The Honey Trap: A BDSM Alpha Romance

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The Honey Trap: A BDSM Alpha Romance Page 4

by Lucy Wild

  Looking down, I could hardly believe I was doing this, fucking the woman I’d fantasised about for so long. I grabbed her and slammed inside, burying myself so deep my hips pressed against her buttocks. She let out a cry of delight as I pulled back and thrust hard again, gripping her ass, groping those perfect globes of flesh as she rocked against her restraints, pushing back against me as best she could.

  “Oh, fuck, that feels good,” she managed to say as I picked up speed. “Give it to me, please, Sir.”

  My cock twitched as she called me Sir. I had grown used to that so quickly, it was surreal. Pulling back, I forced myself to pause, rocking slightly at her entrance before sliding free. As she groaned with need, I moved round her, grabbing her face and pushing my cock into her mouth, making her taste her own sweetness. She licked it from my shaft, her tongue greedily flicking over me as I stared down at that beautiful face of hers. It looked perfect with me in her mouth, almost choking her, those cheeks of hers turning red, saliva running down her chin as I thrust into the back of her throat, making her gag.

  I slid free, leaving her gasping for breath as I moved behind her again, kneeling and dipping my tongue as deep into her as I could get it, moving it in a circle as my hand flicked over her clit. I didn’t let her get used to it, standing again seconds later, ramming myself into her, knowing I couldn’t last much longer.

  Having her tied down like this, her body there for my pleasure, was the greatest feeling I’d ever known. I felt so powerful, I’d completely forgotten about the real reason I was there, what I was supposed to be doing. All I cared about was fucking her. With my cock inside her, my hands on her hips and my mouth wide open to catch what breath I could, I fucked her as hard and fast as I could manage, listening to her begging me to go ever faster, ever deeper.

  Her insides began to grip me tighter and I knew what was coming. Sliding back, I rammed into her, burying myself in her pussy as she let out a scream of delight. “Oh shit, I’m coming,” she muttered before falling silent, her body starting to shake in place. I could feel the contractions of her inner walls around my cock as I started thrusting again, unable to wait for another second. Slamming into her a final time, I felt my cock erupt as I came inside her, filling her to capacity as her climax continued to wrack her body.

  She was still panting for breath as I slowed to a stop, the last of my cum dripping out of her as I slid free, looking down at that body of hers, wanting to remember this moment forever.

  I had to wait for my hands to stop shaking before I untied her bonds, my heart still slowing to a normal pace. Once she was freed, I helped her to stand, sliding the blindfold from her eyes and looking at her with a smile that wouldn’t leave my lips. I couldn’t act cold and stern, not anymore, not after that. “Hi,” I said, leaning across and kissing her.

  “Hi,” she replied, looking wild eyed back at me. She frowned as she stared at me and I realised I wasn’t wearing my mask. “Do I know you?”

  “I don’t think so,” I replied, turning away and frantically looking for the mask.

  “I do, I know you.” She came over to me. “Hang on, what the hell’s that,” she said, pointing past me to my pile of clothes. “Is that a camera?”


  I had barely recovered from the most explosive climax I’d ever had. My legs were shaking, I could hardly walk, not helped by so long tied in such a prone position. I felt dizzy, my head not quite with it. That was why I didn’t recognise him at first. I knew his face, without the mask I was certain I knew him. But it took me a few seconds to place those features, where I knew them from.

  I was just about to connect the dots when I saw the wires sticking out from his shirt, the end of them a tiny black circle that could mean only one thing. “It is,” I said as he frantically scooped his clothes up off the floor. “It’s a camera. What the fuck? Were you filming me.”

  He turned, his face wild with panic. “No, he said, taking a step towards me. “It’s not what it looks like. It’s not turned on.”

  “Bullshit,” I said, backing towards the wall, my arms folded across my chest. “Get the fuck out of here.”

  “Listen, Kathryn-”

  “How the hell do you know my name?”

  “If you’ll give me a second. I can explain everything.”

  I scooped up my dress, feeling hugely uncomfortable just being in the same room as him. I felt dirty, I felt used. Everything good had swept away as if a wind had carried it all out of the room, leaving me only with shame about what I’d just done. I’d cost myself the job, I’d maybe cost the place its licence. My father was right, the things I did had repercussions. I should have thought of them before getting lost in lust like a fucking uncontrollable whore. A wave of misery washed over me. “Get out!” I screamed.

  “I can explain, just stop shouting.”

  “Why the hell should I?”

  “It’s not turned on,” he said, waving the camera in the air. “I was supposed to film the place but I couldn’t do it.”

  “What the hell are you talking about? Hang on, Nate? Is that you?”

  A smile flickered on his face for a second but a glare from me sent it scurrying back where it came from. “You know who I am, then?”

  “I know who you are. You’re my father’s special advisor. What’s this for? You planning on blackmailing him because if you are-”

  “He gave me the camera.”

  “What? What the hell?” I was stunned, as if I’d been punched in the stomach. It couldn’t be true. “Bullshit. My father wouldn’t do something like that.”

  “I’m telling the truth.” There was a note of anger to his voice, mingled with the guilt. I almost believed him.

