The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 8

by Frédérick S. Parker

  I was still recovering from the pain, when I heard Aaron’s voice through the trees.

  “Uriah! Uriah, where are you?! Talk to me!” I was trapped. It wouldn’t start getting dark for another two to three hours. Until then, I couldn’t leave the grove. Staying close to the ground, I listened tentatively to the sound of Aaron’s voice. Moving with him, I made sure he never got too close. After more or less twenty minutes, his voice became more distant until it disappeared all together. If my wings stayed out for three days, I didn’t know if Aaron would still be interested in me. How do I explain radio silence for three whole days? If they stayed out for a week, I was sure that we would be through. And if they stayed out for good, I might as well return to my home planet. High Ruler or no High Ruler, there would be no future for me here. As I waited for the sun to go down, I received several texts from Aaron. I wanted so badly to respond, but the words were a jumbled nonsense. At one point he even tried calling, but without a voice, there was no point answering.

  When the sun finally went down, my original plan was to fly straight home, but I had to see Aaron. If only from afar. I could only imagine what he was going through. I had seen the fear on his face when he had no idea how to help me. What does he think is going on? I know he doesn’t think I’m using the bathroom. He hasn’t thought that in days. Arriving at his house, I circled high overhead, looking into his bedroom window. His light was on and I could see him sitting on his bed, his cellphone clutched in his hands.

  Over the next three days, I waited impatiently to retract my wings. Every hour, on the hour I would try to retract them. On Friday my mother called my work and told them I wouldn’t be coming in that night or tomorrow night. That I had a terrible case of the flu. This isn’t the first time she’s had to call in for me. She never likes to see me in pain, but I knew she wasn’t broken up. On the contrary, she took it upon herself to remind me that this is why I can’t have a normal relationship. She reminded me of this on Saturday when I begged her in sign language to help me read Aaron’s texts. As each day passed, they were starting to dwindle.

  “I’m sorry, honey,” she said. “But I’m not going to enable you. I think this is all for the best. Why drag it out?”

  I tried to argue with her, but it’s difficult to have an argument in ASL. Particularly when the person you’re talking to can simply turn her back. When she did this, I almost grabbed her and spun her around, but I restrained myself. In two weeks, none of this would matter.

  Saturday night Aaron left a voicemail on my phone. Listening to his voice, I broke down in silent tears. “Hey, Uriah. I don’t know what’s going on, but I hope you’re okay. I’ve sent you a bunch of texts. Maybe you didn’t get them. Maybe you’re in a crowded place and are too nervous to read. Your work says you’re out with the flu. That or your mother was right and you have returned to France. In any case, I hope to hear from you soon. Feel better. Bye.”

  I clutched the phone to my chest until I fell asleep. Sunday, I tried retracting my wings every few minutes. Since the voicemail, Aaron hadn’t called or texted. I was terrified that the next time I saw him, if I ever see him again, he would dump me. My wings didn’t go back in until eight o’clock that night. It was just starting to get dark so I dashed out the front door, spread my wings and took flight. Landing not far from his house where a streetlight was out, I submerged my wings and ran down the sidewalk to his house. Through his window, I could see him sitting at his desk. He was typing something on his computer. When I tapped on the glass, it looked like he almost jumped out of his skin. Turning off his computer, he came over to the window and slid it open a couple inches.

  “I’m sorry. You are…?”

  “Aaron! I am so sorry!” I gushed, the wheels in my mind spinning as I tried to come up with a believable lie. “I…” My work told him I was sick, but that doesn’t explain complete radio silence. “I…” I can’t say I lost my voice because that wouldn’t explain not responding to his texts. Before I could think of anything, Aaron took over.

  “I went to the restaurant where you work. They said you were out with the flu. I considered coming over with some hot soup ‘cause that’s what good boyfriends do, but I wasn’t sure if I should. I mean, we’ve only been dating a week. Less than that in fact. Is a week long enough to bring hot soup? Then I thought, well if you’re really out with the flu, why aren’t you responding to any of my messages or calls? Are you ignoring me? I don’t know. We were having such a good time, or so I thought.”

