The Honey Trap: A BDSM Alpha Romance

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The Honey Trap: A BDSM Alpha Romance Page 8

by Lucy Wild

  I cringed inwardly but it wasn’t too bad in the end. We went around the room, introducing ourselves and then having to work in groups to come up with potential new recruitment ads to create a hypothetical membership scheme.

  It was just gone twelve when we stopped for lunch. Just as we were all putting our things away, the door opened and in walked the one person I was not expecting to see.

  My stomach suddenly felt tight as I looked in bewildered shock at Rich. He looked so different in a suit. It was a proper suit too, not a boilersuit. Jet black, with a blue shirt and a deep red tie. He looked good. He strode to the front of the room and ran his eyes over all of us, lingering for the briefest moments on me. If he was surprised to see me, it didn’t show in his expression, curt and businesslike as he didn’t smile at anyone before beginning a speech that sounded well rehearsed.

  “You’re all here because you love nature, right?”

  A few nods.

  “Good, we need more people like you to make a difference. Now things might seem overwhelming at first but you’ll soon settle in and get the hang of things. My door is always open if any of you have any questions. Remember, we’re not here to make a fortune, we’re here to try and protect our little corner of the world. I’ll be back later on to take you through the boring terms and conditions part of things but for now, go and enjoy your lunch.”

  I wanted to speak to him but he was deep in conversation with Audrey when I passed so I didn’t get chance. He wasn’t even bothering to look my way.

  Was he the boss of the place? Did he not live at the lighthouse then? I had so many questions I wanted to ask but after hovering outside the conference room for five minutes, he hadn’t appeared so I headed off to lunch with the others, hoping to be able to catch him at the end of the day instead.

  When I got back, he was nowhere to be seen. I settled back down in my seat, trying not to be disappointed. Was it even a good idea to talk to him after he’d ignored my calls? Was this not destiny mocking me, letting me get so close to him but without a shot of actually being with him.

  Because I knew from the moment he’d walked into the room that I’d been lying to myself. I couldn’t just let him go. He’d attached himself to me in a way that I couldn’t define. I had been wrong to think I’d be able to move on. I had to know why he hadn’t answered the phone, why he didn’t think I was worth speaking to. Was I just a single fling to him? A one off fuck? I had to know the truth, it was killing me.

  I realised I was tuning out from the afternoon presentation so I did my best to shift my focus, only possible until I saw him outside in the corridor towards the end of the day. My heart leapt at the sight of him, thoughts of that body of his coming unbidden into the forefront of my mind. I wanted him, I ached for him. All the locked up feelings I’d done so well to shut off came roaring back.

  How had my feeling become so strong so quickly? I had no idea. I just knew they were real and if there was any chance he felt the same way, I needed to find out. I had to know. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  Then he came back in. “Sorry, Audrey,” he said with a nod to her. “Could I have a quick word with Joy?”


  “WHAT ARE YOU DOING here?” she asked as the door closed behind her.

  “Is the boss not supposed to meet the new starters?” I asked, smiling broadly at her.

  She scowled. “You never answered your phone. Why not?”

  “Come in here,” I said, taking her hand and leading her into my private office. I shut the door, locking it at the same time before turning to face her. “I can explain.”

  “It better be a good one. I tried to ring you three times and you never picked up. Now you stand there grinning at me and just expect me to forgive you?”

  “I might have left my phone on the island.”

  “Oh,” she said, looking immediately deflated. She was silent for a moment before asking, “You don’t live in the lighthouse then?”

  “No, what made you think that?”

  “I don’t know. I just assumed-”

  “I was fixing the computer link up to Trinity House.”

  “But you’re in charge of the whole organisation, why did you have to do it? Why not get one of your monkeys to do it?”

  “Because the man who was supposed to is off at the minute. His wife’s sick. I had no intention of calling him back in to work when I could just as easily do it for him.”


  “Any other questions?”

  “Did you mean it, the thing you said?”

  “What thing?”

  “When you said we have a connection.”

  “Oh, that. Yes, I meant it.”

  “You did?”

  She looked surprised. I nodded, taking her hands in mine. “Are you telling me you don’t feel a connection.”

  She looked like she was about to say something then she paused before muttering, “I do.”

  “Good,” I replied, snaking my hands around her back. “Because me and you are going to have to work very closely together while you’re here.”

  “Hang on,” she replied, grinning up at me. “I’ve just been told workplace relationships are frowned upon.”

  “Then tell me not to do this,” I said, squeezing her ass.

  “I didn’t say stop,” she replied when I moved my hands away again.

  Leaning down, I was rewarded by her lips pressing against mine. It was just like when I saw her at the lighthouse. I couldn’t resist going further. I had no choice. She had captured me completely. I was hers.

  My tongue slid into her mouth and the noises of the corridor outside faded away. All I could hear was her laboured breathing as my hands slid up her back, taking her shirt with it. She tugged at my jacket, getting the buttons undone without speaking.

