The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 13

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “Is she going to accept that?”

  “Doesn’t matter. She’ll have to.”

  “What’s she going to do?”

  “I don’t know. Return home probably.”

  “She was a tough pill to swallow, but I can’t imagine her abandoning you.”

  Uriah returned his phone to his pocket. “Listen, this is the first chapter of my new life as a free man. I don’t want to spend it talking about my mom.” To solidify his point, he reached over and started rubbing me through me jeans. I almost swerved off the road.

  When we arrived back at the house, we slipped through my open window. The moment we were inside, Uriah was all over me. He kissed me like it was the first time. Laying entangled in my sheets, we explored each other’s mouths and bodies.

  “Can we do it again?” my boyfriend finally asked, his hands going to my belt as he knelt over me.

  “No can do,” I said, shaking my head. “You wrecked me.”

  His face crumpled. “I’m so sorry I left. That won’t happen again. I didn’t—”

  I shook my head. “That’s not what I meant. You wrecked me. Literally. My ass is still sore from the pounding you gave it last night. It'll be a while before anything is going back there.”

  “How long?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know. A day, maybe more.”

  “And until then?” he asked, lying down next to me.

  I gave him a salacious smile as I reached for his belt. “I can always give you another blowjob.”

  To my surprise he slapped my hand away. “No!”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “The last time you did that it almost killed you!”

  I pulled away slightly so I could get a better look at him. “So, your seed really did give me food poisoning? Bummer.” Uriah looked sad while I pondered this for a moment. “No worries,” I finally said, turning my attention back to him. “I just won’t swallow.”

  “Will that be okay?”

  “Yes. I mean, I never had a problem swallowing, but I don’t need the extra calories. And since your loads are bigger than most guys,’ this is probably a good thing.”

  Uriah reached over and gently stroked my stomach. “Would it bother you if I said I like your figure?”

  I’m usually the one trying to shock him, but this statement left me speechless. No guy has ever told me that he likes a potbelly. In my world that doesn’t happen. We are all about looks, style and being in shape. I am aware that there are guys out there who do like full-figured men, but I’ve never met any. My first thought was that Uriah was just being nice, but over the last couple weeks, it did seem like he had a bit of a belly fetish. At the time I’d rejected this notion with the firm believe that no one could possibly be okay with tummy fat. Apparently not no one. He clearly wasn’t like any guy I’d ever dated. In an instant, my already strong feelings for him grew.

  “That wouldn’t bother me at all.” Leaning forward, I kissed him tenderly on the mouth. When our lips parted, my boyfriend’s pale gold eyes roamed over my face before he asked, “So, did you enjoy it?”

  “Enjoy what?”

  “The sex.”

  “I did.” I couldn’t help the blush that crept across my face.

  “Good. I didn’t want to be presumptuous, but it sounded like you enjoyed it.”

  “Yeah, it was great.” My body tingled just remembering how good he felt inside me.

  Uriah smiled that beautiful smile, his whole face lighting up. “So, you do like getting your prostate pounded?”

  “Yes.” His words were making me wish my ass wasn’t so sore. I would definitely like a repeat of last night. Only this time he’d stay.

  “How come you’ve never done that before?” he asked, still gazing at me.

  “Gotten it up the ass?”


  “I don’t know.” I knew the answer to that, I just wasn’t sure how to word it. “I, uh, I was in the closet for a long time. As you know, I didn’t come out until a little over year ago. I’ve long since accepted my sexuality, but I guess a part of me was still clinging onto something that never was. I spent so long wishing that I was straight that even after I came out, deep down inside I clung to the idea that keeping my ass off limits was somehow preserving that illusion.”

  “I’m glad I was your first,” my boyfriend murmured, running a tender finger down the side of my face.

  “So am I…” I hesitated. “Any chance you’ll give it a try?”

  He shook his head. “No thanks and it has nothing to do with shame. That’s just not something I think I’d enjoy.”

