Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3)

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Santa's Assistant (A Holiday Office Romance Bundle #1-3) Page 14

by J. L. Beck

  “Now can we go get a beer because I really need one.”? I questioned, my eyes lingering on hers. My shirt was dirty, my hand was bleeding, and sweat was covering my body, but being this close to Chloe, seeing her walls come down around me was everything, and not a damn thing was going to take me away from spending as much time with her as I could. Not even herself.

  I could practically see her pulse jump in her throat, as I reached out and took hold of her hand. With a nod of her head she took a step back away from me rolling the spare to the back of the car, where she popped the trunk and lifted it up placing it inside the vehicle. Then she picked up the jack and the wrench and placed them back inside the trunk.

  “Good…” I started. “I know a bar just a couple blocks from here that has the best cheese fries, and beer around. Come on.” I gestured towards my car, but Chloe didn’t move an inch. I still had the towel wrapped around my bleeding palm and I wanted desperately to reach for her hand again. Needing the contact with her.

  “Before I take a step towards your car, and get in it, and head to this bar with you I need to know that you don’t consider this a date?” I blinked slowly, and then a chuckle of deep laughter erupted from my chest.

  “Let’s go Chloe, if this was a date, you can bet your sweet ass I wouldn’t be taking you to some dive bar down the road.” I finished, fighting the urge to grab her hand and lead her to my car; instead I walk off across the parking lot. Knowing she is following behind me because of the loud click of her heels against the concrete. I slide into the drivers seat just as she’s opening the passenger side door.

  “Wow this is nice!” She mutters, her plump ass gliding across the leather seat. An image of her riding my dick in the front seat of this car enters my mind almost immediately.

  Fuck. I need a cold shower, and a bottle of whiskey stat.

  “Thanks, it was the very first car I bought when my father handed the company over to me five years ago.” I didn’t like delving into my family life, or anything that was personal with my employees but Chloe was different, God was she ever fucking different.

  I removed the towel from my hand and examined the cut; it was just as I said a tiny abrasion, no worse than a cat scratch. Placing the key into the ignition I threw the car in reverse pulling out of the parking spot and then out of the parking garage.

  “So you acquired Nelson industries at the ripe age of twenty one?” She questioned. It dawned on me then that she wouldn’t know my age unless she did a Google search before coming into my office.

  I watched her out of the corner of my eye as we came to a stop at a red light. “Are you trying to say that you did a Google search of me before you stepped into my office?” I smirked, watching her cheeks warm.

  “I… I may have done some searching but it wasn’t like I was stalking you or trying to find something out about you. I mean….” She stumbled over her words nervously. “I wanted to know the man I was working for before I decided to ask him for a favor.” Her honesty astonished me. It also made my cock hard.

  In a matter of minutes we were pulling into one of the parking spots next to the bar. I put the car in park before killing the engine. Then I shifted my body towards hers and looked her straight in the eyes. The space between us grew hot and the need to touch her almost overtook me. Looking deeply into her eyes I could see everything that made her who she was. She wore her heart on her sleeve and she was right, sleeping with me wasn’t something that was morally right in her soul but I wouldn’t let her regret it. Not ever. Instead I would make her want more of it, more of me.

  “Let’s get inside before I do something crazy like kiss you.” I sighed, knowing that I would have a hard on for the rest of the evening with this beautiful woman beside me.

  “Yeah let’s before I do something crazier and let you.” The words were barely audible or maybe I just failed to hear them over the erratic beat of my heart in my ears but I couldn’t believe the words that had come out of her mouth.

  She wanted me. I just had to show her how much.

  Chapter Four

  Either I had made this biggest mistake ever, or the best. I wouldn’t know for a few hours. I nursed the beer in my hands, my eyes gliding over Ryan every time he looked away. Talking to Sadie about what had happened between Ryan and I helped a little bit but I still felt like I broke some moral code or something even if she tried to convince me I hadn’t.

