Radio Rose (Change of Heart Cowboys Book 1)

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Radio Rose (Change of Heart Cowboys Book 1) Page 17

by Stephanie Berget

  Rose was the first person he’d wanted to keep around. They could continue to live together. She was the first friend he'd had in years. And now sex!

  That brought things to a whole new level, sex with friend privileges. Wow, who knew that was possible.

  He wandered into the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee and settled onto a chair to wait for Rose. Things were turning out just fine for the first time in his life.

  A movement across the room caught his attention, and he turned to see Rose coming down the hall. As soon as she was within reach, Adam stood and tried to put his arms around her, anxious to feel her warmth against him again.

  Rose twirled away, backed up several steps and stood glaring, her hands on her hips. Her face was grim.

  He stared at her for a moment waiting for her to smile, but got nothing.

  "What happened? Everything was wonderful until you took a shower,” he said as he stepped around the scratched oak coffee table and started toward her.

  "How many women have you slept with?” she demanded, holding up a hand to keep him away. “Ten, a hundred, how many?”

  "What the hell?" He halted mid-stride wondering if she was one of the aliens her callers talked about. “Rose, what’s going on?”

  "I woke up feeling so terrific because I have never had sex that great,” she said, her chest heaving as she tried to pull in a breath. “I didn't even know they made sex like that, and I was remembering it and savoring it and wondering when we could do it again.” She sank down on the sagging blue and cream cushion at the end of the couch and put her head in her hands.

  “Rose, honey.”

  She straightened, her spine stiff. Slashing the air with her hand, she silenced him so she could continue. “Then I realized you probably make all the women you sleep with feel special. I'm just one of your harem, and I want to know how many,” she said, wrapping her arms around her stomach and shrinking in on herself but never breaking eye contact. “I’m an idiot.”

  “You’ve never had sex that great.” As a smile spread across his face, hers turned red. Her eyes were shooting daggers at him, and Adam knew he’d better act fast or learn to duck.

  "Look, I haven't had sex with anyone in a long time, and I've never had anything even close to what I had with you. Believe me, honey you are so far ahead of all the other women they can't even see your dust.” Adam smiled at her sure he’d said the right thing now.

  “What do you mean, all the other women?”

  Rose didn’t look any happier, and he tried again. “I meant the few other women, just a few. I’m not saying I’ve been a saint, but I didn’t know you then. I'm just hoping and praying I'll get another chance to try that great sex thing again.” He stood in front of the fireplace, his arms extended, palms up. “It was so special I'll get down on my knees and beg if you want me to Rose."

  She raised her gaze slowly, tears filling her eyes. "Really? My dad was the only one who ever thought I was special.” She leaped up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’re in this for the sex, I know that, but I don’t care.”

  She kissed each corner of his mouth in turn then whispered in his ear. "I'm just going to pretend you’re here to stay. Please let me have my fantasy for a while, and I won’t fuss when you leave."

  Before he could answer, she had her coat on and was out the door. One thing about Rose, she always said what was on her mind, even if it didn't make any sense.


  Rose’s butt barely hit the seat of her chair before the calls started. A well-advertised asteroid had painted a streak across the northwestern sky an hour earlier, and all the phone lines were blinking. Her callers were sighting alien ships everywhere and were more than happy to share their experiences.

  Even though the weather and news stations had predicted its appearance, the asteroid gave some people permission to let fly their fantasies.

  Rose was sure the National Guard got their share of calls, too. She tried to calm her listeners, but it was a bit like holding back the waters of the Red Sea, and she sure wasn't Moses.

  Hysteria fueled many of the calls, and some callers were sure an invasion was happening as they spoke. As the hours wore on and no aliens were televised in downtown Trinidad or Tullyville, Rose managed to talk some of her people off their ceilings.

  She ran official weather station news on the comet. She talked about the rarity of such an event, and she assured them they were the lucky ones to witness the comet while everyone else slept. The calls slacked off toward the end of her show, but she was exhausted by the time Irwin came in the door.

