Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3]

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Stone Temptation [Texas Stallions 3] Page 2

by Morgan Fox

  Glaring at him with her hands on her hips, she replied, “Yes, but while everyone else is running to the big cities for work, I’ll be here picking up the jobs left available.”

  Stone smiled, and the grin warmed her straight to her toes. His white teeth and soft, pink lips drew her attention sharply, and she found herself captivated by his mouth as he spoke. “Sounds like you’ve given this some thought.”

  Her spine stiffened, and the strong person she wanted to be filled her mind with awareness. “Yes, I have.”

  She had given this a lot of thought, and even though she worried that she may not actually find work here, she had to try. Anything was better than the life she had run away from. Shit, cleaning toilets with a toothbrush for twelve hours a day would be better than the hell she’d lived.

  “Good,” he said with what seemed like heartfelt honesty. “I’m glad you did. I’m here to grovel at the feet of an old friend and hopefully find work myself.”

  Gracie smiled. “Well, it sounds like we are peas in a pod, you and me.”

  Nodding with a crooked grin, he teased, “Maybe we could be peas in a pod and grab some lunch together.”

  For the first time in her life, a warm flutter filled her chest and she felt her face heat with desire. She was blushing. “I’d love to have lunch with you. Got any idea how we will get there or where we can go?”

  Stone stepped up close to her, his chest inches from hers. Even though she was five foot ten, she still had to tilt her neck up to hold his stare. She swallowed hard as he leaned down alarmingly close to her body. He reached to her side and picked up her duffle bag. Glancing down at the powerful build of the man beside her, her heart pounded wildly.

  What was it about Stone McGraw that had her responding this way? She wasn’t accustomed to these emotions. It wasn’t natural for her to feel this way.

  “It just so happens that the building behind you has a diner sign out front. I figured we could walk there and enjoy a little lunch.”

  As he stood holding her bag, he didn’t back up. His body hovered in front of her like a wall she wanted to run her fingers over and lay flat up against. She could smell his masculinity and a hint of cologne. The scent was soft but sexy and complimented the man standing in front of her.

  “You smell very nice,” she said, biting her lower lip.

  “Thanks. It’s the former soldier in me.” He smiled. “Living in the desert, sweating in hundred-degree weather every day makes for unpleasant body odor. I prefer to be more…approachable.” He winked.

  “Well, I certainly do appreciate it.”

  As they walked toward the diner, he asked, “Where exactly did you live before you came here?”


  He cocked his head in her direction. “Really? How funny is that? That’s where I’m from. Well, technically I’m from wherever the military chose to send me, but I grew up in Houston.” She could feel his stare as he asked, “What about you? Besides looking for work, what brought you to this neck of the woods?”

  She glanced down at the ground as they walked. Her new, white tennis shoes were covered in dirt and dust. “You’ll laugh if I tell you.”


  She inclined her head to the side and narrowed her gaze to study him. Truthfully nothing was wrong with the way she had chosen to come to Temptation. Everyone was entitled to a fresh start no matter how they came about locating the place they’d do it.

  “I opened up a Texas atlas and pointed.”

  He halted his steps and turned to face her. His broad shoulders and large frame filled her vision. “Seriously?”

  Nodding, she said, “Seriously. I’d never been anywhere outside of Houston, and I just needed a place to call home.”

  He huffed out a breath. “I can relate to that.”

  At that moment, she realized that she and Stone might have more in common than she had first imagined. He had plenty of his own secrets. His eyes told her that much, but he also didn’t seem to care that she had a laundry list of darkness lingering deep within her.

  With a smile, she picked up the pace and followed him up to the restaurant door. His arms were occupied by the bags he carried, but he still managed to open the door and hold it for her. No one had bothered to act like a gentleman with her before. She guessed that no one really considered her worth it. Until now.

  An attractive, dark-haired waitress greeted them and sat them in a booth toward the back of the diner. Her name tag read Madeline.

  “So you folks are new to Temptation.”

  Gracie nodded. “Yes, we are. How did you guess?”

