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Monsters Page 8

by Rob Knight editor

  "Let's go to bed," she said softly, and Iris smiled, nodding. Karen took her hand as Iris stood up and led them the short three steps to the bed. Iris put hands on Karen's back, easing her down and Karen rolled over, spreading her legs as Iris climbed onto the bed between them. Kneeling there, Iris just watched her for a moment and Karen watched the play of emotions on her lover’s face.

  She wanted to say something, but Iris began tracing her fingers up and down the insides of Karen's legs. Karen moaned softly and let her legs fall to either side. She didn't give Iris instruction, didn't bother telling her what felt good and what she wanted. Iris knew her well enough by now. Only seven weeks, but they'd spent so much time right here, in Karen's bed, that Karen felt as though Iris knew every inch of her body as well as she must know anything. Certainly Karen knew Iris' body so well and knew exactly how to make her moan, or make her laugh, or make her raise her eyebrow teasingly, as if to ask 'is that supposed to feel arousing?' Karen let her head fall back as Iris continued running warm hands along her legs. She was wet -- probably had been since Iris had arrived. Since she had walked in the door, anticipating this. She wanted Iris to touch her there, wanted to feel those fingers moving back and forth, pushing her open. She kept quiet instead, waiting to see what Iris wanted to do with her.

  She shivered again at the thought: Iris wanted her. At first Iris had simply done everything Karen told her to do. Karen had felt so awkward and that first time she'd barely relaxed enough to come. But now she could lie back and let Iris do whatever she wanted.

  She felt Iris shift on the bed and there was a tongue licking lightly at her, right there. Quick touches, as Iris flicked her tongue against Karen's clit, and Karen moaned, loudly. She moved her feet, pressing them against the bed and pushed slightly, raising her hips -- pushing her crotch closer to Iris' mouth.

  Iris responded by pressing her tongue harder against Karen's clit, moving it around in a circle and teasing the lips. Iris found the spot that made Karen's eyes roll back into her head and played with it. Karen groaned and let her eyes do exactly that and grabbed the sheets to try to hang on.

  She began panting, rocking back and forth against the bed, pushing herself towards Iris and moving back in a rhythm she could no longer quite control. Iris stayed where she was, holding onto Karen's thighs and pushing her tongue inside Karen. In and out and Karen could feel the whimpers curling in her throat and tried to let them out. Habit made her want to clamp down on the noises, let no one hear. But this was her apartment, her bed, and she wasn't curled up under the covers, alone. She opened her mouth and tried to force the noises out.

  Iris helped, unwittingly, by moving her tongue up again to play with Karen's clit, rubbing tender spots and now she was moaning, softly, as though her world was all about this, about making Karen come. Karen cried out, digging her fingernails into the sheets as her legs began shaking. Her entire body spasmed and she lost control of everything, shouting as Iris made her come. Iris moved up to lie beside her, smiling smugly as Karen opened her eyes. "You..." Karen began and she reached down. Slipping her hand between Iris' legs, Iris mirrored her movement exactly. Slowly at first, Karen moved her fingers around, feeling how wet and hot Iris was, feeling how Iris moved her fingers to exactly the same places Karen touched.

  Karen got her other arm around Iris, underneath her and around her back. She held Iris close and Iris pressed her body towards Karen. She moved to press a kiss against Karen's neck as they continued moving their fingers back and forth, nearly in unison.

  Again Karen began rocking slightly, this time letting her body move her hand against Iris. She watched Iris' face, waited for that moment when her eyes closed. Until then, Iris looked back at her, smiling and leaning in to place kisses on Karen's neck and collarbone. She nibbled once -- something Karen didn't care for, but Iris seemed to like it. Love it, in fact, and Karen didn't stop her.

  Karen concentrated on pleasuring Iris with her fingers, alternating between rubbing between the small folds of flesh and slipping one finger inside her. Later Karen would get Iris on her back and push all four fingers inside until she screamed. For now, this was all she needed to get Iris moaning and ready.

  She pulled her arm back and squeezed it between their bodies, wriggling a little and laughing as they lost their rhythm. Iris laughed with her and her voice was deep and rich. Finally Karen got her hand where she wanted it and began playing with Iris' breast.

