Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck Series Book 1)

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Teach Before You Fuck (Before You Fuck Series Book 1) Page 8

by Margretta Milano

  I wanted to see Nick again and make sure he was doing okay, but we were able to text every so often. He could only text with one hand, but getting short messages from him helped me feel connected. I knew that we had to keep things even more secretive because we were being watched way more than before. He had become some kind of celebrity in our town and we couldn’t get back into a normal routine with each other until this whole thing died down.

  Meanwhile, Jonathan kept texting me. I had responded at first so that he would know I was okay, but I wanted to cut off communications again. He was a reminder of my past and I had wanted to forget our unhealthy relationship. Now that Nick showed me that love could feel good, I wanted nothing to do with Jonathan.

  The Sunday before I was scheduled to return to work I was at my mom’s house watching Downton Abbey and Jonathan texted me.

  “I want you back.”

  During the next break in the drama, I showed my phone to my mom. “Look at what Jonathan just texted me.”

  “Oh sweetie, I don’t know what to tell you. I guess just be blunt,” she said turning back to the show.

  So I quickly texted back, “That’s flattering but we need to move on. We’re not right for each other.”

  I put down the phone and continued watching the show with my mom. I got wrapped up in the action and then the program left us with a cliffhanger.

  “Ok Mom, I have to go now so I can be refreshed for work tomorrow,” I said as we hugged.

  “Have a great first day back, Laura. I’m sure it will go great.”

  I left her apartment and got into my car. I started driving home, thinking about all the things I would need to catch up on the next day. I felt myself getting anxious about going back to work.

  I pulled into my parking space at my apartment complex and noticed that there was another text from Jonathan.

  “I can’t imagine never fucking you again.”

  I felt a shiver go down my back. This text was borderline harassment. I felt like I couldn’t delete it because what if I needed to have proof down the line. I just decided not to respond.

  I got out of my car and looked around. It was dark by now so I walked briskly towards the lights of the lobby of my apartment building. Before I knew it I felt someone yanking my arm and dragging me along the side of my apartment building. It was Jonathan. He pushed me into the wall by the exterior stairs of the apartment building. There were no lights and it was far from where anyone would walk.

  “Hi Laura,” Jonathan said as he pushed me up against the wall and covered my mouth with his hand.

  “All I wanted to know was that you were safe. Your texts were so mean,” Jonathan said.

  I pulled his hand off of my mouth and said, “Let me go. I don’t owe you anything.”

  “You are a nothing girl, Laura. I just plucked you out of your miserable life because you were fuckable. That whole time all you were to me was a good fuck.”

  “I’m sure you can find another girl to screw. Go and find her and leave me the hell alone.” I didn’t care what he said to me. I wasn’t going to let him inside my head.

  “You’re not getting away that easily. You can’t break up with me. I say when we stop fucking. I’m not done with you yet,” He leaned in to try to kiss me and I pushed his face away.

  “You don’t want to be nice? I can make it rough,” he said, as he pushed his body into mine, forcing my back into the wall.

  “No Jonathan,” I said trying to fight him off.

  “I like it when you say no,” he said. He grabbed my hips, which were between his hands. His legs were on either side of my body, trapping me between them. Jonathan started undoing my pants.

  Before I knew what was happening, his hand had found my pussy and h started finger fucking me. Tears came to my eyes.

  “Jonathan, please don’t do this,” I begged.

  “One last fuck, Laura,” Jonathan said, “That’s all I want and I promise I will leave you alone.”

  On some level it was tempting to just let him fuck me and then move on with our lives. It would be like some of the times we had sex in the past where I was uncomfortable and let him have his way. As much as I did not want to fuck him, I never wanted to see him again.

  Just then he grabbed me and flipped me around so that my body was facing the wall. He pushed my face into the cement of the parking garage and he pulled down my pants and my underwear in one swift motion. Whether I wanted to fuck him or not, it looked like he was going to have his way with me in the parking garage.

