The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 11

by Frédérick S. Parker

  Realizing his mistake, Aaron quickly apologized, but it was too late. I couldn’t hear anything over the pounding of my own heart. Tears welled up in my eyes as I bolted from the visitor’s center. I ran blindly toward the National Forest, not caring where I was going.

  “Uriah, please! I’m sorry!” Aaron’s voice cut through the haze, but I ignored it. I kept running until I couldn’t run anymore. Collapsing in a heap, I sobbed uncontrollably. I wasn’t just crying over what he’d said. All the years of stress and hurt and frustration were coming down on me at once. I hated being different. I hated always having to hide what I was. I hated the lies and deceit, I was tired of always worrying that someone would discover my secret. Why can’t I just be normal? I didn’t realize Aaron had caught up with me until I saw him through the sheen of tears. He stopped a few feet away, his face tortured.

  “Uriah, I can’t tell you how sorry I am. I didn’t mean to upset you. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry. Sometimes I forget how sheltered you are. Please forgive me.” When I didn’t say anything, he continued. “It’s not that I’ve never considered having anyone back there, it’s just…” his voice trailed off.

  “It’s just what?” My voice came out thick and hoarse.

  “It’s just that you’re huge. Something that size would hurt like hell.”

  I had no idea what to say to that. It never crossed my mind that it might be painful for him. When it comes to pain, I can definitely sympathize. I immediately began unravelling all over again. I really am green. I have no idea how any of this works! When it comes to sex, I knew practically nothing! I didn’t learn about it in school and my mother never told me a damn thing. What little knowledge I had came from my buddies back in the day. Is it painful for girls too? Is that why they’re always saying no? My head spun as fresh tears welled up in my eyes.

  Seeing me come undone, Aaron came over and knelt before me. “There are ways to lessen the pain. For you I can bare it.”

  “I don’t want to cause you pain.”

  “It’s okay. I want to do it.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m sure.”

  Chapter 8


  It felt like my heart was going to explode! I can’t believe I agreed to this! I told Uriah that I was sure, but I wasn’t. I’m not sure at all! I don’t bottom. That’s been a rule of mine since I started engaging in sexual activity. Am I really going to break my own rule? As we drove home in silence, I wondered if I could take it back. I might have if I didn’t feel so bad about calling him an idiot. You made your bed Aaron, now you have to lie in it. Literally. How cruel the irony. It’ll be fine, I told myself. So he’s the size of a summer sausage. So what? It won’t kill you. No, but it’ll hurt. A lot! I was practically hyperventilating when we pulled into the driveway. It was almost eight o’clock. My parents were probably in the living room, watching the evening news. Nothing could breach that cone of silence. Crap. So much for the “my parents will hear” excuse. As I led Uriah down the hall to my bedroom, I felt like I was on the way to the gallows. Or being forced to walk the plank. Headed for the guillotine maybe? Whatever the feeling, it was bad. Maybe my illness would flare up again. That would be a good excuse. You can’t expect someone to accept your monster cock when he’s puking or shitting his guts out.

  When we arrived at my door, I led the way in. While I was sweating bullets, Uriah looked like a kid on Christmas Day. He was so excited I don’t think he noticed how nervous I was. My shirt was drenched!

  “Okay,” I said, hoping my voice didn’t crack. “Let’s do this.”

  He was on me like wet on water. First he pulled my shirt up over my head, then he was unfastening my belt. When I was down to my boxers, he stripped off his own clothes. Taking me in his strong arms, he guided me over to the bed.

  “Just a moment.” Reaching into my dresser drawer, I pulled out a condom and some lube. When I handed Uriah the contraceptive, he arched an eyebrow.

  “You afraid of getting pregnant?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, I always practice safe sex.”

  “I’m clean.”