  “Can we get six shots of tequila?” Ryan’s deep voice boomed to the waitress. My mouth popped open as I realized he had just asked the waitress to sign my death certificate. I hoped he wasn’t expecting me to drink all those shots not when we had only agreed to one beer each.

  As the waitress walked away, I kicked him under the table just as he brought his beer to his lips to take a drink.

  “I’m not drinking all of those by myself just so you know. We agreed to one beer, and one beer only” I narrowed my eyes, as a smile formed on his lips, the sides of his mouth tilting upwards in the most delectable way. For the first time ever I noticed he had two very defined dimples when he laughed.

  “I never said you were, and I know I said one beer, but after the day I had I’m going to need some tequila to go with my beer..” He tried to assure me, but from the mischievous glint in his eye I knew better than to trust him.

  I leaned against the wooden table on my elbows, my nostrils taking in Ryan’s woodsy scent, something else I hadn’t noticed when he was eight inches deep inside me.

  “Good because if you think that all this tequila is going to get me into your bed you’re painfully wrong.” I retorted with just a little too much snark.

  “Sweetheart if I wanted you right now I could have you and I wouldn’t need an ounce of alcohol to do it… “ He leaned across the table, his lips mere inches from mine. “I mean, haven’t I proved that already… when I took you against my desk the other day.”

  There was a challenge in his eyes, one that made my pussy clench and my knees weak. Being this close to him was dangerous, dangerous for my heart, but even more dangerous for my body, because if I was being perfectly honest I didn’t know if I would be able to say no to his advances or his hands, or his mouth, or…

  Before I could respond and thank the lord for it, the waitress came back with six shot glasses, and two beers all on one tray. She placed the beverages on the table, but not before slipping Ryan a napkin that had what I assumed to be her number on it. I couldn’t help but sneer at how distasteful that was, still I was the one who had slept with the man within moments of meeting him.

  Yeah, pot meet kettle.

  Ryan gave her a tight smile and then took one of the shots downing the liquid like nothing as she walked away.

  “Well that was fucking rude…” The sound of the shot glass hit the table and the noise resonated through me. I could tell from the look in his eyes that what she had done pissed him off as much as it had me.

  “It was but what can you do, when you’re rated by Cosmo Magazine for sex appeal. If they’ve read the issue then they assume they know me.” The shame that filled his voice made my heart hurt. What was worse than that was that he was spot on; I had been one of the millions to judge him based off an article in a magazine I read. I didn’t expect him to be able to change a tire, or for him to be as human, and as caring as he was. Underneath the designer suits, and the asshole image that the media placed on him was a caring man, a man that had the potential to love with all his heart, a man that wanted to be loved in return. I hadn’t known him long or spent much time with him but still I could tell how wrong that article was about Ryan.

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized, not because I felt bad but because I was actually sorry for thinking the same things about him that he hated.

  “Don’t be babe. You’ve gotten closer to me than any other person has aside from my family.” He made grabby hands for another shot, and a thought hit me. I reached out stopping him from taking it before I could get mine. Then I looked him straight in the eyes, and lea
ned into him as closely as I could our glasses touching as I spoke.

  “To people that assume the worst of us, when they know the least about us.” It was cheesy and something that was probably said by hundreds of others at one point and time but it was something that needed to said, and I knew it was the right thing to have said as the sparkle of happiness filled his eyes again.

  “Yes. To assholes and people that assume a man in a suit, is in fact a stuck up prick.” We brought the shot glasses to our lips a happiness radiating out of both of us as we tipped the glass back and let the burn of the tequila blaze a path of fire down our throats.

  Things from that moment on became hazy, the drinks started flowing, and everything that told me I shouldn’t cross the line between employee and boss again, disappeared.

  Before I knew it I was sitting next to Ryan his rough hand trailing against the flesh of my thigh. His touch set my body on fire; his scent and the warmth of his body pushed every rational thought out the window and his lips, God his lips told me a secret that only I could understand.