  “If you like having your prostate massaged, chances are you’ll like getting fucked.”

  “And how would you go about doing that?” Uriah asked, already looking wary.

  “Inserting a finger and…” He didn’t even let me finish.

  “No thanks.”


  “Things are good now, right? You like getting it and I like giving it. Why mess with that?”

  I wanted to push the matter, but I was afraid of ruining the mood. He was right. Things were good. It had taken me a while to let someone in. He probably just needed time. I sure did. With any luck it won’t take him as long. I had to sample that fine ass. Hopefully someday soon he’d let me, but for now I was satisfied. While I contemplated this, Uriah traced circles on my belly as he looked deep into my eyes. I loved the way he looked at me. Those beautiful eyes were so full of admiration and affection. Now it was hard to believe that I’d ever doubted his feelings for me. I don’t know how long we lay there, taking each other in when my boyfriend suddenly spoke.

  “Do you have any question for me?”

  “Such as…?”

  “So far you’ve been really cool about this whole alien thing.”

  “I have about a million questions. I just wasn’t sure where to begin.”

  “Start small.”

  “Can you let your wings out whenever you want?”


  “Can you do it now?”

  He smiled. “Sure.” Climbing out of bed, he went to the center of the room. Turning to face me, he took a deep breath. When his shoulders relaxed, those pale blue feathers surged outward, creating an impressive backdrop. As they came to a stop, the tips brushed my bedroom walls. His wings were so big they made my once spacious room look tiny. And they weren’t even fully extended! Looking closer, I noticed that not all his feathers were blue. There were also some white and silver ones sprinkled in. When his wings emerged, Uriah’s eyes shone an even brighter gold. Now there was definitely something inhuman about him.

  “Sweet Jesus! Are you sure you’re not an angel?” He smiled, but didn’t respond. “Oh, right you can’t speak.” Getting up, I cautiously approached. He watched me as I took in every feather. They looked so soft and beautiful. Just like him. When I reached out a hand, my boyfriend pulled away slightly, looking nervous. Be gentle, he mouthed and I nodded. Approaching him, I tentatively ran my fingertips over his glossy plumage. He drew his wings closer so I could circle around behind him. Taking everything in, I noticed that the fibers of his shirt seemed to be woven around his wings, making two perfect holes. That’s odd. If he’d been walking around with holes in his shirt, I’d have noticed. As I continued to examine him, more questions arose, but they would have to wait. Finally coming back around to face him, I nodded, indicating that he could put his wings away. Uriah’s shoulders tightened and the pale blue wonders shrunk away.

  “Man, that is wild!” I exclaimed, staring up at him. “Now I get why you left that feather behind.”

  “Yes, that was an accident. I’m sorry if you thought I was taunting you.”

  I shrugged. “No worries. It did kind of throw me off, but I’m over it. Do you want it back? I considered throwing it away, but it was too beautiful.”

  Uriah shook his head. “Once they’ve been yanked out, they’re of no use to me. Keep it. Consider it a symbol of our relation


  “Of course.”

  “So, what does it feel like when they’re out?”

  “Freeing. My wings don’t like being caged.”

  “You make it sound like they have a mind of their own.”

  “Sometimes it feels that way. Especially when they’re aching to come out.”

  “So, the whole time we were together, you were slipping into the bathroom to let them out?” he nodded. “That’s insane. No wonder you were so tense.”

  “It is a burden.”

  “I noticed that your shirt appears to be woven around your wings? How does that work?”

  “It’s alien fabric from my home world.”

  “Can you come and go as you please between our two worlds?”

  Uriah shook his head. “No… Well, I guess technically I could, but I don’t. As far as I know the portal my mother and I journeyed through is still there, but she never told me where it is.”

  “Didn’t you come through it to get here? Does it move around or something?”

  “No, it remains stationary. When we came here I was only eight. It was dark and I was scared. I don’t remember where we came out.”