  “You’re lying,” I said, though a hint of doubt had crept into my tone.

  “I’m not.”

  “Why are you here, Nate? What are you doing?”

  He sighed. “Mind if I get dressed first?”

  I watched in silence as he gathered up the last of his things. As he dressed, I picked up my panties, stepping into them, feeling a dull ache inside me from where he’d been, a sense of emptiness that I did my best to ignore. The room seemed much smaller than before, the walls nearer to me, the lights brighter, as if I was on display like a caged animal in a zoo. I wanted to go back to the main room. No, screw that. I wanted to go home, get away from here, try and forget what had happened. I’d let my lust control me and look at the consequences. Like ripples on a pond, the damage would spread outwards from me. All because I couldn’t obey one simple rule, no sex with the Doms.

  He still looked handsome though, even more so without the mask on. I thought about last time he’d seen me, the way he’d looked at me before shaking his head and walking away as if he was disgusted with me at that party. Why had he done this? I couldn’t think of an answer that made any kind of sense.

  He turned to face me, still straightening his tie. “I was supposed to go undercover here.”

  “Undercover? What are you, a cop?”

  “No, just let me talk will you? Your father wants this place shut down. He wanted me to find evidence that they were breaking the law in here.”

  “Well, you’ve done that now, haven’t you? Is this how you get your kicks? Using me to advance your career?”

  He crossed the room in a second, grabbing me by the shoulders. “You don’t get it, do you? I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t film you.”

  “But you could fuck me,” I snapped, wrenching myself away from him. “I never want to see you again.”

  I thought he might come after me as I stormed from the room but nothing happened. I emerged into the noise of the club, not looking at anyone as I barged through the crowd to the back door. Once I was outside, I took deep gulping breaths of the night air, waiting for the wave of dizziness to pass. It took a long time.

  Once I was sure I could walk okay without stumbling, I made my way to my car, climbing in and telling myself I wasn’t going to cry. I managed it all the way home. But
once I was laid in bed, my body began to tingle again, reminding me of what he’d done to me. He’d used me, made me think he wanted me when really all he wanted was to get me to break the rules, help him help my father.

  The tears fell then, they soaked into my pillow as I cursed him and my father. I was nothing but a pawn to them. The worst thing was how easily duped I’d been. I really thought he was into me. Hell, I thought that was real passion in his eyes. But it wasn’t, it was fake, just like him. He was a politician through and through, using me without a care for the damage it would do.

  I screamed into the pillow until I was hoarse, punching the mattress underneath as the tears continued to fall. If I never saw him again, it would be too soon. But as I closed my eyes, a creeping sense of dread moved across me, filling my mind with one thought. What if I never saw him again?

  I tried to convince myself that I hated him, that I was furious because of what he’d done. And I was furious. But I was also afraid, afraid that what I’d felt in that room with him, I might never feel again. I might never be able to feel that strongly about anyone else. That was a terrifying thought and it refused to leave me, even long after the tears had dried and I was drifting off to an unsettled and broken sleep. What if he was the one? What if that was why I felt so strongly about him lying to me? Because if that was true, what then? What then?


  I thought about following her, about forcing her to listen to me. I quickly realised that would probably just make things worse. I could tell how angry she was by the way she’d looked at me before she left. If looks could kill, I’d have been dead on the floor before I could blink.

  It was my own fault of course. I was too swept up in what I was doing to think properly. If I’d been more sensible, I’d have left her tied up whilst I hid the camera and put the mask back on my face. But like an idiot, I’d been so addled by lust that I’d untied her first. There was no one to blame for my stupidity but me.

  I hid in the private room for a while, thinking about what to do next. I could go to her house, try to explain. Yeah, right. That would be perfect. Have Ernest listen whilst I apologised to his daughter for doing the one thing he’d told me not to. That would go down well. I might as well tear up my career and toss it into the nearest fire.

  In the end, I went home. All I could do was hope she’d be here tomorrow night. Then I could catch her and tell her the truth about everything. I could tell her how all my plans changed when I set eyes on her. How I’d received a message telling me to go see him at his office but I’d ignored it, the first time I’d ever ignored a message from him.

  And it was all because of her. “Funny story,” I’d say at the wedding. “But when we first got together, her father hated the idea.” The thought didn’t make me smile. I couldn’t see a way out of this that ended well for anyone.

  I was like a bear with a sore head the next day. I told Waterman I was sick. I didn’t really care whether he believed me or not but at least he stopped texting. It gave me chance to rehearse what I was going to say to her if she was at The Honey Trap. Look, Kathryn, I know what you think about me and you’re right. I’m a sleazy political machinating asshole but I’m also aware of that for the first time. You’ve made me see that there’s more to life than greasing up to your father. I’m going to be the Dom I was in the club, the Dom I know I really am.

  I shook my head. That wouldn’t work. That was all about me. I needed to tell her about her, about how she’d made me want to be a different person, how she’d taken my plan and turned it on its head. What I thought I wanted to achieve, that was nothing compared to the one thing I really wanted. Her.