  Everything about this man that should have made me run for the hills only caused me to cling tighter to him. We couldn’t be together, we both knew that but still neither of us could seem to fight the pull both of our bodies had to each other.

  “It might be the alcohol but I’m pretty sure it’s not, still I can’t fucking keep my hands off of you. I want you riding my cock. I want my lips on yours, your pants of pleasure to be mine. I want everything about you Chloe.” His teeth grazed my ear as he spoke in a hushed voice, words for only me to hear. If anyone from the office saw us here together this close then the rumor mill would start.

  “Ry…” His name came out in a moan as he gripped my thigh harshly, the wetness between my legs growing.

  “Don’t tell me we can’t. Don’t tell me you don’t want this when I can feel your arousal on my fingertips and don’t lie to me Chloe, please, because if anyone can tell you’re lying it’s me.” I lean my head back against the booth, my mind swirling with desire’s I know I shouldn’t give in too.

  “I want you…” His fingers drift higher, and my heart thuds against my rib cage with all its might. “I’ll always want you. I knew the second you walked into my office that I needed you. That I couldn’t get enough of you. You’re all I can think about. I crave you.”

  My blood hummed, and as his fingers slid against the flimsy fabric of my panties every feeling I had became stronger, larger, and faster. The need and want I had for him becoming too strong. Even knowing how wrong it is for us to be together I can’t fight the pull.

  “Let me in Chloe. Let me take care of you. Let me be the only man you’ll ever need and I’ll make sure you never go without a damn thing.” I sighed, my forehead leaning against his shoulder as he shoved the fabric to the side one digit entering me so slowly I was sure I would die.

  “Ahhh…” My voice wobbled, as I tried to hold in my cry of pleasure. We were after all still in a public place with bar patrons walking around within feet of us.

  “This hot cunt was made for me, it owns me Chloe. You own me.” Pleasure radiated out of him as he slipped a second finger deep inside of me, hooking it upwards in the perfect motion my entire body becoming one big puddle of mush within seconds.

  Zings of pleasure filled my womb as my toe’s curled into my heels. Ryan was the best and worst thing to happen to me. He made me feels things I never had before both in a good way and bad. No one had ever caused to so much pleasure or made me feel so at home and comfortable. But at the same time no one had caused me to to feel so much overwhelming guilt towards the things we had done, towards the emotions he had brought out in me.

  “Fall apart sweet girl. Cum all over my hand, and prove to me just how good I make you feel.” His hot breath fanned against my throat right above my heavy pulse.

  “Fuuuccckkkk…” I hissed out louder than expected as I shattered into a million pieces my fingers digging into his thigh where his steel hard cock laid. All I could feel was Ryan. Every slip of his finger deeper inside my pussy pushing me to the brink until a blinding light formed behind my eyes, and my entire body went numb.

  Every breath I took hurt, every beat of my heart hurt, and it wasn’t because I was actually in pain. No, it was because I knew that long after Ryan was gone, and the memory of us had faded that I would still want him as much as I did in this very moment. That’s why I said the following words, “Take me home with you.”

  I placed a kiss against his throat and then another. It was now my turn to watch him squirm, and my turn to return the favor.

  “As you wish my love.” He removed his fingers from my pussy, and brought them to his lips, his tongue darting out to lick away at the salty liquid that coated his fingers. “Mmmm.” I stared mesmerized by this man, the sudden desire to take his cock into my mouth was nearly overwhelming me. I wanted to please him, to give back even an ounce of the pleasure he had given me.

  “I want you.” I confessed. Ryan smiled around the two fingers he had sucked into his mouth.

  “Oh you’ll have me baby, you’ll have me.” I licked my lips in anticipation as he moved from the booth gripping my hand in his pulling me further and further into his web. The worst part, I didn’t even care about escaping. I was ready to be captured.