  “Aaron please! I wanted to answer your calls and your texts, but I couldn’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “I get the flu really bad. My throat was so sore I couldn’t speak. And you know how I am with reading. I was so upset about how we left things, I couldn’t read any of your messages. I wanted so badly to respond, but I couldn’t.”

  “Is that the truth?”

  “It’s the truth.” Aaron studied the tears that were making a steady path down my face. After pondering my answer for a moment, he leaned forward and opened the window the rest of the way. Eagerly climbing in, I didn’t waste a second wrapping him in my arms.

  “I missed you so much. It killed me not to be able to talk to you.”

  “I was the one dying,” my boyfriend whispering, holding onto me tightly. “After the way you took off at the art show, I didn’t know what to think. You just disappeared!”

  “I know. I am so sorry. I didn’t want you to see me like that. When I get sick it’s a truly horrifying experience.”

  “I’ve seen you sick before.”

  “Not like this.”

  “What, was it shooting out both ends?” Aaron gave a weak laugh, but I knew he was trying to throw me off. It worked. If I said yes, then he’d have that unflattering image in his mind and if I said no than he’d know I wasn’t as sick as I claimed to be.

  “Let’s just say it wasn’t pretty,” I replied, my face burning bright. Ending our embrace, Aaron and I went over and lay down on his bed. I tried to kiss him, but he drew back, suggesting that we watch a movie or something. His voice was casual, but I could feel him pulling away. What more could I expect? After three days of total silence, it was a miracle he didn’t dump me.

  Chapter 6


  I don’t know what to think anymore. Much less believe. Uriah is everything I imagined in a boyfriend, but there was definitely something going on with him. Who goes to the bathroom every three hours like clock work? Is he a bird? No one’s that regular. If he’s not using the bathroom, what is he doing? Throwing up? Is he bulimic? He doesn’t look it. Quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve never seen anyone healthier. Each time he discreetly slipped away, my curiosity grew. I yearned to ask him what he really does on those little bathroom breaks. Breaks that could last anywhere from five to fifteen minutes, but I couldn’t. How can I ask him to divulge his secrets when I refuse to divulge my own? At the Mexican restaurant, I came really close. So very close. I wanted to open up to him, I really did, but I was terrified. I still didn’t know where this relationship was going. What if we don’t have a future together? Do I really want to bare my soul? Once those words are out, they’re out. There’s no taking them back.

  We had had a great week together and I was beginning to let him in, but after what happened at the art show, I was glad I hadn’t cracked. Whenever Uriah takes off for the bathroom, he always seems to be in a little pain, but this time was different. He was terrified. I could see it in his mysterious pale gold eyes. He was in a lot of pain and he was scared to death. What the fuck is going on?! What can he possibly do in there that’s so important? Seeing how scared he was only freaked me out more. Obviously he’s not bulimic. If it were that important, he’d just purge into the nearest trash can. As I followed him into the small thicket of trees, I thought maybe I’d finally get an answer. But, only moments after Uriah entered the brush, he disappeared. I looked everywhere for him, but he was gone. Going back to the art exhibit I waited for him, but a
n hour later he still hadn’t returned. Is he okay? Is he even still alive? He’d looked so freaked out when he took off. Maybe he’s into drugs. Did he overdose? Is he lying dead in a ditch somewhere? My mind was a dust devil of confusion. Uriah looked just as much like a drug addict as he did a bulimic. It wasn’t possible. Then again some druggies are very good at concealing their habit. According to his boss, he was out sick with the flu, but I didn’t believe that for a second. I’ve had the flu. One, it doesn’t hit that fast. Two, what was with his blatant fear? Unless he had the plague, I didn’t see any reason for it.

