Dragon's Law: Damon

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by Alicia Sparks


  An Ellora’s Cave Publication, April 2005

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

  1337 Commerce Drive, #13

  Stow, OH 44224

  ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-84360-875-8

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  DAMON Copyright © 2005 ALICIA SPARKS

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

  Edited by Briana St. James.

  Cover art by Syneca.


  The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. Damon has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E (E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

  S-ensuous love scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

  E-rotic love scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth. E-rated titles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

  X-treme titles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storyline execution. Unlike E-rated titles, stories designated with the letter X tend to contain controversial subject matter not for the faint of heart.

  Dragon’s Law:


  Alicia Sparks


  To Peter Steele, whose music is an eternal source of inspiration.

  Chapter One

  Damon scanned the decree before balling it in his fist and tossing it across the room. The nobility had spoken, and the successor to his father’s throne would be named by the end of the month. Either he or Mace would be successful, the decision based upon which man married first. This went against everything his father stood for, everything Damon believed in. It went against the ancient laws of the land, yet the nobility who had ruled since his father’s death were in need of a leader. And, as always, desperate times called for desperate measures.

  His conflict with Mace was well-known, and if any of them thought that a marriage would end the schism, they were mistaken. All such an action would do would be to bring a new innocent into the mix, someone whose fate may be decided by forces beyond control.

  Stalking to the window, images of his past flooded his mind. There was a time when marriage would have been a noble prospect. In fact, he had looked forward to it upon meeting his future bride. He had never met the Princess Kira until that night when he had taken her from her home, stealing into the night to capture her while she slept. It was the action of a thief, of a less than moral man, but it was something he felt compelled to do for more reasons than he could readily explain.

  She had now been missing for six long years, and in that time his heart had died. He had fallen for her quickly and in doing so, vowed to not only marry her but to protect her from his brother. He had failed on both counts.

  Mace had somehow gotten to Kira on the eve of their wedding night. His dragon fangs sank into her body, marking her for all who wished to see, making her his in a way Damon had not. Anger ripped through his body that night as he lashed out at Mace, vowing to kill him, vowing vengeance. In the confusion, Kira had disappeared.

  Damon knew deep down inside that the woman—his woman—lived. Had she died that night, he would have felt an emptiness inside his soul. As it were, he felt a longing for her, a longing to have her in his arms, and a longing to find her. Only one man could grant his wish. He knew that somehow Mace had caused her disappearance, and now more than ever his need to find her grew fierce.

  “What shall you do? Do you have a reply?”

  Damon turned, having forgotten the messenger in his moment of rage and self-pity. “I have a reply. You can tell them to make all the decrees they wish. My brother will never rule this land.”

  “But, sir…”

  “No. You listen to me. You tell the counselors that I have spoken. I may be a bastard son, but I am the only hope this land has. Tell them they shall have their king by the end of the month, and he shall return with the promised queen, the heir of Karn.”

  “But, sir, Princess Kira is…”

  “Missing. She is missing. And I vow to find her just as I vow to rule this land. You tell them that.”

  The boy nodded before ducking out of the room.

  He would find Kira. There was no doubt in his mind. But to do so, he would have to face down his brother once more. Tomorrow night the eclipse would take place, and the sacrifice from Waydon would await the dragon who was victorious. Damon would go to the clearing and challenge Mace, and this time he would discover where Kira had been sent and how to get her back.

  The oldest of his twin brothers, Kore, had aided him in his search for Kira, but nothing had been found. All they knew was that she had disappeared after he’d found her with Mace. That night, the vortex had opened, and Kore feared that Kira had been sent through it either of her own will or by force. Trader, the younger of the twins, agreed with his brother’s assessment. As a scientist, he knew predicting the vortex was damned near impossible. It seemed to be outside of the realm of science and ruled only by magic.

  But Damon loved Kira so much. He would fight science and magic to return her. Even now, even after the betrayal that bit into his heart, the image of seeing her with Mace cutting through his system, he knew there was an explanation. Mace must have forced his way into her chamber, must have convinced her to lower her blouse. That or he used brute force. Either way, Kira could not have gone to him willingly. She had not even willingly come to Damon the night he had stolen her from her home.

  He closed his eyes and remembered a time when everything seemed possible. Another decree had been handed down from the nobility and the king of Karn. But he had been unwilling to marry a stranger and had taken matters into his own hands.

  * * * * *

  He had stolen into her room as a dragon, slipping in with the night. One strike from his tail had secured her state of sleep, but he knew that when she awoke she would be furious with him. At first. Then, as soon as the balm made its way fully into her system, her need for him would be so strong she would be unable to resist him.

