Radio Rose (Change of Heart Cowboys Book 1)

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Radio Rose (Change of Heart Cowboys Book 1) Page 19

by Stephanie Berget

  "Rose, Stevie and Mickie had an idea. What if we create an area of town where patients will be welcomed? We have the motel and the restaurant. We could remodel the flower shop to include books and music. Would that make a difference?"

  Red’s hair stood in short, auburn spikes from the many times he’d run his fingers through it since this conversation had started. "I was actually kicked out of one motel, because they found out why I was in town. That's how I met Stevie and Mickie. I never thought I'd be staying in a dump like that, but they took me in and took care of me. I think you have a great idea. I just don't know if you have enough time."

  "Yeah, that’s the problem,” Adam said. He paced around the table, frustration rolling off him in waves.

  "I can go talk to the administration department at the clinic,” Red said. "They know all about the problems we face. Maybe they could start recommending your group of businesses. Are you ready now?” Red asked.

  "We can be operational in one week. Think of anything else we could do that would help the patients, and we'll incorporate it into the plan." The tension in the room had cleared away. They had a plan. Maybe not a great one, but a plan, nonetheless.

  Adam shook his head. "I never thought I'd come back to Tullyville, let alone try to rejuvenate the downtown. Now I'm actually worried about succeeding."

  A handshake goodbye and Adam was on to the next item on his list, the motel.

  The makeover was speeding along. The purchase of a microwave and small refrigerator for each room had used up the last of Adam’s suit money.

  The renovations were more expensive than he’d projected, but the results were worth every penny. With the best suits gone, he’d have to take what he could get for the rest of the clothing. E-bay—and Lillian, here we come.

  Adam hadn't seen Lillian since the blow-up at Rose's house over a week ago, although he had a clear mental picture of her tripping over a dirt clod as she stormed toward her car. It would have been funny if so much didn’t depend on every move she made.

  He wasn't looking forward to seeing her now, but he needed to get the shoes and whatever clothing remained. They were going to need every penny from the bits his grandfather left him.

  He’d practiced his apology on the drive to his grandfather's mansion. This was as close as he'd gotten to the site of his unhappy childhood in ten years. As he pressed the doorbell, the faint but familiar chiming sounded deep in the house. He was a grown man, but his stomach clenched painfully just to be standing on the porch.

  He heard the tap of heels on the marble floor and then the door swung open. The look on Lillian’s face said it all. She wasn’t happy to see him. Her frown was so deep, her manicured brows almost met.

  Adam held out his hand. “Sorry to bother you. Do you have a minute?”

  She stared at him so long, he half expected her to slam the door in his face, but she finally reached out and took his hand in a soft shake.

  "I don't quite know what to say,” Adam began. “I'm sorry Rose embarrassed you." He pasted what he hoped was a passable smile on his face and resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He wasn’t the least little bit sorry, but he’d lose an all-out war with Lillian at this point. She still had access to most of Simon’s belongings, and the ones he needed could magically disappear any time Lillian decided to up the ante.

  "It wasn't your fault.” Her look softened, and she gave him a dazzling smile, a total turnaround from her expression just seconds before. Unsettling.

  “Come in and we'll talk." Stepping back, she opened the door.

  "Thanks for the invitation, but no. Can we talk out here?"

  Leaving the door ajar, she stepped onto the smooth red tiles of the porch. "Well then, what can I do to help you?

  "I need whatever is left of Simon’s clothing. Everything included in the will."

  Her gaze wandered from his eyes down his body and back up. "Okay, I'll make a deal with you,” she said, trailing her fingers up his arm. “It will take you time you don’t have to sell the remainder of the things. I’ll sell what I can and give you the rest. I’ll bring you a check by tomorrow then you’ll escort me to the Grand Opening of the restaurant tomorrow night. After all, I've done everything you’ve asked. I'd love to be by your side to see it succeed."

