “I don’t trust you.”

  “What the hell is going on?” I demand. Natalie is holding a baby bottle in her hand, biting her lip. Sam’s hands are braced on her hips and Meredith is leaning her hands on the countertop, but she looks fine. She’s not crying or breathing heavily, and I send up a silent prayer of thanks.

  Sam can be ruthless. But Mer is holding her own.

  My strong girl.

  “I’m just clearing the air with Sam,” Mer says and smiles brightly. “No problem.”

  I glance at Sam who continues to watch Meredith before she turns to me and shrugs. “We’re fine, Mark.”

  “There’s no blood?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Not yet,” Sam says and cocks a brow at me.

  “Geez, no need to be violent, slugger.”

  “We’ll see,” she replies and turns to leave.

  “I’m going to take this to Keaton,” Natalie says, but stops by Meredith on her way by. “I’m glad you’re here. Just give it time.”

  Mer smiles and nods and I immediately cross to her and tilt her chin up. “What happened?”

  “Nothing dramatic,” she replies. “She doesn’t dislike me. She doesn’t trust me, which I can work with.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that it’s better than I thought.” She smiles and hugs me tightly, wrapping her arms around me and nuzzling her face against my chest.

  “I know Sam can be ruthless, so if she said anything to make you…”

  “Stop.” She lays her hand on my chest and looks up at me with those blue eyes, shining with unshed tears. “Do you know what I would give to be able to grill my sister’s boyfriend? To make him squirm a little?” She shakes her head and bites her lip and I tighten my arms around her. “I can handle Sam.”

  “Okay.” I kiss her head and hug her close. “Do you want to leave?”

  “No, let’s go back out.” She smiles bravely and my heart melts a little more. She’s here because of me, because she knows it’s important to me. She leads me outside and we quickly join a conversation with Meg, Will, Matt and Nic.

  “Vegas,” Meg says.

  “What’s happening in Vegas?” I ask, keeping Mer’s hand in mine. Matt and Will both notice and exchange a glance.

  Yeah, I’ll be getting ribbed later. I don’t care.

  “We’re all going to Vegas,” Will says. “We’re just going to do a big group bachelor/bachelorette party.”

  “Fun,” I reply. “When?”

  “In a few weeks,” Meg says and smiles. “We’re making all the travel arrangements. All you guys have to do is show up.”

  “I like the sound of this trip,” Matt says. “How are the wedding plans comi

  Will groans, but Meg lights up, clearly excited to talk about wedding plans. “Great! Alecia is the best.”

  “Alecia is planning this one too?” I ask. That woman plans every event for this family. She might as well just marry someone and officially become part of the gang.

  “Yes, and she’s brilliant.”

  “When is the big day?” Meredith asks.

  “June 9th,” Meg replies.

  “That’s only about six weeks away,” Nic replies. “I’ll need you in the shop this week so we can look at cake ideas.”

  “Okay! Fun!” Meg agrees. “It took us a while to choose a date,” she tells Meredith.

  “It’s because she’s lazy,” Will informs us all with a smile. Meg slaps his arm and rolls her eyes.

  “I am not lazy.”

  “I can’t wait to marry you,” Will says and nuzzles Meg’s ear, making her laugh. “Let’s go right now.”

  “It’s Sunday,” Meg replies and pushes against Will’s chest. “Nothing is open right now.”

  “I’ll make some calls,” Will replies with a smug smile.

  “Miss Mer!” Josie interrupts, pulling on Meredith’s hand. “We love this song! Come dance with us. Please?”

  Meredith laughs. “You like Starla, do you?”

  “Yes, please come dance.”

  “Okay.” She smiles up at me. “My dance card just filled up. I’ll be back.”

  “Have fun.”

  She lets Maddie take one hand and Josie take the other as they guide her to the open lawn area where the kids have been playing. She starts to move her body, showing the girls some new moves, laughing with them. Maddie concentrates, watching Mer with an intense look on her sweet face.

  “She’s great,” Nic comments and sips her water.

  “You brought a woman to a family function,” Will states soberly.

  I just nod and watch as Livie joins the others and Meredith lifts her in her arms and twirls her around, dancing effortlessly with the toddler.

  “He’s not even listening to us,” Matt comments.

  “I can hear you, asshole.”

  “She’s so good with the kids,” Isaac says as he and Caleb join us. I nod and shove my hands in my pockets as Mer glances up and winks at me, sending a punch right to my gut.


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