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Monsters Page 5

by Rob Knight editor

  Smirking Thorn turned and got close to Kalt, breath ghosting across his ear. "Well, give him something else to use his mouth for -- have I taught you nothing?" He quickly licked at Kalt's throat before moving in toward the prey, his body, his posture, the look on his face becoming quite friendly, sensual, and open.

  Thorn had already turned away before Kalt registered the lick enough to gasp softly at it. Berating himself for the reaction, slight as it might have been, he followed Thorn, wondering whether the sudden images in his head of exactly what he could use the quarry's mouth for, were his own or a part of Thorn's teachings.

  Kalt could feel the mental nudge Thorn gave the people standing behind the prey, making room for them directly behind the two boys. Thorn smiled whenever the little Goth looked over his shoulder. Oh, Thorn didn't have to nudge the mouse, the mouse looked a mite interested already.

  The blue and pink haired kid turned and sent Kalt a coy little smile, eyes sparkling with smugness when Kalt smiled back. This smile was the innocently charming one, the fail-safe expression to turn on anyone who looked easily spooked. The kid looked at him through mascara caked lashes, smiled again, looking as though it was Christmas.

  Not quite. Maybe more like Thanksgiving. Anyone for turkey? On closer inspection, Kalt decided that the dye-job was pretty shoddy. Uninspiring streaks of a nondescript brown showed through in between the pink and blue at the points the kid had missed. No question the mouse was pretty, but Kalt hadn't lied to Thorn, one of his favorite games was showing up the fakes and phonies for what they were. And this one was a little boy playing out of his league.

  After another exchange of smiles -- had these two stopped staring at them since they weaseled their way into the line? -- he caught the mouse's eyes, and thought 'talk to me.' On cue, the kid's mouth opened, words gushing out. "Hey... do you know how long they're gonna keep us waiting? We've been standing here an hour already, I don't think they're ever gonna let us in, and you, I mean sorry if you're not or anything, but you kinda seem like they'd pay more attention to you than us if we asked, so maybe, could you... y'know, if you didn't mind?"

  Kalt knew he'd be on the receiving end of a reproachful look if Thorn had caught the nudging, and he would take great pleasure in reminding Kalt that he hadn't needed to coerce his mouse that way. Though he did give points to the kid for being observant enough to know that Kalt and Thorn would command more attention than themselves. His mouse was looking at his lips. He licked them slowly, almost softly, watching that pretty little pulse point pick up speed.

  'Sshh...' Quelling the rambling with just a calm thought, Kalt gave his quarry a self-depricating smile. The mouse watched him now, huge blue eyes trained on his every word, every movement. "Ah, well I've never actually been here myself before, so I don't think I'd have any better luck..." Tilting his head slightly, smile open and sincere with a meticulously practiced perfection, Kalt shut off any influence he might have been exerting on the mouse's mind.

  He wanted this one to follow willingly. The blue eyes blinked, but continued to watch him, mesmerized. Poor poor deluded thing, and... No, hard as he tried, Kalt couldn't feel sorry for them in the least. Smile conspiratorial, he leaned a little closer, just invading the kid's space. "We could always go somewhere else if you're tired of waiting?"

  *** Thorn lifted a brow at Kalt, the youngling was trying to compete here... two could play at that game. Without a word he moved in even closer to his little Gothic mouse, bodies touching. A very satisfied smile spread on his lips when he felt the meal lean back against him, a hand slid behind and ran across his thigh. Yes, the little mouse wanted and was willing to move first. Leaning down he let his lips slide against the little one's ear. "You don't really want to go to this club do you? I was here last night- and it was quite boring really."

  His Goth looked over at his friend with a sort of pleading "can we go with them," look in his eyes. Thorn's eyes looked straight at Kalt's, full of hidden desires and that satisfaction once more. A while ago Kalt would have paid rapt attention to Thorn's every move, wanting to learn everything he could, to try and mimic the art being played out in front of him. The rapt attention was still there, but Thorn wondered if it was for the same reasons.

  The blue and pink haired mouse stared at Kalt again, expression a combination of smug eagerness and, a few seconds later, hesitancy. The blue eyes turned to the little Goth, evidently expecting an argument. There was a flicker of confusion when one wasn't forthcoming.

