Extreme Love

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Extreme Love Page 13

by Abby Niles

  He chuckled as he hung up the phone.

  “What’s so funny?” Dante asked.

  “She asked if I thought she was stupid.”

  At that, Dante smiled. Amy was becoming his best ally. Dante jumped to his feet and staggered before he could straighten. “Let’s grab a cab.”

  “Amy’s coming to get us. It’ll be a few before she gets here. I gotta use the head. Sit down and we’ll leave when I get back.”

  He’d been gone but a minute when a voice sounded behind Dante. “Where’s Miss Piggy?”

  Dante whirled. His vision swirled before focusing on a green-haired monster. “Fuck off, Sentori.”

  “Word’s spread about the Amanda encounter the other night. Pity date? Ouch.”

  Dante stiffened. “Don’t go there.”

  “The truth is hard to swallow, eh, Inferno? I wonder how she’d feel knowing she’s the topic of conversation in the locker rooms these days, and not because she’s the hot piece of ass of the week.”

  Dante leaned his face close to Sentori’s face and poked him hard in the chest. “Listen, prick, it’s one thing to play your sick little games fighter to fighter, but to involve outside people is crossing a line. Leave Caitlyn out of whatever mind games you want to play. She deserves better than that.”

  “Hey. Hey. Hey. Calm the bubbling lava, Inferno. I don’t need to say a word. I’m pretty sure she already knows. In fact, I’ll bet she wants nothing more to do with you.” Sentori studied him, a pleased smile coming to his lips. “My, my. She doesn’t, does she? I never thought I’d see the day. You’ve finally found the one woman you can’t have.”


  As soon as Cait stepped into Paul’s apartment, she paused and stared at the man sitting on the couch. To keep from smiling, she bit the inside of her lip. She looked at Paul. “Been busy much?”

  “Shut up.”

  Laughing, she walked into the living room. “Jack.”

  Jack stood, grinning, and opened his arms. She hugged him tightly. They’d only met that one time at the bar, but she’d felt a connection with the man. When they were dancing, he’d asked her about Paul. It pleased her beyond words they’d hooked up.

  She pulled free and glanced between the two. “So what’s going on here?”

  “Nothing to worry yourself over,” Paul said. “I want to know how you are.”

  She sighed. Didn’t anyone understand she just wanted to forget? Dinner with Amy had been nice, except for her constant pressure to give Dante a chance. Cait, you’re wonderful together. Dante is so into you. I’ve never seen you so flustered by a man.

  Blah blah blah.

  Amy meant well—she always meant well—but her friend didn’t understand Cait was only a challenge for Dante. That hadn’t bothered her before, but post-Amanda she refused to be some fighter’s entertainment while he was in town, especially if it meant dealing with more women like his ex.

  “I’m doing better.”

  An outright lie. As much as she tried to convince herself to stay away from Dante, she had to fight her yearnings. Every time he called, she wanted to answer the phone. When she’d spotted him coming toward her at the Y, she’d forced herself to make a hasty exit. Her continual struggle to ignore him left her emotionally drained. Why, after all that’d happened, did she still want to hear his voice, want to see him? Wasn’t humiliation supposed to cure that?

  “What happened?” Jack asked.

  By the time Cait filled him in, tight lines pinched his features. “What’s wrong with people?”

  She shrugged. “It was the wake-up call I needed.”

  “Where’s Amy?” Paul asked. “I thought she was just lagging behind.”

  “She dropped me off. She had an errand to run, said she’d be back shortly.”


  Dante stumbled up the stairs to Paul’s apartment. Since when did stairs move? He righted himself and took another cautious step. He’d overdone it on the booze. He’d be lucky not to spend all day tomorrow with his head in the toilet. Yeah, Mike would be real pleased with his performance tomorrow. He cringed to think of his coach’s response to his hungover state. It was his own damned fault, though. Mike had said to do what he needed to get Caitlyn out of his head—too bad it hadn’t worked.

  “Good God, Brad, how much did you let him drink?” Amy asked.

  “Coach told me to take him out. I did as instructed.”

