Dungeon Enslaved

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by D. R. Rosier

  Dungeon Enslaved

  Dark Dungeon’s Revenge: Book One

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2019. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description


  The darkness of night and magic cloaked her from sight, as she slipped into the keep. Her movements were graceful and flowing as she moved down the hallway. The guard post was empty, and she smirked as she heard the sounds of slapping flesh and gasps across the hallway. She knew the church of light had been corrupted over the centuries, but this made her night’s task even easier. She probably hadn’t even needed the cloak of magic.

  She turned right into the temple of Boduna and gave the large statue of the goddess of order a slight nod of respect, as she ghosted into the entrance stairway to the dungeon. She let out a breath, this had been a long time in coming.

  She moved quickly through the three levels of catacombs filled with the undead, and outside of the horrid stench she barely gave notice to it. Her spells kept her hidden from the foes that would attempt to kill her, the skeletons, zombies, and undead knights were completely unaware of her presence.

  The fourth through sixth levels weren’t any more challenging, but the elementals of earth and fire could discern her presence. Her master level spells were more than enough for the challenge, as her air magic took down the former, and water magic the latter in no more than one attack. At best, the final level of the dungeon was no better than adept level threats.

  She was beyond the master levels, and she had been for two thousand years. Anyone looking at her would see a maiden of no more than nineteen years, long lustrous dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and the face of an angel. She was different than most, an exception to the rules, by birth and effort combined. She was known by many who would call her kind and cheerful, but that night she had a deep frown on her visage.

  She entered the final room of the dungeon, and then paused as she looked at the dungeon crystal set upon a bier of marble. There were thousands of complicated glyphs carved into the marble, which pulsed with power and purpose. She studied it as she slowly walked around the marble bier, complicated just didn’t cover it, but she recognized many of the spells. Spells of dark enslavement.

  Beyond that, there were several master level wards that would betray her night’s work if she made a single mistake, that monitored the spells tightly binding the dungeon to a blind purpose. She spent hours discerning the complex web of magic, and then hours more in meditative contemplation.

  Her original plan, to simply take the crystal with her had to be abandoned. She would have to attempt a small change and hope the dungeon could win the rest of its freedom. She hesitated for a moment.

  If she got it wrong, there would be consequences. The dungeon crystal wasn’t nearly powerful enough to defend itself. Not yet. If her work was discovered, at best it would be enslaved again in short order, at worst the spirit of her brother would be destroyed along with the crystal.

  She thought hard on it, and then her eyes popped open as she accepted the truth. All she could do was give him a chance. She cast a globe of invulnerability around herself and the marble bier, which cut off the dungeon crystal from the dungeon, but more importantly cut off the alarm wards that would notify the church of light to a breech.

  She formed the next spell carefully, and then cast it at the marble bier. It ripped through the wards effortlessly, and the magic twisted and stuttered as the bier wavered and changed. No doubt the alarm wards were going off, but at the same time they couldn’t reach their masters through the globe. There was still a risk to it, they might notice the disconnect even without the alarm, but it was a manageable risk. It was very likely the ward keeper was deeply asleep. It was two hours before dawn after all.

  The magic settled back the way it was when she’d arrived, with one tiny exception. All the wards and control spells were still in place, but she’d slightly modified two glyphs, the ones responsible for keeping the dungeon unaware of its captivity with a mind trap spell. When she was sure the alarm wards were quiescent once again, she dismissed the globe of invulnerability and let out a deep sigh.

  There was a flash of shadows in the corner of the room, and she had her sword out in her right hand, and a death curse hovering in her left hand in a split second. She knew the teleport spell of the dark sphere very well after all, and knew she was no longer alone.

  Red eyes stared at her angrily. The demonic creature had her leather wings out wide, and her hands on her hips with a scowl of anger on her angelic face. The demoness was also a foot tall.

  She sighed, and the spell winked out as she sheathed the sword.

  “I had to do it mother, how could you leave him enslaved?”

  Ebony sighed, and she closed her eyes tightly. She recognized the signs of her mother praying for patience.

  “It was his choice to stay behind, when the true Nysten fell. I should never have told you about him, Nurien will be furious.”

  She frowned, “So he deserved to be enslaved this past two millennia, because he chose to defend his wife and her throne instead of heeding his father’s counsel and fleeing to the elves? Would you have left father behind, if he was in danger?”

  Ebony blanched, “No child, deserve has nothing to do with it. There are consequences for actions in this life, and the lives beyond this one. If you had left him be, he would have been freed in time, safely by the adventurer’s guild, when the church of light fell. All empires fall, it’s inevitable and human nature. This action will have consequences, how many times have I told you intentions don’t matter, results do. Yes, there is a chance Narian will be able to free himself now, but it could cost him his life, his very existence, if he fails.”