  “I’m sure you are, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  Giving a little shrug, Uriah slid out of his boxers and proceeded to roll on the condom. His erection was so big, the rubber barely fit. And it was an extra large! While he wrestled with the contraceptive, I climbed onto the bed and removed my own underwear. I had agreed to let him in, but I couldn’t help looking for a way out. Any excuse would do. I just didn’t want my motives to be obvious. I really did want to give Uriah this part of me, I was just petrified of the pain. While I continued my internal struggle, he continued to force his meaty parts into the already over-burdened rubber. A spark of hope fluttered through me. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to get it on. Good luck finding a replacement. There probably aren’t a lot of store stocked for someone his size. Right when I was sure I’d found my out, my boyfriend finally got the condom in place. As he joined me on the mattress, I stared apprehensively at the monster between his legs It was like a dagger, the head pointing at my heart. Is this how I die? Death by cock? I might have laughed if I wasn’t so nervous. As my boyfriend kissed and caressed me, my eyes stayed glued to his manhood. The latex was stretched to capacity. It looked borderline painful. The slightest pressure and that thing would blow. I definitely didn’t want that happening during sex.

  “Dude, that’s not going to work,” I said, seizing this excuse by the horns.

  “What’s wrong?” Uriah murmured, stopping mid-caress and following my gaze to his condom clad cock.

  “That thing is packed tighter than a Brats on a summer grill. No way it’ll hold.”

  He looked like he was about to protest, but before he could get a word out, the contraceptive exploded, sending latex everywhere.

  “You see? What if that had happened during sex?”

  Looking both flustered and frustrated, my boyfriend gathered up what remained of the condom and tossed it in the bedside trash bin. “Do we absolutely need protection?”

  “I don’t bareback.” While I was trying to end this little tryst, he was desperate to keep it going. For a moment, Uriah ran his fingers through his hair as he searched for a solution. I was ready to shoot down any alternatives to a condom he might suggest. An ex once offered up a ballon as a quick fix. Not happening. Nothing short of a standard store-issued condom will work for me. Right when I thought my boyfriend was stumped, he suddenly brightened.

  “I have a condom!” Jumping off the bed, he swiped his jeans off the floor, fished around in the pockets and yanked his wallet free. After flipping it open, he produced a double X large. Jesus! I didn’t even know they made them that big. Returning to the bed, he ripped the packet open and rolled it on. Of course it fit like a glove. Crap!

  “How long have you had that?”

  He shrugged. “Not long.”

  “You know they expire after a couple years, right?”

  “Do you not want to do this?”

  “No, I just want to do it right.”

  “The condom is fine.”

  “Are you sure? You forgot you had it.”

  Uriah cupped my face. “Aaron, there’s nothing to worry about. The condom is fine.”

  “Okay.” Trying to hide my disappointment, I handed him the bottle of lubricant. “You’ll need this. A lot of it.”

  Accepting the lube, he popped the cap off and squeezed a large blob onto his palm before smearing it over his shaft. When his manhood glistened, he grabbed my hips and pulled me to him. Turning me around, he positioned me on my hands and knees so he could take me from behind. Accustom to being on top, it was weird relinquishing control. My fear and uncertainty was increasing by the minute. When he pressed the head of his cock against my hole, I just about lost it.

  “Wait!” I jerked away, my heart thrumming in my chest.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “You have to get me ready first.” When he raised a qu
estioning eyebrow, I added, “With your fingers. It’ll make it a lot less painful.”

  “Okay.” Coating his index finger with lube, Uriah breached my hole forcefully and without warning. Stinging pain instantly zigzagged through me.

  “Ow! Fuck!”

  “Sorry!” He hastily removed the finger.

  If I was fearful before, now I was down right terrified. If a lonely digit hurts that much, I could only imagine how much worse his Mammoth cock would be.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.” I intended to turn and face him, but he grabbed my hips, halting my progress. His grip wasn’t hard. Just firm enough to stop me.

  “Please,” he begged, his voice full of both desperation and lust. “I’m sorry. I’ll be gentle, I swear.”

  Looking over my shoulder at him, it was hard to say no. His big gold eyes were filled with a yearning I hadn’t personally experienced in a long time. I could see how badly he wanted this. Needed this. When I didn’t respond, Uriah squeezed my hips in a wordless request to bring me back. Still conflicted, I didn’t move so he shuffled forward.

  “I swear I’ll be gentle,” he whispered coaxingly. “Please give me another chance.”