  “No Jonathan, please no,” I said, as I felt his fingers enter my from behind. He rubbed my labia vigorously, preparing me for his dick. I started crying because I knew this was going to be painful.

  I heard the rattle of his belt as he pulled out his cock. Then something came over me and I swung back, whipping him in the face with my purse. The pain was blinding as he pushed me hard into the wall. He punished me, punching me with his fists and making pain radiate through my body. The cement wall scratched up my face as I struggled to get him off of me. Tears rolled down my face.

  Then I heard some commotion in the parking garage. “Help!” I screamed. Jonathan immediately let my body go. Before I knew it, he had quickly ran off another direction. Two guys came up and found me tear stained and pulling up my pants. “He ran that way,” I pointed to where and the men raced off.

  I picked up my cell phone and called 911. “Hi, what’s your emergency?”

  “I’ve been assaulted.”

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  The police came and I was taken by ambulance to the hospital. Damn, I was just here. I cried a lot about what happened, but I didn’t feel very surprised about it. I just knew that Jonathan was not going to take the breakup well. But I knew on a gut level that no matter what happened whether he would get charged for a crime or if he would get off, I knew that I would never see Jonathan again.

  Giving my account of what happened to the police was tough, but telling my mother and Nick about it was really stressful. My mom immediately rushed to the hospital, but Nick, who had been discharged, couldn’t make a trip to the ER because he was too well known by the staff and was still getting random inquiries by the press.

  “I can’t believe he did that to you,” Nick said over the phone, “I want to hurt him.”

  “I knew the relationship wasn’t healthy, but now I know that it wasn’t me. He’s a sick person,” I said.

  “Laura, of course it wasn’t you! How long is he going to be in jail?” Nick said.

  “A long time. The police told me in cases like this, the judge will likely not allow him to get out on bond. I know that no matter what happens, even if he got out, I don’t see him bothering me again.”

  “I hope I never see him again because I don’t know what I would do to him.”

  “I am just grateful that those two guys were walking through the parking lot and stopped him. If they hadn’t come by, he would have raped me.”

  “Laura, we’ve got to get out of this place. Let’s move away and start fresh. I can get a job anywhere – and so can you.”

  “I want to leave this place, too. Let’s move at the end of the school year. My mom is my only concern. I’m all she’s got.”

  “Would she be up for moving too? How does Phoenix sound?”

  “Nick, are you serious?”

  “Let’s get the hell out of Illinois. Your mom can join us.”

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Nick and I both went back to work and life felt somewhat normal again. His arm was healing, but he had some difficulty with it. I visited him in his office and, even though the office staff didn’t have a clue about us, because of what happened to us, we were always allowed to close the door and be undisturbed.

  “Damn pinky doesn’t do shit for me,” Nick said as he tried to grip a bottle of iced tea to open it.

  “Here, let me help,” I grabbed it from him and he pushed me into a hidden corner of his office to steal a kiss. His lips
were soft and familiar now, but we hadn’t had a date and he hadn’t come over to my place in awhile.

  I stepped back into a visible part of the room from the door’s window and “POP” I opened the bottle for him.

  “Do you want to come over tonight?” I asked him.

  “How about this weekend? Then we can take our time,” Nick said, staring at me with his blue eyes, “I just don’t –”

  “What happened to me in the parking lot was terrible and I want to forget it. He violated me. Anything that happens between us is magical. There’s no resemblance,” I said, “I’m fine. I’ve healed.”

  Nick nodded and took a slug from the bottle.

  “These past few months have been so terrible,” Nick said, “I just want to get away.”

  “Me too,” I said, “I’ve been thinking about Phoenix and I think we should just go for it.”

  “Let me show you something,” Nick said, going around his desk to look at the screen. I came around the desk and noticed that he had a website about Phoenix up.

  “Laura, I want to take you to Phoenix over spring break. We’ll go there, forget all about our problems in the sunshine. It would be a great vacation, our first as a couple.”