  Cupping it in her hand, she stroked the skin slowly. Then she moved her hand in a slow circle while setting up an easy in-and-out motion with her other hand. Hours of sex with Iris had taught her that she couldn't do two different things at once unless she didn't have to think about one of them.

  Iris' nipples were hard, both of them puckered up for her. Karen touched one nipple, pressing it gently with her fingertip before moving her finger around it, pushing at it. Iris began breathing erratically and she pushed herself against both of Karen's hands.

  Iris' own hand stilled and Karen didn't mind as she played with Iris' nipple. When Iris fell backwards, Karen followed her, moving her hand faster between Iris' legs and pinching her nipple lightly with the other hand. She leaned down and took Iris' other nipple into her mouth, sucking on it as hard as she dared. Iris cried out, bucking against her. Karen felt Iris' hand on the back of her head, encouraging her, and she repeated everything she'd just done.

  Over and over she moved her hands and mouth, sucking, rubbing, pinching. She did them all together, did one at a time, did two then one then another two. Iris was crying out in sharp, breathy moans, and Karen felt the moment when her body tensed, once, then again and she held almost still.

  Karen touched her as fast and as hard as she could and found herself grinning as Iris came, hard. Iris shouted as loudly as Karen had, slamming her hand against the wall above Karen's bed. Neighbors should be used to that by now, Karen thought. She continued touching and licking, until Iris had gone completely limp. Then Karen leaned down and kissed her. Iris smiled, eyes half-open, and she pulled Karen close. They lay like that for a moment before Karen felt herself slipping into a doze.

  She woke up in the exact same position. Iris was still, as though asleep, but when Karen moved, Iris did too. Karen looked at her and smiled; Iris smiled back.

  "Hello," Karen said.

  "Hello." Iris grinned, briefly.

  "I missed you," Karen told her, happily laying her head on Iris' shoulder and snuggling in.

  "You saw me last night," Iris said, laughing lightly.

  "I know. But that was last night. Nearly twenty-four hours ago." She felt Iris' chest bounce with a silent laugh. Karen teased her, fingers lightly moving over her ribs where Iris was ticklish.

  Iris caught her hand and kissed it. Karen thought briefly about a shower -- inviting Iris to join her, of course. But she was comfortable where she was -- and a shower could wait 'til morning.

  They'd only need another one by then, anyhow.

  It felt nice, lying there with Iris' arms around her. Karen could have gone back to sleep, but instead she forced her eyes open. Her bedroom was still a mess, but it hardly seemed to matter.

  "So how was work?" Iris asked. "It wasn't too bad, actually," Karen said, and she proceeded to tell Iris all about her day. That was the one thing that hadn't been in the spell book she'd found. It had explained exactly how to cast the spell, what sorts of ingredients to use and how to pronounce every word in the chant. It had explained -- in lurid detail -- exactly what the demons would do for their master or mistress.

  But it hadn't mentioned having someone who would listen. It hadn't mentioned the cuddling after sex, or the way it felt to wake up with someone in bed next to you.

  Karen ran her hand back and forth against Iris' stomach. She had a bit of a belly, exactly the sort that fashion magazines said you shouldn't have. But Iris was soft and curvy everywhere and gorgeous. Karen would never have believed Iris would like her, if it hadn't been for the fact that she very obviously did. />
  With a sigh, Karen closed her eyes. She didn't ever want to lose this. She didn't have to -- the spell never expired; Iris would never stop appearing at Karen's summons. The only price she paid was the fact she got tired more quickly and needed more sleep than usual. But that was such a small price to pay, especially when Iris slept here, with her. She liked sleeping with Iris, so the price seemed hardly a cost at all.

  She felt herself falling asleep now, in fact, and Karen didn't resist. She smiled and gave Iris a hug and mumbled, "I love you." She'd never said the words before, though she'd been thinking them more and more.

  She woke up fast, though, when Iris said, "I love you, too."

  Karen was sitting up and staring at Iris in disbelief. Iris was looking back at her, calm, her expression a little bit

  -- sad? Karen blinked.