  “I’d like to go through the things before we sell them.” To avoid eye contact, Adam’s gaze followed the sandstone columns to the heavy wooden arch over the carved door.

  “Fine, you take them home. I have an inventory I can use when I contact the buyers.” She continued to stroke his arm from wrist to shoulder.

  Uncomfortable with where this was going, Adam backed away from her. His foot missed the step, and he stumbled backward.

  Her hands shot out and caught his wrist, giving him time to catch his balance.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. When he nodded, she continued. “See, I am good to have around. I’ll watch out for you at the grand opening, too.” The practiced smile was back in place, and she stepped closer, brushing her breast against his arm.

  “Thanks, Lillian, really.” Her hand was still gripping his, and he had to twist it to release her hold. “Let me think about the restaurant. I’ll get back to you on that.”

  She looked at him for a moment, as if judging to see that he’d meant what he’d said. He must have passed whatever test she’d given, because with a smile and a nod, she turned back to the house.

  He breathed out a sigh of relief at having some distance between them. Lillian was a beautiful woman, but when she got too close, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up in warning. Warning of what, he didn’t know . . . yet.

  Pushing the door farther open, Lillian called into the cavernous hallway. “Sophie, bring the rest of the boxes from Mr. Howell’s room.”

  Through the open doorway, Adam saw the elderly maid scurry up the curving marble staircase. Within the space of a few minutes, she reappeared carrying two large suit boxes.

  He relieved her of the boxes then hurried toward the Geo, fishing his keys from his pocket as he walked. He pushed the first boxes to the front then stood and called to Lillian. “How much of Simon’s stuff did you pack?”

  “Everything I thought you could sell.”

  “No, I mean, how many boxes are there?” There was a limited amount of space in Rose’s little car.

  “As you well know, your grandfather was a clothes horse.” Walking to the Adirondack chain to the left of the door, Lillian sat down. “Must be fifteen boxes up there.”

  Sophie reappeared, with two clothing bags over one arm and holding a third in her other hand.

  “And several bags.”

  Adam met the woman halfway and relieved her of the burden. He placed them flat across the back of the car. When he looked back at the house, Lillian still sat in the chair on the porch, her legs crossed at the knee, one foot swinging. As the maid came out the door again with her arms loaded, he half expected the younger woman to rise and take some of the boxes. Rose would have been right there helping, but Lillian seemed content to watch.

  “Sophie, stack those on the porch, and I’ll come get them,” Adam said, but the maid shook her head.

  “Don’t you worry Mr. Cameron. I already got them this far. A few more steps won’t hurt me.” She shot a furtive glance at her employer then turned back and smiled at him. “Exercise keeps me young.”

  Adam rearranged the clothing three times, but even with the passenger seat piled high there was still quite a pile sitting on the ground when he’d finished. He turned to the women. “Thank you, Sophie. I appreciate your help.”

  “You’re welcome, Mr. Cameron.” The maid curtsied then hurried away. Simon had trained her well.

  “I’ll be back to pick up the rest,” he said, nodding to the pile on the porch.

  “I can bring the rest of these over this afternoon. I’ll start calling buyers, and when that’s done, I’ll need to find a dress for the occasion.”

  Adam didn’t want to rely on Lillian, bu
t she had the contacts to get much more money than either he or Rose, and there was one bright spot. He probably wouldn’t have to take Lillian to the reception anyway, because Rose was going to kill him.

  There had to be a way to make Rose understand this date was just for the money.

  "That sounds fine,” he said. “But I'll be at the restaurant most of the day so you’ll have to meet me there." He forced a smile that felt more like a grimace.

  "It starts at seven o’clock, right? I'll be there at six-thirty, that way I can help you greet people as they arrive."

  Winding through the narrow tree-lined streets, Adam took the long way to Rose’s. He watched children riding bikes and playing ball on this warmer-than-normal day, but it only kept his mind off his troubles for a few moments.

  How do I get myself into these things? As a child, his grandfather drilled into his head that he deserved to be punished at least once a month, and the lesson had apparently stuck.

