Reign of the Vampires

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Reign of the Vampires Page 14

by Rebekah R. Ganiere

  Drawing from her, he took the cool liquid into his mouth, savoring the flavor on his tongue like a fine wine. The moan of pleasure that escaped her almost caused him to attack, but instead he pulled her wrist tighter to his mouth. A cool hand on his neck caused him to open his eyes. He released her wrist and watched as she licked at her wound, closing it. He rolled up the sleeve of his white button-down shirt, lifted his forearm to her awaiting mouth, and she bit into him. He had to clutch at the arm of the small sofa to keep from crying out. The desire building inside him threatened to consume him. She drew from him faster this time, taking from him in large gulps. Digging his fingers deep into the sofa arm, Mason struggled to keep from grabbing onto her. His resolve slipped and the beast began to break free. His eyes whipped open and he looked down at his hand that gripped the couch. His nails lengthened. There was a slight popping sound where they extended and pierced the leather of the couch, cutting through into the foam.

  No, no, no! The skin on his back stretched and pulled away from his muscles. The pain was intense and searing. Forgetting Danika, he sent all his energy to concentrating on what was unleashing within him. Willing himself to stop, he pushed at the beast that was trying to surface. Without thinking, he hummed the ancient chant that he’d been taught as a child, to calm the beast and keep it at bay. He watched his nails blunt out and then shortened, until they were human fingers again. Breathing in sporadic bursts, he turned to find Danika staring at him. She licked his wound shut, then dropped his arm into her lap.

  “Did I hurt you?”


  “This bonding will be over by tomorrow night. It will be easier after that.”

  No, it wouldn’t. “I hope you’re right.”

  Chapter 12

  William never received the files, and Danika was so busy working on other things that she didn’t notice until it was almost four AM. Mason sat on the sofa, deep in thought. She felt his eyes upon her occasionally, but it never lasted. Frequently she would find her mind wandering; thinking about the expression on his face as she drank from him. At first she’d been too wrapped up in his blood to notice. The strange popping sound. His hand had clutched the sofa arm so hard that she was afraid he was going to crush it.

  His face had been in a twist of agony so tight that she thought for a moment he might be turning. Then he’d relaxed. His eyes brighter than she’d ever seen, beautiful and strange. They were not human eyes. They were...something else. They seemed to see right through her soul. And his blood was so tempting and nourishing that she’d wanted to drain him. She’d never been stronger after a feed than with him. In college, she’d experimented with humans and vampyr. Her first real sexual experience had been with a Vampire professor of hers at Yale. But none of them made her feel inside the way Mason did.

  William knocked on her office door. “Yes, William.” She stood.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid that my call to Lord Garon didn’t go so well.”

  “Truly?” She wasn’t surprised. “Did he say what he wanted?”

  “Uh, no. He refused to tell me. He did, however, tell me at length about how unfit I was to call him. And about how disrespectful it was that you didn’t call yourself.”

  “Did he leave any kind of message at all?”

  “Not one that I want to repeat.”

  “Fine, then. I’m sure if he needs to get ahold of me, he will.”

  “Yes, mistress. The car is downstairs waiting for us, if you’re ready to go.”

  “Let’s go. You need to feed, and we all need some sleep.”

  Grabbing her bag and jacket, Danika shut down her computer. Mason was already punching the button for the elevator.

  They’d gone down two floors when the doors opened. Lance and Merrick Ayre, another of her VPs, stood inside talking. With them was Ike. He and Mason eyed each other for a minute, then Ike nodded curtly to Mason, who nodded back.

  “M’lord,” said Lance.

  “Lance. Merrick.”

  “I spoke with Mr. Trevor. He wants to renew his contract with us, but due to his sales volume, he wants to negotiate a better price.”

  “I’m sure he would. What do you think?”

  “There is a little leeway to work with. He’s paying the full price right now. But our initial predictions as to how much he would order were under by about twenty percent.”

