The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1)

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The Flyer (The Flyer Series Book 1) Page 48

by Frédérick S. Parker

  That night, we sat around the bonfire. While we listened to stories, I preened Joseph’s few remaining feathers while Lina and Theodora attended to mine.

  How old are you? he asked softly in the Control as Elijah shared one of his many stories.

  Eighteen. And you?

  Twenty-three. Did you grow up here?

  No, I lived my first eight years with my parents, then my mother got me a genetic suppressant and moved me to Earth. A few months ago we returned. I’ve been living here off and on since.

  What’s a genetic suppressant?

  A genetically modified organism that allows me to hide my wings.

  Hide them? From what?

  The humans on Earth.

  He still didn’t seem to understand.What’s Earth?

  You’ve never seen any of the portals?He shook his head.Well, they lead to another world.

  Hmm.He hesitated before asking,Why are you so big?

  Earth food.

  Can you bring me some? I want to be big like you.


  To better defend myself.

  Size isn’t always the best defense. If not for you, that Hunter would’ve had his way with me.

  That was a fluke. I’m sure you haven’t had many experiences like that.

  True, but I think you should focus on gaining weight and regrowing your feathers.

  He nodded.Okay.

  Over the next three weeks, Joseph lived with us. He was wary at first, but as time drew on he assimilated nicely. Even better, he started putting on weight. It wasn’t long before he was no longer skin and bones. After just a week, I noticed new feathers starting to bud. He was looking healthier every day. It would be at least three months before all his plumage grew back, but he was definitely on the right track.

  During this time, I took Sabrina out on a few more dates. I continued to try and sleep with her after each one and she continued to reject me, insisting that we get to know each other first. Frankly, the more I got to know her, the less motivated I was to sleep with her. She was chatty, but she rarely said anything of substance. She was very superficial and seemed to love the attention she got taking me places. I almost felt like a prize that she was showing off. She not only wanted everyone to know we were dating, she wanted as many people as possible to see us together. Whenever other girls checked me out, Sabrina would take my hand and lean into me possessively. I wondered if she knew what had happened with Zoboriah. Probably not. Not unless he told her. Honestly, I was trying to forget it. I also dreaded the moment our paths crossed again. Fortunately, he was nowhere in sight. All the same, Sabrina was really laying it on thick. At first it was tolerable, but very quickly I grew tired of her games. After three tedious dates, I decided that if she wouldn’t sleep with me after the fourth, I’d move on to someone else. I had to get this over with. It had been over two months since Aaron dumped me and for all I knew he’d moved on. For all I knew he was going to college looking for his future husband. No doubt the University was replete with eligible bachelors.

  When I wasn’t suffering through Sabrina time, I hung out with Joseph. He had so much to learn and I was eager to teach him. It felt good passing on my knowledge. Even if it was newly acquired. It was also nice having someone closer to my age around. After living with the Flyers for almost a month, he looked good. His wings still needed time, but the rest of his body had filled out nicely. We had also gotten to know each other pretty well. After what Theodora had told me about integrating orphans, I feared he’d leave or ask to return to Metro City, but he didn’t. In fact, the longer he was here, the happier he seemed. He told me stories about his life growing up on the streets. He actually had some funny antidotes. According to him the hardest part of being a prostitute wasn’t the sex.The sex is what made street life bearable. The hard part was not having a soft bed at night or getting attacked on a near constant basis. Prostitution isn’t illegal, but some people still have a problem with it. I was always getting beaten. If not for my profession, then for my feathers. There were times when I’d give it up for free just to escape the pain. I was also the victim of multiple muggings. Being so small, I was an easy target. I rarely had to worry about johns not paying, but a lot of times thugs would follow me and take whatever I’d earned. And of course, out on the streets, Flyer camaraderie isn’t like it is here. The only time we helped each other was if a trick went wrong. Otherwise it was every man or woman for themselves. Joseph didn’t mention his parents very often, but when he did I’d feel a stab of guilt. He asked me a couple times about my own, but I always deflected. Instead, I told him about Earth and my life there. I told him about Aaron and our ups and downs. I even told him about what ended our relationship. Joseph was incredibly understanding. Hanging out with him really helped pass the time.