  He knew in his heart Rose was going to punish him, and he deserved it.

  Thanks again, grandpa.

  There must be a way to explain this to her and make her understand it didn't mean anything, that it was just a way to get more money quickly for the remodels. It wasn't going to get any better putting it off so, with his heart in his throat, he headed home to face the music.

  Rose had made a tuna casserole, one of the few dishes she’d mastered. “This was really good an hour ago,” she said.

  She dished some onto a plate and zapped it in the microwave. The dinger went off, and she carried the plate to the table.

  “How did the meeting go with Red?” she asked.

  Out of all the things that had happened during the day, the meeting was the easiest place to start, so Adam filled her in on Red’s story. He told her about his idea of expanding the flower shop to include a bookstore and music area. Then he told her how much more it was going to cost to get it all done in the time they had left.

  “I have something to tell you, and I don’t think you’re going to like it. It involves Lillian.” He watched as her face hardened into a frown.

  “Our golden girl? What does she want now?”

  “The only way to get enough money in the time we have left is to sell the rest of the clothes, but I have to have Lillian's help to get it sold fast and for the maximum amount.” Adam’s lungs ached from holding his breath, waiting for Rose to reply.

  “That’s not the best thing I’ve heard today, but if that's what it takes to achieve the goal, then hire the witch.”

  Time to drop the bomb.

  “Lillian demanded I escort her to the grand opening for Gramma’s House, or she won’t help us.” He waited for the explosion. If he thought Rose was going to throw a fit, he was wrong. Again.

  She calmly crossed her arms under her breasts, which distracted him for a moment, but her words brought him back to the conversation.

  "I knew she wouldn't help us without asking for her pound of flesh. If that’s what we have to do, that's what we'll do. She can play hostess for the night. I'll be in the kitchen anyway."

  If he lived to be one hundred, Adam would never understand women, especially Rose. Her dark, silky hair lay in waves to her shoulders, and her deep brown eyes held an invitation he couldn’t refuse. He gathered her into his arms and rested his chin on the top of her head, surrounding her. She pressed her cheek against his shirt, and he thought his heart would burst.

  When Adam leaned down, kissed her long black lashes then her rose tinted lips, she parted them and kissed him back. He pulled away slightly and whispered against her lips. "I can't do it without you. You know that, don't you?"

  He felt her nod in agreement.

  Wrapping his hands around her bottom, he lifted her to her tiptoes. "Wrap your legs around me,” he said, but he was too late.

  She’d already done that and had a hand on either side of his face. Her smile melted as she brushed her lips against his. She tasted sweet and hot, and she was his for as long as he wanted her. And, damn he wanted her.

  He just didn't know how to love her. A shiver raced down his spine at the thought. He didn’t know how to love anyone.

  Another day maybe he’d try to find an online course in loving. But now he had his arms full of Rose, and he wasn’t missing a second.

  The bed was at the end of the hallway, and Adam’s patience was gone. In one smooth move, he lifted Rose to the counter. Her shorts were easy to get off then he turned his attention to her shirt.

  What seemed like hundreds of tiny white buttons were a little trickier. Good thing men’s shirts didn’t have these little buggers. With enormous patience, total concentration and infinite doggedness, he managed to undo the shirt without ripping off any buttons. When he pushed it off her shoulders, he froze. She wasn’t wearing a bra this morning.

  Thank you, Rose.

  In Adam’s mind, the only thing better than Rose was a naked Rose. He pushed one hand through her thick, dark hair and cupped the back of her head. “Come here, baby.”

  "God, I want you,” Rose said as she fought to tug his T-shirt over his head.

  His attention focused on her naked breasts, he rolled one nipple between his finger and thumb, coaxing a moan from her.

  Her eyes slid closed and she arched her back, bracing her hands on the counter top to support her weight.

  Adam circled one nipple with the tip of his tongue then sucked it into his mouth, relishing the moans coming from his woman.