  Madeline grinned, glancing down at the two duffle bags on the floor beside the booth. “Well, I guess it has a lot to do with the bags you’re carrying, and I’m gathering you most likely just stepped foot off that bus.” She nudged her chin forward in the direction of the bus and then eyed Stone as she told him, “If you were passing through, you most likely would’ve left the bags in the car.”

  Stone arched a dark brow. “Very observant.”

  Madeline shrugged. “Working in a diner that’s open twenty-four hours a day will do that to you.” With a motherly grin, she added, “Also raising three sons keeps a mother looking in all directions at all times.”

  Gracie smiled. “I can only imagine.”

  “Well, can I get you something to drink?”

  “Unsweetened tea would be great,” Gracie replied.

  “I’ll have one, too,” Stone said.

  Madeline turned and went straight to the counter to get their teas.

  “She seems nice,” Gracie said, leaning forward as if she was afraid someone would hear her.

  Gracie had so many worries about starting over, but mostly about people figuring out what her life had once been like. She never wanted to return to that ugly, vile place again.

  “Most folks are, until they stab you in the back.”

  She arched a brow. “Does that bit of advice come with personal experience?”

  “Sadly, yes.” Stone’s eyes grew heavy as he reviewed the menu in front of him. “That’s why I’m here, to set things right with an old friend.”

  Before Gracie could ask any more questions, Madeline returned with the teas. “Have you decided on lunch?”

  “Yes, I think so,” Gracie said. “I’d like the club sandwich with fries.” She glanced toward Stone, letting him know it was his turn to order.

  “I’ll have the bacon cheeseburger with onion rings.”

  Gracie inwardly sighed. “Well, I guess you’re not kissing anyone tonight,” she said with a giggle. Then her gaze settled upon Stone, whose eyes were filled with wicked surprise. Gracie felt her chest tighten and her pulse race.

  The desired heat within his eyes intensified as he asked, “Is there something I should know about tonight, Gracie Myles?”

  Holy shit! Was he asking if she planned to kiss him as a waitress hovered beside them? Is this what honest flirting was?

  “I’ll get this out in a flash,” Madeline said, turning quickly from their table.

  Gracie’s mouth felt dry, and she licked her lips, looking everywhere but directly at him. “Are you done teasing me, Stone?”

  He shrugged. “You’re the one who brought up kissing me.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath and eyed him. “I did not!”

  “Yes, you did.”

  Calming herself, she explained, “I made a general statement.”

  He pinched his brow tight at the bridge of his nose. “So you don’t want to kiss me then?”

  She locked onto his sexy gaze, and her heart thumped hard in her chest. “Stop,” she demanded, lowering her voice as to not draw attention. Her entire body was humming with excitement. Stone was a dangerous man. He was making her tingle just by looking at her. His teasing words had her mind racing with thoughts of sex without inhibitions.

  “Stop what?” He grinned. “I’m just glad I’m not the only one.”

  She crinkled her forehead. “
What are you talking about?”

  He licked his lips, and a crooked smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “I’m glad you’re thinking about kissing me.” She started to argue until he added, “Because I can’t stop thinking about kissing you.”

  Her mouth formed a small O.

  “What?” he said, surprise in his deep voice. “Has no one ever made a comment like this to you before?”

  She pressed her lips together and shook her head.

  “Now that amazes me.” He slowly reached across the table, brushed her thick, wavy hair back from her face, and gently stroked her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb. “You’re a beautiful girl, Gracie, and you have a mouth—”

  Madeline returned with a pitcher of tea. Gracie eased back in the booth, and Stone’s hand quickly fell away. Silence loomed over the table as she topped off both glasses. Gracie smiled, and it was the fakest smile she’d ever plastered on her face. She couldn’t stop wondering what Stone had been about to say. She also couldn’t stop wondering if she’d enjoy being kissed by a man who clearly wanted her. That idea alone warmed her in places that had never felt so alive.

