The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 38

by Frédérick S. Parker

  I didn’t know what was being said, but my boyfriend's expression didn’t stay on mild for long. Within seconds he went from confused to shocked to disgust. I had not idea why the beggar was so reluctant to accept the money and right when I thought it was a lost cause, he suddenly brightened. He stared up at Uriah as if seeing him for the first time. Reaching out with trembling hands, he allowed him to deposit the coins into his waiting palms. His eyes filled with tears as he continued to look my boyfriend up and down. I had to wonder if he’d ever seen another Flyer before. Maybe, maybe not. One thing was clear. By the way he gazed up at Uriah, he was in awe. But when my boyfriend took a step toward him, he took a matching step back, the crystal sheen in his eyes turning to tears that dampened his cheeks. I don’t know what was said, but Uriah looked just as emotional. He raised a hand as if to reach out to the Flyer, but before he could do anything, the small man scurried away, his wings dragging the ground.

  For several seconds my boyfriend stood as still as a statue, his watery eyes fixed on the spot the beggar had been. When I touched his arm, he flinched, making it clear he’d forgotten I was there.

  “You okay?” I murmured, almost afraid to speak. He looked a million miles away. Blinking a couple times, he nodded and after a painful few seconds, his wings disappeared. As he wiped a rogue tear from his face, I noticed a crowd had gathered. Obviously the arrival of his wings hadn’t gone unnoticed. No one carried about the figure wasting away in the alleyway, but Uriah was worth their time. Based on his reaction when he too spotted the crowd, I knew this was on his mind. He stiffened as one man, an Entertainer, approached.

  “Hey, there,” the man called, advancing the way one might approach a wild animal. “That was amazing! Do it again.”

  When my boyfriend narrowed his eyes, the Entertainer made a small flapping gesture with his hands. “Let your wings out.” As he spoke, the gathering on-lookers voiced their support.

  “You want to see my wings?” Uriah hissed, venom saturating every word.


  “Would you be willing to pay?”

  “Of course.” the Entertainer fumbled nervously for his satchel. When he held out a handful of coins, my boyfriend slapped them to the ground.

  “Get lost you piece of shit! I’m not some side-show freak.” I could understand his irritation given the circumstances, but his anger seemed a littl extreme. He must be having another one of his mood swings. Not wanting anyone to get hurt, I quickly stepped forward to defuse the situation.

  “You should probably go,” I told the Entertainer who had already taken several steps back. He didn’t have to be told twice. Seeing the murderous look in my boyfriend’s eyes he took off, the on-lookers close behind. When we were alone again, Uriah took several deep breaths, making a conscious effort to control himself. As he continued to inhale, his eyes slid shut. It was a good minute or two before he opened them again by which point the anger was gone. Now he just looked drained.

  “Come on,” I said, guiding him away from the alleyway. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Chapter 27


  With everything that was going on with my mother and Aaron, I needed to get him away from there. I remembered that he wanted to see the Museum of Technology so I decided to take him. Soaring over the Flyer settlement, I got directions from Theodora. The museum was in Province 12, District 39. That was a ways from here, but if there was any chance of raising Aaron’s spirits, I was willing to make the journey. I loved traveling with my boyfriend. The trip to the High Kingdom had been great. This was sure to put him at ease. Flying through the air, him in my arms, I quickly forgot about my problems. It was just me, this beautiful young man and this beautiful world. Or so I thought. I’d become so accustom to this planet’s beauty, I didn’t consider it might have a darker side. Everything has a darker side. Working at Chandelle’s Bar & Gallery, I’d seen beggars before. Every now and then they’d ask me for change. But in my years of working there, I’d never seen anyone in as retched a state as the Alleyway Flyer. He was skin and bones, his torn and tattered clothes hanging off him. His hair hung in matts and the boney protuberances that were once wings looked more like sticks with a few feathers sprinkled on. He looked younger than any Flyer I’d seen so far, but he was just as small. Even more so given his emaciated state.