  "How are you, Rose?” As always, Irwin’s calm manner soothed her rattled soul. She explained about the comet while she cleaned up after herself, but she needn’t have. Irwin had studied it, witnessed it and agreed to talk about it on his show in case anyone was still a little spooked.

  “Thank you, Irwin. I can always count on you.” On a whim, she kissed his cheek, and his cheeks glowed with embarrassment.

  He pulled the four-inch slab of foam from beneath the desk, slipped onto his chair and turned on the microphone. As his deep voice welcomed listeners to his show, Rose turned in time to see him use an antiseptic wipe to clean off his cheek.

  She chuckled as she went down the narrow hall to the front of the station to wake Adam. He was getting really good at sleeping on the hard, short couch in the waiting room at the station.

  Rose normally wasn’t a person to take the initiative when it came to relationships, but she decided to take the risk. She dropped to her knees beside the couch and gave Adam a soft kiss. “Wake up,” she whispered.

  Adam’s arm snaked around her waist and pulled her on top of him. “We’ve got to start meeting like this,” he whispered back. “I think I like it.”

  “It must be the comet. It’s making everyone hot.” Rose smiled and stood, grasping his hand and pulling him to his feet.

  Adam placed his hands on her cheeks and gave her a gentle kiss. “No Rose. It’s not the comet. It’s you.” He turned her toward the office door, put a hand on each shoulder and propelled her toward the parking lot and Miss Cool.

  Rose talked non-stop all the way to the car and all the way home. By the time they pulled into the drive way she’d finally wound down. She hadn't realized how keyed up she'd been until she ran out of steam. It was like someone stuck a pin into her balloon. Wondering if she could get herself into the house, she remained seated.

  Adam came around to her side of the car and opened the door. "Madam,” he said as he made a sweeping bow.

  Rose smiled and tried to wedge herself out of the car. As she struggled, Adam reached in and scooped her up, bumping her head on the way out.

  "Thanks, I needed another head injury. I hadn't quite gotten over the last one,” she said, rubbing her head.

  "Try to help a girl out, and that's the thanks a guy gets.”

  "Wait, I get it,” Rose said as she looked into his eyes. “You're just trying to get me inside so you can have more of that great sex, right?" Please say yes, she thought.

  "You got it babe. If you're unconscious I know you won't put up a fight." He grinned, and Rose lost her breath. Why am I falling in love with someone who is leaving? What was wrong with her that no one she loved would stay?

  He carried her in, stood her next to the bed and undressed her, and she let him. It was so nice to just be and let someone take care of her. Being cared for was becoming number one on her list of things she loved. Well, maybe number two, right behind Adam.

  "I'm going to be extra nice to you tonight. Think of it as repayment for you being so nice to me,” she whispered as she stood there.

  Adam lifted her into bed, bent over and kissed her softly as he pulled the quilt up to her shoulders. "I'll be back in a minute."


  As he reached the door, Adam turned. Rose had curled into a ball, her hands folded beneath her cheek and the blanket pulled up to her chin. He couldn’t contain a smile as he walked back to the
bed. She was as beautiful asleep as she was awake.

  “What have I gotten myself into here?” he whispered as he smoothed the covers.

  He’d thought he could stay and play with Rose, thought they could have a relationship with no strings. Now he realized she wasn't the kind of girl who could just play.

  Oh, she thought she could. She thought she was the queen of tough, but when it came right down to it, Rose needed to be in it for the long haul.

  As he stood there watching her sleep, one thought crowded the others out of his mind. I don’t want to hurt you. Fear caused his heart to skip a beat. The way he was raised, he’d never learned how to not hurt the ones he loved.

  Shock pushed the fear away. Was that how he felt about Rose? Did he love her?

  The light from her alarm clock cast a soft green glow throughout the room. He heard a soft snort and watched her roll over, burying her head beneath the quilt. Wisps of her hair fanned out across the sheet.

  How could he define his feelings for her, having never loved anyone? Knowing he’d never felt like this before only confused him further. Rose was right. He was an idiot!

