The Zoran's Fated (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides)

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The Zoran's Fated (Scifi Alien Romance) (Barbarian Brides) Page 9

by Luna Hunter

“Admiral, I present to you… Grace Winters.”

  He opens the box, and to my surprise, a young, human woman jumps out. She’s wearing a muzzle, her arms chained behind her back, a ragged leather dress covers her body. She struggles, trying to free her arms, growling and cursing at her captor.

  Admiral Bast raises one eyebrow. “Am I supposed to know this human?”

  Czar Baros taps the human’s cheek, a creepy smile on his thin face. “She might seem harmless… but this bitch has cost me more trouble than you can imagine. Led a slave rebellion! Stole and crashed my favorite ship! I thought she died in the crash… but no. You just won’t die, will you?”

  The alien czar yanks on Grace’s chains, causing her to curse at him. She may be chained up, but Baros has not broken her spirit.

  “She evaded my troops for months, scrounging to survive… but we finally caught her. It was her sister, Aria Winters, who humiliated me so in front of the Kua. Well, who is laughing now?”

  The czar hands the chains to Admiral Bast, whose eyes lit up.

  “This is my gift to you, admiral. I am sure you can find a good use for her; use her body as you will. Now, let us toast to the Zoran and Nezdek alliance!”

  The Nezdek!

  I’ve heard that name before, but I hadn’t put two and two together quite yet. They invaded Earth a while ago, abducted a whole bunch of women… but, according to the Federation, we defeated them. However, from the looks of it, they’re far from defeated!

  The admiral is not acting alone — he’s allying himself with a known slaver and murderer.

  “We have to get this news out,” I whisper to Daruk. “Show the people what is going on underneath their nose! That they are being lied to!”

  “You’re right,” he answers. “But how?”

  A lightbulb goes off in my head. “My com!” I handed it to Yano — what if I can reach him, stream this conversation directly to him? I had no signal before, but that was because I was trying to lock onto the HF Destiny. Perhaps I can contact him using this control room!

  “What about your com?” Daruk asks, as I start opening menus, trying to find a way to send out a signal using this alien control panel.

  “I’m going to try and reach Yano,” I answer.

  “You’ll have to hurry,” Daruk says, “because my father is here.”

  On screen, General Goran runs into the palace. “They’ve escaped!” he screams. “The prisoners, they’ve escaped!”

  “What?” Bast growls. “How?!”

  “I have no idea,” Goran answers. “But they can’t have gotten far. I called for a full sweep of all the tunnels. Wherever they are, we’ll find them.”

  My skin crawls. We’re so close to ending their reign of terror… but if they find us now, it’s all over.

  Daruk grabs me and kisses me deeply. “I’m going to confront them, and buy you as much time as possible.”

  I see in his radiant eyes he’s made up his mind. Arguing him would be senseless.

  I nod. “Good luck baby.”


  I slowly descend the stairs.

  After everything that’s happened, it comes down to this.

  Facing my own father in an underground palace, built on lies. I feel strong, powerful, unbeatable… but I’ve never faced anyone with as much prowess or experience as my father.

  This will test my limits.

  I might die.

  But if I do, it will be for a good cause. I can die knowing I lived honorably. The Elders won’t be able to say the same thing.

  “Hello, father,” I say, turning the corner. “I heard you were looking for me.”

  My father’s eyes narrow the moment he sees me. The admiral looks surprised, while the Nezdek czar has a wide smile on his taut face. Grace struggles against her chains.

  “World class entertainment, admiral,” he says, giddy.

  Father unsheathes his sword, pointing it straight at me.

  “You are no son of mine,” he growls. “I will put you down like the dog you are.”

  “Perhaps you will, perhaps you won’t. Do me the favor of answering my questions first.”

  “And why would I do that?”

  I raise my palms. “I am unarmed. No match for you. If I am to die, at least do me the courtesy of explaining why.”

  Father growls, but Czar Baros claps his hands excitedly.