  Gracie quickly picked up her glass and took a big gulp of tea to wet the dryness that had suddenly consumed her throat. Placing the glass on the table, she met Stone’s gaze head on. “You were saying?”

  He grinned wide as his gaze explored her. He started at her long fingers, trailed slowly up her arm, over the tight T-shirt that covered her now sensitive breasts, and up her neck until he finally locked eyes with her once again. “You’re beautiful, and a mouth like yours was made for kissing.”

  For the first time in her life she was turned on because her body wanted to be. She was attracted to Stone, and she couldn’t help but blush over his directness. She instantly felt naked under his greedy stare, and she liked it.

  Gracie smiled shyly and then said, “Please excuse me.” She scooted out of the booth and walked to the bathroom.

  Once she was there, she leaned against the door and rested her head on the hard wood. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sighed heavily.

  Stone had a way of making her blush, and that was incredibly hard to do with the experience she’d had with men. Still, there was something so different, so amazingly sensual about him that was driving her wild. She took a few moments to gather herself, splashing some cool water on her face.

  As she returned to the table, the aroma from Stone’s cheeseburger filled her nostrils. The scent was mouthwatering as was the sight of him studying her as she sat back down in the booth.

  “Here you go,” Madeline said, placing their meals in front of them. “Anything else I can get for you?”

  Gracie suddenly realized she needed directions to the nearest lodgings. She wasn’t likely to hang out in the diner all night, and who better to ask than a local? “Yes, actually, where is the nearest hotel?”

  Stone choked on his tea, and his eyes widened.

  Gracie narrowed her eyes from Stone, who was now looking at her with an inquisitive stare, back to the waitress. “You guessed right earlier. We are new in town and need a place to stay.”

  “The only hotel in town is just around the corner.” Madeline glanced toward Stone. “Are you looking for work?”

  “Yes,” Gracie answered before Stone could even open his mouth.

  Madeline smiled. “Well, as matter of fact, I happen to know of a few new openings in town.” She glanced at Stone. “If you’ve got any ranching experience, Paradise Ranch is looking for a ranch hand to replace my son, who just got married and now has a ranch of his own.” Her smile widened, and then she glanced back to Gracie. “I did hear that the sheriff’s office is looking for a new secretary.”

  Gracie’s heart jumped. “Really?”

  “I’m not sure how long it’s been available, but if you are interested, I wouldn’t wait too long.” Madeline glanced back to Stone. “Is there anything else I can get you?”

  “No, thanks,” Stone said. His eyes were practically screaming at Gracie to not ask any more questions.

  She flattened her palms against the table. She could feel them getting sweaty. Her throat tightened, and the moment the waitress was out of earshot, she said, “Now don’t get the wrong impression about my question in regards to the hotel.”

  Stone shrugged. “The only impression I’m getting from you, Ms. Myles, is that when we leave this diner you’re going to ask me to kiss you, and then once I’ve had you in my arms and thoroughly made love to your mouth, you’re going to ask me to spend the night with you.”

  Even though her pulse was racing and she felt unworthy of Stone’s advances, she couldn’t lie. She was enjoying the attention. Never had a man looked at her the way he was. His eyes were filled with passion and lust, but also something much deeper. He looked like a man that wanted her for more than just a quick fuck.

  Slowly, she took a bite of her sandwich, chewed, and swallowed. Sipping her tea, she returned the glass back to the table and inclined her head to the side as she said, “We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?”

  Chapter Two

  Stone studied the soft sway of Gracie’s hips as she walked outside toward the bright-red hotel room door just off the parking lot. With his own room key tucked securely in his pants pocket, he wasn’t so pompous as to assume she’d want to share a room with him. Sure he’d hinted that he wanted to show her what he could do between the sheets, pressed up against the wall, or anywhere he could have her.

  Maybe he hadn’t said any of those things aloud, but he did picture them in his mind a dozen or so times.

  Instead he’d been smooth, insisting they have their own places. Not a difficult sell since they’d just met and that was the plan all along. With a woman who was clearly escaping her past, he had to tread lightly. He didn’t want to risk upsetting her with his overwhelming curiosity. Nor did he want to chase away the only person who might become more than an acquaintance. Lord knew at present he didn’t have many friends to speak of.