  One Friday night, after the bonfire, we were in his cabin leafing through a history book when he asked,Your parents aren’t Flyers, right?

  That’s right.My heart started to pound a little faster. I hated deflecting certain questions, but I felt so guilty. At first it was because of the good fortune I hadn’t bothered to appreciate, but now it was because I still hadn’t reconnected with my mother. I kept meaning to, but I always found an excuse. I knew I had to let my anger go, but I couldn’t seem to take that first step.

  Where are they?Joseph asked tentatively. He knew I didn’t like talking about my parents so he rarely brought it up, but sometimes it seemed he couldn’t help himself. I understood. If I’d been abandoned, I’d probably be curious about me too. For this reason, I finally decided to answer his questions. We’d formed a pretty powerful bond over the last three weeks and I didn’t want anything standing between us.

  They live in the forest a few miles from here,I said, setting the book aside.

  Seeing that I was finally ready to share, the uncertainty left Joseph’s face.What happened? Did they abandon you?


  Why don’t you live with them?

  It’s complicated. I swallowed around the lump in my throat. After what he’d been through, my sob story sounded pathetic. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I told him my story. I covered how my mother had planned to put me up for adoption, but changed her mind at the last minute. I told him about all the lies and isolation. I even mentioned how she’d clipped my wings. I tried not to sound too resentful, but I’m not sure I succeeded. When I finished, Joseph looked pensive. After too long a pause, he asked if my parents knew where I was.


  Do they care?

  Yes. The word was no more than a whisper.

  He paused again, his eyes filling with a heart-breaking sadness.I wish I knew where my parents were and if they cared.

  Of course.I felt like I was suffocating. I hated seeing him so miserable.

  He looked momentarily wistful, then he shook his head, the sadness gone in the blink of an eye.No, they don’t care. If they did, they won’t have abandoned me.

  I am so sorry that happened to you.

  He looked at me and smiled. A warm, genuine smile.You care about me. I don’t know why, but you do. I am so thankful for that. I’ve never had that before. On the streets, Flyers would come to my aid of I was in a tight spot, but otherwise we kept to ourselves.

  Not knowing what to say, I remained silent. I don’t know what Joseph saw in my eyes, but to my surprise, he leaned over and tried to kiss me. I immediately pulled back.

  I can’t. I’m sorry.

  Because of that girl you’re seeing? The Teacher?

  How do you…?

  All the Flyers talk about it.I wasn’t aware of that. Learning that I was the subject of gossip wasn’t encouraging.They don’t understand, Joseph added when I didn’t immediately reply.

  It’s complicated. At least Theodora hadn’t divulge the details of the conversation I’d had with her upon my return. That’s nice to know.

  If you don’t want to talk about it…

  There’s someone else.


p; Aaron. You’ve actually seen him. He was with me that day we first met.

  Realization dawned on Joseph’s face. Green Eyes? He was hot.Remembrance turned to confusion. I thought you two broke up.

  We did, but I’m still in love with him. I hope one day he’ll take me back.

  Is that possible?There was no judgement or doubt in his voice. Just genuine curiosity.

  I think so. I hope so. He said the only way he’ll take me back is if I get more experience. Sexually.

  More experience isn’t alway a good thing.


  Well, if it’s experience you need, I can help.

  Thanks, but no thanks.After what happened in the alleyway with the Hunter, I knew I never wanted another man. Aaron is the only guy for me. If he’d have me.

  You’d rather sleep with the Teacher than me?Joseph’s voice in my head was small and confused. Now I knew why none of the Flyers understood. I almost said it’s not you it’s me, but I stopped myself. Before I could arrive at a response, he was talking again, his voice sounding more broken by the minute.Is it because I was a prostitute?