  “Yes, yes, let’s tell him. I want to see the hope drain from his face, I want him to know just how worthless how little act of resistance is! Excuse my enthusiasm, admiral, general, but I still have some pent-up issued with Zorans.”

  “Fine,” Admiral Bast says. “What do you want to know, boy?”

  “Everything,” I growl. “Why did we really defect? Why did we really leave Earth? Why do you hate humans so?”

  Father snarls at me. “It’s obvious, isn’t it? If you still haven’t figured it out, you’re even dumber than I thought. You truly are no son of mine. But very well, I will explain. Slowly, even you can follow along. You remember King Vinz, right? That cretin you worship? He overthrew the Emperor — and doomed us all. The aristocracy, the elite, the elders… they had it much better in the Empire. Unlimited food. Unlimited women. Anything they desired.”

  “Under Vinz’s leadership, our home planet was destroyed,” the admiral says. “He allied us with the humans. The humans! The years of abundance were instantly over. We had to survive on the scraps the humans were kind enough to feed us. We were kings… under Vinz’s leadership, we were reduced to beggars.”

  “All that stuff about ‘returning to our roots, living in the wild, building Zoran character’… those were all lies?” I ask. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “You live here like kings, while we, regular Zorans, survive of what we find in the fucking bushes?”

  Father laughs. “Now you’re getting it. The old prey on the young. The strong prey on the weak. That is the law of the jungle. That is how it’s always been. That is how it will always be.”

  “And what about the Nezdek?” I ask. “How do they fit in?”

  “Simple. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. The Nezdek know the humans make better pets than allies. Together, we will grow New Exon until it matches the old Zoran Empire in grandeur. Our strength, matched with their resources, will make us both filthy rich. We will rule the universe. A new era of Zoran dominance is upon us… but you, son, won’t be around to see it. I’ll make sure of that.”

  “You are insane,” I growl. “Utterly and completely insane.”

  Father raises his sword. The metal gleams in the light, and my fists ball up. The moment is finally here.

  “Surrender and I’ll make your death painless,” father growls. “You are unarmed. Helpless. Spare yourself the trouble.”

  “I don’t need weapons to kill you, father. You have been dead to me for a while now.”

  “Stubborn until the very end, I see. Fine. You die now, son.”

  He charges at me, raising his arms above his head and swinging the sword down at me. I catch the blade with both of my palms, like catching a fly, stopping the blade inches before it would cut my face. I jump and kick him in his chest and he stumbles back. Before he can find his footing, I deliver another kick, his sword flying out of his hand.

  “See?” I growl. “Now it’s your turn to surrender.”

  “Never,” father answers.

  He swings his fists at me. I dodge the first strike, but the second connects. I stumble and he jumps me, his fists moving in a flurry, raining down on me. Blood fills my eyes, reducing my vision. We roll on the floor, our hands on each other throats, fighting for survival.

  As I feel my breath slipping away, everything turning black, my thoughts turn to Lilith.

  My mate.

  My love.

  I feel privileged for having known her. I wish I could spend an eternity with her, but the time we’ve spent together has been magical. It has given my life meaning.

  If I die now, I die happy.


  “Get off him, asshole!”

  I kick General Goran in his face as hard as I can. He flies back, and Daruk gasps for air, his golden face turned blue.

  “Another one?” Czar Baros says. “How many are there?”

  Grace looks surprised to see me — I bet she wasn’t expecting to meet another human out here.

  “Don’t worry,” the admiral answers as he stands up and pulls out a gun. “This is where it ends.”

  He points the gun at me.

  I stare down the barrel, frozen in my spot.

  Is this the end?


  A second before he pulls the trigger, a big ball of fur lands right on his face, clawing him up.


  He must have followed my scent, all the way here! My cat sinks his claws right into Admiral Bast’s skin, latching on like a predator. Admiral Bast stumbles around, firing his gun wildly.

  Boom! Boom! Boom!