  "'re a demon."

  Iris nodded. "I know. But I like you. I..." She looked away as though embarrassed. "But..." Karen shook her head. "You're here because I summoned you. You.... I didn't think demons could love...." But wouldn't that explain the way Iris looked at her? Wouldn't that explain the way Iris seemed to keep wanting to touch her, even after they were both exhausted?

  And wouldn't that explain why Iris took initiative now, when she hadn't at first? Why she wanted things, that Karen hadn't instructed her to want?

  "I don't understand," Karen said. But her heart was beginning to beat faster. Iris shrugged, still looking away. "Maybe it's because... I usually get summoned by men. You know," she wrinkled her nose slightly. "Guys who can't get a real woman. Losers. Ugly losers." She turned to look at Karen and her expression was as solemn as it was hopeful. "I don't normally get summoned by a woman. But you... it's different. And I like it. I like you."

  Karen swallowed, nervously. Hadn't she been thinking about going on a real date with Iris? Outside, dinner and talking and... just like a real girlfriend? "I like you, too," she said, stammering. "I... why don't you stay?" she asked in a rush.

  Iris looked surprised -- but only for a second. Her face fell and she seemed to collapse. "I can't. I'm a demon. I have to return when you aren't -- when we aren't together."

  "But you can stay the weekend, at least! I've got nothing else I have to do and you can stay with me. We'll... go to Canterbury Park, and then Pescado's for lunch, and... and the museum or the movies, and... and...." Iris was smiling now. "I'd like that. I'd like to stay with you, very much."

  Relieved -- and astonished -- Karen leaned forward and gave her a kiss. "We'll work something out, I promise. I'll think of something." "But when you go to work on Monday, I'll have to go," Iris said, her smile vanishing again. Karen thought fast. "I can call in sick. I've got sick days and I can ask for my vacation time." It would only be temporary, but it would give them time to plan. "Do you really...want to stay with me?"

  If you want me," Iris said, shyly. "I'd really like to stay here, with you." Her voice dropped. "I lo- I like you a lot."

  That settled it. Karen nodded again, determined. "I'll think of something."

  Iris didn't answer, just went back to stroking Karen's hair. Karen laid down again, thinking about what she could do. She never even noticed when she fell asleep.

  *** All weekend, Karen was distracted. It was wonderful having Iris there -- even though they didn't make it out of the apartment. Iris wanted to go out with her, loved the idea of having lunch with her, visiting Karen's favorite places around the city. But between sex, sleeping and talking, they just never made it out.

  Karen didn't mind, because as much as she loved Iris -- and she knew now that she really loved Iris -- she couldn't think of any way to keep Iris here. She'd suggested finding a way to work from home, but Iris explained that while Karen was working she wouldn't need Iris and Iris would have to return during those periods, no matter how brief. Every time she returned, she faced the risk of being summoned away by someone else.

  "And I don't want to be away from you," Iris said, voice trembling. "I can't stand the thought of being with anyone, much less a man, when I want to be with you." All day Sunday Karen kept trying to think of a way to keep Iris with her. Monday morning she called in sick, faking a sore throat and cough. Iris had giggled, sitting on the bed behind her, and after Karen hung up the phone she tackled Iris, pouncing on her and tickling her.

  The sex that followed kept them in bed until noon.

  Finally, though, Karen had to admit defeat. "I just can't think of anything. Unless you can arrange it for me to win the lottery or something so I can afford to not work, I just can't see how I can do it." She hated saying it, didn't want to see the expression on Iris' face. This weekend had been the best in Karen's life. Not just the sex, but being with someone who accepted her so completely and who liked everything she saw. Karen couldn't stand the thought of letting Iris return to where she came from.

  She held Iris' hand in hers as they sat on the bed. Neither of them had gotten dressed since Sunday morning. She felt so comfortable that she didn't think she'd bother with clothes at all until she had to.

  Iris squeezed her hand. "Karen," she began, hesitantly. Karen looked over and found Iris with her head down. Her hair had fallen forward, hiding most of her face. "There is... one way."