  She frowned, “Just like the consequences for dad moving his dungeon, right? They wouldn’t have murdered Narian and enslaved him in an empty dungeon crystal in revenge if he hadn’t.”

  She’d been shocked when she’d found that out, and angry. When Nurien’s dungeon fled Nysten, the corrupt church had used an old dungeon crystal that was from a runaway dungeon they’d had to purge, and had enslaved Nurien’s son, her brother, in revenge. It was the darkest of magic, which was ironic coming from the church of light, they’d had to enlist a master mage of the dark sphere to pull it off.

  Ebony bit her lip, and her voice quavered, “It’s not that simple.”

  She snorted, and suddenly felt like a rebellious teenager, and not an ancient power to be reckoned with. Had she made a mistake? She’d felt the need to do something ever since she’d found out about her older brother, wasn’t two millennia of enslavement enough? How long would the corrupt church
of light have continued to rule in Nysten and Jennesar?

  She shook her head, “I don’t want to argue with you, and we need to go. They start training at dawn, and that isn’t too far off.”

  Ebony opened her mouth, as if to say more, but then closed it and nodded.

  “Twila, I hope you know what you’re risking.”

  Ebony disappeared in a swirl of shadows.

  She sighed, and whispered, “I hope so too, good luck brother,” then she too teleported away.

  Chapter One

  Awareness slowly returned, and I was filled with a deep confusion. I had many questions, who was I, what was I, where was I, and others. My senses were strange, I didn’t remember my old human ones in that first moment of consciousness, but I knew that things weren’t quite right. I felt strange, disconnected, and had no… I couldn’t remember.

  My body was tiny, yet vast at the same time as my strange senses stretched out. My life force was compact, tiny but strong, and contained. I felt a surge of power and panicked, as my strange body did the bidding of another. It was a horrific moment, and terrifying. I was off balance and confused, nothing made sense.

  My senses stretched out, and I traced the power expended to a new skeleton as it spawned in the top of my body. That wasn’t quite right, the top of my reach, on the first floor below ground. More magic surged, and I froze in panic as the lifeforce was forcefully drained from my body, my crystal? It was drained from my crystal to form yet more skeletons.

  In hindsight, that frozen panic during my first moments of wakefulness had saved my life. I’d felt the need to lash out, to destroy whatever was controlling me, but was too afraid to do it. That would have been the beginning of the end.

  I focused my mind and felt the swirling of lifeforce in the crystal heart of my existence growing, as I absorbed the ambient magic around me and converted it to life force. Dark, earth, and fire magic. Those were the magical spheres under my command. Dark magic seemed to come from my very core, and the strong earth magic from the ground around me, the fire magic was relatively weak from the pressures and heat of the earth below me.

  There were three other spheres. I felt a strong source of light magic nearby, the underground river was a strong source of water magic, and I even felt the weak source of air magic within my reach, but those were beyond my ability to absorb or control.

  There were ways around that, but I couldn’t say how I knew that, or what they were in that moment. My mind was still fuzzy, sluggish, and confused.

  There were five floors above me, my crystal on the sixth, and nothing but bedrock and the underground river far below.

  I felt connected to everything around me, the creatures on the six floors, and the magic. I could see, but I didn’t have eyes, I could feel but I didn’t have skin. I wasn’t even sure where those thoughts had come from.

  I took a moment to go over everything in my reach, struggling to understand my existence. There were three levels on top that resonated with the dark magic inside me, skeletons, zombies, and undead knights. There were others there as well in that moment, destroying what was mine, but I couldn’t connect to them. Below that, another three levels, with my crystal at the very end. Those levels had creatures of elemental fire and earth, traps, and other obstacles. There were no invaders in those levels at the moment.

  Another surge of magic, as more skeletons were created. I created them, yet I wasn’t in control. I studied the area around me, and the flows of magic. I was contained, my actions and magic enslaved to the spells around me. Was that my purpose? The spells controlled everything, the creation of those creatures above, and different objects that were summoned when they were destroyed, or killed. It was all defined in the spells and magic that held me.

  Something felt very wrong about that, but I couldn’t have said what that was. Not in that moment of discovery anyway. The spells controlled everything, including me, and I was the source of power. I absorbed power, and the spells took it away.

  What was I, where was I? What happened to me? Why couldn’t I remember anything?

  I brooded for quite a while, afraid to act. They say there’s nothing to fear but fear itself, fear of the unknown is the strongest, and I literally knew nothing in those first few hours of consciousness.

  There was also something I felt like I’d forgotten, something important, but it eluded my grasp.