  After one last long look, Adam walked away from her then padded along the hall to his bedroom. He flopped onto the bed, folding his arms beneath his head. As he stared at the ceiling, everything became clear. His grandfather had been right. He was a sorry excuse for a man, and Rose was probably better off without him.

  The clock on the bureau marked off the time, tick by tick. It was soon apparent that sleep had run away with his good sense. If he was going to be awake for what was left of the night, he might as well do something constructive.

  Rolling to the side of the bed, he looked at the floor, looked at the pile of miscellaneous debris in front of the milk box he used for a nightstand. Beneath two pairs of socks, a T-shirt and three pairs of shorts, he found a notebook and a stub of a pencil. Across the top line, he wrote--Things-to-do and drew two lines underneath.

  First on the list was talking to Red. He’d make a trip to the garage first thing in the morning. Maybe getting Red’s situation out in the open would help.

  Next he needed to figure out what to do about his feelings for Rose.

  The first thing was easy, the second next to impossible.


  Rose woke in her own bed, alone. That had not been her plan the night before. She remembered standing by the bed, letting Adam undress her, waiting for the good stuff, but she’d lost the good stuff, along with Adam, sometime last night.

  Determined, she climbed out of bed and set out to find it all this morning. “Adam?” she called, but heard nothing in reply. As she entered the kitchen, she saw a note propped against the sugar jar.

  Hope you slept well. Gone to see Red. Be back at 5. A

  Opening the cupboard, she snagged a cup, and turned to the coffee pot. It had just finished perking. Adam must have set the timer.

  Fresh coffee! Would wonders never cease? What she was going to do when this man left? Life would certainly be dull again and lonely. Dull she could handle, but lonely? Maybe not so much.

  Rose sipped at her coffee while she dressed, getting her hit of caffeine then headed out the door to see Sonja. She walked to the curb and stared at the empty place for several seconds before she remembered Miss Cool had gone with Adam. He’d had to drive to the garage, leaving her afoot.

  “Another week without paying for the gym,” she said aloud as she set off toward downtown.

  The floral shop was a little over a mile away. Not so far if she’d thought to change her shoes. The sun was warm, and it hadn’t occurred to her to change out of her flip-flops until she was over half way there. “Damn it,” she grumbled. Another piece of gravel poked into the sole of her foot. Her hiking boots would have been a better choice.

  Finally, Sonja’s storefront came into sight. Her friend looked up from sweeping the walk, her angel white hair gleaming in the light as she propped up the broom and waved.

  Not a moment too soon for Rose’s feet.

  Sonja invited her into the back of the store and bustled around the small kitchen. “Why are you walking, Rosa?” Sonja asked. “Is your tiny car broken?” As she spoke, Sonja poured mint tea into delicate china cups.

  “I forgot to tell Adam I was visiting you today, and he borrowed Miss Cool.” Rose lifted her cup and blew on the hot liquid. “I’ve got a proposition for you.” She took a sip, burned her tongue and spit hot tea on her jeans.

  “Damn!” Rose looked up, her cheeks flushed. “Oh, I’m sorry, I meant darn.”

  “I make that mistake all the time,” Sonja said as she handed Rose a glass of cold water to sooth the burn.

  Taking a big sip of the water, Rose held it in her mouth until the fire cooled just a touch. When she had things under control, she leaned toward Sonja.

  “A proposition? What is that?” Sonja asked.

  “Everyone who listens to your stories loves them. I want to try something new. I want to put you on the radio.” Her eyes bright, Rose waited for Sonja’s reaction.

  “No, Rosa.” Sonja shook her head and backed away a step. “No one will listen to an old woman like me. You find someone better, ja?”

  “You’re great. People love you.”

  “I would be afraid to talk on the big radio."

  "I'll be right beside you. Just talk to me. We’ll pretend we are right here having tea. If you do one show and don’t like it, I won’t ask again."

