The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 40

by Frédérick S. Parker

  “Thank god!” After two long weeks, I was finally back on Earth. Tears of both joy and relief sprinkled my face as I made a mad dash to the parking lot. On the way, I pulled out my cellphone. My hands trembled as I saw all the text notifications pop up. My friends had left me countless messages. Just as I’d suspected, they were worried sick about me. Anxious to get home, I texted Tyler and asked if he could give me a ride. He was the only one of my friends with a car. I didn’t know if he’d comply seeing as it would be two hours out of his life, but to my relief he said yes. He must really be worried. Knowing it would take him a while to get here, I put my phone away and got ready to wait. It wasn’t until I was heading for a nearby bench that I realized Uriah wasn’t with me. For a second this puzzled me until I remembered his wings were out and it was broad daylight. With people everywhere, he would have to wait ’til nightfall.

  Returning to the clearing with the virtually invisible portal, I found my boyfriend standing alone. His head was bowed and his longest feathers swept the ground. When my foot found a twig, he looked up. Relief instantly dominated his face and his wings returned to their normal elevation.

  I thought you’d abandoned me, he signed.

  “Nope, just calling for a ride.”

  You’re leaving?

  “My parents are probably worried sick. I have to get back.”

  What about me?

  I didn’t know what to say. In the heat of the moment, I’d completely forgotten about Uriah. After having already abandoned him once, I felt incredibly guilty. “Don’t worry. I’ll make it up to you tonight.”

  My boyfriend didn’t look happy and after a moment’s hesitation he asked via asl, Do you still love me?

  “Of course.”

  It doesn’t seem like it.

  “Tonight, I’ll show you just now much I love you.” I was going for sexy, but Uriah didn’t even blink. “I’m talking about sex,” I clarified.

  I know, he signed, still not looking interested. I… he hesitated. Now that the genetic suppressant is back on the table, I don’t think that’s a good idea.

  “Are you serious?!”

  I don’t want to risk…

  I cut him off. “So, I have to wait three weeks before you’ll sleep with me again? Un-fucking-believable!”

  Imagine how good it’ll feel.

  I snorted. “I know how good it feels. You’ve made me wait before. I’m tired of waiting. I want it now.”

  Please, just give me a little more time, my boyfriend begged. I promise it’ll be worth it.

  “As in you getting so excited you cum too soon worth it?”

  Uriah’s pale cheeks flushed crimson. It will be good. I promise.

  “Whatever.” I turned to leave, but he grabbed my arm. I was really getting sick of that. Before I could protest, his lips were on mine. He kissed me with a passion I almost forgot existed. By the time our lips parted, I was out of breath and craving more. While I dove in for another kiss, Uriah slid his hand down the front of my jeans and started stroking my aching erection. I was seconds from blowing a way overdue load when his fingers and his mouth suddenly disappeared. Before I could question his departure, I heard voices drawing near. I saw a flash of blue vanish into the trees just as a young couple stepped into the clearing. I frantically straightened my hair and clothing while hoping they didn’t notice my obvious boner.

  “Oops,” the girl giggled when she caught sight of me. “Looks like this spot is taken.”

  “Sorry, dude,” her boyfriend drawled, studying me through half shut eyes. I couldn’t tell of he was tired or high.

  “No worries,” I squeaked as they turned to leave. A good ten seconds later, Uriah reemerged from the foliage. He looked at little flushed and I knew that was a close call. Had I been our eyes and ears, he would’ve been discovered for sure.

  “I guess we got a little carried away,” I said, adjusting my erection. Honestly, all I could think about was picking up where we’d left off. Maybe I could get my boyfriend so hot and bothered, he wouldn’t be able to control himself. I’d done it before. However, when I tried to kiss him, he pulled away.

  We should stay alert. Someone else might come crashing through those trees. I can’t risk being seen.

  “Then let’s move into the brush,” I suggested, trying to pull him toward the woods, but he resisted.

  I don’t think that’s wise.