  As Aaron and I walked down the street, I didn’t even notice him at first. He only entered my field of vision when he stuck out his hand. Seeing his tinny, tattered form was disturbing enough. Realizing he was a Flyer shocked me. What is he doing here? Is he alone? Where are his people? From what I understand, Flyers don’t usually travel alone. Whatever his story, it was obvious he needed help. Without thinking, I handed over everything I had. I expected the Flyer to take the money eagerly, but instead he stared up at me like he expected a beating. Anxious to put him at ease, I released my wings. They were due to come out soon anyway.

  Here, take it, I urged.

  Not seeming to notice my wings or the fact that I could now communicate with him telepathically, the Flyer continued to look wary. He stared at the shinny black coins like they might bite him.

  What’s the matter? I asked.

  What’ll it be? he muttered, his dark eyes still fixed on the money.

  What are you talking about?

  He looked up at me, his face tortured.Do you want a hand job, a blowjob or sex?

  My heart nearly left me chest.What?! None of the above! I just want to help.

  No one just gives money away for nothing, so what’ll it be? He briefly looked me up and down before continuing. I don’t know if I can handle you, but I’ll do my best.He shot a look at Aaron.For that much money, your friend can join too if he wants.

  Listen! I hissed, becoming increasingly disturbed by the minute.I don’t want sex, I swear. I just want to help.

  His bottom lip trembled.Why would you want to help me?

  Because I’m a Flyer too. I spread my wings a little for emphasis. The young man’s eyes cut to the pale blue feathers as if just noticing them. He then looked up at me, only this time he was actually seeing me.

  You’re a Flyer?! he voice exploded in my head.


  I’ve been talking to you and I didn’t even… Wow! You’re huge!

  I know.

  Oh, my god! Thank you so much! He eagerly accepted the money.

  Have you not met other Flyers before?

  I see a few here and there. None as big as you though.

  Where’s your family? I asked as he continued to gaze up at me in awe.

  At this, his eyes welled up with tears.I don’t know. They abandoned me when I was little. I spent years trying to find them, but… well, as you can see, that didn’t work out.

  Were they Flyers? I couldn’t imagine them leaving one of their own behind.

  No,he sniffed, his eyes momentarily casting downward.I was a burden, being born during the Absence and all.

  This filled me with anger.How could they do that?

  The Flyer shrugged as if it were no big deal. To him it was normal. This thought filled me with sadness.

  What about you?he asked.You’re in much better shape than me. Is there another part of town where people pay well or treat you better?

  I didn’t know what to say. He assumed I was like him. A beggar or a prostitute. If he’s been living his whole life on the streets, he probably had no idea what Flyer life is really like. What it’s supposed to be like.

  No, I muttered.I’m… I’m not from around here.

  Lucky you.

  Yeah… I couldn’t stand this. It was breaking my fucking heart.Come with me. I can help you. This doesn’t have to be your life. I took a step toward him, but to my surprised he took a step back.

  Sorry, I have to keep moving. Thanks again for the help. Before I could say another word, he was gone. Having lived with the Flyers along the canyon and experienced their way of life, it never occurred to me that there might be some out there w
ho were struggling. Especially to such a disturbing degree. It made me sick to think that he had to sell himself to survive. How many others are out there? Unease flooded my chest. That could’ve been me. In another place, in another time, I could’ve been just like him. I was so lost in thought, I almost jumped out of my skin when Aaron touched me. After seeing that Flyer… I didn’t even know his name, I didn’t think things could get worse, then some jackass and his hoard of minions proved me wrong. I didn’t relax until we were back in the city park.

  “You okay?” Aaron asked, looking into my eyes.

  I nodded.

  “What did that guy say? The Flyer, I mean.”

  “He’s been prostituting himself to survive. I want to help him, but he took off before I could. I don’t even know his name.”

  “You did help him,” my boyfriend said encouragingly. “You gave him that money. That should last a while.”

  “But how long? I hate the thought of him having to sell himself.”

  “That does suck.”

  “That guy has had it rough.”

  Aaron placed his hands against my stomach. “You did everything you could.”

  “Did I? If that were true that Flyer would be clean, fed, clothed and have somewhere nice to sleep.”

  “You can’t help everyone.”