  "You see?" Kalt smiled at the kid. "You don't want to waste your time in this place, do you?" Seeing his friend seeming to agree, the little Goth turned around with a smile into Thorn's eyes. "Where did you have in mind?" Thorn looked over at Kalt and then with his eyes directed the view to some hotel across the street. It wasn't the Ritz, but it also wasn't Motel 6, more like something in between, but still better than the mice had seen.

  "How about our own private party across the street? My treat?"

  He heard Kalt force back a chuckle. Thorn's kind of party was a treat, but probably not in the way the mice expected. The two kids glanced at each other again, a tiny flicker of hesitation drowned out by bravado. The wannabe Goth smiled flirtatiously at Thorn again, while Kalt's quarry took a shuffled step closer, with an anticipatory smile.

  Thorn grinned at the avarice in their eyes; it got the mice every time, hook line and sinker. Wrapping a loose arm around the little Goth's waist, he herded him out of the line and toward the curb. "By the way, I'm Thorn... and what are you called, pretty?"

  He couldn't keep calling him the mouse or the Goth forever. And that sort of detachment from the prey, Thorn had found, didn't make the thrill quite so sweet. The boy could have blushed, but Thorn wouldn't know for sure with all that caked-on gunk. The look in the boy's eyes was more than enough. "Well my name is Roy, but everyone tends to call me Jazz, 'cause I'm a jazzy kind of guy!"

  Thorn kept himself from rolling his eyes, glancing behind them at the other couple wondering how Kalt was doing as they crossed the street.

  Kalt had let one arm drape casually over the blue and pink haired mouse. As Thorn watched, Kalt leaned a little closer, lips almost brushing that weirdly colored hair, and smiled. "What's your name, sweet?"

  The kid giggled headily, as though he was drunk on something. "Trev. That's my buddy Jazz." Another giggle. "His real name's Roy, but I'm kinda glad he doesn't use that else everyone'd wanna call me Siegfried!"

  "My name's Kalt." Kalt pasted on a smile, his voice honey smooth. Thorn imagined Kalt's mind working over all the ways to shut up little Siegfried.

  "Oh," Trev said. "Weird name."

  Catching that last bit Thorn turned his head chuckling. "Yes it is weird isn't it." Arriving at the hotel, Thorn walked in as if he owned the place and with his varied interests, he probably did own stock in the hotel. But those things he kept incredibly private. Walking up to the front desk, the concierge looked them all over with almost a disdainful sniff, until he looked into Thorn's eyes. Thorn gave the man across from him a half smile, but his eyes had gone cold. "We desire a suite. Give us one of the better ones, your executive ones on the top floors." There were no ifs or buts in his tone of voice. He expected and would receive.

  End of story. The man, sensing power and money, quickly did as he was bid. Thorn looked down at his little mouse - Jazz and winked at him, while signing his name in the book and waiting for the key. When the man saw the name, his eyes grew round and he quickly got the key, no questions asked for a credit card or anything else. "Will there be anything else Mr. Thorn, shall I get a bellboy to take up any luggage for you?"

  "No, there is no luggage and I know the way." With that he took Jazz's hand and led him to the gilt and ivory colored elevators. Though the hues of the place were wasted on him, he always gravitated to loud colors. His extra sense of sight muted the colors, but he at least did see them and did enjoy them. Turning to Kalt while waiting for the elevator to open, he asked, "I do hope that the top suite is good
for you, I did sort of bowl over that one, didn't I?" He smiled, and his smile said it really didn't matter, only the best would work for them tonight.

  From the corner of his eye, Thorn noticed Kalt just watching the proceedings with a smile. After all, he'd seen this in action so many times before.

  Trev had snuggled a little closer to Kalt as big blue eyes gawped around the lobby on the way to the elevator. Personally, Thorn had seen better, but the mice seemed to be in awe and that was the desired result after all.

  "I'll trust your judgment," Kalt answered Thorn with a slight smile as they stepped into the elevator and the doors swished shut. "I'm sure you wouldn't throw private parties just anywhere." Thorn caught the tone in the words, though. It seemed to go over the little ones’ heads. "Of course, can't have those just anywhere now can I? I'd end up with a dreadful reputation if I did." He gave his attention to Jazz, wrapping both arms around the boy's waist, while Jazz seemed overwhelmed for just a moment before wrapping his own arms around Thorn's shoulders. Thorn was tempted to lick at that throat, but the heavy scent of the makeup kept him from it, almost making him nauseated. Why oh why did they persist in caking on the stuff? This type of style he'd never understood. The clothing was one thing, but the heavy face paints, that had never appealed to him. He preferred just a bit, just enough to enhance, not detract, not to become a mask.