  I paused and looked at him. It felt like a big step to go away together. We hadn’t been intimate for weeks. It wasn’t for lack of desire, because every time our eyes locked, we felt that deep connection. My body ached for him, but I knew that he was waiting to see if he would get back more feeling and movement in his arm. I think he also was apprehensive about fucking after what Jonathan had done. Not to mention that Nick was still a bit of a celebrity around town after being shot.

  “What are your thoughts Laura?” Nick looked at me. I could tell in his eyes he was desperate to have time with me, just the two of us.

  “Let’s bring my mom!” I said, pausing for a second, “I’m kidding of course – I just wanted to make you laugh.”

  “Nice one, Laura,” he said, smiling and putting his hands on my waist to guide me into a corner of his office again, “I like it when you try to make a funny.”

  “Nick, while we’re there we can also figure out if it’s a place we could actually live in.”

  “I want to be with you Laura. I don’t want to be here anymore. I’ve outgrown this life. I don’t even care if I can’t be a principal anymore. I’ll go back and teach in the classroom again. I want a new life…with you,” Nick kissed me softly on the lips.

  “I want to fuck you again Nick, I don’t care about your arm at all,” I said, pushing back from his embrace to look him straight in the eye.

  “After what happened…I just want you to be comfortable when we make love again,” Nick said.

  “I’m back to myself after what happened,” I replied, “My body wants you.”

  Chapter Forty

  The wheels lifted off the ground and I squeezed Nick’s hand and smiled at him, “And we’re off!” We’d had to drive 45 minutes away to an airport far away so that we wouldn’t be discovered by either other teachers taking trips of spring break or the local paparazzi who would stop by to take photos and video of Nick. On slow news days they wanted footage of “The Hero Principal’s Recovery.” We were paranoid that the local media would want to know where Nick was going to spend his spring break.

  Nick pulled my hand up to his mouth and kissed it. His eyes looked into mine deeply, honestly for ten seconds at least. Before he looked away, I could see tears welling up in his eyes.

  “Hey, what’s up?” I asked, forcing him to look back at me.

  “I can’t look too long at you because…I can’t believe we’re together. You know the phrase ‘heart-breakingly beautiful’? My heart breaks a little when I stare into your eyes. You are an incredible woman,” Nick said.

  I gulped back my own tears after he said that. What I thought when we’d first gotten together was true: this was the relationship I’d waited my whole life for.

  “Thank you for cherishing me,” I said and we kissed again.

  Before we knew it, we were getting off of the plane in Phoenix. Warm air hit our faces right as we exited the airport. It felt like the perfect place for us at the moment. Nick arranged a rental for us and off we went to our hotel.

  Nick had booked a room for us at the Royal Palms Resort and Spa. When we arrived, I could tell this was a special place. It felt like a Mexican hacienda. Walking along the cobblestones, we found that the hotel had inner courtyards, even maintaining the 1920’s Spanish Lady tile artwork. We smelled the fresh flowers as we walked alone.

  “I’ve booked us a couple’s massage for tomorrow,” Nick said.

  “Sounds incredible,” I said as we walked to our room. A porter was going to bring us the luggage so we strolled together holding hands. I felt energy between us that I didn’t remember feeling since we first fucked each other in his office. We were walking slowly, taking our time, but it felt like we were skipping along. I looked over at Nick and I read his face perfectly: simple joy.

  “We needed this trip,” I said to him, leaning over and putting my head on his shoulder as we walked.

  “I feel more like myself than I’ve felt in weeks,” Nick said, “I already feel relaxed and we haven’t even been here for two hours.”

  When we got to the room, we pulled back the sheets of the bed and lay next to each other.

  “How do you feel?” Nick asked me.

  “I want to make love to you. I know you’ve been worried about me, but I want you to know that you give me pleasure. I want to give you pleasure, too. I’m ready to do this.”

  “I just want you to be okay, Laura.”

  “You found something in my heart that no one else ever knew was there.”

  Nick kissed me deeply and I started unbuttoning his shirt. I forgot how muscular his chest was. I ran my hands along his pecs and down his rock hard abs. He started giggling.