  Her sleeping frame enticed him so, he wanted to reach out and touch her lips with his fingertips, to lower his mouth to hers, but he resisted. Gathering her into his arms, he pulled her close and set out into the darkness in search of his hideout, a cave not far from the castle, but far enough to keep her safe from his brother and the nobles.

  He watched her and tended the fire while he waited for her to awaken. Her long, red hair flowed down her back and hung off one side of the bed. Her lips were parted, plump, teasing him as she lay on her back, her soft skin tormenting him from across the room.

  Finally, she stirred.

  “You are awake.”

  “Yes.” The word barely escaped between her lips, and her hands immediately went to her head. “Where am I?”

  “You are safe.” He moved to stand by her side and steadied her as she tried to sit.

  “Who are you? Am I dreaming? My head aches.”

  “Shh. You are safe, and no, you are not dreamin
g. You are my prisoner.”

  She looked up at him, confusion clouding her face. “Your what?”

  “Prisoner. I have taken you from your home, Princess Kira. You are fully awake.”

  “Get your hands off of me.” She pushed away from him but she was still too unsteady to be successful. His hands grasped her shoulders again, preventing her from falling over backward.

  “I mean you no harm,” he attempted to soften his voice but had difficulty softening the raspy tone.

  “Then why did you kidnap me?”

  “You and I have much to discuss—when your head feels clearer. I mean you no harm. You must believe me.”

  “Release me now and I’ll allow you to live. My father will have your head.”

  “Your father will not lay a hand on me. Do you know who I am?”

  Her teeth captured her bottom lip, making it difficult for him to focus on anything save for those plump delicacies. “No, and I do not wish to know you.”

  “Ah, but I know you, Princess. And I wish to know you even better.”

  Her breath was warm against his face as her chest heaved. He knew he was playing a wicked game, one he had no right to, and the look of fear in her eyes coupled with a slight hint of curiosity fed his ruse. “And how is it that you know me?” Her eyes narrowed in challenge. He had hoped his future wife would be filled with fire, and she apparently was.

  “Because you are the princess destined to marry a foreign ruler. Everyone knows this.”

  “I shall marry no one.” She defiantly raised her chin, challenging him with the look in her eyes.

  “But your father sees differently.”

  She waved away the comment, apparently unconcerned about her father’s wishes. “What happened to my head?”

  “You fell.”

  “When you kidnapped me?”

  “Yes. “ The word made its way out through clenched teeth. Kidnapping her was necessary, but that still didn’t make it an easier to take.

  “I’m not your princess. You have taken the wrong woman.”

  “Ah, but you are a princess, and you shall become a dragon Slayer.” He stood, leaving her to contemplate his words as he turned to the fire.

  “You are insane.”

  “We shall see tonight.”

  “No. We will not.”

  “You have fire in your heart. I like that.”

  “What do you want from me?” Hands on hips, she challenged him again as he bit back a smile.

  “Come, sit with me. I will not hurt you, you have my word.”

  “I don’t trust you.”

  “No, but you will. Tell me, what do you know of your future husband?”

  “What concern is he to you? Are you his enemy?” There was a flash of hope in her eyes, which made Damon’s stomach sink at the notion that she would befriend his enemy.

  “If I say I am will you look upon me with more kindness or will you continue to scowl at me?”

  “I do not scowl.”

  “You are now. Perhaps I bring out the worst in you. Now, about your husband…”

  “He’s a ruler. Or he’s supposed to be. He and his brother have fought for years. Why am I telling you this?”

  “Come sit by the fire and warm yourself. You are, after all, in your nightgown.”

  It was as if she had only noticed it now. A blush crept up her cheeks and her bravado was lost. She let out a frustrated sigh before joining him, but she was obviously careful not to sit too close.

  He watched out of the corner of his eye as she pulled her knees to her chest and covered herself completely with her gown. Swallowing a smile, he turned to her. “Tell me more about your husband.”

  “I am not marrying him so there is no reason to discuss him. Why do you want to know?”

  “I shall not reveal my secrets. Let us say you are of value to me.”

  “Do you plan to ransom me? He doesn’t even know me, so I doubt you’ll get a nice price.”

  “I have no plans for ransom. And I am sure any man will pay greatly for you.”

  He watched as she swallowed a lump in her throat. “Do you plan to kill me or send me away?”

  “No. I told you. You can trust me, Princess. I have need of you, it is true. What I said before stands. You shall help me slay a dragon.”

  “Where are we?”

  “My home. The dragon’s lair.”

  Her eyes widened. “You are its keeper?”

  “Aye, I am the dragon’s keeper.”

