Déjà Vu All Over Again

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Déjà Vu All Over Again Page 14

by Ashantay Peters

  “Trust goes both ways.” Her intuition told her whatever he held back could change their relationship. Forever. She gentled her tone. “If you want to tell me, I’ll listen with an open mind. Honest.”

  His shoulders slumped. “Nasty story. Sure you want to hear it?”

  She braced herself. “Yes, because I think you’ve been holding in whatever happened for way too long.”

  “Yeah. Guess I have.” He laced his fingers with hers. “Our lead tech back then, Billy Hatter, was a technical guru. We called him the Mad Hatter because he was a fucking genius with the boards. Too bad his genius didn’t extend to people. He was naïve. When Glynnis came on to him after screwing everyone else, he thought he’d found true love.”

  Her forehead crinkled in a frown. “So what’d that have to do with you? I know your sense of loyalty. You wouldn’t touch another man’s woman. Not knowingly.”

  The corners of his mouth rose. “Thanks.” His lips thinned. “There’s more. Should I keep going?”

  She nodded.

  “Even though Billy knew me for years, he trusted Glynnis when she told him she was pregnant and the kid was mine.”

  She tightened her hand around his.

  “Billy stayed on working the tour, but things weren’t right between us. I didn’t know the problem until later.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “Anyway, after the last show, he took off soon as he could, but not before taking a bottle of booze or two with him and leaving a note for me.” He clenched his eyes, his forehead a mass of wrinkles. “They found him the next morning. He’d lost control on a curve, hit a tree less than a mile from his home.”

  “How is that your fault? Did you force him to drink a bottle of booze? Or drive too fast?”

  He met her gaze. “You don’t get it. I should have pushed him to tell me what was wrong. Should have insisted he talk with me. Instead, I figured he had a bug up his butt, and he could go hang. He died because I didn’t care enough. I was too busy partying.”

  “Guilt is baloney. What other adults choose to do is not your responsibility.” She grabbed Jack’s shoulders and shook gently. “I want you to understand this with your heart along with your head. The person at fault in all this is Glynnis. She lied and betrayed Billy’s trust. She used you. Her karma is shit. Trust me on this.”

  A glint of humor lit his eyes. “You’re my go-to person for metaphysical crap.”

  “Don’t try changing the subject. What’s the rest of the story?”

  If she’d had any doubts about why he’d left Carlos behind, they were erased, even though she’d once have staked her life that Jack was capable of carelessly walking away from his child to further his career. That had been ignorance and hate talking, and she was far from feeling hate right now. In fact, his proximity and the warm breath on her neck made her head spin.

  “Glynnis brought suit naming me as father and the rest is old news.”

  Sally hoped she didn’t sputter like a cartoon character, but she suspected the worst. She inhaled hoping to calm her pounding heart. “Why wasn’t the truth revealed? The story about Cristal’s birth made you look like a…a…I don’t know, self-absorbed asshole for years.”

  “You think you’re the only person who likes their privacy?” He squeezed her hand. “Sorry, babe. Truth is, Billy’s mother wasn’t well. She died not long after he did. There was no one else to look after Cristal.”

  “So you paid up because you blamed yourself for Billy’s death.”

  He finished off his water. “People expect and want celebrities to have problems. I could handle the press better than a kid.”

  “I see,” she said.

  “My lawyers wrote an iron-clad settlement agreement. If Glynnis poisoned Cristal’s knowledge about Billy or ever talked to the press, she’d lose a bundle of cash. Then Tony stepped in. He and Liz adopted Billy’s child, giving her a loving home. Cristal knows the truth. We’ve never lied to her.”

  He ran his finger down her cheek. “That’s the story. Cristal is an awesome kid. I want you, Carlos and Abby to meet her.”

  Her emotions, already sparked by Jack’s story, ignited under his lingering touch. “I’d love to know her.”

  “She’s grown up with the band’s kids. They ran in a pack when younger, but her best friend is Dougie’s youngest kid, who lives here in Charlotte.”

  Not all of the kids. Carlos never had that familiarity. Trust. Her lack of trust had deprived their son of a special life, filled with more than she could ever give him, and other kids to share his upscale life. Once again, she wished she could change her past choices.

  She squelched her guilt. “So what’s with Glynnis showing the same night as me?”

  Jack shrugged. “She shows up once or twice a tour. We put up with her because everyone loves Cristal. Not her fault she’s got a messed up birth mother.”

  “I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “The universe has plans, yeah, I remember. Destiny.” Jack’s fingertips grazed her jaw. “I know what I want fate to bring me tonight, and I hope you’ll join me.”

  She caught her breath. The temptation in his eyes was clear. She knew they’d been approaching this crossroads since their first meeting in Carlos’s office. A chill ran down her spine.

  “The suite has three bedrooms. I’m hoping we’ll only need two of them.” He played with the curls at her temple. “One for Abby and Carlos, and one for us.”

  She answered before her nerves kicked in further. “Yes. I’ll share your room.”

  His eyes darkened, He rubbed her lips with his thumb. “You will?”