  It’s Ockham’s Razor, I thought Sunday night as my fingers flew across my keyboard. He doesn’t want you. He probably never did. All that talk about liking me just the way I am was just talk. How could he like me? How could anyone? When Uriah magically appeared at my window, I had half the mind to turn him away. But my curiosity own out. Guys come up with all kinds of excuses as to why they never call back. This guy was different than most. I wanted to hear his excuse. It turns out his story wasn’t any wilder than some, but I didn’t buy it. Maybe he had the flu, maybe he didn’t. Whatever the case, something else was clearly going on. God help me, I was intrigued. I felt like I was in the middle of my own soap opera. If I change the channel, I'll never know how it ends.

  So despite my many misgivings, I let him engulf me in those powerful arms. I let him pull me close and whisper sweet words of apology. He was too beautiful to let go just yet. But I was going to be extra careful. This might seem like a soap opera, but that didn’t mean it couldn’t still end in tragedy. Until I knew for sure what this was, I would have to put my heart on lockdown.

  Over the next week, I could tell Uriah was going overtime trying to show me that he cared. He would buy me flowers and present me with gifts. I quickly realized he was treating me the way you’d treat a weary girlfriend. He knew I had my doubts and he wanted to prove he was trustworthy. His confusing me with a girl might have bothered me, but I was distracted with the fact that he’d started setting the alarm on his watch. Now he got a little warning bell every three hours. Whatever happened on Thursday, he clearly didn’t want a repeat. As the days passed, I continued to pick him up during the day. We continued our usual routine; hang out, get something to eat, maybe catch a movie. But I was constantly aware of Uriah’s desires. He no longer tried to touch me, but it was obvious he wanted to. And that’s not all he wanted. He had pretty good self-control, but there was little he could do about his involuntary, physical reactions. He tried to hide them, but I was aware of his almost constant boners. I’d actually taken to masturbating to an almost obscene degree just so I could control myself when we were together. Fortunately, his habit of rubbing his erections against me hadn’t lasted long. The two times he did that, it caused me to pop wood, forcing me to pull away before he noticed. I was so flustered and filled with self-doubt that despite my vows to lose weight, I actually put on a few pounds. And the more that little red needle went up, the more I pulled away.

  Before long, Uriah started visiting me in the evening, just after the sun went down. He never asked to stay the night and our kisses had regressed to mere pecks on the lips, but for the most part, he accepted this. However, the following Sunday, a week after his grand apology, I could sense his patience wearing thin.

  “Come on, Aaron,” he groaned when, after slipping in my bedroom window around 8:30pm, he’d tried to go in for a deeper kiss and I pulled away. “How much longer am I going to be on probation?”

  “I just think we should take things slow.” He was holding me in his arms and I could see the desperation in his eyes. Worse still, I could feel his erection pulsing against my stomach. It was practically drilling a hole straight through me. Unlike this past week, Uriah made no attempts to hide it.

  “We’ve been taking it slow!” he grunted, his pale gold eyes on fire, but not with anger. More like burning passion. It was actually really hot. I had to pull away so he wouldn’t feel my own burning desire. “Worse in fact,” Uriah continued, pulling me back to him. “Remember our first kiss? I want that again.”

  “I just don’t think…” I didn’t get a chance to finish. The moment my hard-on grazed him, he swept me off my feet and plopped me down on my bed. In an instant he was over me, his strong arms acting like prison bars, caging me in. My god, he’s strong! My heart raced as I stared up at him. Deep down inside, I envisioned Uriah just taking what he wanted. I was a butterfly’s breath from giving in.

  “You want this too,” he breathed, grinding down and forcing a surprised gasp from my lips. “I can feel it.”

  “I can’t,” I groaned, pushing against his abdomen.

  “Please don’t shut me out.” his voice was thick and husky as he nailed me with the intensity of his gaze. “I’m so sorry about what happened last week. I know I hurt you, but that will never happen again.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  He hesitated. “I would promise you the moon, if I could, but some things are just beyond our reach. But I can promise to never hurt you on purpose. That is my solemn vow.”