  “I think I regret my decision in driving you here.”

  Dante whirled, teetered violently, then straightened. “No, I have to see Caitlyn.”

  Amy arched a brow at him. “At least this should be entertaining.”

  They made it to the door. Dante swayed and placed a hand on the wall to steady himself. He shook his head to clear the fog. Maybe this hadn’t been such a smart idea. Who knew what kind of crap would spew from his mouth in his current condition?

  Amy knocked. Too late.

  Seconds later, Paul answered. Dante’s gaze clashed with the other man’s. Paul’s eyes went wide before he snapped his attention to Amy. “Have you gone stupid?”

  Well, good to see you, too.

  Amy shrugged. “Dante wanted to see Cait.”

  “Muscle Boy can barely stand straight,” he whispered harshly.

  “Hey, I’m standing right here,” Dante said, not caring for the man’s disapproving tone.

  Paul gave him a dismissive glance. “Girl, I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. Cait’s going to be livid.”

  “Price you pay to help a friend.”

  “Can we stop the chit-chat?” Dante demanded. “I want to see Caitlyn.”

  Paul stepped back. “Sure thing, Terminator, come on in.”

  Dante crossed the threshold then froze. Caitlyn sat on the couch with the jackass who had ogled her at the bar. Oh, hell no. No man—especially not this one—was going to come between him and Caitlyn. He stormed forward. She turned from the conversation she was having with the guy and glanced at him. Then did a double-take. She jumped to her feet.


  He soaked up the image of her before him, twisting her fingers together, her eyes downcast. He wasted no time. He grabbed her around the waist and crushed his mouth to hers.

  Excitement shot through him when she wound her arms around his neck and kissed him back. Kissed him with the same fierceness he felt. He plunged his tongue into her mouth. A small moan sounded from her throat. He fucking loved that sound. Dante lowered his hands and grasped her bottom, bringing her closer to the part of him coming to full attention.

  In the background, someone cleared his throat. Loudly.

  When Caitlyn pushed, Dante released her.

  Dante glared at the man sitting on the couch. By the way she’d responded to him, the jerk had better understand she was off limits.

  Paul stood behind Jack and slapped him on the back of his head. “Why don’t you kiss me like that?”


  The man looked over his shoulder. “So you like the whole Neanderthal thing?”

  Dante frowned. “I wasn’t being a Neanderthal.”

  The man turned mocking eyes toward him. “Really? I was waiting for the club to come out, so you could knock her over the head and drag her away by the hair.”

  Dante did something he’d never done before: he blushed. Hot and furious. Maybe he had come in here like a caveman. But once he’d seen Caitlyn, he wanted—no, needed to kiss her. Let her know he was making good on his word. He wasn’t going anywhere. And he would get what he wanted.


  Paul strolled around the couch, arms crossed. “Seriously, you never kiss me like that.”

  Jack sighed and got up. He shrugged. Taking a deep breath, he strode over to Paul, grabbed him by the waist, and planted one on him.

  Dante gaped at the two men locked in an intimate embrace.

  Jack pulled back. “Better?”

  Paul’s flushed face said it all. “Cait, I can see why you like it. Whew!”

; A blush the color of a fire hydrant stained her cheeks. “I don’t like it.”

  “Bullshit,” Paul said. “It makes you all hot and bothered, like me.” He shoulder bumped Jack. “That was hot.”

  “Whose side are you on, anyway?” Cait turned and glared at Amy, who stood next to Brad just inside the living room. “That includes you, too.”

  “Yours, of course,” Amy said and stepped forward. “Please believe that.”

  Seeing a spat about to occur, Dante interfered. “Caitlyn, can we talk?”

  She studied him for a moment before she sighed. “Fine.”

  He grabbed her hand and led her down the hallway toward one of the closed doors. She tugged her arm. “No way. We’re going on the balcony.”

  Dante frowned, but didn’t argue.

  He opened the cream-curtained French doors and stepped onto the alcove. Paul had made use of the small area. Tall potted bushes lined the walls. A round iron table with two chairs sat in the center.