  So instead he nibbled on the boy's earlobe. That in and of itself seemed to work wonders, the boy practically melted in his arms.

  Across the claustrophobic confines of the elevator, Trev was snuggled so close to Kalt that Thorn could feel the soft intake of breath as the multicolored little mouse watched Jazz and himself embrace. He had to wonder, with a sly smile, whether these two had ever done anything like this before, or whether the bravado was utterly false. Either way, he'd enjoy finding out.

  Tugging Trev gently to stand in front of him, the mouse's back pressed against his chest, Kalt's hands slid over the kid's hips, around his waist, tickling along a bare expanse of skin between tight pants and a barely there mesh shirt. Smiling, Kalt lowered his head, lapping softly at the juncture of neck and shoulder, murmuring against skin. "Pretty, aren't they?"

  Trev made a sound suspiciously like a whimper and nodded. Continuing to lick -- and indulging in a playful nip or three, Thorn noticed -- Kalt lifted his gaze, watching Thorn with a predatory expression. Thorn let his hand slide down Jazz's ribs and under the little half shirt the boy wore. The skin underneath was warm and soft, just the way he liked it. Tugging softly on the lobe, he let his tongue slide up the edge of the ear before dipping within, while his lips nibbled on the flesh. Bent over as he was, it tugged the back of his open jacket further, the straps that held it together pulled taut, and almost gave life to the wings on his pale skin, as if they were getting ready to flutter in a windstorm.

  Thorn opened his wine colored eyes and without moving his head looked over at Kalt. His lips were on the boy in his arms, but his real attention was on Kalt. Kalt's eyes were still locked on his and Kalt bared a fleeting little flash of teeth as Thorn watched, nipping just hard enough at the base of Trev's throat to make the boy moan quietly. The mouse's hands reached back and Kalt obliged, pressing closer against the boy's back, hands rubbing up along a slender chest, fingers plucking at nipples through the gauzy fabric of Trev's shirt.

  The ding of the bell signaled they had arrived. Thorn left Jazz's ear and moved in to take the boy's lips in a very demanding kiss, something the mouse gave easily, before breaking away and pulling the boy with him toward their suite. His eyes carried flames of heat, though the mouse wouldn't stand the fire. No, that heat was for something and someone else entirely. "Come along, I'd hate to create a spectacle in the hall, we'll go to the room and get comfortable." His craggy voice almost purred the words out with a smile at his little plaything, a smile of pure pleasure.

  His little mouse couldn't get to the room fast enough. That left Thorn completely amused. If he'd been a nicer type of man, it might have even charmed him.

  As it was, it merely made the anticipation of the game build a little more. Kalt had lifted his head slightly as the elevator stopped. Trev just made a frustrated little noise, like a kid who'd been woken up too early by a relentless alarm clock. As if this was a dream he didn't want to wake up from. Thorn heard Kalt chuckle while he gave the boy a gentle push out of the elevator.

  With a quiet growl, Kalt had Trev pinned up against the wall opposite the elevator, body pressing flush against him, knee to chest. Trev moaned again at the kiss, hands lifting to grasp at Kalt's shoulders. Breaking the kiss, Kalt turned to watch Thorn, head lowered a little, gaze following him from beneath his lashes. Then something flickered across pale eyes, an expression that was suspiciously as if realizing he was behind in the game.

  "Come on..." Taking Trev's hand, Kalt peeled the kid from the wall, tugging him toward the room with a grin. Trying not to snort at what he saw as Kalt's impatience -- but then the youngling had always been impatient, even more so at the beginning -- Thorn merely pulled Jazz inside the suite. Releasing Jazz's hand, he walked over to the wet bar looking for wine and not seeing what he wanted. "Make yourself at home, get yourselves a drink if you like, for me, I'll have to order wine, they don't seem to have my vintage. You can wait for it if you like. Unless anyone wants something else as well?" He looked at all three men with his hand on the phone.