  No, of course not. You did what you had to in order to survive. The thing is, I’m bisexual. I’ve always been attracted to both girls and boys. The reason Aaron dumped me is because he thought maybe I preferred girls. I’ve never slept with one. Not while I was lucid, anyway. If I do this, I hope to prove to him he’s my one and only.

  After delivering this speech, I held my breath, sure that my friendship with Joseph hung by a thread, but his look of sad dejection turned to comprehension.

  Aaron is a lucky guy.

  I shook my head.I’m the lucky one.

  The following night, Sabrina and I were returning from our fourth date. Yet another fancy dinner at another expensive restaurant. This time she ordered enough food for me so I had the energy for the flight home. This evening she had requested that we forgo the chariot. So flying high over the treetops, I held her in my arms. I hoped this meant she was finally ready to give herself to me. We were about ten minutes from the village when my date said she wanted to touch down for a moment. Finding a clearing, I descended.

  “My father used to bring me here when I was younger,” Sabrina said as my hands fell from her middle. “The view is absolutely phenomenal.”

  Taking my hand, she led me to the edge of the canyon. On the other side, a river ran off into the ravine. Before the water made it to the bottom, the heat of the gold turned it to vapor. Combined with the spray from the waterfall, a rainbow arched across the canyon. I’d never seen a rainbow at dusk before. It was beautiful. As superficial and self-involved as Sabrina had been over the last few weeks, this surprised me. Turning to her, I gave her a questioning look. She smiled and gripped both my hands.

  “You look surprised. Trust me, I know beauty when I see it. This place is beautiful and so are you.” she paused. “There’s something I want from you, but I’m afraid to ask.”

  What? I mouthed.

  Her eyes drifted to my wings. “I want one of your feathers. Just as a symbol of our relationship.”

  My initial reaction was to reject her request, but then I had a thought. This whole sex thing had dragged on far too long. If she wants a feather, she’ll have to give me something in return. It might seem sleazy, but at this point I didn’t care. After the way she’d paraded me around, I’d earned it. To communicate my desire, I tugged at her skirt. For a moment, Sabrina looked puzzled, then realization dawned on her face.

  “If I have sex with you, you’ll give me a feather?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay.” A smile broke out across her face as she hiked up her skirt. “We have a deal.”

  My hands shook with nervous anticipation as I reached in my wallet and pulled out a condom. Unzipping my fly, I tore the packet open and rolled it on. I then turned Sabrina around and nudged her panties down. Weeks of sexual energy was coursing through me, but I was also scared. I was scared of how this would affect me. What if I like it? What if I can’t get enough? For a moment, I considered abandoning the plan, but then I pictured Aaron. I didn’t know what he was up to or if he even missed me, but I sure as hell missed him. If this was the only way to get him back, so be it. Pushing Sabrina up against a nearby tree, I stabilized her with one hand and guided myself in with the other. She was around 5’ 3” so I had to really bend my knees to get the right angle. Unlike with Aaron, no lube was necessary. Her womanhood was slick and offered little resistance. She moaned as I pushed in inch by inch. When I reached a dead end, a good three inches of my shaft was still visible. I really wanted to bury my entire length in her, but this would have to do. Clutching her a little tighter I paused, a muscle working in my jaw. I won’t lie. It felt good. Her body gripped me nicely. She wasn’t as tight as Aaron, but she was tight enough. She was also warm and wet. I felt on the verge of losing my mind. Concentrating on the sensation, I began thrusting into her. Sabrina mewled and rocked her hips as I slid in and out.

  “You’re so big!” she gasped, gripping the tree while looking over her shoulder, trying to get a glimpse of my cock. “It feels so good! Gosh, I forgot how incredible that is! And you’re going so deep! Oh, god! Fuck me, Flyer boy!”