  He pulled out one of the chairs. “Sit.”

  “I’ll stand, thank you,” she said, crossing her arms.

  Dante sighed and sat down. He propped his elbows on his knees, lowered his face to his hands, and rubbed his cheeks. He had her full attention. Now what was he going to say?

  He looked up and was startled to realize Caitlyn was watching him. Normally, she refused eye contact. This time, however, she was staring at him.

  The action worried him. A lot.

  This wasn’t the shy, vulnerable Caitlyn. No, this was the confident, in control, fitness instructor Caitlyn. And she was going to be a harder opponent to topple.

  “You wanted to talk?”

  Her gaze never wavered. Fuck. He was doomed. “About the other night—”

  “Nothing really to discuss there.”

  “But there is—”

  “No, Dante, there isn’t. I’ve made my choice. I’m happy with my choice. Got it?”

  Oh, yes, doomed. There seemed to be only one way they could communicate.

  He rose and started toward her.


  Cait struggled to stand her ground and not flee into the apartment like instinct screamed for her to do. She tipped her chin up, hoping the gesture would help her feel in control. It didn’t.

  Determination sounded in his every step as he closed the distance between them. He was going to kiss her. Again. She knew why he used this advantage. When he kissed her, she had the hardest time refusing him. Damn him for playing the weakness against her.

  “What are you going to do? Kiss me again?” she blurted.

  He stopped. Shock and confusion twisted his features. She stifled a quivering breath of relief. She’d stopped Dante Jones in his tracks. What would happen if she went further? Became the aggressor? Would he believe the chase was over, believe he’d won, and lose interest?

  Cait stepped toward him, putting a seductive swing into her hips. “I like your kisses, Dante. They make me hot. Make me think of other ways you can use your mouth to make me even hotter.”

  What was she doing? This would never work. Dante would see straight through her performance, see the woman who’d never played the part of siren, and call her bluff. What would she do then?

  Dante’s eyes bulged. Her sense of control increased. He was flustered. Good. He needed a taste of it. She’d been flustered from the moment they’d met.

  The gray shirt stretched across his chest. Her fingers itched to skim over the pebbled nipples straining beneath the material. Did she dare?

  She raised her hand. Dante froze. The cotton was soft as she ran her palms up his chest and over his shoulders.

  Dante shuddered and stumbled backward. “Caitlyn, what are you doing?” The roughness of his voice cocooned her. Drew her in.

  “Touching you.”

  Her fingers trembled as they slid down his bicep and back up. Fire ran through her body and she yearned for more. Her nipples hardened, begging for him to touch them.

  Dante groaned. “Fucking. Don’t. Stop.”

  He gripped her hips in his large hands and brought her close, kneading her bottom. Warmth seared Cait, and she suppressed a moan. The feel of him, his scent, wracked havoc on her senses. She wound her arms around his neck, brushing against the hardness of his body.

  “Fuck me, Dante.” The words felt foreign coming out of her mouth. She hated that the first time she’d said them to a man was a desperate attempt to push him away for good.

  He went so still she feared to move.


  The shock of him saying that one word startled her. “Why not?”

  ”You don’t get it, do you?”

  ”I-I don’t.”

  “Just sex isn’t what I’m after, Caitlyn. Been there, done that for years. I can go right now and find a line of women who’d like to fuck.” He stepped away from her. “Yes, I want your moans and kisses, but I also want more moments like we had in the truck, hand holding, laughing. I want more than fucking…with you.”

  Stunned, Cait stared at him. He wanted more?

  “Are we clear on where we stand now?”

  She gave a jerky nod.

  “Good. You process that.” He walked around her and into the house. The front door closed seconds later.

  I want more. With you.

  How quickly she’d accepted Sentori’s warning, wanting to believe that Dante’s interest in her was simply a chase, nothing more. She’d needed him to be that way. She hadn’t wanted to examine why Dante’s presence made her happy, why she’d missed him, why her heart jumped every time her phone rang or she got a glimpse at him at the gym.

  He wasn’t going to stick around, so she’d had to stay detached.

