The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 20

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “No thanks. I already ate,” I said, patting my middle for emphasis. They nodded then, after giving me a friendly wave, moved on. I continued along the canyon until I reached the multiple runways where Flyers were still giving people rides. I watched for a moment, then followed the road that led away from the canyon. I don’t know how long I walked, but right when I was considering turning back, I arrived at a small town. It reminded me of an old western. There was a saloon, a barber’s shop, a blacksmiths, a small bank, a butchers shop and much more. I was so focused that it took me several minutes to realized a small group of children were following me. When I stopped and turned to look at them, they stared up at me in curiosity.

  “What are you?” one of them asked as they all carefully inspected me.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, you’re not strong enough to be a Builder.”

  “You don’t have a tail like a Hunter.”

  “You don’t have blades like a Warrior.”

  “Plus, you don’t have any markings like a Teacher, a Healer or an Entertainer.” As each kid offered up an explanation, he or she would show the corresponding characteristics on his or her own body. When the Warrior’s turn came up, his blades spring from his arms like feline claws. “So what are you?”

  “I’m a human.”

  They looked wowed by this. “A human? Did you come through one of the portals? Are you really from Earth? What’s it like? Do you really have electricity?”

  “Yes, I came through one of the portals, yes I really am from Earth. It’s a lot like this, but also very different. One of the many differences is the electricity thing.”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Just hanging out.”

  “Are you pregnant?”

  I forgot how annoying kids can be. “No, why would you ask that?”

  “Because you look it.” the group giggled as one of them pointed at my belly.

  “Guys don’t get…” I broke off. Maybe things are different here. Is that why Uriah is so reluctant to let me mounting him like Everest? That’s an interesting thought. Unlikely, but interesting. “While this conversation has been stimulating, I’ve got to run.”

  Leaving the kids behind, I continued checking out the village. Watching the people mill around, I started memorizing the differences between the genetic groups. Thanks to those kids, I knew what to look for. The Entertainers, the Healers and the Teachers (like Uriah’s mother) all had tattoos on the backs of their hands. They were all build similarly with their different markings being their defining characteristic. The Builders like Jedediah were short and stocky. They had long thick arms giving them sort of an ape-ish vibe. The Warriors and the Hunters were also muscular, but they were taller. The Hunters looked like they were built for running and jumping and they had long canine teeth and snake-like tails. The Warriors were top heavy with large spikes protruding from their forearms, shoulders and spines, which, like that kid had demonstrated, could be retracted at will. While everyone looked relatively human, it was obvious the Builders, Teachers, Entertainers and Healers would have the easiest time passing on Earth.

  I spent a little longer checking out the town until the sun started to descend. Certain that Uriah must be back by now, I returned to his house. Mrs. Smith had returned, but her son was nowhere to be found. She was distraught. When she found out he wasn’t with me, she started to panic, insisting that we go look for him. Jedediah had to remind her that for a non-Flyer, that was pretty much impossible. He’d been gone all day. There’s no telling how far he’d gotten. Meanwhile, I decided to return to our cabin. That’s where I last saw him and if he was ever coming back, that’s probably where he’d go. By the time I made it to the canyon, the sun had started to set. He must be back by now. When I reentered the cabin, I had practically convinced myself that my boyfriend would be waiting. Finding the place empty, I nearly broke down in tears. Is he ever coming back? I was sure that what we had was strong enough to overcome whatever problems we might face, but maybe I was wrong. As I curled up on the large empty futon, I decided that if Uriah hadn’t returned by tomorrow, I would pass back through the portal. If it hadn’t closed by then, trapping me here alone.