  Sonja’s eyes widened, and she took on the look of a frightened rabbit. “This is for someone important, not me.” She picked up the china teapot and dumped the contents into the sink. After filling it with boiling water, she dropped in fresh tea leaves. As she started to fill Rose’s cup, she noticed it was still full. “Oh, look at me. My brain is muddled.”

  “Sonja, relax. This will be easy. Sit down and listen.” Rose raised her fingers and counted off, one by one, more reasons for Sonja to try the show. “For one thing, your stories will be recorded. They won’t disappear, and children love the elves and fairies. Most importantly, Adam needs your help, and the stories will do that.”

  Sonja wrung her hands and paced across the room. She stood looking out the kitchen window for several moments before turning back to Rose. “I will try for Adam and for you.”

  Rose reached into her patchwork denim purse, pulled out her phone and called Eddie before Sonja could change her mind. As she closed the phone, she turned to Sonja. “I’ve set up a fifteen minute segment for tomorrow afternoon. If you don't like it, you don't have to do it again, okay?"

  When Sonja nodded her agreement, Rose gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek. “You’re going to be a star.”

  “Oh, Rose. You are so silly.” Sonja apple cheeks flushed pink. “Me, a star? I think no.”

  For some reason Girls Just Wanna Have Fun played through Rose’s mind, and she hummed the tune all the way home. Her plan was going to work. Funny, how her feet didn’t hurt now.

  She twirled and took a bow, giggling at how silly she was acting. The giggles stopped as she realized she was on a public sidewalk. Embarrassment caused her cheeks to flush pink.

  Peering around to see if anyone was watching, she caught sight of an old woman sitting in the shade on her porch. Soft clapping echoed across the distance.

  She’d been caught.

  With a quick wave to her audience, Rose hurried the rest of the way home and arrived just as Adam pulled into the driveway. “You walked to Sonja’s?”

  “Yeah, it seems my car went on a trip without me. How’d your day go?”

  She’d told him the night before she was going to visit the flower shop, but not about Sonja’s radio show. That was going to be a surprise. He had enough to worry about, and if this worked as well as she thought it would, Adam could be pleased after the fact.

  They went straight to the kitchen, and pulled food from the refrigerator. Adam carved the ham into thin slices as Rose slathered mayo and mustard onto sourdough bread. As she t
urned to grab the plate of pickles off the counter, she walked straight into Adam.

  “Hungry?” he asked, the inflection in his voice clearly letting her know he wasn’t talking about food. He had a plate in each hand, but it didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms around her.

  Shivers played tag along her spine, and it took a minute for her to corral her senses. She popped a pickle into his mouth and said, “Yes, for sandwiches now. Later will take care of itself.”

  When they were settled at the picnic table in the tiny backyard, Adam told her about his day. “You are not going to believe this. Trinidad is the Sex Change Capital of the world.” He stopped, his sandwich half way to his mouth, waiting for her reaction.

  She’d just taken a sip of her sweet iced tea, and it went down wrong. It took several minutes for her to regain control of her coughing fit. “Say that again,” she said. “You couldn’t possibly have said what I thought I heard.”

  “I didn’t believe Stevie when she told me either, but I’ve spent part of the afternoon on the Internet, researching, and they were right. It all started right here. I still can’t believe it.”

  “Okay, back up there, ace. What did you say?”

  “I know, it sounds crazy but it’s true. Wikipedia calls Trinidad, Colorado, the Sex Change Capital of the World. How do you feel about that?”

  The information astounded Rose. She’d lived here for four years and never heard a whisper about sex changes. Of course, she slept all day and talked about aliens all night. She had no friends, so she heard no gossip. She remembered Sonja saying the traffic had followed the doctor into Trinidad but hadn't taken the time to understand. Boy, the things a girl missed when she didn’t pay attention.

  Rose brought her laptop to the picnic table, and with a few clicks, found a myriad of information about Dr. Stanley Biber. He’d moved to Trinidad as a family surgeon after the Korean War and performed the first sex change for a friend in 1969. As most doctors refused to do the operation, people who wanted it done gravitated to Dr. Biber and to Trinidad, Colorado.


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