  Chapter Five

  “As soon as I get you upstairs, these clothes are gone. You can keep the heels on but everything else goes. I want you exposed, and at the mercy of my tongue and cock.” I growled my teeth grazing against the soft flesh of her throat. I wanted to brand her with my touch, to claim her so that no one else could have her.

  I was a wild man frenzied with a need I didn’t understand. Chloe had been nothing but a favor for a friend, but the second I saw her I had to have her. Every single beat of my heart told me that she was mine, and that if I wanted to keep her I had to take her right then and there.

  “What are you going to do to me?” She tried to sound naïve as if she didn’t know I was going to fuck her into the most sedative sleep she had ever had in her life. All I could do was smile because I knew just what it was, that we were both in store for.

  “You know damn well what I’m going to do to you babe. I’m going to bring you to the brink of pleasure, I’m going to fuck you on your belly and then roll you over and fuck you on your back. I’m going to eat that pussy of yours out until there’s nothing more left for me to take.”

  As I described to her what it was that I was going to do to her I watched her eyes darken. I watched as she shifted her body against mine her fingernails raking against my cock through my dress slacks.

  For a woman who was morally upset about sleeping with her boss, you sure and the fuck couldn’t tell that right now. My girl had a dirty side, she was a bad girl trapped is a good girl’s body and I was about to bring every fantasy she ever had to life.

  “I want that.” She purred in my ear. I was sure it was the tequila talking, at least on her part but fuck I wanted her, hell I would move heaven and fucking hell to have her even if just for a second. So, I wasn’t just going to let her go, not when it was obvious that she wanted me, at least right at this second.

  “I bet you do. You’re a dirty girl. A bad, bad, girl. My girl.” I bit her ear as I spoke, sucking the lobe gently into my mouth. A tiny yelp fell from her lips, seconds later her, and before I realized it her lip’s were on my neck, her kisses frantic as she slid her tongue against my skin. Tasting me. Branding me.

  Fucking fuck me sideways this girl knew how to make a man want to blow his load right at the exact moment her lips touched his.

  “Thirty-five bucks.” The cab driver’s bored voice met my ears, and it was then I realized we had finally made it to the apartment. Reaching to my back pocket I pulled out my wallet and handed him a fifty then I opened the door and gripped Chloe’s hand in my, pulling her out of the cab with me.

  With a loud creak the door closed and the driver drove away, leaving us both standing there in t
he street. I could see the apprehension in her eyes, the strong, guarded woman with a moral compass I didn’t have seemed to slip away. With her hand in mine I pressed the code into the apartment complex. The door opened and as soon as we slipped inside whatever apprehension she was feeling moments ago disappeared.

  “Everything inside me says no, but then when you touch me, kiss me, look at me, it all fades away and it feels so right. Like this, right here with you, is where I belong.” Holy fuck, her words all but ripped my heart out. They scared the fuck out of me too, but I understood what she meant because this past week with her had been one of the best I had ever had, even if we were ignoring the elephant in the room, meaning each other and the fact we had sex.

  I gripped her hand tightly in mine; pressing the button for the elevator, within seconds the doors opened and we stepped inside. Pushing the four button for my floor I turned on her like a lion on the hunt for its next meal. I pushed her gently against the wall, and she let me. Her eyes roamed over my body, the lustful stare in them telling me just what she needed.

  My lips descended on hers with so much need I was worried I may hurt her with just my kiss alone. Our teeth clashed, and my fingers dug into her sides as I gripped her to my chest. I wanted her. I craved her. I had to have her.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you. Fuck I just can't get enough of you.” Every breath I took came out in a pant my lips hovering above hers. The air between us thickened, and my cock strained against my zipper like it never had before. Suddenly there was too much space between us and to many clothes covering our bodies.

  “Take me Ryan. Take me to your bed.” She begged the longing in her voice for my cock was my undoing and the elevator door chimed opening just in time. It was a damn miracle we made it to my door without being naked, Chloe’s legs wrapped around my midsection as she kissed the skin along my neck. It took everything in me not to shred her clothing


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