  She nodded. “And your bed.”

  He replaced his thumb with his lips, his long fingers framing her face. His tongue thrust into her mouth, and hers met his in a wet tangle. She entered the heat and lost herself in the maelstrom Jack’s lips on hers created.

  They had moved halfway to madness when pounding on the door interrupted their increasingly heated kisses.

  Jack lifted his lips from hers and groaned. His head turned toward the door. “Go away,” he shouted. “I’m busy.”

  “You bet your ass you are,” Mitch said. “On stage. One minute.”

  “Shit.” Jack rested his hands on her shoulders, his forehead against hers. “You’re coming back to hear the rest of the show, aren’t you?”

  “You bet your fine butt I am.”

  Mitch pounded on the door. “Jack. Get out here.”

  “Coming.” He unfolded his length and stood, pulling her up beside him. His mouth to her ear he said, “Not coming yet, but I hope we will tonight.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  He ran his thumbs across her lips. “I love that stern professor look you get.”

  More pounding. “Jack. Now.”

  He slid his fingers into her hair and moved his lips over hers, sucking her tongue into his mouth. Then he brushed his palms over her breasts. Her nipples hardened. The kiss that followed robbed her breath.

  Jack pulled away, threw open the door and walked past Mitch. “Quit your bitching. You and I both know you roust me five minutes before I’m due back.”

  Mitch took in her tousled appearance. He shook his head and followed Jack.

  She smoothed her hair and ran a trembling hand down her wrinkled dress. Wow. She wasn’t sure whether to kick her own butt or celebrate. The die was cast, all right. In spades.

  Glynnis sauntered past and sneered while casting a practiced eye over Sally’s rumpled appearance. Sally noted however, that the woman moved to the opposite wings for the rest of the show. Good thing.

  A second set and multiple encores later, the band relaxed in the Green Room. Media were excluded, so the group, although large, had the camaraderie peculiar to a band and their crew.

  The caterer had replenished the food and drink. Sally still had no stomach for either, though everything on offer was top notch. She reflected that while Jack lived the high life, she was more comfortable with her quiet existence. She couldn’t
give Carlos what Jack could provide, but that was the point. Quality food and drink, limousines, fawning people, and notoriety wasn’t what she wanted for herself, but to deny Carlos the opportunity to decide how much of that he wished to experience wasn’t her responsibility, and hadn’t been for a long time.

  Jack’s heat warmed her side as they sat together on a couch. Her heart held doubts. Was she willing to give up her privacy yet exist in Jack’s shade? She wasn’t sure, but Jack cast a huge shadow. No one would notice her there. She gave herself a mental palm slap. Right. Like that would happen given the circumstances.

  Cristal perched on the sofa’s arm next to Jack.

  “Hi, Jack, who’s your friend?”

  “Cristal, meet Sally.”

  They leaned across Jack and shook hands. Sally immediately liked the young woman’s enthusiasm. She knew if she could see auras again, that hers would contain mostly joy.

  Cristal pointed to Carlos. “Who’s the dude? He looks like a young Jack but hotter.”

  Sally replied “doppelganger,” while Jack simultaneously said “tribute artist.” She nudged his ribs. He gave her an unrepentant smirk. “That’s my son,” Sally said. “I’d like you to meet him if you have a minute.”

  “He single?”

  “Nope, engaged. That’s his fiancée, Abby, next to him.”

  Cristal grinned. “Too bad. I like older dudes.”

  Jack hugged her waist. “You mean me, right? Your favorite uncle?”

  “Yeah, right,” she smirked. “So what’s the story with you two? I wondered because you’re sitting a little too close to each other for friend friends.” She pointed to Sally. “I figure I know who you really are, not that anyone is talking.”

  “No one but you, loud mouth.” Jack ruffled her hair.

  “Hey, I’m not a kid.” She rolled her eyes and smoothed her hair. She caught Sally’s eye. “Men.”

  They shared a grin. “We can count on you to keep our secret, right?” Sally asked.

  “Yep, I like your look. Classy. Not like some people I know.” Her glance moved to her birth mother, who stood across the room flirting with a roadie. She put her arm around Jack’s shoulders and hugged. Her head against his, she said, “I couldn’t say no to bringing Glynnis in tonight.”

  “You know I’m not angry about your plus one.”

  The young woman addressed Sally. “I saw her talking with you. I hope she didn’t give you a hard time.”

  “Never apologize for someone else’s actions, or for being compassionate. And she didn’t say anything I couldn’t handle,” Sally said.

  “I believe that. I’m glad you’re taking this old man on. You’re strong enough to bust his ego chops, and he needs a family.” She stood. “Guess I’ll go introduce myself to my almost brother.” She walked off, calling over shoulder. “Later, old fart.”

  Sally blinked. “Wow. She’s vibrant.”

  “Yep, like her dad. Both of them.” He fingered her curls. “Ready to leave for the hotel?” He faked a large yawn. “I’m ready for bed.”

  “If you’re going to crash, I’ll use that third bedroom.”

  He lowered his voice. “I’m not sleeping until we’ve had Smurf sex.”