  That statement irritated me. “I know that. I’m not trying to help everyone. I’m just trying to help him.”

  “Because he’s a Flyer?”



  “Because… because,” I huffed out a breath. “Because that could have been me.”

  Understanding dawned on Aaron’s face. “Uriah, you’re not him. His situation sucks, it does, but there’s nothing you can do about it. Could that’ve been you? Sure, in another life, but he’s not you. You are here with me. You are cared for, you are safe and you are loved.”

  These words calmed me. I had been projecting myself on the Alleyway Flyer. A part of me, a big part, also felt guilty about obsessing over my own shitty upbringing when someone else had suffered so much worse. My mother may not have done what was best for me, but she hadn’t abandoned me. Still, the image of that Alleyway Flyer haunted me. I wanted to find him and show him a better life.

  When we finally left the city, the sun was starting to set. Surrounded by trees, I pulled Aaron close before spreading my wings and kicking off the ground. Flying high in the air, I tried not to focus on the Alleyway Flyer. Now was not the time to get swept in by my own trials and tribulations. Today was about Aaron. Not me. All that matters is that he’s happy. Wrapping my arms around him a little tighter, I breathed in his scent. Whatever happens, I was glad we were together.

  Arriving back at the Flyer settlement, I touched down outside Theodora’s cabin. When I took Aaron’s hand, guiding him to the front door, he resisted.

  “I want to go back to your parents.’ It’s closer to the village.”

  The Flyers will take care of you, I signed.

  “I know, but…”

  At least give them a chance.

  “I don’t have anything against them. I just want to be around people I can talk to. You understand that, right?”

  Before I could answer, the cabin door opened and Theodora and her husband appeared. The moment she saw me, her face lit up.

  Hi, sweetheart!she wrapped me in a tight hug.I’m so glad you’re back!

  It’s good to be back.

  When my would-be mother pulled away, she caught sight of Aaron. He had just enough time to give her an awkward wave before she was engulfing him in her arms.

  Let him know he’s welcome here! Oblivious to her words, he cast me a stunned look over her shoulder.Smiling, I relayed her message via ASL. After a brief pause, my boyfriend returned the hug. When they parted, she placed a loving hand on my arm.You’re just in time for the bonfire. I assume you boys have already eaten.

  We have.

  Bring him along. Aaron was watching Theodora with increasing discomfort. I could see him trying to read the silence and failing.

  I think we’ll pass. We’ve had a long day.

  Okay,she said, patting my arm.You two have a good night. I’ll see you in the morning.

  Goodnight. After my would-be mother and her husband left the cabin, I led Aaron inside. Taking him to my room, I shut the door and went over to the bed. I was in the process of getting undressed when I noticed that he was still standing at the door.

  What’s wrong? I asked via ASL.

  “Where do I start?”

  Give it time.

  “How much time? That exchange at the door only lasted a few minutes and it was awkward as hell.”

  It wasn’t that awkward.

  “Maybe not to you.”

  You’re being dramatic. Aaron released a frustrated grunt. Come to bed, I urged. We can discuss this in the morning. When Aaron stood his ground, I went over and took him by the hand. He resisted for a moment before allowing me to guide him over to the bed. Stripping him down to his boxers, I climbed onto the mattress, taking him with me.

  “It’s been a week and I still can’t believe this is real,” he murmured, his eyes full of sadness. I had worked hard today to make him forget about his worries, but now they there back. There had to be a way to free him once and for all. I first caressed his face, then nuzzled his neck. My lips were millimeters from his when he pulled away.

  “Don’t tease me, Uriah. Don’t start something unless you intend to finish it.”

  I can give you a blowjob.

  He slid closer so his lips were right by my ear. “I want you inside me. If you can’t give me that than don’t do anything at all.”

  The sultry tone of his voice sent blood coursing to my dick. On the small bed, there was nowhere to hide. When my erection pressed against his belly, Aaron leaned back a hair to look into my eyes. “Stop pretending you don’t want it.”

  I bit my lip. I do want it. I couldn’t pretend. Not for a second, but I can’t.