  Karen's heart leapt. "What is it?" And why hadn't Iris said anything before now? Wasn't this what they wanted? From the sound of her voice, it didn't promise to be good news. "I don't expect you to say yes. But... you could... come with me."

  Unable to respond, Karen stared at Iris. It had never even occurred to her. But -- go with Iris? Was that even possible?

  Well, Iris had just said it was. But... "What would happen?" Iris shrugged one shoulder. "We'd be together. I can't stay here, but you can come with me. It would mean giving up everything here, though. I can't ask you to do that. But I think it's the only way we can stay together." She lifted her head just enough to meet Karen's eyes briefly, before turning away again.

  "I...." Karen stopped, her mind whirling. Go with Iris? To whatever Hell the demons lived in? Except -- that was where Iris went every day. Where she lived, when she was waiting for Karen to summon her. And... surely she wouldn't ask Karen to go with her, if it was... Hell. She liked Karen, she wouldn't ask her to go someplace where Karen would be tortured, or whatever happened to humans there.

  She looked at Iris, who was sitting silently, and the look of hope on her face made it impossible. Iris' hand was still in hers and Karen knew Iris would not want to hurt her. And it was the only way they could be together. The flare of excitement died as a thought occurred to her and she asked, "But when you go back, won't you have to... go when someone summons you?"

  Iris shook her head. "I'll still be with you. You'll be able to need me all the time, so no one else can call me."

  The hope flared in Karen's heart and in Iris' eyes. "Then... it would work! I could really go -- and it'd be okay?"

  Iris nodded, fast. "You'd have to give up your life here. I didn't ask earlier, because, well, it's a lot to ask. Especially since you don't know me that well...." "Nonsense. I know you well enough to know I love you. And I want to be with you." Karen could barely believe she was saying it. But she couldn't lose Iris -- she knew that. And her life here -- what of it? A meaningless job, no friends, and even her mother wouldn't notice if Karen didn't call her on Christmas and her birthday. What did she have to stay for? The only important thing in her life was Iris.

  Karen pulled Iris closer and kissed her on the lips. "I love you. And I am going." Iris' face broke into a joyful smile as she squealed in delight. Iris hugged her hard, then bounced off the bed. "Are you sure? Really? All you have to do is say so. If you're really sure?" She paused and came back to the bed and reached over, taking Karen's hand. "You don't have to, you know."

  But the look on her face was filled with such love that Karen couldn't imagine saying no. "I am going with you."

  Iris smiled and clapped her hands together once.

  And Karen found herself somewhe
re else entirely. The room was large and empty, with walls of a dark brown stone and a floor made of hard, black wood. Karen took a step forward, looking around. The room was featureless, without any hint of doorways, or tunnels, or even a source of light.

  So how could she see? And where was Iris? She was the only one -- the only thing in the room. Beginning to be afraid, she took a deep breath to shout for Iris. Before she could, something appeared in front of her with a sudden loud pop.

  It was a demon, dressed in a loincloth and carrying a clipboard. He looked like every demon Karen had ever seen in paintings: red skin, horns, dark hair and goatee. He gazed at her, looking her up and down, and Karen suddenly remembered she was naked. Blushing, she tried to put her hands in front of her crotch. "Where's Iris?" she asked, her voice breaking.

  "Your name?" the demon asked, coolly.

  "K-Karen Lode."

  The demon looked at his clipboard for a moment, then nodded. "Right. For processing."

  "Processing?" Karen told herself it must be normal. They had to know who she was and why she was here, right?

  "New demons. You're a succubus." "I'm-" Karen stared at him, then shook her head. "No, I'm here with one. Iris."

  The demon smiled at her, showing bright, gleaming teeth, and Karen shivered. "You betcha, chickie. Brought you down here, and now you're one of us. Succubus. Like Iris and every other female demon in this place."

  "But... that's... so I can be with her, right?" Karen looked around again, wanting Iris. Wanting answers. But the demon laughed. "I doubt you'll see her again, chickie. Master's got this policy, see. We only get days off if we earn them: one day for every new demon we drag down here." He leaned forward and Karen could feel heat coming off his body. She was shaking now and couldn't seem to stop. "Iris is one of the best -- she gets nearly two weeks off every year."


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