  Chapter 15


  I couldn’t hear, I couldn’t see, I couldn’t think. Nothing made sense. The only thing I was really aware of was the pain. The deep, heart-crushing pain. I kept playing what my mother had said over and over again in my mind, trying to understand. Trying to makes sense of what she did. But it didn’t make sense. Not to me. Every time I tried to focus on her pain, I just kept feeling my own. The first eight years of my life kept playing in a loop. Memories I didn’t even know I had began to surface. Events that had been so traumatizing that my mind had blocked them out: getting corner by some kids and having my feathers pulled out. Being dragged to the top of someone’s roof because they wanted to see me fly. Getting thrown off and breaking my leg. Stealing a pair of scissors and trying to cut off my wings. Each new memory sliced through me like a knife, catapulting me deeper into the darkness. I wasn’t completely aware of my surroundings until I found myself high in the air, my wings aching with exhaustion. How long have I been flying? All I remember was the burning need to be alone. Now I had no idea where I was.

  Immediately touching down, I squeezed my eyes shut as my wing muscles burned and my heart raced. It took several controlled breaths before I was able to think about anything, but the pain. When my mind finally cleared, panic immediately gripped me. I’ve always had an amazing sense of direction, but for the first time, I had no idea which way was home. Spreading my wings, I intended to take to the air in hopes of finding my bearings, but my muscles cried out. It would be a while before I could take to the skies. Collapsing on the mossy ground, I got lost once again in despair. My wings sagged on the ground, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care that my feathers were getting ruffled or bent. All I felt was the reality that my mother had created. All those moments in my life could have been avoided if she’d just let me go. I was so lost inside myself, I jumped when someone spoke.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Looking up, I found an elderly woman standing a few feet away. It wasn’t until then that I noticed that I’d touched down near a road. Based on the network of markings starting on her hands and spiraling up her wrists, I knew she was a Healer. Can she take away my pain? I might have asked, but I couldn’t. Not with my wings out. In any case, knowing what I was, the woman never expected a response. When I looked at her, she continued to talk. “Did you get separated from your flock? Are you injured? If you’re injured, I can help you.” Setting down the bag she was holding, she came over to where I sat. Not wasting a minute, the elderly woman began examining me. She started with my arms and legs, then moved to my ribs. Last, but not least, she hesitantly felt along each wing. When she didn’t find any breaks, she came around to kneel before me. She looked into my eyes with the same overt curiosity that those Flyers at the canyon had had.

  “I can’t find anything wrong,” she said encouragingly. “But of course, I only did a preliminary examination. If you’re sick or have internal damage, I would need my tools. I can’t heal you unless I know exactly what’s wrong.” she paused, now looking at me more directly, the wonder back in her eyes. “I’ve never seen one of your kind up close before. I always wondered what that would be like.”

  I considered retracting my wings, but I didn’t feel like explaining my situation. As intrigued as she was, I knew she would ask. Her eyes briefly swept to my wings which were still splayed out on the ground like a cape.

  “You are so beautiful,” she continued, looking me straight in the eye. “I can’t believe this is happening. I wish I knew what you were thinking. I can see a world of pain in your eyes.” she reached out and brushed the tears from my cheeks. “You look so young. What are you, seventeen? Eighteen years old?”

  When I nodded she looked stunned. “By the great stars above! I forget just because you guys
can’t speak, doesn’t mean you can’t understand us.”

  I watched her blankly.

  “Are you sick, yes or no?”

  I shook my head.

  “Are you lost?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay.” she got slowly to her feet her joints creaking as she held out a hand. “I don’t know much about you guys or how to find you, but I’ll do my best to help.”

  Taking her hand, I also got to my feet. The old woman’s eyes bulged as I raised up to my full height. “Wow, you guys are so much bigger up close!”

  This time I didn’t need to respond. After all the energy I’d used flying here, I was starving. As the elderly woman led me back to the road, my stomach growled loudly.

  “You’re hungry, are you? Good timing. I’m on my way back from the market. My son and his kids are coming for lunch. You can join us. I’m sure they’ll be excited to meet you.” She picked up her bag and started down the road, me close behind. “I wish I knew your name. I have no idea what to call you. No matter, I’m sure one of my grandkids will come up with something. Four little ones! Can you believe that?”