  Neither of us said a word and yet we completely understood each other, naturally in sync. My shirt was undone in seconds, tossed aside with my tie as she unhooked her bra, giving me chance to lean down and suck her nipples into my mouth. She let out a little sigh as I flicked over them. I was loathe to leave them alone but I needed to kiss her again so I did, this time deeper, more urgently.

  Her hands were fiddling with my belt as I kissed her neck, easing my way down as she finally got the buckle undone.

  My trousers fell to the floor and I knelt on them a second later, kissing her stomach, then lower, tugging at her skirt, taking it down with her tights and panties, leaving her standing there naked, looking stunning.

  I stood back up, shoving my boxers down and kicking off my shoes and socks. With both of us naked, my cock strained towards her and she noticed, wrapping a cool hand around it, stroking it gently.

  “We might get caught,” she said as she lowered to her knees, taking me into her mouth, sucking greedily at my length, running her tongue over the tip, bringing me to the peak of ecstasy in a few short minutes.

  Just as I felt on the verge of coming, I made her stop, grabbing hold of her and almost throwing her onto the desk. She landed on her back, papers scattering off the side as I pounced on her, shoving her knees apart, licking that sweet taste of her wetness once again.

  I plunged a finger into her as I teased her clit with the tip of my tongue, moving my thumb under the swell of her ass, finding her second hole and nudging just inside it, her own wetness lubricating my passage.

  She groaned before shoving her hand over her mouth to stifle her cries as I teased her towards an orgasm. When I was sure she was on the edge, I stopped, ignoring her pout of frustration.

  I climbed up her, pushing myself inside her as she gasped, her mouth wide. I slid all the way home and the force of the motion was enough to tip her over the edge, the muscles inside her contracting around my cock, drawing me deeper in.

  Pulling back, I began to thrust, watching her expression change to one of pure lust as she reached a second and then a third climax.

  As the last one faded, I lifted her up, shoving her against the wall, crush
ing her in place, kissing her neck, caressing every inch of her as I drove her down onto me, her legs around my back.

  A minute later and I had to come. “Do it,” she said, seeing the hunger in my eyes. “Come in me.”

  I slammed home again, letting out a grunt of desire as I spurted inside her. She sank against me as I panted for breath, recovering slowly from the best sex I’d ever had.

  Five minutes later we stepped out of the office, the only sign of anything amiss being her slightly red cheeks and my loosened tie. She returned to join the others and I continued with the working day, my mind fixed on her. It was to be fixed on her forevermore after that encounter. I would never want another woman again. She was everything I needed and much, much more. She was the light of my life, my eternal Joy.


  Six months later

  I HELD THE OAR loose, letting the tide nudge me along. I felt so relaxed, it was like a dream. Since starting the job, I’d managed to get out in the kayak more often than I expected. One of my tasks was to keep an eye on the island, giving me the perfect excuse to head out there.

  The motor boat was available but I preferred to kayak, unable to believe I was getting paid to do so. I made sure to avoid the rocks that had been so dangerous the first time, getting used to the idiosyncrasies of the tidal currents between the island and the mainland, learning with every trip.

  Behind me, Rich was in his kayak. It had taken some persuading for him to give it a try but from the first time three months ago, he’d been a natural, joining me as often as he was able.

  His camper van was back by the barrier, my car not often needed since we tended to travel places together. We’d walked down to the beach together, a routine that was already familiar enough to feel as if we’d been doing it for years.

  Six months we’d been together. That was all. Half a year since I’d first seen him over by the lighthouse. So much had changed since then. I barely spent any time at home anymore, living with him was infinitely preferable, waking up to sex most mornings and with tea brought to me in bed afterwards to reinforce just how wonderful a person he was.

  Working for the conservation trust was a dream job just like he was a dream partner. Everyone mucked in with what needed doing. I might have been the admin girl but I’d cleared drainage ditches, chopped down trees, even rescued an injured fox and delivered it to the local vets, all part of my new career.

  It wasn’t as awkward having Rich as my boss either. After that first stolen session in his office, we’d come to an arrangement. We kept our work and home life separate. In the office, we were consummate professionals. At home, well that was another story. I’d never had so much sex and it just kept getting better the longer we were together.

  We reached the secluded bay on the far side of the island, known only to a select few. I scraped the bottom of the shore as I approached the beach, my eye caught by something up by the track that led from the sand to the lighthouse. “What’s that?” I asked as I climbed out and stood up in the knee high water.

  “Come and see,” he replied, taking my hand and leading me up there.

  At the edge of the beach someone had laid out a table and two chairs. There was a candle which he lit as I sat down and two silver platters either side of it. He lifted the lids to reveal a banquet. “Voila,” he said, nodding towards the jam sandwiches in food bags waiting for me. “With chocolate to follow.”

  “You know me so well,” I said, taking the can of cola he offered.

  “Well I couldn’t exactly leave a three course meal out in the open.”

  “When did you set this up?”

  “I might have done it yesterday. I wanted it to be special.”

  “What’s the occasion?”

  “Six month anniversary or had you forgotten?”