  As I contemplated his request, a part of me expected him to grow impatient and just dive in, but he didn’t. While I wrestled with indecision, he waited silently, his warm hands still on my hips. Unable to say no to him, I finally nodded my consent and I saw him breathe a visible sigh of relief. Once again he slid his index finger inside me, only much slower, carefully working it in and out a centimeter at a time. When I was able to take it without pain, he added another. The process was painstaking and it must have been grueling for him, but he never sped up. Little by little he worked me until I could easily take three if his slick digits.

  “I’m ready,” I finally said, knowing I couldn’t delay any longer. Despite his efforts, I knew this was still going to be uncomfortable.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, just take it slow.”

  My boyfriend nodded before lining his manhood up with my back door. I wanted to clench, but I knew that would only worsen the pain. As scary as this was, I had to remain as relaxed as possible. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I prepared myself for penetration. I didn’t have to wait long. Heeding my words, Uriah gently nudged forward. Just as I feared, the sting of pain was intense. I bit down on my lip as he gradually pushed in. After a moment or two, he paused giving me time to adjust.

  “You okay?” he whispered.

  “Yes.” I barely got the word out. My heart was galloping up my throat.

  “Good.” Gripping me a little tighter, he continued to force entry. I bit back a groan. Uriah felt a lot bigger than he looks and he looks enormous. Right when I was about to pull away again, the head of his massive shaft popped inside. My god, he’s huge! Still taking care to be gentle, my boyfriend began slowly sliding deeper and deeper inside me.

  “You’re so tight!” he hissed, his voice gruff as his strong hands gripped me. “You feel amazing!” At least one of us is enjoying this, I thought, taking deep, controlled breaths. Inch by inch, he was impaling me. I wasn’t sure how much more I could take. Thankfully it didn’t last long. The initial stretching was painful, but the deeper Uriah plunged, the more it lessened. By the time his pelvis pressed flush against me, I was utterly and completely full. I never knew being stuffed to capacity could feel so good.

  After a momentary pause, my boyfriend began to pull out. Holy shit! A sharp gasp escaped my lips. His dick was pressing heavily against my prostate and it felt incredible! As Uriah began rhythmically pumping his hips, I began to moan in response. The noises that escaped my lips weren’t familiar. These weren’t my usual grunts and groans. I sound like… like… Holy shit, I sound like a girl! It was true. As my boyfriend pounded my ass, I whimpered and mewled like a chick. I might have been embarrassed if I’d been able to think. The pleasure rocketing through me was clouding my mind. And with each stroke, he picked up the pace, moving faster and faster, slamming into me harder and harder. As our skin clapped like thunder, I momentarily wondered why I never tried bottoming before. Past boyfriends have suggested it, but I always refused. Whatever. Not only was it impossible to think at the moment, no one would’ve been able to measure up to Uriah.

  One particularly hard thrust forced me onto my elbows, placing my ass in the air. Now he was nailing my prostate on every inward plunge. It was almost too much. As my boyfriend continued to drill into me harder and deeper than I would’ve thought possible, it was everything I could do to keep from screaming in ecstasy. Squeezing my pillow in a vice grip, I bit down on my bottom lip, struggling not to make too much noise. What Uriah lacked in experience, he more than made up for in size, stamina and power. This is by far the best sex I’ve ever had! It wasn’t long before I was shooting my load all over the mattress. Wow! I’ve never cum hands-free before! Uriah’s dick had had me so preoccupied, I’d completely forgotten about my own. Now it twitched convulsively as my boyfriend gave a few more thrusts before reaching his own climax, his nails digging into my ass. I was so lost in sensation, I almost didn’t hear the odd whooshing sound or notice my bedside lamp getting knocked off its stand. As it fell to the floor and broke, we were thrown into instant darkness. Uriah pulled out of me with a wet pop, his warmth vanishing in a heartbeat. Raising my head, I heard him moving around in the dark. What is he doing?

  “Uriah, what is it? What happened?” When he didn’t answer, I crawled out of bed. Walking on shaky legs, I made my way over to the wall. As my fingers groped blindly for the light switch, I heard the sound of my window slide open. By the time I flicked the switch, Uriah was gone. What the hell?! Still naked, I ran over to the open window and looked out into the night. I couldn’t believe it! He’d gathered his clothes and left! All that remained was a pale blue feather on the windowsill.

