Déjà Vu All Over Again

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Déjà Vu All Over Again Page 1

by Ashantay Peters

  Table of Contents


  Déjà Vu All Over Again



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Thank you for purchasing this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  “And how is Sally, uh, I mean, your mother?”

  He wasn’t sure why he’d asked about a woman who’d torn out his heart, but too late to call back the words.

  “I call her Sally in public, Mom in private. Can’t remember how that got started but it works for us. She’s fine.”

  “She didn’t have a problem with us meeting?”

  “No, no, she’s fine.”

  Jack knew bullshit when someone spun it, and Carlos wove a blanket. He raised his eyebrows. “Really? I figured she’d fight this get-together.”

  “Nope.” Carlos chuckled. “Okay, she didn’t look happy, more resigned. Maybe a little scared.”

  She doesn’t want me around. I can get down with that feeling.

  “You’re not pissed with me or her, are you? For keeping quiet about my identity? The band hit crazy big on that first tour. She, we thought you’d be better off out of the spotlight.”

  Carlos tilted his head to the side, and Jack recognized Sally in the gesture. “I haven’t had time to digest the information. I guess you both had a good reason for the charade, and even though I’m not pressing now, I’ll want answers.”

  Icy fingers gripped his gut. “So my leaving did piss you off.”

  “Not totally.”

  Jack held on to his coffee cup with both hands, happy his son hadn’t walked out yet. Sure, he’d signed away his rights to Carlos, but Sally had been impossible to find after she’d left. She’d made it clear—through lawyers—that he’d only screw up their son, and he’d believed her. Then his actions had proved her right.

  Déjà Vu

  All Over Again


  Ashantay Peters

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Déjà Vu All Over Again

  COPYRIGHT © 2015 by Ashantay Peters

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the author or The Wild Rose Press, Inc. except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  Contact Information: [email protected]

  Cover Art by Diana Carlile

  The Wild Rose Press, Inc.

  PO Box 708

  Adams Basin, NY 14410-0708

  Visit us at www.thewildrosepress.com

  Publishing History

  First Last Rose of Summer Edition, 2015

  Print ISBN 978-1-5092-0414-4

  Digital ISBN 978-1-5092-0415-1

  Published in the United States of America


  Thanks to my readers

  and everyone who helped make this book a reality

  Chapter One


  “Ring again, you sucker, and you’re in the lake.”


  Jack Reed glared at his cell phone. He had a song to finish and too many people calling him.


  A local number, and not one he knew. He calculated the distance between his music room window and the sun-dappled water. If he tossed it, he didn’t have time to replace the damn phone.


  Hell, his concentration was blown. He may as well answer. “Yeah, you found me. What do you want?”

  “Jonathan R. Young?”

  His stomach dropped like the damn phone would have if he’d heaved it into the water. No one had called him by that name since his first divorce. He thought that identity well buried. “Depends. Who is this?”

  “I’m looking for the man who married Sally Raines Ford in 1970.”

  Shit. The call he’d simultaneously hoped for and feared for years. Someone had finally discovered his secret. “Good for you. You still haven’t told me who you are.”

  “My name is Carlos Young. If you’re the Jonathan who married Sally, I’m, uh, I’m your son.”

  Jack’s knees gave way. He slid into a chair. “Hold on. What did you say?”

  The voice that sounded like his replied. “I’m your son.”

  “I…how the hell did you get this number?” Not that he needed an answer.

  “My grandmother Young.”

  His mother had never given out his carefully protected number before, but this was a special occasion, one they’d hoped for. Carlos had finally called for answers.

  “Is there a problem with me phoning?”

  “No, no I…didn’t expect your call. Long time, no hear, ya know.” Why the hell hadn’t his mom warned him?

  “Yeah, well, I’m getting married.”

  “Congratulations. Oh, is this an invitation?” His jaw tensed. His associates knew he used sarcasm when stressed, but his kid didn’t. Focus.

  “We haven’t set a definite date, but we want kids, you know?”

  “Huh? Not sure I understand.” Blowing it. You’re blowing the chance you’ve waited years to get.

  “I wondered if maybe there are genetic issues I should know about.”

  “No, nothing out of the ordinary.”

  Carlos sighed. “Look, this isn’t going very well. I didn’t contact you to discuss family medical history. Could we meet? Have coffee or a beer?”

  His heart raced. His son wanted to see him. Here was a chance to make up for the years apart. What about Sally? Did she know Carlos planned on finding him?

  Jack wiped his palm on his jeans-covered leg. “I don’t…our meeting…I’m not sure this is a good time.”

  “I’m thirty-eight. Just when do you think the timing will improve? I…I want to meet you, if you’ll agree. This is coming out of nowhere for you, but I’ve wondered about you most of my life. I thought, well, that maybe you’d like to know me, too.”

  You bet I would. I’ve wondered, too. The formal investigative reports I saw on you weren’t enough. Neither was seeing you from a distance. Estrangement sucks.