  Not letting go of Trev as he shut the suite door behind them, Kalt wandered over to the bar. Seeing the decent assortment of wine already there, he shook his head, looked at Thorn with a grin, voice low. "You always were too choosy..."

  Picking out a bottle of red wine at random, Kalt waved the hand gripping the bottle dismissively. "I'm fine, we'll make do quite nicely with this." He grinned, drawing Trev closer again, licking at his jaw. "Right, sweet?" Thorn gave a half chuckle at that and called room service for his Merlot and strawberries with cream and chocolate. Once that was done he walked over to the balcony doors and, with a flick of his wrist, called Jazz over to him and out onto the balcony. As soon as Jazz stepped outside Thorn took the boy's face between his hands and ran the pad of his thumb over crimson stained lips, smearing them, before leaning over and kissing them. The boy's hands reached up, fingers running through Thorn's hair.

  Thorn pulled Jazz's body closer to him, holding Jazz by the hips, moving his own slowly, the arousal awakening there rubbing against the boy's already burgeoning erection. Jazz gave a whimper, his body seeming to melt into Thorn's, while Thorn growled low in his throat with satisfaction.

  Part of his mind, however, was still in tune with the other room. *** Choosing a chair that gave him a near-uninterrupted view of the balcony, Kalt settled against one corner of the white leather couch, pulling Trev down onto his lap. Black clothes and pale hair against the stark white of the couch -- he hoped it made a pretty picture. The kid was getting ready to launch into another gushy ramble, Kalt could feel it, so cut him off short with another hard, possessive kiss. With the boy's attention diverted, one hand worked on getting the wine bottle open, while the other slid down Trev's back, pressing him closer.

  One leg bent up, braced against the couch, the other still on the floor, he arched up a little against the mouse as Trev wriggled sinfully on his lap. Kalt had to give the kid points for trying. Too bad effort wasn't going to be enough.

  Breaking the kiss, he took a sip of wine from the bottle, lips returning to Trev's immediately, letting the sweet red liquid trickle into the boy's mouth. He heard the kid whimper softly at the taste. It made a change from cheap beer and wine coolers, Kalt supposed. Nice to introduce the kid to some class before he died.

  He kept one eye on Thorn, watching the couple on the balcony and letting the image feed his hunger further. Just as Thorn was about to lift the smaller body into his arms, there was a knock at the door, and Kalt found himself silently thanking the temporary interruption. Thorn broke the kiss and, as the young boy took in gulps of air, he ran a finger over a ch
eek. "I'll be right back..." Stepping back inside, he ran a hand over Kalt's shoulders as he walked to the door to get his wine.

  Somehow Trev missed Kalt's shiver at Thorn's simple touch. One brief touch and his body reacted more knowingly than any of Trev's squirming and kissing could yield. After tipping the employee and walking over to the bar to open his wine, Thorn poured some into a wine glass and returned to the balcony door, holding out the drink to the little Goth. "Try this..."

  Kalt watched wryly as the boy gulped down the expensive wine. Thorn took the glass and drank from it himself before pulling the boy close once more, kissing him, speaking just loud enough that Kalt could overhear. "Would you like to go back inside? There are a few things I'd like to try if you'll allow me." Thorn's voice poured over Jazz like liquid sexual heat and Kalt saw the mouse nod lazily, still dazed from the kiss.

  Walking back inside with the little Goth on his arm, Thorn smiled at Kalt and Trev. "There are two beds, we can all share one, or you two can have the one in there..." Using his hand with the wine glass he pointed to the right, while another bedroom was behind them to the left. "I leave it up to you -- we'll be in the left."

  Thorn headed over to the bedroom, stopping to murmur something to Jazz, who quickly ran over to get the platter of strawberries, cream and chocolate and they both walked into the bedroom, leaving the door open. Trev had pulled back from the kiss at Thorn's words. For all the bravado, those blue eyes were wary when they met Kalt's. A tiny trickle of red wine had dripped from the corner of the boy's lips, the droplet snaking its way down the side of his neck. Kalt leaned closer, lapped it up slowly, tongue sliding from the base of the kid's throat, over his jaw, to the corner of his mouth. The boy shivered in his arms as Kalt let the tip of his tongue skim over kiss-bruised and wine-stained lips.


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