  “Look at the numbers and make a decision; send William the paperwork, and I’ll approve it.” Lance glanced from Danika to William. “Is there a problem, Lance?”

  “No m’lord, it’s just... No, there’s no problem.” He bowed and closed his mouth. William looked away.

  She touched his arm to calm him, then turned to Lance. “I apologize. I have not introduced you to William. He’s my fledgling and my assistant for the time being, until his transition period is over. I’m afraid that I’ve been unfair to William. I haven’t introduced him to anyone as of yet. I apologize to you both. I’ll remedy the situation immediately. I will schedule a Turning Celebration for the coven to welcome my new fledgling. I’ll see to it personally and ask that you both accept my apology.”

  Lance’s gaze dropped. “There is no need to apologize, m’lord.”

  “Yes, there is, especially to William.” She turned to William. “It was unexpected, and because of all the recent events, I’d forgotten the traditions for a fledgling. I’ll make sure that the celebration is arranged for this weekend.”

  “That’s not necessary,” William said in a small voice.

  She waved him off.

  They walked in silence to the cars. Mason was alert, as always. The cool breeze brushed Danika’s skin and she took a deep breath. A familiar scent hit her. She turned in a circle looking for the source. Toward the edge of the parking lot, someone stood obscured by the shadow of a tree. Straining, Danika tried to see more clearly. She sniffed the air again and took a step toward the silhouette. A shiver crawled up her spine.

  “Mason,” she whispered. He was at her side in an instant, putting a protective arm around her waist. He moved in front of her. William came up behind her and pressed his hands into her shoulders, making her into a Vampire sandwich.

  “William, take her to the car,” Mason commanded.

  William pulled Danika toward the awaiting vehicle. Lance and Merrick stopped.

  Mason rushed off toward the edge of the parking lot. “Lock the car and stay in there,” he yelled.

  “You need me?” Ike called.

  “Get yours out of here,” he yelled back.

  Inside the car, she and William stared at each other. “What did you see?”

  “Someone standing in the shadows, trying to hide,” she replied. Danika looked out the window.


  “I don’t know,” she snapped. She closed her eyes and rubbed her head.

  A loud knock on the window next to Danika made her jump. Mason’s face loomed in the glass. She unlocked the door and slid over. William knocked on the window separating them from the driver and the car pulled away from the curb.

  “What happened?” she asked.

  “What did you see?” Mason turned to face her.

  “A person. I don’t know whom.”

  “There was someone there. I’m assuming a Vampire or vampyr, from how fast he moved.”

  “What did he look like?”

  “He was already about a mile away by the time I made it to the edge of the parking lot.”

  Again a chill ran through her. She shivered and wrapped her arms around herself.

  “Is there something else going on here that I should be aware of?” Mason’s gaze pierced her.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” She had to keep it together.

  “Have you seen someone watching you before?”

  “No.” She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from telling him the truth.

  His gaze never wavered. “Danika, I’m here to protect you.”
r />   Mason sure was having a problem calling her by her proper title. “No, Mason, I have not seen anyone watching me before. Whoever it was gave me a bad feeling, that’s all.”

  “Nothing else? Just a feeling?”

  Danika turned away from him. She didn’t need him looking at her like she was crazy. She wasn’t crazy. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught Xenock’s form sitting next to William, staring at her. She wasn’t.

  * * * *

  Lance and Merrick’s car sat out front of the coven house. Ike was speaking with Siad and several other guards. They turned as her car came into view.

  Great. Now she had to deal with this. Siad strode to her car, whipped open the door and helped her out before Mason moved.

  “Are you in trouble, my lord?” Siad held onto her arm.

  “Someone lurking outside the office, that’s all. But it’s fine, Siad. Everyone can go back to what they were doing,” she said.

  “I should come with you tomorrow to scope it out.” Siad looked at Mason.

  “I can do my job without any help.” Mason’s voice was dangerously low. He opened and closed his fists several times, staring at Siad’s hand, which was still on Danika’s arm.