  When we arrived at her house it was a small cabin just like my parents’. She entered and immediately go to work cooking. As my belly continued to grumble eagerly, the old woman recommenced her banter. “My name’s Debra, but I prefer Debbie. I know, I know, I’m dropping that precious A, but hey. No A has ever brought me luck.”

  One torturous hour later, she’d finished making lunch.

  “Come on and sit down,” she coxed as she removed her apron. “My family should be here any minute. I’m just going to step outside and see of I can find them. Don’t be shy, dig in. You’ve waited long enough.” As I took a seat, Debbie hurried out the front door. She’d made a feast for six. I managed to down it in less than twenty minutes. By the time the old woman returned with her son and her grandkids, all the food was gone. I felt bad, but I couldn’t stop myself. My hunger had made me ravenous. When they entered the kitchen, the family looked stunned. Guilt seeped through me as Debbie gaped at me. Getting up from the table, I wanted to apologize, but all that came out was a series of hiccups followed by a very large belch.

  “He ate all the food!” one of the kids declared, staring mournfully at the table as I covered my mouth.

  “I’m so sorry, little one,” Debbie said. “It’s a five mile walk back to town, but I’m sure our new friend wouldn’t mind giving us a hand. Right?”

  I hastily nodded, eager to make right what I’d wronged.

  “See? He might even give one of you a ride.”

  “Really?” the four kids said in unison, their faces shining with excitement.

  I didn’t mind flying to town to help replace the food I’d eaten, but I didn’t know if I’d be able to give any of Debbie’s grandkids a lift. I was so full! I like to wait at least an hour after a meal like that. Flying now would be a difficult task. Flying with cargo was unthinkable. But the children were already on me like lint, begging me to pick them. As their father and grandmother led the way outside, my heart raced. The last time I tried to fly on a full stomach, I almost crashed into a billboard sign. I dreaded to think what would happen here. I still didn’t even know where I was.

  “Zachariah, you get to fly with our new friend,” the father said as all four kids eagerly awaited his decision. “You were the first to get ready this morning.”

  Zachariah whooped with joy while his siblings hung their heads in disappointment. I was equally disappointed. Of all the kids, he was the biggest. Already my stomach was beginning to churn as it nervously digested my lunch. Meanwhile, Zachariah eagerly came over holding his arms out to me. Five miles isn’t too bad, I thought as I lifted him off the ground. It shouldn’t take more than a minute or two to make the journey. Taking a deep breath, I clutched the kid to my chest and took off running. Spreading my wings, I lifted of the ground as Zachariah wrapped his arms tightly around my neck. I’d just made it over the treetops and already that meal was feeling like a lead weight in my gut. My stomach cramped painfully as my wings pounded the air. Fortunately it didn’t last long. Within seconds I was touching down on the edge of town.

  While Zachariah and I waited for his family to arrive, he gushed with excitement about his first flight. He asked me if I could do it again, but I shook my head. My stomach was still trying to settle after that upset. When Debbie and her son arrived with the other kids, we all went to the market. A crowd of staring strangers quickly gathered. The kids liked the attention. I didn’t. Zachariah was quick to announce that I’d given him a ride and very quickly I was getting bombarded with requests. I’d only had half an hour to digest, but it would have to do. As the mob closed in, I was starting to feel suffocated. Giving Debbie an apologetic look, I spread my wings and flew away. I wasn’t that sure she could help me anyway.

  I ended up having to locate a community of Flyers who pointed me in the right direction. This took a while because I had no idea what the place I was looking for was called. Eventually I asked if they knew a Theodora or a Lina and they said yes. By the time I got back to the canyon by my childhood home, it was almost dark. I’d been so concerned about getting back, I’d completely forgotten about Aaron. Will he still be here? Does he think I abandoned him again? If I had to return to Earth tonight to track him down, so be it. I was not letting him slip away. In the end it didn’t matter. When I entered the cabin, I found Aaron curled up on the bed. Retracting my wings, I came over and lay beside him. I assumed he was asleep, but the moment I lay down, his eyes slid open.