  “That tickles,” he laughed and tickled me back.

  I turned him over onto his back and straddled him with just my top and underwear on. I started massaging his back, working out the kinks in his muscles with my fists. Nick started moaning each time I rubbed him. Finally he couldn’t take it anymore and he flipped himself over. He got my shirt off and started working on my bra strap.

  “Let me help you,” I said, remembering his hand was a little funky. I pulled off my underwear and threw it around in the air and slung it across the room.

  “Yee haw,” I said leaning down to kiss his smiling face.

  “I love my view, Laura,” Nick said as he cupped my breasts in his hands and then took a nipple in his mouth.

  “Now that’s ticklish,” I said pulling away with a smile. Feeling something hard, I looked down to see his large cock. I grabbed it and pulled it up softly, over and over. Nick arched his back from the sensation he’d missed for those weeks.

  Nick reached over to my hips and started fondling me, putting his fingers inside me. Instantly, I moaned, throwing my head back. Using his fingers, he pushed his dick inside me. I started grinding on him, moving my hips around and around. I couldn’t contain my pleasure and groaned with the sensation of him deep inside of me.

  I was able to look down at Nick while I gyrated on his dick. He was watching me with a sly grin on his face. “You are the hottest woman alive,” he said to me as he grabbed my hips and moved me up and down on his cock.

  “Oh, oh, oh,” I whimpered as I felt him hitting the g-spot deep inside, over and over.

  I could feel that we were both getting close to climax. With his last thrust he pushed hard into my body and I bent myself backwards slightly to accentuate the passion I was experiencing. In a rush I felt him come then my body pulsated rhythmically.

  I fell into a heap next to him, with his cock still throbbing inside me. Nick moaned, “Laura, that was unbelievable. I think I love you.”

  I thought about it for a minute. Nick was a beautiful man, able to give and receive pleasure and be grateful for all of it. I knew in tha
t moment what I wanted to say to him.

  “I’m so grateful for you. I love you too Nick.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  The next day we decided to take a hike of Camelback Mountain. It was thrilling just to be the two of us doing something without worrying who was watching. I wore comfy yoga capris and pink tank top. I almost felt like I was skipping and jumping as we walked up the trail. I saw an eagle flying and pointed it out to Nick. It felt like the symbol for how we felt in that moment. Holding hands felt extra special. We made it to the top where we sat down and just looked out over the valley.

  “Laura there's something I wanted tell you,” Nick said, looking at me. For millisecond I wondered if he was going to propose, “When I first met you during the interview process at Illinois State I could tell there was something special about you. I couldn’t put it into words, but I thought I cannot let this person go without knowing when I would see you again or be near you again. I feel bad that our first time was on the floor of my office but I really want you to know that I couldn't take it anymore. I just needed to feel you next to me in that moment. I hope that was okay.”

  I looked into his eyes and said, “That was probably the hottest sex ever had in my life. There's no need for an apology, especially now. I couldn't handle it either!” I laughed.

  “But I want to continue, Laura,” Nick looked at me seriously, “I want you to know that I have been thinking a lot about us and we need to move. We need to go somewhere ne together. If this is it, that’s great, but if it’s not Phoenix, then let’s make it Indianapolis or Des Moines or Brooklyn or Orlando. I don't care where is but I want to be with you. And I want to start fresh, I want to have a new life with you and I want to leave all the drama behind us. I don't care if I can't work as a principal. I can be in the classroom again whatever, but let's go do this.”

  “Nick, I want you to know I've also been thinking what the future, too. When Julie pointed the gun at me and I thought she was going to shoot me. The first thing I thought was I’m going to see my dad again and we’re going to cook together again. It was in that moment that something changed for me. I realize that my destiny is not to be in the classroom: my destiny is to be working as a chef. So whenever we move, whatever we do, I'm going to be leaving the classroom. Then they'll be no conflict of interest with our professions or where we work. I'll be in a restaurant or maybe even start my own personal chef business, which is my goal. I just wanted to share what's been on my mind recently.”


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