  Danika removed her limb from Siad’s grasp.

  “I’m suggesting that you might be able to use some help from someone who knows the area a bit better,” said Siad.

  “Stop,” she hissed. “Siad, thank you for your offer, but I need you here at the house.”

  “M’lord. We might want to check out the nearby businesses to find out if anyone saw anything.”


  “That isn’t such a bad idea,” Mason interjected.

  “Excuse me?” Danika’s eyes narrowed and she planted her hands on her hips.

  “Siad’s right. Checking out the surrounding businesses is a good idea.” Mason tried not to meet her eye. “Of course, my lord is the one who needs to make the decision,” he finished with a bow.

  He was up to something. Mason hadn’t called her lord or bowed to her since he’d arrived, except once.

  “I’ll help.” Ike joined the small group. “I’ll be there anyway.”

  “Fine.” She threw her hands into the air and scowled. “The three of you may do it, but that’s all. And don’t make a big deal of it. I don’t need anyone else jumping to conclusions the way you three have.” She pushed past them into the entrance hall. “Oh, for Pete’s sake,” she muttered. Everyone stood around. “Everything is fine,” she announced. “It was a misunderstanding, please retire for the morning. The sun will be up soon.” Chase waited on the landing, looking concerned. Her blood spiked with anger at the sight of him.

  She walked past the entire coven and straight up the stairs toward him. Her blood was at its peak when she reached him. She was about to let into him for not getting her the files, when he reached out and embraced her. She stiffened at his touch.

  “What happened now?” He released her from his grasp.

  “Nothing,” she said, drained. “I saw someone in the shadow of a tree at the edge of the company property. I couldn’t make out who he was, but something about his scent was familiar. When Mason went to investigate, he fled.”

  “That’s strange.”

  “Yes it is. Something about him was familiar, though. I’ll have to think about it more. But right now I’m tired and need to feed and get some sleep.”

  “Yes, yes, of course.”

  “If you could forward the files tomorrow, I’d appreciate it.”

  “Absolutely. First thing.” He smiled.

  She nodded, then turned and headed down the hallway to her room. Her door was open a slight bit. Slowing her pace, she sniffed the air. Her fangs shot from her gums and her rage built. This would not do. Danika threw the door wide and like the night before, the small amount of force was more than necessary. It flew open and hit the wall behind it. Her sudden and dramatic entrance was enough to shock Matthew off her bed where he’d sat, waiting.

  She was on him in an instant, throwing him onto the floor. Quick as light, she straddled him, pinning his arms. She growled and bared her teeth. “You are not to enter my private rooms without being invited. Do you understand?” she spat.

  “Yes, my lord,” he said in a husky voice. “I apologize. I’d heard that you were involved in an incident at work and I wanted to make sure that you were all right. It won’t happen again.”

  His eyes were lit with anticipation. Matthew was a skilled blood slave. He would know exactly what she wanted and he’d give it to her without being asked. Her adrenaline coursed through her veins, heightening her senses. Leaning close, she breathed him in, her hormones in overdrive.

  When she’d tackled him, she’d split her skirt. It had ripped almost all the way up to her waistband, and her black garter and lace panties were visible. Matthew’s arousal grew by the minute as she pressed against him. The musky scent he gave off made her mouth salivate. She wanted to taste him, but just then another scent hit her and her head whipped up. Mason’s face was a mask of anger.

  It wasn’t Matthew that she wanted. It was Mason. Mason, Mason, always Mason. She let out a howl of frustration. His gaze moved from her face down to her split skirt and then to Matthew.

  “I came to see if you needed anything before retiring,” Mason said in a tight voice.

  Danika stood, letting go of Matthew’s arms. He slid out from between her legs and sat up, rubbing his wrists.

  “This is Matthew, he’s one of the house blood slaves. Matthew, this is Mason, my guardian.”