  “Well, if you don’t feel like messing around, I’ll wait in the parking lot for my ride.”

  Who’s coming to pick you up?


  You called your ex?

  “Technically I texted him. He’s the only one with a car.”

  What about your parents?

  “I didn’t want to bother them. It’s bad enough I’ve been missing for two weeks.”

  What about a taxi?

  “I didn’t think of that.”

  But you thought of your ex?

  “I guess.”

  Do you still love him? Uriah suddenly asked, looking guarded.

  “Who? Tyler? No, we’re just friends.” He didn’t look convinced. “Since when are you the jealous type?”

  Right, that’s your M.O.

  “That’s that supposed to mean?”

  I can’t talk to a girl without you getting suspicious, but you have no problem texting your ex.

  “It’s just a ride.”

  Uriah didn’t respond for several seconds. I could see a muscle working in his jaw. Finally he shook his head. I can’t believe you’re taking off with him and leaving me here. It’s several hours until nightfall.

  “I have to see my parents.” When Uriah continued to look upset, I added. “Give me a reason to stay.”

  I thought he might cave, but he just shook his head, his jaw set. Whatever. Go.

  “Okay.” I didn’t even try to hide my irritation. “I guess I’ll see you tonight.” With that I returned to the parking lot. I must admit, I was pissed. I didn’t care what reasons Uriah had for not fucking me. I thought we were in this together, but lately I felt like I was on an island. Don’t get me wrong, I love it when he wraps me in those strong arms, but sometimes I just want sex. Mindless, animal sex. When Jean-Luc first told him about the new genetic suppressant, Uriah had been so optimistic, but the moment we return to Earth, he wouldn’t touch me. Was he really afraid of his wings getting stuck or was this something else? Accusing me of having feelings for Tyler was so odd. So unlike him. Maybe this is another side-affect of the genetic suppressant. Is jealousy a mood? Maybe, maybe not. Perhaps he’s just falling out of love with me. I thought about this until Tyler pulled up half an hour later.

  “My god, Aaron! What are you going here? Where have you been for the last two weeks! Me and the guys have been out of our minds.”

  “Uh, Uriah and I kind of got lost,” I replied, saying the first thing that came to mind. “In the National Forest. It was stupid.”

  “Jeez. How’d you find your way back? I hear people go missing out here all the time. Some are never seen or heard from again.”

  “My boyfriend has an amazing sense of direction.”

  “Speaking of, where is he?”

  “His mom already came and picked him up.”

  When I got home, I found my parents in the living room. Dad was reading the paper and Mom was watching a cooking show. When I entered, they barely acknowledged me.

  “I’m back,” I said, moving between my mother and the flat screen.

  “Back?” she shook her head in confusion. “Back from where?”

  “Uh, I’ve been away for two weeks.”

  “Did you have a good time?” Dad asked from behind his newspaper.

  “No, I… You guys didn’t notice I was gone?”

  “What, now you want us keeping taps on you?” Mom tried to look past me at the TV. “Make up your mind, honey.”

  My shoulders fell. Seriously? They didn’t even notice I was missing? This whole time I’m freaking out and they didn’t even
notice? Tears stung my eyes. Why did I expect anything more? I was only their son. Yeah, their gay disappointment of a son. Leaving the living room, I hurried down the hall to my bedroom. Blinded by tears, I ran headlong into my little brother, knocking him to the ground.

  “Damn it, Matt!”

  “Aaron! You’re back! Where were you?”

  “What?” I clumsily wiped the liquid from my face.

  “You’ve been gone for days. I was worried.” he said, getting to his feet.

  “You noticed I was missing?”

  “Of course.” my little brother looked me up and down. “What happened to you?”

  “Nothing. I got lost.”


  “If I knew that I wouldn’t have been lost.”

  Mathew made a face. “Are you okay?”


  “What’s wrong?”

  “You sure ask a lot of questions.” When Matt stared at me blankly, my shoulders collapsed. “Mom and Dad don’t know I was missing, okay. I was in hell and they didn’t even notice.”