  I duck down, the shots barely avoiding me. The admiral grabs Peanut and throws him at me. The cat lands in my arms, hugging my chest tightly. Bast’s face is covered in scratches, blood trickling down his chin.

  The four Nezdek warriors burst through the front door, alerted by the sounds of battle. I help Daruk up to his feet, while our enemies surround us.

  “Enough!” Bast thunders. “You die here, you die now.”

  “Maybe,” I say. “But you’ve already lost.”

  “How is that?” he says, waving his gun at me.

  I nod at the front door. “Zoran warriors are heading here right now. What do you think they’ll do when they see your little pleasure house?”

  “I don’t give a fuck what they think,” he barks. “They follow orders. They’re drones. Mindless cogs, just like all the machines here. They’ll string you up because I told them so.”

  The veins in his neck are bulging as he spits the words at me.

  “All you need to do is give them an enemy, and they go feral! Is it my fault for manipulating them when they want to be manipulated? When they want to have an enemy? You, my dear human, you make a perfect enemy. No, I have not lost. I have won.”

  “Think again, bastard,” I say. “I just broadcasted every word you said.”

  General Goran’s eyes go wide, while the Nezdek czar finally seems to realize he might actually be in trouble.

  “Liar!” the admiral screams.

  The front door of the palace burst open once more — this time by a pack of Zoran warriors with their swords drawn.

  “There you are,” the admiral says. “Arrest these cretins.”

  The Zoran soldiers part… and Yano steps forwards, clutching my com in his hand. My plan worked!

  “Admiral Bast. General Goran. Czar Baros. We have all heard your confessions. You are all under arrest. You will face a trial, and this time, justice will be served.”

  The three men are at a loss for words. The four Nezdek warriors, seeing that they’re heavily outnumbered, lower their halberds.

  “Wh-what,” the admiral stammers. “S-seize them!”

  “Give up,” I say, walking up to him and snatching the key to Grace’s chains from him. “You lost. Face it.”

  The three men’s faces turn as white as ash while I free Grace. She throws her arms around me. “Thank you!” she says. “Thank you!”

  “You’re more than welcome,” I say.

  After hugging me, she walks up the czar and slaps him so hard he falls off his feet. “There’s more where that come from,” she says, rubbing her wrist. “Believe me! You’re going to wish you killed me when you had the chance.”

  The Zoran warriors place the chains on the three men and lead them outside, to their cells. They are so flabbergasted, they don’t even fight back.

  Daruk hugs me tightly from behind as we watch our enemies led away. My heart feels like it’s going to burst, tears rolling my face from joy.

  After everything, after evading death so many times…

  We won.



  Daruk’s powerful hands slide over my naked body. I groan, still half-asleep, enjoying the sensation of his warm hands cupping my curves. He can’t resist me.

  “What time is it?”

  “Time to mate,” he growls into my ear, kissing the back of my neck.

  His hardness passes against my lower back. I reach back and run my fingers up his length. He’s as hard as a rock, the head already lubricated with precum. A thrill runs through me when I feel how hard, how big he is.

  Fuck. No matter how many time I touch it, hold it, see it or feel it, I’m surprised every time by the sheer majesty of his Zoran cock.

  “Isn’t it always time to mate?”

  “Exactly,” he says, placing the head of his cock against my entrance. Damn, I’m already wet, my body ready for him.

  I glance over my shoulder at the entrance to our cave. It’s already light out. We moved into the main Zoran village, now that the admiral and the general have been arrested. We no longer have to hide, and be afraid. When confronted with their leader’s lies, the Zorans eyes were opened, and they welcomed us with open arms. I used the palace’s system to send an emergency broadcast to the Federation. They’re due to arrive any day now.

  “What if the Federation is here?” I ask, suppressing a moan as the head of his cock spreads my lips.

  “Let them wait,” Daruk growls as he moves his hips, his cock entering me.

  “Yesss,” I moan.

  Let them wait.

  Daruk’s cock takes precedence over everything.

  It’s priority number one.