  “No, but I’m surprised you remembered.”

  “Of course I remember. How could I forget the day we met. You sprayed salt water into my face. You don’t forget that in a hurry.”

  I took a bite before looking across at him. “I have some news,” I said, my voice quiet. I’d been waiting a week for the right time to tell him and this seemed the moment. I didn’t know how he was going to react but I couldn’t keep it to myself forever. He had to know.

  “Oh, yes?” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  I half winced, waiting for the eruption I irrationally thought was coming. His expression blew me away. He grinned so broadly, I thought he might burst. “That’s wonderful!” he said, leaping to his feet and throwing his arms around me.

  “You’re happy about it?”

  “Of course I’m happy about it, why wouldn’t I be?”

  “Well, it means you might have to get a new admin assistant.”

  “Might have to get you a bigger kayak too,” he replied, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’m going to be a father. You’re going to be a mother. Wow, I mean wow.”

  I smiled up at him. “I wasn’t sure how you’d react.”

  “Well, now you know.”

  “Yes,” I said as he leaned down towards my lips. “Now I know.”

  We made love on the beach. It seemed the perfect way to celebrate. Afterwards, we sat together, hand in hand, looking out at the ocean. “I’m glad we met,” I said quietly.

  “Me too,” he replied, squeezing my fingers. “Do they do children’s kayaks?”

  “I’m sure we can find something suitable.” I glanced at the dipping sun. “Want to head back?”

  “Not yet. I say we spend a bit longer here. There’s something at the lighthouse I want you to see.”

  “And what might that be?”

  “It’s small and waiting for you and I’m not saying anything else so you’d better come with me.”

  I got up, feeling my heart race. Was it what I thought it was going to be? Could he be that sure after six months? But then, I’d been sure after one day that he was the one. So had he. He was right of course, about so many things. I had to resist starting to run, striding up the track and pulling him alongside me. Behind us, the sun continued to set, leaving a red glow across the sky. I barely noticed. I was too busy concentrating on the small velvet box on the doorstep of the lighthouse.


  Three years later

  THE STEPS COULD DO with a lick of paint, I thought as I headed up them. It had been a while since I’d been to the lighthouse and it needed sprucing up. Life had gotten pretty hectic with the trust getting bigger all the time and a wife and child to look after. I added painting to my never ending to do list in my head.

  We made life work though, for both of us. We’d even been successful in raising the funds needed to buy the island. Now it belonged to the community, safe in our hands. There’d been rumours of development on it, of luxury houses being built, holiday homes for millionaires. We managed to prevent that with the purchase, ensuring it was unspoilt, a haven for wildlife, and for us.

  I had spent an hour fiddling with the computer, hopefully for the last time. It was finally getting upgraded next month and then trips over here would only be for pleasure, not for work. Three years since I’d last needed to fix it. How different things had become.

  I pushed open the door to the metal deck that circled the top, surrounding the refractive lens that shone the beam far out to sea whenever the sun set. For now, the light was off, the blue of the sky matched for brightness by the azure still sea far below. Stepping out into the open, the breeze blew past, bringing with it the sound of their laughing voices.

  Walking around until I was facing the ocean, I found Joy and Laura waiting for me. My little girl threw her arms around my leg, clinging on for dear life. “Daddy!” she cried, grinning up at me. “We’ve been waiting for ever!”

  “Have you now?” I replied, kissing Joy before lifting Laura into my arms. “Well, we better head down and get you some dinner then, hadn’t we?”

  “Not yet,” Joy said, holding onto the two of
us. Let’s just stay here for a minute first. It’s been a long time since I’ve looked at this view.”

  All we could see was ocean stretching far to the horizon where a single enormous boat chugged slowly along. I held onto both of them, feeling the happiest I had ever been.

  “Whose island is this?” Laura asked, looking down at the ground below us.

  “It’s yours,” I replied.

  “Like in the Famous Five,” Joy added.

  “What’s Famous Five?”

  “They’re in books. I’ll read them to you some day.”

  “Is this really my island?”

  “Well, technically it’s all of ours, but-” she lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper, “-it’s mostly yours.”

  “Yay!” Laura said, squirming down to the ground. “Then let’s build a castle here.”

  “Will a sandcastle do?” I asked as we headed for the stairs.

  “I guess so,” she replied, and together we descended down to the ground floor. Once there, I gathered up the bucket and spade from their hiding place under the sink and we made our way down to the beach. There was hard work ahead, making a castle strong enough to withstand the incoming tide.

  Eventually, the waves took over despite our efforts. The castle was demolished by the inexorable approach of the water but none of us minded. By then, we were too busy eating our dinner together, the outside world forgotten. Me, and my family, all snuggled together. I wanted for nothing else. I never would again.


  Lucy Wild is a contemporary romance author. She started out writing historical spanking stories before moving to contemporary romances. She has also written a thriller, Missing Piece, under the author name Emma Snow. She lives in Yorkshire with her partner and their border collie in a house full of books, sweets and more books.


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