  I started to study the glyphs, and the magical flows and configurations that they created, tracing the purposefulness of each glyph and trying to understand the purpose of the whole. I suppose it could be said I reverse engineered each one to discover its purpose. The magical flows themselves were easy to understand for me, I merely needed to trace them back to the symbol. Perhaps ironically, it was my own power and lifeforce which fed those glyphs the magic that they needed to control me.

  They seemed familiar to me, like I should know them intimately, but my mind was a blank. I learned them all over again, glyph by glyph, though I couldn’t really say why I thought I’d known them before. Not in the beginning.

  They defined my entire existence, not just the creation or summoning of the creatures of dark, earth and fire magic, but the controlling of those creatures as well. They had very narrow instructions, to contain them to certain areas, and when to attack those that invaded my body. I got the impression they were there to defend me, but it was a nebulous thought.

  There were other functions in the glyphs however, not just to take my magic to form and control creatures and items, but to keep watch on me. I learned if I’d lashed out earlier, they would have alerted someone of my actions. I studied those spell glyphs carefully, and their functions.

  They would notify someone if I destroyed the spells containing and controlling me, or if someone tried to remove me they would destroy the crystal heart of my body. They also monitored my reach, if I tried to reach above the top floor, into the world above, they would alert my jailers.

  I went over it all twice, just to be sure. I instinctively understood the last thing I wanted was to notify those that held the keys to my existence.

  There was some knowledge I was able to access. The monsters and items, objects I could create, were all in my mind. What they were made of, and how to create it. Precious gems, gold, silver, bronze, bones, flesh, and organs. I could create many things, weapons with enchantments, shields, and armor. Robes, and other various things. The list was long. I also had the feeling I should have much more knowledge that way, but that knowledge was nebulous and just a feeling.

  Then out of curiosity, I summoned a fire elemental on the fifth floor. The magic around me remained quiescent as I’d expected, and since that creature was outside the parameters of the spells encompassing me, it was under the control of my will alone. It was good to verify it, I could act independently of the spells controlling me, as long as I didn’t work to cross purposes and try to escape their control. The fire elemental responded to my commands, and moved about and explored my body, the levels of the dungeon, and I could feel the invaders above and near.

  I felt a surge of fear and banished the elemental quickly. Would they have noticed the new addition when the invaders in my body came across it? I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t ready to risk it yet.

  I feared my captors, my enslavers. I knew nothing of them, not really, except the fact that they’d enslaved me, and the magic was set to destroy me if I tried to gain full control of my body. That seemed like enough evidence of their treacherous natures to me in that moment. They controlled me to a purpose I didn’t understand, and to act before I understood would be a mistake.

  I felt a great surge of anger, and a great need to thwart their control of me. I needed a plan though, I needed more information before I could make that plan. I didn’t know my captors, and I didn’t know myself either. I struggled to remember, the one thing I did know was my existence didn’t just start on that day, although I had no memories to back up that strong conviction.

  My options were limited,
I couldn’t look at the world above, my only choice for the moment was to observe the invaders to gather information. I tried to focus on the room the invaders were in, and it took me a moment to figure out how to control my senses. I could feel my whole body at once of course, and I knew everything that happened to the creatures and traps connected to me, but the invaders were other. To focus on them required an act of will, and my awareness finally moved to the room the they were in. I still had an awareness of my whole body, but my awareness of the single room was much sharper.

  My invaders were shaped like my dark creatures, my skeletons. They were on the second floor in that moment, and there were five of them. Four of them were weak, but one of them felt much stronger to my senses. They all had light magic, but I couldn’t tell much else, or learn anything from their bodies or equipment. Of the weak ones, three wielded swords and wore armor, the fourth was in robes. The strong one was in robes as well, and I feared him. I knew nothing in my body was a match for that one.

  I felt angry, and I was tired of being afraid.

  The four weak ones fought against two zombies and a skeleton. The strong one merely watched from the doorway. One of the zombies rushed a swordsman, and knocked him back, then dove for the one in robes, who yelled in shock. The one in robes was smaller than the other three, and she gasped as the zombie started to strangle her cutting off her spell casting.

  The strong one spoke, “Carver, get your head out of your ass!”

  The swordsman recovered and grimaced, I assumed he was Carver. He turned and swung at the zombie’s neck. I winced, as the zombie’s head flew, but felt a moment of amusement as the headless corpse continued to strangle the… woman? Yes, the woman… a cleric. I wasn’t sure where that information came from, it just popped in my head, and the three with swords were paladins.

  My mind screamed, the church of light.

  My memories came flooding back, and I flinched back from them. My focus returned to my crystal heart, as I suffered under the torrent of memories. It was so sharp and painful, as the last moments of my human life came into focus.


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