  “You came back,” he whispered in a hoarse voice and I noticed that his eyes were red.

  Tears welled up in my own eyes as I pulled him to me. “Of course, I came back. I’m sorry I took off like that, but I will always come back. I had a lot on my mind.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No… I don’t know.” My voice shook slightly.

  “Whatever you need, I’m here.”

  After a long pause, I began to speak. “I feel like I’m losing myself. I was so sure I knew what I wanted. Earth is my home, it’s the only place that has good memories. Now after meeting those Flyers and after what they told me, I don’t know where I belong. Being with them was so freeing. I didn’t have to hide. Knowing what my mother did, I feel cheated. I could have had a normal life with people like me. My mother robbed me of that.”

  Aaron ran his fingers along the side of my face. “I can’t tell you how to feel. All I can do is tell you what I know. True, your mother did deprive you of a life with people with whom you could communicate. Would you have been happy? Probably. But we can’t turn back time. For better or worse, our lives are what they are. It’s a bitter pill to swallow, but it’s the truth.” My shoulders sagged. What he was saying made sense, but it didn’t make me feel any better. “Say you got one wish,” my boyfriend continued. “It could be anything you wanted, what would it be?”

  “To know what could’ve been.”

  “Naturally. Imagine your mother did send you away. On the plus side you are now living in a community where everyone accepts you and you don’t have to hide who and what you are. All those painful memories of your past are erased, just like that,” he snapped his fingers. “Then puberty strikes. You’re thirteen years old and horny as a rabbit. If I’m not mistaken, you were the last of your kind born in the last twenty years which means the youngest girl available to you is 33. Unless of course you chose a non-Flyer. Based on how much these guys move around, I’m guessing that wouldn’t be easy. And last but not least,” Aaron finished, looking deep into my eyes. “If your mother had sent you away, you and I never would’ve met and we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

  My heart flooded with emotion. I hated the burdens of my past, but if they were what brought me to him than they were all worth it. I honestly didn’t know what I would do without him. At the moment, Aaron was the only thing keeping me sane. I had an overpowering urge to make love to him
. To show him how much he meant to me. Leaning forward I kissed him hard and deep. I wanted him more than I’d ever wanted anything. I was so caught up in the moment, it wasn’t until I was frantically unfastening his belt that I realized what we were missing.

  “Shit!” I hissed, running my fingers through my hair. “We don’t have any condoms or lube. Fuck!”

  Aaron gave me a sheepish grin and reached in his back pocket, producing three small packets of lubricant. “I was hoping for a little forest sex after my first flying experience. Then that psycho with a gun ruined everything.”

  “What about condoms?”

  “Forget the condoms. I trust you.” After sharing a quick kiss, we scrambled to get un-dressed. When we were both gloriously naked he got on his knees, intending to present me with that perfect ass, but I stopped him.

  “I want you on your back. I want to see your face.” He eagerly obliged while I smeared a thick layer of lube over my fully erect shaft. As I lifted his butt up off the bed, he wrapped his legs around my middle. Removing one hand from his waist, I guided myself to his back entrance. Looking down at my boyfriend, I slowly pushed in. His jaw tightened a little, but then relaxed as I popped inside. Bringing my fists down to rest on the bed to either side of him, I slowly slid all the way in. Aaron’s eyes rolled back for a moment when I buried myself completely. His warmth felt so good, I had to fight the urge to go fast. Tonight I wanted to take it slow and draw out the pleasure. Slowly pulled back out, I began a steady rhythmic pumping.

  “Oh, my god,” Aaron moaned as I gently massaged his innermost parts. “That feels so good.” The sound of his voice sent tingles through me. Once again I had to fight the urge to slam into him. Taking a deep controlled breath, I concentrated on going deeper with each long slow thrust. A couple minutes in, he was panting, his nails digging onto my arms, his face contorted with pleasure.


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