  He bites into my shoulder as he fucks me from behind, his hands holding my breasts. I love this position. I love having his strong, powerful body wrapped around mine. I feel so safe with his arms around me… and to be perfectly honest, having a thick, golden Zoran cock fill you up just feels damn good.

  That’s why we do mate every day. Twice, at the bare minimum. In fact, the only reason I left the confines of our cave at all for the past week was to send that distress call, and to see how the crew of the HF Destiny was doing.

  Captain Shepherd couldn’t be more surprised to learn that it was me, his stubborn, accidental stowaway, that saved the crew. Being thanked by the entire crew certainly felt special, and added a spring to my step.

  Grace was also incredibly grateful. She has thanked us at every opportunity, and she can’t stop talking about how much she’s looking forward to being reunited with her father and her sister.

  However, I can’t focus on that right now.

  The Zoran relentlessly fucking me is pushing all other thoughts out of my mind. I’m still surprised my body can take his immense size, and with relative ease!

  “I’m going to cum inside you,” he growls into my ear. “I’m going to fill you with my seed!”

  “Oh fuck,” I breathe, my entire body tingling.

  There’s little I enjoy more in this world than the feeling of Daruk exploding inside of me.

  I can’t get enough of it. I’m like an addict.

  There’s worse things to be addicted to, I suppose.

  How I ever went a lifetime without feeling Daruk’s cock grow and harden inside of me, I have no idea. How did I spend my time? I can barely remember. Since I found Daruk, it’s like my life started anew.

  Like it really started. Everything before him was just practice.

  Luckily, we have the rest of our lives to make up for lost time.

  He pulls out, flips me onto my back, and slides back into me in one smooth motion. His lips crush mine, his tongue exploring my mouth, as he fills me up completely.

  As much as I love feeling him from behind, nothing beats kissing him as he reaches his climax.

  My hands slide down his powerful back, feeling his broad shoulders, his hard muscles, traveling all the way down to his sculpted ass. My fingers sink in, our bodies moving in unison, like we are one.

  “Are you going to give
me a baby?” I ask between kisses. “A little Zoran baby?”

  “Yes,” he growls. “Yes!” His cock grows even harder, his breathing becoming low and heavy.

  “Do it,” I moan, moving my hips, pushing back.

  He shuts me up with a kiss, his hips a blur, fucking me like a jackhammer. He bottoms out with one hard, final push, burying his cock to the hilt inside of me before he explodes. His body trembles, and feeling his seed fill me sends me over the edge, the pleasure overtaking me completely.

  I see stars, my toes curling up, and I shamelessly moan his name.

  When I come down from my incredible high I cuddle up to my man, my Zoran mate, and shower him with kisses. I couldn’t be happier.


  I love my mate. With all my heart, my soul, my entire being I know she is mine, and that I am her. I will follow her to the edge of the universe if I needed to. Her strength, her wisdom, her beauty, her cunning — they are unparalleled. Without her, I would still be blind to the truth. She has opened my eyes, saved my life… and that of our entire tribe. She is, in every sense of the world, a hero.

  I couldn’t be prouder to call her my mate.

  “What are you thinking about?” I ask, gazing into her beautiful eyes, our sweaty bodies still entangled.

  “You,” she says. “Us. What do you… what do you want to do when the Federation comes here?”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  She bites her bottom lip. “I don’t want to tear you away from your people… I know you enjoy living here, in harmony with nature, but…”

  I can’t help but laugh. “I will follow you everywhere, my mate. You are the most important thing to me. You are my people.”

  Her eyes light up. “Do you mean that?”

  “Every word of it,” I growl. “Yano can lead our tribe. He is wiser than I am. My strength lies in battle, not in leading.”

  “No, your strength lies in mating,” she laughs, running her hand down my naked chest.

  “Besides,” I say, “someone will have to help transport Bast, Goran and Baros to Earth. They should face King Vinz themselves for their crimes. I won’t rest easy until I’ve seen them get their just desserts.”


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