  “I’m sorry.” My little brother wrapped his arms around me. “I asked Mom where you were. She told me you were probably off fraternizing… I think that’s the word she used, with one of your friends.”

  After the emotional rollercoaster ride I’d been on over the last couple weeks, this pushed me over the edge. If my parents didn’t even miss me when I was gone, there was nothing keeping me here. I need my own place. Returning Mathew’s hug, I thanked him for missing me and kissed him on the top of the head before going to my room. Not feeling like being alone, I looked up a van rental service online. Using my debit card, I got one for the day and drove it out to the National Forest. Returning to the clearing where I left Uriah, I found him sitting crosslegged on the ground. He looked just as miserable as I felt. I expected him to flee at the sound of footsteps, but he didn’t. When he looked up at me, I realized he no longer cared if he got caught. Seeing that it was me, immense relief washed over his face.

  You came back?

  “I will always come back.”

  Covering him with a blanket, I returned him to the van. With a little finesse, he was back in my bedroom in no time at all.

  How did it go with your parents? he asked, the moment the curtains were drawn.

  “They didn’t even notice I was gone.” I fought to hold back the tears. I’d done enough crying over the last two weeks to last me a lifetime. “Forget them. I’m getting a place of my own. I can’t stand to live under this roof much longer anyway.”

  Seeing how upset I was, my boyfriend led me over to the bed. Without a word, or should I say a sign, he began stripping off my clothing. My heart rate immediately jumped. Are we going to have sex? I needed it so bad right now. In a matter of seconds, I was fully erect. In fact, I was so turned on, I was in danger of cumming before we even got started. Deep breaths, Aaron. Deep breaths.

  Starting at my lips, Uriah kissed his way down my body while coaxing me onto my back on the mattress. Amidst my sighs of pleasure, I could see his erection snaking down his thigh. It looked in danger of splitting the seam. After kissing a journey across my body, he squirted a dollop of lube into his fingers before spreading my ass cheeks and tenderly working two of them inside. I groaned when they found my prostate. God, that feels good! Again and again the pads of his fingers passed over that sensitive spot. I assumed he was preparing me for penetration, but when three fingers could easily slid in and out, he still didn’t give me his cock. I was on the verge of requesting it, when a fourth finger suddenly slid inside.

  “Fuck!” I groaned, grinding down hard.

  My boyfriend made small thrusting motions with his hand before adding more lube. While he started stroking my erection with one hand, he continued to work my ass with the other. I was so lost in sensation, I wasn’t entirely sure what all he was doing. I snapped out of the euphoria when his entire hand suddenly slid inside me. I looked up at him in shock and he smiled mischievously. I opened my mouth to voice my astonishment, but before I could get a word out, Uriah started fisting me hard. I cried out as his knuckles battered my prostate relentlessly. Again and again he punched into me, going a little deeper each time. I’d never felt anything like this before and I was completely lost. Reaching underneath my head to grip my pillow, I undulated on the mattress. From time to time, I ground down hard trying to get more of him inside me. Within a few minutes I was a babbling mess.

  “Oh my god, yes! Right there, right there! Just like that.” Between his right hand stroking my cock, his left repeatedly plunging inside me and the image of him and his amazing wings positioned between my knees, I was in ecstasy. It wasn’t long before I was cumming. Load after creamy white load gushed out, bathing me in fluids. As my muscles tensed, my boyfriend’s hand stilled inside me, though I felt his fingers tentatively brush my sweet spot, drawing out the orgasm. In fact, my climax lasted so long I think I passed out. When I opened my eyes, my boyfriend was still kneeling over me, but now he had a moist rag and was in the process of cleaning me up. I was exhausted, but completely satisfied.

  “My god, that was amazing!” I marveled, gingerly sitting up. I knew I was going to be sore tomorrow, but it was definitely worth it. “How is it that the sex just keeps getting better and better?”