  “Yeah, um, I guess I can meet you for coffee.” Idiot. Talk about thinking one thing and saying another wrong damn ass-wipe thing.

  “Wait, you know what? Calling you was a mistake. I only want to ask you one question. Unless you’re too busy.”

  He figured he knew the question Carlos had in mind. and he didn’t want to answer it on the phone. “Look, you caught me at a bad time. I’m not always an asshole. Where are you, anyway?” As if he didn’t already suspect.

  “Close by, in Blue Peak. I understand you’re in Lake Stratton right now. That’s why I suggested a meeting. We get a look at each other and walk away if that’s what you prefer. Or, maybe, well, more.”

  Jack stifled a sigh. Habit made him hide his emotions. Perhaps he wouldn�
��t screw up so much if he faced his son in person. “Yeah, good idea. Meet me at the Lake Cafe on First Avenue in Stratton. Nine o’clock tomorrow.”

  “How will I know you?”

  “Look in the mirror. The Young genes are strong. You’ll see your older self wearing a ball cap and waiting at a table for two.”

  He ended the call with shaking hands and turned his gaze to the sunny North Carolina day outside his window. His attention remained centered on the conversation he’d just held. The dialogue he’d wanted for decades and screwed all to hell in a few short minutes.

  Damn it all. When he’d heard the caller’s voice, he knew but hadn’t believed his son had found him. Carlos. His first wife Sally had insisted on naming their child after Santana, the musician that had been playing when they met at Woodstock. He’d agreed. Better to name a kid after a hero than a man who’d later disowned him.

  He’d dreamed of this day and the best he could do? Bitch at his son. What a sorry ass. He’d better get himself pulled together before tomorrow morning, or the child he’d waited to know would disappear.


  Sally Ford looked up when the door to her store, Good Vibes, opened. Her friend and also her son’s fiancée, Abby Stephens, entered. “Sweetie, glad you’re here. Would you like tea?”

  “No, thanks. I stopped by to check on that astrology book you ordered for me. Has it come in?”

  “Should arrive tomorrow. But if you’re wondering whether you and Carlos are compatible, the answer is yes. You don’t need a book to tell you that.”

  Abby grinned. “I thought I’d check the aspects. See if your man is on the way. “

  “You are insufferable. Just because you’ve found your mate doesn’t mean I want the same. My life is perfectly fine.” Well, usually anyway. Lately she’d been feeling restless.

  “I think I’ll cast that chart, anyway. Something tells me you’re about to experience a big change.”

  “You mean like finally getting the grandchildren I deserve to spoil? A wedding is optional, just bring on the kiddies.”

  Abby glanced at the ceiling. “I appreciate your flexibility, but don’t even try to change the subject. This is about you for a change. I dreamed about you last night.”

  “Really, sweetie, you should reserve your nights for Carlos.”

  “He is a dreamboat, isn’t he? Thanks for pushing me at your son.” She leaned across the counter. “Back to last night. I saw you with a man. I couldn’t see his face, but I had the impression that he was your lover.”

  “Dream on, Abby.”

  A frown flashed across her face. “Wouldn’t you like someone special in your life? A companion? I remember our conversation about life dreams last spring, and you seemed upset that one of your big ones hadn’t come true.”

  “Are you sure you don’t want tea?”

  Her friend shook her head. No way Sally would avoid this conversation. “Let’s sit.”

  The down-filled sofa cushions and bounty of pillows created a comfortable browsing area, but Sally couldn’t relax. Listening to the burbling water from display fountains, sniffing potpourri scents, and a few yoga breaths didn’t work either. Abby’s question had released thoughts she’d been stifling for too long.

  She examined an idea, an opportunity lurking unseen at the edge of her consciousness. Then she looked at her restlessness and determined Abby was right. She missed close companionship. Her last lover had been too many years ago. Perhaps it was time she took a new one. Her small voice, the one that denoted her higher, more intelligent self, told her to stop lying and ask for what she really wanted. She ignored the suggestion.

  “Your memory is too good. Fine, I admit I’ve been thinking—on occasion—about Jack and why our marriage didn’t work. I don’t know what I did that caused him to leave.” She shifted in the chair. “That lack of closure made me hang on to memories way too long. Anyway, I never found a special someone after Jack walked out.” She shrugged. “Perhaps I never will.”

  “Whoa, listen to you, Miss Negativity,” Abby said. “You’re the one who taught me to watch my thoughts, words, and actions. You’ve pointed out that we should be careful what we wish for because we’ll get some form of the wish.”

  “Most of the men my age are stubborn old farts who haven’t changed a thought in decades.” Her inner voice told her to quit stalling.

  Abby waggled her index finger. “We were talking about you and what you want. The full moon is tonight. Put your desire out there.” She crossed her arms and settled against the cushions.

  “You obviously aren’t going anywhere until I answer.” She’d have to placate Abby. Or finally take action, her nagging inner voice said.