  Something must've happened. He wouldn’t just take off like that. He wouldn’t! Pulling on my jeans, I slid out the window. I searched the night, but he was nowhere to be found. Pulling out my cellphone, I sent him several texts, but I got no response. After half an hour, I crawled back into my bedroom, my eyes welling up with tears. Why did he take off like that? Was it another one of his bathroom emergencies? Why didn’t he just go down the hall? As my mind searched desperately for answers, a new fear seeped in. It was all about the sex, wasn’t it? He got what he wanted and now he’s gone. Sitting on my bed, my attention returned to the pale blue feather. Picking it up, I studied it closely. It wasn’t like any feather I’d ever seen. For one, it was huge. Like over a foot long. Why did he leave this? Is it his calling card? Am I his latest conquest? Is he like those notorious jewelry thieves in old detective films who move from bank to bank, leaving nothing but an emblem? Fresh tears gushed down my face. I should’ve known it wasn’t real! How could I have been so stupid?! Since day one Uriah had made his desires clear. He wanted sex. That’s all he wanted. Now that I finally gave it up, I’ll never see him again. Casting the feather to the floor, I collapsed on my bed, sobbing uncontrollably. This is what I get for letting down my guard. I’d tried so hard to be careful, but I ended up making the same mistake. I let him suck me in with his incredible looks and sweet words. Why do I always fall for the wrong guy?

  It had been a while since I’d attempted to contact Kay, but I was disparate. Retrieving my phone, I called her then sent her several texts, but she didn’t answer. Did she fall off the face of the Earth? There was a time when we were as thick as thieves, but apparently those days are over. Dark dread seeped into my stomach. I am utterly alone. Don’t get me wrong, I have no shortage of friends, but Kay is… was my rock. Now she was gone and I was lost. I was so lost. I don’t know which was the final straw, Uriah ditching me or my best friend abandoning me, but I was done. When I finally ran out of tears, I got out of bed, went over to my desk and turned on my computer. It was time to finish what I’d started.

  Chapter 9


ron told me that sex is better than a blowjob. He was right. Man, was he right! The way his body gripped me was insane. Better than I’d imagined. After feeding every last inch of my length into him, I struggled to control myself. I wanted more than anything for him to enjoy this. But when I was balls-deep, I could feel my resolve slipping away. And when my boyfriend started making those moaning sounds, I lost it. My gentle, languid thrusts became crazed, animalistic pounding. And once I started I couldn’t stop. All I could do was hope to god I wasn’t hurting him. If I could take his moans as any indication, I’d say quite the opposite. He sounded like he was in heaven. I hope so. I certainly was. This was so electrifying! I watched as my cock disappeared again and again. In and out, in and out. It was hypnotic. And it felt SO good. God, it felt good! Very quickly I felt myself coming undone. As I continued to pound into him, I let myself get lost in the sensation. I wanted it to last forever, but all too soon my body was heading for release. My balls drew up as they prepared for my first, sex-induced climax. Finally! I’ve been waiting far too long! I had no reason to hold back. Gritting my teeth, I let my orgasm take over. As the waves rippled through me, I realized a second too late what was about to happen. While certain muscles tightened, others relaxed. Before I could think or even try to stop them, my wings surged out. In the blink of an eye, they filled the room, taking out the bedside lamp in the process. My heart skipped a beat. It wasn’t painful, but when I tried to retract them they wouldn’t go. Panic immediately seized me as Aaron started feeling around in the dark. While he was as blind as… well a human, I could see pretty well. Frantically grabbing my clothes, I scrambled out the window. I was so scared I almost didn’t notice the painful tug as one of my feather was yanked free. Running madly across the yard, I spread my wings and took flight. I was high overhead within seconds. Down below I could see Aaron running up and down the street looking for me. My heart ached as my phone buzzed with his desperate texts. I’d already abandoned him once. How will I ever explain this? I didn’t even know what to expect. My wings had never come out like that before. I had no idea when or if they would go back in.


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