  Mason made no effort to say anything to Matthew, or acknowledge him.

  “If you have no further need of me Lord Danika, I will retire,” said Matthew.

  “Remember what I said.”

  “Of course, my lord.” He scooted around Mason.

  Neither she nor Mason moved. “He’s a blood slave?”

  “That’s what I said.” Danika’s skirt was ruined. She grabbed it, ripped it the rest of the way, and let it fall to the ground.

  “But he’s been more to you. He’s been your lover,” he said matter-of-factly.

  “No.” She turned from him and flung her shoes into the corner. They hit the wall with a whack. Pulling off her jewelry, she tossed it onto her vanity. When she turned back, Mason had moved closer.

  “You would’ve though, if I hadn’t walked in. You would’ve made him your lover.” His eyes traveled up her bare legs, over her long white blouse, landing on her breasts.

  “Yes. No. I don’t know.” Her body was sticky and her core ached for the touch of a male. She rubbed her head trying to concentrate. “It isn’t him that I want, he just happened to be here. It’s a flaw I have. I get lonely sometimes.” She sighed. Why did she talk to him like this? Tell him things she never told other people?

  “Who were you hoping it would be?” Mason stepped closer.


  “You said it was someone else you wanted, not him. And I asked who you wanted it to be.” He took another step.

  “Uh...” The air around her swirled with heat. They were almost touching. His amber eyes burned into her. Her breath quickened. This was bad. They couldn’t do this. She couldn’t get involved again with the help.

  But Mason wasn’t the help, wasn’t a slave, wasn’t even a minion. The bond between them wasn’t what it should’ve been.

  His eyes betrayed what he wanted. Danika stood frozen. He lifted his hand and brushed a stray hair from her face. His warm fingers caressed her cheek as he bent down and breathed her in. She closed her eyes and his warm, soft lips pressed against the base of her throat. She couldn’t do this. But her body responded to his touch, and came alive. A shiver ran down to the base of her spine. A pulsing need grew between her thighs. Goosebumps stood up on her neck and arms, and he pressed his lips against her skin again. Kissing her, he moved his way up her throat to her face. Every touch of his mouth was a soft worship o
f her flesh. It made her head dizzy, and her fangs burst from her gums. Danika had never been kissed so reverently.

  His lips melted onto hers. He swirled his tongue against hers, tasting her. The need to be close to him, to lie underneath his tremendous weight as their hips ground together was all-consuming. After what seemed like forever, Mason broke the kiss, his gaze boring into her.

  “What are you?” she asked in a husky voice.

  His face changed. His heat warmed her all over. It surrounded her in a comfortable cocoon of security.

  “I...I’m... I am nothing. Just Mason, a human.” He looked away.

  “You’re not. I can feel it inside of me. It’s in your blood. You’re stronger than any human should be. Even stronger than most Vampires, I would suppose. And your rage, the rage you feel inside—”

  “You’ve felt the rage?”

  “Yes. It’s an anger like nothing I’ve experienced. It makes no sense, and it’s uncontrollable. Neeman was right.”

  “I didn’t think it was controllable, either. But somehow your blood is helping me control it.”

  She wanted to kiss him again, but instead she tried to focus. “I’m glad that I’m able to help you. Will you tell me what makes you this angry?”

  “I can’t,” he whispered. His eyes held longing. He inspected her face as his fingers traced her lips. He bent close enough for her to taste his breath in her mouth.

  “Is it your hatred of Vampires?”

  He pulled away and his face hardened. “It’s been a trying evening. You should rest.”

  Confusion overtook her. What had she said?

  He turned to leave. “I’ll see you in the evening. I’m sorry for what my blood has done to you.”

  The warm cocoon of safety left with him. She didn’t want him to go. “If we try the bonding again tomorrow night, it won’t work, will it?” she blurted.

  He stopped. “No.” He didn’t turn.

  “Then we’ll forgo it for now. But Mason, you will tell me what you are. Eventually.”


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