  Abby dropped her arms and leaned forward. “Sally, I want your happiness. In my dream, you looked so content. I want to help you as you helped me. Tell me what you need. No, tell the universe. Please.”

  Abby’s words pushed Sally’s decision over the edge. She’d gone too long without a partner. The move toward her new life began now.

  She met her friend’s intent gaze. “You’re right.”

  What did she want? What was her heart’s desire? She drew out the mental list she’d constructed after her last relationship ended. As she quickly reviewed the items, she knew not much had changed. She wanted someone like Jack, but emotionally direct, a man who would face trouble instead of running away the way he had.

  “Here goes. My heart’s desire is to have an honest partner who sees my heart and loves me, who understands my fears and isn’t frightened by them, who gives me space because he needs it, too. He’ll have a sense of humor, and will love the grandkids you’ll soon be giving me.” And it won’t be Jack. Her heart muscle clenched. Dang, the declaration wasn’t supposed to hurt.

  Her friend closed her eyes, her brows scrunched. “So all you want is the perfect man? Sorry, but you can’t marry your son. Even if he wasn’t related, he’s mine.”

  Their laughs echoed.

  Abby tapped her lips. “I like your statement because you’re leaving yourself open while still describing the basic criteria. As you taught me.”

  Sally shook her head. “I had the perfect man, but he walked out. Don’t know how I blew it, but I did, long ago. Now I’ll be happy with a second chance at wonderful.” She steadied herself. “You know, there’s an important step I almost forgot.” She gathered her courage once more. “I hereby release all harmful ties to my past lovers and am open to the future.”

  The store lights flickered then steadied. She thought they’d stabilized, but watched them die out. After a slight pause, the lights hummed to life.

  Sally’s heart skipped a beat or three. Her skin congealed into one big chill bump. The flickers couldn’t have been an omen, could they? Um, yes. She felt destiny hurtle toward her. I’m not ready.

  “Did you see the lights? The moon isn’t even totally full. Ooh, Sally, fasten your seatbelt!”

  “Abby.” Still shaky, she flashed her friend a warning glance. “Calm down. The lights aren’t a sign of—”

  “Oh, yes, they are. I know the universe will come through for you.” Abby stood. “Well, my work here is complete. I’ve got a job this afternoon. Talk to you later.”

  After Abby left, Sally melted into her chair. What had she done?


  Sally knocked on Carlos’s office door and poked her head inside. Carlos replaced his office phone’s receiver. His hands shook.

  “Bad news, sweetie?” She approached his desk. “You’re pale. Are you feeling all right? Is it Abby?”

  He jumped from his chair and circled to meet her. “Everything is fine, Mom. What makes you think there’s a problem?”

  She pulled him into a hug. “Well, the back of your shirt is damp, your hands are trembling, and you sound out of breath. Not your usual appearance, Mr. Cool Cucumber. You must be up to something underhanded. Unless you’re getting pre-marriage jitters? Can’t be that, you haven’t set the date, yet. Have you? You promised
to tell me first, and Abby didn’t mention it when I saw her a bit ago.”

  “No, no date. Abby wants to concentrate on her business start-up. Plus, we want more time to make sure we’re good together.”

  “Oh, baloney. And you know that’s a swear word coming from vegetarian me. You two have been together for months. Abby has work contracts through winter. I had high hopes of a grandchild by spring. Hopes you’ve smashed for next year. Besides, time doesn’t matter when you meet the right person.”

  “We’ve only been together for three months. Don’t rush us.”

  “If I hadn’t pushed you two together, you’d still be dancing around each other.” She held her hand out like someone singing “Stop In the Name of Love.” “Don’t try changing the subject. I want to know what’s flipping you out.”

  “Oh, hell. I didn’t want to tell you this way.”

  Sally crossed her arms. “What way?” She tapped her foot. “You’ve always been open with me. Well, except for the girls you slept with, and I’m glad you kept the names from me. Not that I didn’t know who they were, not in this small town. Other than that, I thought you trusted me. Have I been wrong all these years?”

  “Still the master manipulator, Mom. Thanks to you, I got top grades in my psych classes.”

  She shook her finger at him. “Very funny, but stay on point. What is going on? What’s made you into a nervous wreck?”

  “You’d better sit down.”

  She sat. If any words portended disaster, those four topped the list. Along with “we have to talk.” “I’m not going to like what you have to say, am I.”

  “Probably not.” He sank into the chair next to hers and grasped her hands in his. “Mom, you were the best single parent in the world.”

  She could hear a “but” coming. A chill ran down her spine.

  “But I’ve always wondered about my dad. You never badmouthed him, but you never said anything about him, either.” He squeezed her hands. “I thought if I pressed too hard with questions about him, I’d hurt you.”

  She inhaled, but her lungs labored for oxygen. He’d done it. He’d taken steps to learn more about his father. She should have handled that whole situation differently, but when he’d stopped asking for his daddy, she’d taken the coward’s way out. Even at five years old, Carlos had her number.


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