  When I nodded, his full beautiful lips were on my in an instant. He kissed me hard, his tongue diving deep into my mouth. I loved the taste of him, the smell of him, how he made me feel. I was so enthralled, I didn’t pull away when I felt his hand at my crotch. He was rubbing me through my jeans and I was about to lose my mind. When I didn’t recoil, Uriah unfastened my belt. Undoing the button, he nudged my fly down. Without breaking our kiss, he freed my aching erection. Wrapping his fingers around it, he squeeze, causing me to groan into his mouth. It’s been way too long! He didn’t waste any time stroking me into a frenzy. My hips bucked wildly as he pumped his fist faster and faster. In his skilled grip, it didn’t take long for me to explode. My nails dug into his shoulders as I rocketed to the quickest orgasm I’d ever had. My muscles tightened and within seconds I was shooting my load all over my stomach. As one powerful jet after another soaked my shirt, Uriah watched me intently, his fingers still coiled around my spewing dick. He took in my every expression as I rode out my climax. Under his gaze, I might have felt self-conscious if not for the pleasure that was zinging through me. All I could do was pant and groan as he took me in. When my muscles finally relaxed, I tried to speak, but I was too out of breath. I wanted to tell Uriah how amazing that felt, but words failed me. When I just lay limply beneath him, my body tingling and my chest heaving, his expression changed. I could see the lust building inside those gorgeous eyes. Without a word, he abruptly yanked my jeans down. He managed to flip me into my belly before I stopped him.

  “No.” Spinning back over, I hastily pulled my pants up before Uriah could have his way with me. This time it wasn’t do to reservations about our relationship. He wanted sex and while I’m no virgin, I’ve never had anyone back there. The thought kind of scared me. With Tyler, I’d always been on top. I never imagined myself bottoming, but I’m guessing neither has Uriah. The thought has probably never crossed his mind. Why would it? He’s only been with girls.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked as I tucked my now flaccid cock back into my jeans and zipped up.

  “Let’s do something else.” When Uriah’s face fell, I realized he thought I was suggesting another movie or something. For the last week that had been my M.O. when things started getting physical. “I want to give you a blowjob,” I blurted out, not sure how else to say it. Since our first date, I yearned to see what he was packing and I could no longer control my curiosity. When my boyfriend remained frozen in place, I took his hand, urging him to stand up. He looked completely bewildered and I found myself wondering if he’d ever received one before. He’s such a good kisser, I assumed he’d been around the block.

  “Has anyone ever done this for you?” I asked as he slowly stood up, his expression inscrutable. He wordlessly shook his head, his pale gold eyes locked on me. “Well, then you’re in for a treat.” Getting down on my knees, I tentatively unzipped his fly. Uriah continued to watch me, his
eyes gleaming with wonder. He clearly had no idea what to expect. Is he a virgin? That can’t be. No one can look like that and be a virgin. Then again, his mother had done her darnedest to keep him isolated.

  Sliding my hand through the zipper, I pulled him free and almost swallowed my tongue. He was massive! Much bigger than I’d imagined. Figures. Giant guy, giant dick. For a second, I just gaped at the long, thick organ in my hand. My fingers couldn’t even make it all the way around! Now the thought of bottoming downright terrified me. No way he’s sticking that monster in my virgin ass. I wasn’t entirely sure I could get it in my mouth. Whatever. I’ll give it a try. If this was his first blowjob, I wanted it to be memorable. Taking a deep breath, I first played with the head of his beast with the tip of my tongue. The moment I made contact, Uriah released a deep-throated groan, his hands flying to the back of my head. His grunts became more fevered as I continued to work my magic. Finally, I opened my throat and took him as deep as I could. Uriah cried out, his hips abruptly slamming forward. With his hands gripping my head, I couldn’t move. Panic quickly seized me as he began pumping in and out. I’ve never had a strong gag reflex, but I was afraid of suffocating. Luckily it didn’t take long for him to finish. After just a few thrusts, he pushed in deep and shot his load. He was so far down my throat, I didn’t have to swallow. He seed erupted down my esophagus and straight into my stomach. He seemed to cum for hours and right when I was sure I was going to pass out, he pulled away.


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