  I was on my way to the club when my phone rang. It was Waterman. I pulled into the car park before answering. “Yes?”

  “You were supposed to come to my office last night, I need that footage, Nate. What the hell are you playing at?”

  “I told you, I’m sick.”

  “Bullshit. I rang your house phone. You’re out somewhere, spending my money and having a bloody ball, aren’t you?”

  “No, it’s nothing like that. I’m working on it.”

  “I’ll make it simple, Nate. You either bring me something I can use by midnight tonight or you’re fired.”

  “You’re making me an ultimatum? After five years of working for you?”

  “Five years of working damn hard and then a night at the Honey Trap and you’re a different person. You’re ignoring my texts, you’re refusing to do what you’re told. What is it, Nate? Did that place corrupt you, too? Is that it?”

  “Ernest,” I said, pausing for a second to work out how best to say it.

  “What?” he snapped.

  “I quit.”

  I hung up the phone and then turned it off. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel after saying those two words but to my surprise I felt lighter. A weight was off my shoulders. I was now jobless, which should have scared me beyond measure. But the fear of uncertainty about my financial situation was nothing compared to the fear of wondering what Kathryn was going to say to me when she saw me.

  It turned out she wasn’t going to say anything because she wasn’t there. I wandered round the entire club looking for her before grabbing hold of Mickey. “Where’s the new girl?” I shouted in his ear over the blasting music.

  “I might ask you the same question.”


  He leaned closer. “A little birdie tells me you took her into a room last night for a little tete a tete.”

  “What of it? That’s what this place is for, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah, but the same birdie tells me she ran out of here on her own. You want to tell me what might make her do that, Mr Rollins?”

  “My name’s not Rollins,” I said, turning away from him and resisting running. I forced myself to walk slowly, not wanting my panic to show. I had to find her before her father got to her, before he poisoned her mind against me. If she wasn’t coming back to work, there was only one place left to try. Her house.

  I tried not to think about what I’d do if her father was there. I doubted he was. It was his night to talk to the local church about helping raising funds for replacing their roof. I had his calendar well enough memorised to know that. That gave me time to go and see her. I’d hopefully be able to tell her the truth, explain to her that I wasn’t the asshole she thought I was. If she didn’t slam the door in my face, of course. And there was only one way to find out if she would. I drove to her house with my lips pressed tightly together, my hands gripping the steering wheel too hard. I didn’t care about anything but speaking to her. The rest of the world could wait. I could deal with it later. For now, I wanted her to know the truth.


  When the doorbell went, I wasn’t sure whether or not to answer it. I’d been an idiot, a fool, a moron, and many other things to boot. How had I thought it was a good idea to work at the Honey Trap? I’d been photographed with my father enough times for them all to know who I was. Sure, Mickey had said there was a confidentiality clause and no member would say a word about the things that happened in there. But enough of a bribe from a newspaper and I had no doubt someone in there would sell the details of seeing me walking round. It would be a great story, the daughter of a prominent politician works in a BDSM club.

  That was probably them out there. A journalist doorstepping me before my face featured in tomorrow’s paper. But was it? Was I being paranoid? After what Mickey had told me when he’d rung, I wasn’t sure what the hell to believe anymore. Or who to trust. I walked downstairs, listening as the bell went again. I looked through the spyhole. It was Nate. I pressed myself against the door, trying to decide what to do. I could ignore him. But he had the look of a man who wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  I could open the door, hurl abuse at him, tell him to get lost and never come back. I pulled the door open, still unsure exactly what I was going to say to him.

  “Don’t say anything,” he said when he saw me. “Just l
et me speak.”

  I waited as he looked at me. Behind him a car drove past and it drew my eye. When I looked back at him, he still seemed to be deciding what to say. I waited some more, doing my best not to tell him to get the hell out of my life. Or to kiss him. Those eyes. It was something about those eyes.

  He sighed, rubbing his forehead as he did so. “Right, Kathryn, look, here’s the thing. Your father didn’t want you working there, he thought the place might corrupt you.”

  I stifled a laugh. It was a bit late for that.

  He continued. “He wanted me to get some footage of them breaking their licensing conditions so he could get it shut down.”

  “That’s not why he wants it shut down,” I said, stopping him before he got any further.


  I stepped back, beckoning him in. “Come and sit down. I think we’ve got a lot to talk about.”

  We walked through to the lounge. I took the chair by the window while he sat on the sofa, his hands clasped on his lap. I leaned back, finding it hard to look at him. Each time I did, those eyes trapped me and my heart ached for him, even after what he’d done to me. “Why did you lie to me?” I asked.

  “I didn’t lie. I never lied.”

  “You used me. You went undercover and pretended to be someone you’re not.”

  “No, I was undercover out here. The real me was in there with you.”


  “That was the real me. I want to be a dom. I want to be your dom. That’s why I couldn’t film you. It felt wrong. As soon as I was with you, everything fell apart. I couldn’t do it. It’s why I quit working for him.”

  “You quit? When?”

  “Just now.”

  “Wow. Hang on, you want to be my Dom?”

  “More than anything.” He was silent for a moment. “But what did you mean about your father? Do you know something I don’t?”


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