  My boyfriend’s lust turned to agitation in a fraction of a second. “Your wings are out and from the looks of things, they’re probably going to stay out for a while. Especially now that we’re cut off from Earth. There's literally nothing stopping you.”

  He was right. Without Jean-Luc’s genetic suppressant, I probably won’t be wing-free for a while. There was no reason to continue denying Aaron. Plus, I was as horny as hell. Pushing my boxers down my thighs, I searched for a substitute for lube while he eagerly got on his hands and knees. In a spur of the moment decision, I sucked on my finger, coating it in saliva before working it into myself. After just a few seconds and a whole lot of pleasure, my dick was oozing pre-cum. Smearing the all-natural lube over my shaft, I pressed the fat mushroom head against my boyfriend’s hole. It had been so long since we’d last fucked, I knew he’d be tight. That thought alone caused my manhood to buck and more pre-cum to leak out. Forgoing readying him, I grabbed his hips and slowly pushed in. Just as I’d predicted, Aaron was incredibly tight. Thankfully my body’s natural lubricant worked wonders, slicking the way. I watched as his hole gradually stretched to accommodate me. God, his ass is divine! While I inched in, Aaron moaned loud enough for the both of us. His whimpers and decorations of ecstasy were quickly sending me over the edge.

  When I’d buried every last inch inside him, I paused knowing I wouldn’t last long. Gripping his hips, I began deep-fucking my boyfriend, causing him to unleash a flurry of gasps, grunts and moans. It was too much. Only a minute in and my balls were tightening up. I’m going to cum! Without a voice, I couldn’t warn Aaron, but it didn’t matter. My orgasm was already upon me. Every muscle tightened as my dick began to unload deep inside him. I was so lost in sensation, I didn’t hear the footsteps coming down the hall, much less the sound of the bedroom door opening. It was only when I heard Theodora’s gasp in my head that I looked up. She was standing in the doorway, frozen in place as she gaped at me mid-climax, buried balls-deep in Aaron’s ass. Even a
s the embarrassment washed over me, I couldn’t stop my cock from spewing. Several spurts gushed out before it stilled.

  I’m so sorry! My would-be mother hastily stepped out of the room, closing the door behind her. While I was mortified, I don’t think Aaron noticed. When I came, he’d grabbed his dick and began jerking off, his head bowed. Now, he grunted as his own orgasm wracked through him. His ass clenched around me and I momentarily forgot about the intrusion. My hips gave a couple involuntary thrusts and my boyfriend cried out. Like a switch had been flipped, his orgasm started anew. He whimpered and moaned in the depths of his double climax. After riding out each shutter and wave, he finally collapsed on the bed, my cock slipping free. I automatically joined him on the mattress, my mind a million miles way. I can’t believe Theodora saw us! I knew she was okay with my relationship, as were all the Flyers, but it was still embarrassing as hell. How am I supposed to look her in the eye now? Since I first arrived here, she’s treated me like a son, but now I felt like I’d broken a rule. Crossed a line. Defiled her space. While I stewed in my humiliation, Aaron snuggled up against me, his cheek warm on my chest.

  “That’s just what I needed. Thank you.” Within minutes, he was fast asleep. It was a while before I managed to drift off. When I awoke the next morning, Aaron was gone. Remembering last night, fear gripped me. I already knew he felt awkward being surrounded by silence. If he learns that someone witnessed our little tryst, he’d be gone in the blink of an eye. I had no intention of telling him about Theodora, but I didn’t know if she’d bite her tongue so to speak. Where sexuality is concerned, the Flyers are extremely open. Hurriedly getting dressed, I headed out the bedroom door. In my haste, I wasn’t watching where I was going and ran smack into Aaron.

  “Hey, where’s the fire?” he declared, his hands shooting to my waist to stabilize himself.

  Sorry, I signed with one hand while placing the other on his shoulder. I thought maybe you left.

  He made a face. “After last night? No way. I just had to hit the head.” I nodded, relief washing over me. “By the way, I ran into Theodora… not literally and I think she was trying to ask if I was hungry. I’m not sure. It had to do with food. She kept miming eating.”


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