  “Do you remember what the portal looks like?”

  “On our side it looks like a vertical whirlpool of blue energy. On Earth they’re practically invisible. If you know where to look, you might see a slight distortion in space.”

  “Do you fly often?”

  “Before I met you, all the time. Apart from going to work two nights a week, it was pretty much all I did.”

  A new question arose. “I don’t get it. If you can just fly away whenever you want, how did your mother keep you so isolated?”

  A deep sadness came into Uriah’s eyes. “My whole life she used fear and manipulation to control me.”

  “Why not just leave?”

  “She had me convinced that branching out on my own was a death sentence.”

  “Geez. How’d you cope?”

  “I can’t fly into town during the day, but once upon a time I used to make regular trips at night.”

  “What changed?”

  He hesitated. “Remember when I told you my mother scared away all my girlfriends?” I nodded. “Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She didn’t scare any of them away. From when I was fourteen to until I was sixteen, I made frequent late-night flights into the city. My second and third relationships ended because I wasn’t available as much as those girls would have liked. Back then, my mother would take me into the city twice a week to socialize. She had no idea I was spending time forging relationships. She definitely didn’t know I was flying into the city at night. Anyway, the reason I stopped is because my fourth and final girlfriend’s mom walked in on us just about to get it on. My mother gave me the usual lecture about being careful. The next morning, I woke to find that she’d clipped my wings.”

  My jaw dropped for the second time today. “She cut off your wings? That’s horrible!”

  Uriah shook his head. “She didn’t cut them off, she clipped them. That means she cut my primary flight feathers so I couldn’t fly. It took three months for them to grow back.”

  “Wow! That’s insane!”

  “I know. It left me pretty shaken.”

  I thought this over before moving on to my next question. “Why did you choose me?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That night in the diner, you implied that you’d thought about gay sex before, but that you’d never pursued it. Why start now?”

  A look of understanding dawned on his face. “Of all the guys who could have been my first, why did I choose you?” I nodded. “I was drawn to you.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I’m a Flyer. Even with the genetic suppressant, certain traits leak through. We are very intuitive beings. This might be a byproduct of our telepathy, I don’t know.”

  “I’m sorry. Telepathy?”

  “That’s how Flyers communicate with each other.”

  “You can read my mind?”

  “No. A Flyer can only form a telepathic channel with another Flyer or the High Ruler.”

  “The High Ruler?”

  Uriah shook his head. “That’s a whole other conversation. My home planet is very complex. In any case, because of our telepathic capabilities, we can sometimes sense people’s pain. When I saw you at the bar, I couldn’t ignore your pain.”

  My heart skipped a beat. “So once I’m cured, you’ll move on to the next broken soul?”

  “Of course not. Your pain may have stopped me, but you drew me in. I want to be with you for as long as I can.”

  Relief washed over me. “That’s good to know.” After giving him an affectionate kiss, I focused on my next question. “I can’t stop thinking about how you swooped down and saved me. Angel or not, you are my savior. Any chance you can take me flying?” Uriah paused and I felt a horrible sinking feeling in my gut. “Oh, geez. I’m too fat, aren’t I?” It hadn’t escaped my attention that he’d barely managed to get me back on solid ground.

  “No, you’re perfect,” my boyfriend insisted as I began to pull away. “It’s my fault. I’m too weak.”

  If he was trying to make me feel better, it wasn’t working. I could already feel the all-too familiar self-disgust creeping in. “Yeah, right! Have you looked in the mirror lately? You’re the epitome of strength. I’m the bloated slob you could barely get off the ground.”

  “Don’t say that.” Sadness filled Uriah’s pale gold eyes as I continued to pull away. “I’m talking about my wings. They’re not as strong as they should be. A Flyer should be able to carry three times his or her body weight. I’m out of shape.”

  This statement made me feel even worse. “Jesus! Weight must be really different on your planet. Last I checked, I was around one-sixty. What are you, one-eighty, one-ninety tops? If you can barely carry me, I must weigh a ton.”