  His woman? No, not his. The thought snapped his mind back to reality with a painful jolt.

  He started to pull away, step back, gain some perspective, but at that moment she slipped her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and popped the snap. Tugging on the zipper until it gave way, she slipped cool fingers inside his jockeys.

  Behind his closed eyelids, flashes of rainbow lights put on a show. His chest clenched, and his breathing sped to a full on race with his heartbeat.

  As he stepped clear of his jeans, Rose wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his shoulders. Time slowed to a crawl in the very best way as they fell into each other’s kiss. Time to head for the bedroom and the bed, but as Rose wiggled in his arms, his erection slid home.

  Rose gasped and worked her way closer, her breath a series of short, hard pants, her arms tightening around him.

  Adam made it as far as the couch and collapsed before his knees gave out, and as they landed, he slid farther into her. Focusing on her face, he saw her eyes widen and a blush work up to her cheeks.

  "We can't do this,” Adam said with his voice so husky he didn’t know if she could hear him. “Shouldn’t . . . .”

  She must have heard, because she started to rise, but at the hot, slippery movement Adam grasped her waist and held her immobile. A soft moan escaped Rose’s lips as she sank back down. With her movement, he forgot why this was a bad idea.

  Shivers collected at the base of his neck and exploded through his brain. Right now being with Rose seemed like the best idea he'd ever had. From the sounds and moves Rose was making, Adam was sure she agreed.

  “Don’t go away,” Rose gasped between breaths. “This is so good.”

  He wasn’t going anywhere. He was having the best sex of his life, and he wasn’t leaving that. He was about a millisecond away from coming apart.

  Rose went off like skyrockets on the Fourth of July, and Adam followed like she had him on a leash.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Rose lay collapsed, her head on Adam’s chest as their breathing slowed enough to allow for speech. When she raised her head and looked into his eyes, she saw the concern gathered there.

  Adam pulled her closer and kissed the top of her head.

  Crap. Without a word, she stood and hurried to the bathroom.

  “Well, you’ve done it this time,” she said to her reflection in the medicine chest mirror. “Unprotected sex, just like a high school girl.” Except even in high school she hadn’t been this stupid.

  With the too-big terry cloth robe she’d found at the Good Will wrapped around her body, she headed out to face the music. The couch was empty, but she could hear noises coming from the kitchen and found him there, clad only in his jeans.

  They had something important to discuss, but for the life of her, she could only stare at his bare chest. It seemed the schoolgirl reactions just kept coming and coming. Rose closed her eyes in an effort to pull her thoughts to the present.

  "I guess neither one of us gets the prize for self-control today,” she said, avoiding his gaze.

  “I know it’s a little late to ask but you are on the pill, right?” Adam started across the room to her.

  She whirled, stepped on the hem of her robe and stopped short. "Since I haven't been on a date in almost five years, it wasn’t the first thing on my mind.” It had seemed like a waste of money, and she didn’t have the money to waste.

  “I’d heard some women stay on them, you know, as a precaution.” Adam held out his hands in a gesture of apology. “Wait! That didn’t sound right.”

  “Damn, I never thought of the pill like insurance, paying in advance in case something happened. I always figured I'd have time to start if I got serious enough to go to bed with someone. Guess I was wrong." She tried to stomp off but had to untangle her feet from the crumple of cloth wrapped around her legs.

  She couldn’t even make a grand exit. Giving up on the exit, she pulled a kitchen chair close enough to plop down, plucking at the hem of the robe, getting nowhere. “I have an appointment with my doctor next week.”

  From behind, Adam wrapped his arms around her. "Rose, it will be all right. We'll handle whatever comes along."

  Rose looked at him over her shoulder. She could love this man. Something she should have thought about before, because she realized with a rush she did love him. It was too late now for could-haves.

  As he held her, he whispered into her hair. “What would my life be like without you?”

  Before she could figure out if she should respond, he straightened and moved to the counter and the sandwich he’d fixed.


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