  But he wanted more.

  With a woman who wasn’t sure she could accept his career.

  Chapter Twelve

  Gritty-eyed, Cait dragged down the hall toward the living room. Sleep had refused to come. She’d finally come to the decision in the early morning hours that she had to face whatever this was between them, which meant facing his career and the possibility of more humiliating encounters with Dante’s exes.

  Her throat tightened and she swallowed against rising panic.

  Pausing in the doorway, she found Amy curled up on the couch, flipping through a magazine. Her friend had crossed a line yesterday. They should’ve talked last night. But with her emotions in a tailspin, Cait hadn’t wanted another confrontation.

  But it was time for her and her best friend to have a little chat. She walked into the room. “You’re in a boatload of trouble.”

  Amy froze mid-flip and sighed, laying the open magazine on her lap. “I know.”

  “Why’d you do it?” Cait came around the couch to sit beside Amy.

  Her friend studied the wall, then met Cait’s eyes. “Because it’s what you want, even if you refuse to admit it.”

  “These are my dragons to slay, Amy. It’s not your place to interfere.”

  “Cait, how long have we known each other?”

  “Fifteen years.”

  “In all that time, have I ever butted into your business?”

  “Are you serious?”

  A tiny smile quivered at the corners of Amy’s mouth. “Let me rephrase that. Have I ever butted in to this extent?”

  “No, which is why I’m so baffled. Why’d you do it?”

  “Because you are ruining a good thing. One day you’re going to look back and kick yourself for not trying.”

  “Perhaps. But don’t you think that’s my decision to make?”

  “Let me play devil’s advocate. If you saw me being self-destructive, wouldn’t you step in?”

  “I’m not being self-destructive.”

  “Yes, you are. You like Dante. Dante likes you. But you’re doing everything you can to push him away. Thank God, he’s too bull-headed to let you.” Amy grabbed Cait’s hand and squeezed. “Besides, I’d do the same thing if this had been an unhealthy attraction. Wouldn’t you?”

  “I wouldn’t stop until you dumped the loser.”

  “That’s all I’m doing, Cait. I swear. I’m not trying to be mean or unsupportive. I want you to be happy. You’re miserable. And it’s because you are denying yourself the one thing you want.”

  “I have my reasons, Amy. You may not understand them, but they’re very real to me.”

  “You’re right, I don’t understand, but it’s time for you to let go of the past.”

  “It’s not just about the past any more. It’s about the future and what I can live with.”

  “Be careful with that, Cait. Sometimes you don’t realize what you can live with until you’ve lost the one thing you can’t live without. I don’t want that road for you.”

  “I don’t want that either.” Cait sighed. “I’m not going to push Dante away any more. We’ll see what happens. Heck, he may tell me to screw off when I go talk to him later.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to happen.”

  “We’ll know soon.”

  Amy studied, head cocked to the side. “What are you doing this afternoon?”


  “The fighters in Mike’s gym are hosting a pool party this afternoon. Would you care to go with me?”

  Cait swallowed. Another fighters’ function. Great. But if she was going to face this, she might as well start now. “Yeah, I’ll join you.”

  Cait hesitated and stared through the glass doors. Men were everywhere, punching bags, wrestling on the ground, hitting those round thingies on their partner’s hands. Yet, the one man she wanted to see was nowhere to be found. Then she caught sight of Dante in the mirror, walking with Mike into an office at the back of the room. She yanked the door open and rushed inside.

  When two men stopped to look at her as she entered, she slowed her pace. She didn’t need to disrupt the entire facility in her need to get to Dante, but she wasn’t going to stop, either.

  “I don’t know what to do.”

  Dante’s voice paralyzed her. She pressed against the wall next to the office and listened.

  “It’s her or the championship,” Mike said. “Right now, you can’t have both.”

  “Why not?”

  “This goddamn meeting is why not. I know you’re hung over, but Jesus, how many times do I have to remind you to keep your hands up? You’re a stand-up fighter and you’re even distracted from the one thing you do best. At this point, Sentori is going to win the match at your own game.”


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