  She felt good, but her words were turning me off. Her high, tinny voice was like nails on a chalkboard. Releasing her with one hand, I covered her mouth. This is hard enough as it is. I don’t need her color commentary. Not seeming the slightest bit miffed, Sabrina fell silent as I continued to fuck her. Wrapping the hand that wasn’t over her mouth around her middle, I started thrusting harder. My balls slapped against her as I moved faster. Looking down, I watched as the majority of my cock disappeared repeatedly. I watched as her ass rippled and shook, each quake like waves across the ocean. This was definitely different. Several times I felt her spasm around me before my orgasm began to build. I was just succumbing to the sensation when Sabrina’s whole body started convulsing. She moaned through my fingers as she climaxed, but the thing that caught my attention almost immediately was the gusher of liquid that showered my crotch. I jerked back, not sure what happened. Did she just pee on me?

  “Sorry!” Sabrina gasped, turning to face me, her cheeks flushed. “That’s never happened before! I…I… you’re so big.” When I wrinkled my nose, she shook her head. “Please don’t be mad. I’m sorry. It was an accident.”

  Still trying to decide what to think, I whipped off the condom and stuffed my dick back in my pants. Now there was a big wet spot on the front. When I took another step back, Sabrina looked like she might cry. Seeing her anguish, I relaxed my shoulders. This was awkward enough as it was. I didn’t want to make things worse. Looking relieved, Sabrina took a deep breath and let it out.

  “So, what about that feather?” Bringing my left wing around, I reached for a small white one, but she stopped me. “I want one of the big blue ones.”

  Is she talking about my primary flight feathers? She must be joking. Not only do I need those to fly, the largest ones hurt the most when yanked out. Shaking my head, I gestured to my smaller feathers. If she wanted blue, that was fine, but she wasn’t getting a big one.

  “We had a deal!” Sabrina declared. “I let you fuck me and I get a feather in return.”

  Not a big one, I mouthed, returning her irritation.

  “Why not?”

  I need them to fly.

  “Surely you can part with one.”

  I shook my head. It was true that I could manage with the loss of a single flight feather, but I was more concerned with the pain of pulling one out. Plus, there would be an obvious gap in my wingspan. Not to mention, those take the longest to grow back.

  “Listen here, Flyer—”

  Uriah, I mouthed.

  “Whatever. I didn’t give it up to you just to get stiffed.”

  How ironic.

  “This isn’t a joke.”

  I gave a sarcastic nod while gesturing to the stain on the front of my pants. To the uninformed eye, it looked like
I wet myself.

  “I already apologized for that,” Sabrina huffed, her cheeks going rosy. “You still got your sex. You owe me.”

  Technically she was right. I may not have finished, but we did copulate. Still, I wasn’t giving her a large feather. We never agreed on that. Once again I gestured to one of the smaller ones, but Sabrina shook her head stubbornly.

  “I want a big feather.”

  No, I mouthed firmly. Not happening.

  To my surprise she lunged at me, making a grab at my wing. Sabrina had told me the feather was a symbol for our relationship, but now I had my doubts. She was a little too determined to get her hands on a large one. As I deflected her, I remembered what the Flyers had said about the value of our plumage. Does Sabrina want to sell my feathers for profit? I admit I came into this with my own agenda, but this was shocking. Sabrina was self-obsessed and materialistic, but she didn’t come off as a criminal. Last I heard, the sale of Flyer feathers is illegal. My guess is that she was hoping to forage a deep and meaningful relationship so I would give up my feathers willingly. No chance. When Sabrina made another attempt to grab my wing, I seized both her wrists, whipped her around and pulled her flush against me. Spreading my wings, I kicked off the ground and flew out over the canyon. I had no intention of dropping her, but I wanted to make a point. With Flyers coming back into circulation, more and more people would undoubtedly try to take advantage of us. I couldn’t stop them all, but I could stop Sabrina. Just as I suspected, as I flew out over the ravine, she let out a terrified scream.

  “No, please don’t. Don’t kill me, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again. I swear!”

  When we were right over the canyon, the shimmering gold thousands of feet below, I began to relax my grip on her, forcing her to grab into my wrists. Now it was up to her to hang on. She gripped my arms, her eyes wide with fear as she looked up at me, her gaze occasionally darting downward.


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