  “Am I to be his meal?”

  He nodded. “Yes, Princess. You are to be his meal.”

  “What good am I to you if it kills me?” she challenged, again lighting a fire beneath him with her strong will.

  “He does not wish to kill you. He wishes to mate with you.”

  “I won’t become a dragon’s mate.”

  “You already are. As we sit here and speak. You and I may exchange simple words, but our bodies are readying for one another. You know it as easily as I. Your body is growing wet, your muscles are tightening. You feel a sensation here.” He pressed his hand against her fur covering. She let out a tiny whimper as he stroked her through her gown. “A sensation you can’t describe. You moan for me. You want to feel me inside of you.”

  Her eyes met his in challenge. “No. You imagine things.”

  “I will not take you by force. But you and I shall mate.”

  Her warmth called out to him from beneath her nightgown. Even though her eyes were wide, she made no move to remove his hand. This was the dragon’s balm at work in her system, and he knew it was wrong to trick her this way.

  “I will not mate with you or a dragon or anyone.”

  “You say that in disgust. What if your prince were a dragon?”

  “I have no prince.”

  “Your marriage bond says differently.”

  “I am not a princess.”

  “Yes, Kira, you are. You are King Rudolf’s oldest daughter. And I am a dragon. Your prince is a dragon, and you shall learn all there is to know about our kind before the next moon phase.”

  * * * * *

  Kira tossed and turned in her big, iron bed. The dreams refused to let her rest. They came nightly, teasing her with a past she could not recall in her waking hours. It had been this way for the past six years, since she’d appeared out of nowhere in the middle of New Orleans. No one knew how long she had been in New Orleans or where she came from. The only thing she knew was that she woke up in a hospital bed after a week’s stay, a huge, throbbing gash in her shoulder, a strange man by her side.

  He wasn’t the man from her dreams, the one who came nightly, claiming to be her lover, reminding her of a past she couldn’t recall. While she was asleep, she saw his face clearly but the image blurred as soon as the sun rose. Need drove her forward as she made her way through the daytime in order to meet with him at night. He took her to another land, another time, another existence that she needed desperately to get back to.

  He was the reason for the video games she designed. He was the reason for the emptiness inside her heart. Tonight, the dream was the same as always. They were in a cave, somewhere that appeared to be out of another time and space. Somewhere that reminded her of a home she had never been to.

  * * * * *

  “Where are you taking me?” she asked, unable to see in the endless blackness. But it wasn’t endless. It only appeared that way from the other room. As her eyes adjusted to the dark, she could see a tiny sliver of light in the distance.

  “I am taking you to bathe.” He pulled her along with him, his hand wrapped firmly around her wrist.

  A bath. She knew it was preparation for what was to come next. She wanted to protest, wanted to force him to take her roughly, wanted to be made to fight and scream. Anything to make him seem less appealing. But the truth was, she wanted his hot hands on her, and her desire for him was something that defied all logic.

  Her thighs were already wet with her own juices. He had been correct when he
said her body was preparing for him. It had started the second she awoke to see him stoking the fire, and it continued now as he pulled her behind him. She stumbled in the darkness and landed against his body, causing an instant reaction.

  When he finally slowed his pace, she caught her breath and took in the spectacle that lay before her. The darkened room held nothing more than a deep, dark pool of water that would have looked inviting had it not been for the closeness of his rock-hard body and the anticipation of what she knew was to come next. She steadied her breathing, forcing herself to regain control. Her instincts were all but lost as she eyed the pool helplessly.

  Her gut protested what her body wanted to do. The battle within her was something she had never experienced before and something she could not contain. She inhaled, watching the slow motion of the water and preparing herself for the mating that she knew she could not avoid. Her hands fisted at her sides, but her pounding heart reminded her that she wanted his body, wanted him inside her.

  He inhaled sharply, the sound causing her to flinch. Fire shot from his mouth, taking her aback. Within seconds, the entire room was lit with candles of all shapes and sizes, each casting a somewhat romantic glow over the pool of water that seemed to dance with invitation.

  It called to her, promising her wonders she had never before known, vowing that once she entered she would never be the same. The dragon would have her body, but he would also have a piece of her soul. Even as her brain protested, her feet ached to move forward.

  “Wait.” He held her back when her muscles tensed in an attempt to enter the water. “Let me warm it for you.”

  Fire shot from his mouth just before the water bubbled then settled. Once more, he turned his snarl upon her. His gray eyes didn’t seem so harsh, his hand still gently lay against her arm. He released her and motioned for her to move forward. She obeyed, wanting more than anything to feel the release the pool and the man promised.


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