  “I don’t weigh 180 pounds,” Uriah said, trying to pull me back to him. “Not when my wings are out. Right now that might be the case, but when I take flight, I weigh a mere 80 pounds.”


  He nodded. “If I were in shape, I’d be able to carry two-forty easily.”

  “How much can you comfortably carry now?”

  “One-forty maybe.”

  “Then I need to lose twenty pounds.”

  He immediately shook his head. “No, I need to build up my wing strength. I’m the problem, not you.”

  “How about we meet in the middle? I lose ten pounds and you get to where you can comfortable carry one-fifty. Deal?”

  He didn’t look entirely happy with this, but he nodded. “Deal.”

  Over the next several days, I worked hard to lose weight. I’d told Uriah that I would only aim for ten pounds, but I was hoping to knock out the entire twenty. I was doing crunches overtime so by the following Tuesday, I was very disappointed when I climbed on the scale in the bathroom and saw that I’d only lost five pounds. Damn it! Why does losing weight have to be so hard? I didn’t have any trouble gaining it. Damn those pity parties! My days of self-destruction were biting me in the ass big time. Stepping off the scale, I turned to find Uriah standing behind me. Since he’d claimed his independence, he’d been spending every night in my room. We were closer than ever, but I still hadn’t introduced him to my parents. Now that I knew the truth about him, I wasn’t sure I wanted to. He was my little secret. I liked the thought of keeping him all to myself. That and I wasn’t sure how my parents would react to him.

  “Good morning, sunshine,” he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him. “How are you doing?”

  “Not good.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s been a week and I’ve only lost five messily pounds.”

  Uriah’s face lit up as if this were good news. “It doesn’t matter. I’ve built up my wing strength. I’m still not as strong as I should be, but I can carry you effort
lessly. We can go flying whenever you want.”

  His excitement was refreshing, but I was still disappointed with this morning’s results. Faking a smile, I gave him a quick peck on the lips before slipping out of his arms. Reaching into the bathtub, I turned on the water. After adjusting it for a second or two, I pulled the lever to start the shower. Meanwhile, Uriah was eagerly stripping off his clothes. Over the last week, I’d been so focused on losing weight, I hadn’t had much time for anything else. Don’t get me wrong, there’d been plenty of kissing and a whole lot of blowjobs, but no sex. My ass had long since recovered from our first time together, but something was holding me back. I guess deep down inside, a part of me was still scared that he would leave again. Earlier that week his mother had called him again, but he didn’t answer. When she continued calling, he shut off his phone. Seeing how desperately she'd been trying to get in touch with him reminded me of what she’d said when we first met. Uriah was adamant that he wanted to stay here, but I wasn’t sure if he could. When his genetic suppressant finally wears off, he’ll have no choice but to leave, right? Why get serious with someone who’s destined to depart?

  I didn’t share my misgivings with my boyfriend. I didn’t want to pressure him, or influence his decision. Still, I desperately hoped he’d stay. But every time he asked about sex, I’d tell him that my ass was still sore. So far he’s accepted this, but I knew he wouldn’t for much longer. The speed in which he stripped down and jumped into the shower illustrated his desires. Not saying a word, I stripped down and joined him. While I got to work lathering my body, Uriah kept grinding his erection against me.

  “Come on,” he urged when I turned my head away, making sure my ass was nowhere near him. “It’s been a week. There’s no way you’re still sore. I’m not that big.” When I didn’t answer, he slid his fingers under my chin, urging me to look up at him. “Are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?”

  “I’m not mad,” I replied, staring into his sad, dejected eyes.

  “Then what’s going on? I know you like having me inside you. The sounds you made speak for themselves.” My face flushed as I remembered my weird, girlish moans. “I can make you whimper and moan again,” Uriah continued as he nuzzled my neck. “I can make you cry out in ecstasy. What’s holding you back?”


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