  Even though Gracie appeared confident and fiercely independent, he sensed that she could use a buddy, too. There was something in her sexy blue eyes that screamed that he needed to get to know her, and even if there hadn’t been an instant attraction, he assumed he’d still feel that way. There was something so real about her, as if out of all the people on the planet, she was the one who could truly understand him.

  Not to mention she was simply ravishing and irresistible.

  Wicked thoughts were at the forefront of his mind, and he’d been exploring every possible sexual encounter with her since he’d first seen her standing outside the bus depot. Men like him did that. Admiring a beautiful woman was one of his favorite activities.

  Her toned legs appeared to creep up for miles, legs he couldn’t wait to have wrapped around him. God, please let me know what that’s like. The lust in his mind was raw and savage. Not having a woman for months on end could do that to a guy.

  His mouth watered as more sexual visions with her assaulted him. Damn, the scent of her alone had his cock hardening.

  Gracie leaned against the frame of the door. Her hand rested on the doorknob as if she planned to jump inside and slam the door in his face. He wasn’t sure if he’d misread the signs at the diner or if she’d simply changed her mind.

  “Just my luck,” he said under his breath.

  “Well, I guess we should get some rest. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day,” her voice rolled off her tongue like a lullaby. Her cheery sweetness made him even more irritated that he’d misread the lust he was sure he’d seen dancing in her eyes.

  He arched a curious brow. “A busy day doing what exactly?” he asked gruffly.

  “Looking for work, of course.”

  He scoffed. “Right. Work.” Shifting his jaw from side to side, he licked the back of his teeth with his tongue, feeling all the ridges.

  Glancing down, he closed his eyes. His testicles were heavy and oversensitive. I’m going to have the worst case
of blue balls.

  Frustration engulfed him, and his thoughts returned with a primal, sexual yearning. His needs inflamed his body, burning like hot coal. Staring at her luscious curves, he pictured himself shoving her up against the wall and showing her why sleeping was a bad idea, but he couldn’t do it. No matter how much he was desperate to be inside her. She obviously didn’t want him as badly as he wanted her. Callused hands or not, he was going to have to settle for jacking himself off tonight.

  Gathering his composure, he nodded, dropped her bag at her feet, and tossed the other over his shoulder. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow then. Good night.”

  Nearly walking with a limp, he took a dozen steps before he heard her say, “Stone McGraw, is that really all you’ve got?” The words sprung from her mouth like warm maple syrup, smooth and sticky. Brow raised, he turned to face her just as she crossed her arms over her chest. “You come on to me at the diner like a man who’s used to a take-charge sort of life, and here you are scurrying back to your room with your tail between your legs.” She giggled softly. “It’s so funny. I was worried I’d be the one without balls.”

  A deep scowl was etched across his forehead, the skin tight and pulling. “You pretty much just gave me the brush-off.”

  “No.” She shook her head, tsking under her tongue. “I just extended you a challenge.”

  “Is that so?” He glared at her, dropping the duffel bag at his feet. She better not be messing around with me. I’m likely to self-combust.

  Shaking her head disapprovingly, she teased, “Yes, and you didn’t score very well, either.”

  He rested his hands at his hips. Oh hell no. “I didn’t?”

  “Nope,” she said with a mock pout. “In fact, I’m truly—”

  Stone demolished the distance between them in seconds and pinned her firmly against the door. “No more teasing,” he said roughly.

  On a gasp, her eyes widened, and she grinned devilishly before he took possession of her mouth. His body crushed against her, caging her in. Everything inside him erupted with heat. The arousal soaring through him had him panting, his mind clouding with lust. The teasing play between them had him wondering who this woman really was. One moment she was sweet and innocent like an angel, the next she was a complete vixen, a devil with amber hair. No way in hell was this simply the girl next door. She knew how to arouse a man, knew how to make him beg and pout without thought.


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