  Tossing the rag aside, Uriah gave an innocent shrug, though I could tell he was pleased with himself. After a brief pause, he closed his eyes and an intense look of concentration crossed his face. After his last attempt to retract his wings, I was immediately concerned. I didn’t want him having an aneurysm or a stroke. But apparently after sticking around for a week, they were finally ready to relinquish their hold again.

  “I was afraid of losing you,” he said, sounding a little out of breath as he lay down beside me. “I had to do something. I’m just glad you enjoyed it.”

  “No doubt about that.” My skin was still flushed with the after-glow of spectacular sex. “That was wicked intense. I feel like I just had a dozen orgasms wrapped into one.”

  Uriah beamed with pride, his hand going to my belly as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were so full and sweet. I couldn’t get enough. After a session of tongue tennis, we both came up for air.

  “I still can’t believe I took your whole hand,” I marveled. “I won’t be able to walk straight for a week.”

  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” An air of uncertainty flashed across my boyfriend’s face.

  “No, it was incredible,” I assured him, rubbing the erection that was still straining against his thigh. “I just wish I could do something for you.”

  My boyfriend released an involuntary groan as his cock gave a powerful twitch.

  “I’m fine,” he said, gently but quickly pushing my hand away.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Being with you is all I need.”

  “Well, I have to do something, otherwise this relationship will get super lopsided super fast.” Uriah just smiled at me. “How about this? You once mentioned a desire to meet my parents. Are you still interested?”

  His beautiful face went dark. “Not after what they did to you. I still can’t believe they didn’t notice you were gone.”

  “It sucks, but they’re still my parents and I think they should know my boyfriend.”

  “If that’s what you want, then of course I’d be happy to meet them.”

  “Great! How about tonight?”

  “Sure.” We were both silent for a moment, then Uriah asked somewhat timidly, “Will they like me?” The vulnerability in his voice was adorable.

  “No idea. They’ve never liked any of my past boyfriends, but you’re not like anyone they’ve ever met. Chances are, my dad won’t express his feelings one way or the other, but my mom is sure to have something to say.”

  “Should I be nervous?”

  “Not nervous, just alert. If she says anything negative, just brush it off. Don’t let her get under your skin.” I paused. “You should be fine. She’s not
a master manipulator like your mother. Her greatest weapon is insinuation.”

  I didn’t want my boyfriend to be nervous about meeting my parents, but honestly I was freaking out. I desperately wanted them to like him, however, past experience has taught me otherwise. While my mother hadn’t been too keen of my past two boyfriends, she’d downright despised Tyler. I definitely didn’t want a repeat of that encounter. I decided to give her a heads up before dinner. In the past, I’d opted to spring my boyfriends on her without warning in hopes of catching her off guard. Perhaps easing her into the introduction was the better approach.

  I was anxious to inform my mother of our dinner guest, but first I had to recover from that super massive orgasm. Ten minutes had past and my skin was still flushed. If she saw me now she’d know something was up. That would not be a good start to an already potentially tense situation.

  “Man,” I groaned, running my fingers over my still overly heated flesh. “What have you done to me? I look like the Pink Panther.”

  “Nonsense,” Uriah said, moving my hand from my chest and kissing the warm, rosy skin. “You’re so hot when you’re sated. Trust me.” he drew away to look me in the eyes. “You look amazing. Always.”

  Smiling appreciatively, I snuggled into his side and closed my eyes. After the most intense orgasm of my life, I was drained. A quick nap and then I’d present my boyfriend to my parents.

  Waking up half an hour later, I was relieved to find that the residual rosiness was gone. I still tingled a bit, but at least the physical evidence had left. Seeing that Uriah was still asleep, I carefully eased out of bed, got dressed and went down the hall to the kitchen. Peeking in the doorway, I found my mother dutifully working on dinner.

  “Hey,” I said, casually leaning against the doorframe.

  “Hi,” Mom replied, offering me a quick smile over her shoulder. “What’s up?”


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