  “I want to screw you until we’re blue in the face.” He lowered his voice. “I won’t quit until you’ve had multiple orgasms.”

  She struck a thoughtful pose. “Multiple, as in two?”

  He snorted. “Multiple as in personal best.”

  Her face heated. She knew he meant a night when they’d lost count. She’d avoided a bladder infection but walked stiffly for two days. “How are you planning to carry that off? Have you taken a little pill?”

  His forehead wrinkled. The corners of his lips turned down. “I don’t need pharmaceuticals to show you how I feel. We’ve got too many empty nights behind us for me to slack off now.”

  She put her hand on his arm. “Then why don’t we set a new personal best tonight and work on improving that number through time?”

  He drew in a sharp breath. “An excellent idea, Professor Ford. I think I’ll like being your student.”

  “Maybe not. I’m a tough grader.”

  “Then I’ll work harder.”

  “Are you two flirting?” Carlos stood before them, his arm around Abby.

  “No,” Sally said.

  “Yes,” replied Jack.

  Carlos looked at them each in turn. “I’d guess we’re about to leave for the hotel.”

  Jack and she spoke together. “You always were my smartest son.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mitch hustled up, his forehead dripping sweat. He pulled Jack to the side. “Jack, man I’m sorry.”

  Jack’s good mood faded. Whatever Mitch had to say had better not screw with his plans for a hotel bed with Sally. Sooner than later. “What’s wrong?”

  “The press, they’re waiting at the door.”

  His forehead wrinkled. “Why? We gave them interviews. They should be filing stories on the concert about now.” His stomach dropped. No, couldn’t be.

  “Somehow they found out about Carlos. And Sally. Security is keeping them from inside the building, but not the premises.”

  Damn. He glanced at his ex-wife. Her face held a worried expression, as if she knew a problem had arisen. “Shit. I should have listened to Sally.”

  “Hell, you shoulda listened to me, first,” Mitch said. “Always leave the past behind.”

  “Mitch, if I did that, I wouldn’t have any songs, much less a career.”

  “Yeah, there is that.” Mitch rubbed both hands over his wiry hair.

  “So, how are we handling this?”

  “My office will issue a statement in the morning. You can duck questions until then. Unless you want to hide out until we leave town without making a statement? Or I could schedule another press conference. Up to you, man.”

  “Those are my only options?”

  “Nah, you could talk to the media camped around the gates. They’re probably at the hotel, too.”

  “The options suck.”

  “Yeah, I know. First, get your family out of here. Security will take you out the front. No one will expect you to leave that way. Once you get to the suite, talk together. Decide how you want to handle the press. I’ll alert my office. They’ll act at your call.”

  “Thanks, Mitch.” He turned to go. “And Mitch?”


  “I want to know what dickweed leaked this. I don’t care who it is—I don’t ever want to see them around me, or my family, again. Got it?”

  “Already on it. I’m checking several leads.”

  “Knew I could count on you.”


  Sally suspected trouble brewed the instant she saw Jack and Mitch huddle. Their worried looks only underscored the intuitive messages that had screamed without stop for days.

  At a signal from Mitch, several security guards appeared in the doorway. They shepherded the small group to the front door. The guards checked the exterior then held open the building doors as a limo, followed by a large SUV, pulled around the corner at a quick pace. Hurrying to the curb, the group piled into the vehicles and sped off.

  “Geez, I feel like we’re in a spy flick. What the hell is going on?” Carlos asked.

  Jack flicked a glance at the driver. “We’ll talk in the suite.”

  Their ride to the hotel took short minutes. Once there, the security guards checked the area, then led them in through a back door held open by a man whose tag proclaimed him the night manager. From there it was a tense ride up the service elevator to their floor. Jack held a short, quiet conversation with the guards. He locked the door and turned to face them, his face gray and his posture slumped.

  “Someone figured out that Carlos is your son, didn’t they.” Sally wasn’t asking. She’d arrived at the obvious deduction during the ride.

  “Christ, nothing I do where you’re concerned is right, Carlos.” Jack
sank onto the couch. “Damned no matter which way I move.”

  Carlos sat next to his father, while Abby perched on the sofa arm. Sally admired the picture they made while choosing a seat across from them. Media attention was the last thing she’d wanted. Had they lived their lonely solo lives in vain?

  She moved to the coffee table in front of Jack and took his hands in hers. “Sweetie, how bad is it? Did Mitch say?”

  Jack shook his head. “Bad. A media horde at the arena doors and another waiting outside the hotel.” His Adam’s apple moved as he swallowed. “Must be a slow news day.”

  She tightened her grip on his hands. “Sure, this has nothing to do with you being a big freaking star who’s already been accused of fathering a daughter. Or the famous women you’ve been involved with in the past.” She snorted. “An until now unknown family of a rock megastar? Who the hell would care about that?”

  Jack grinned. “You always know how to put things into perspective.” His calloused thumbs caressed the backs of her hands. She felt herself slip into the familiar Jack vortex, where the world receded.

  “So are we captive here?” Her voice raised on the last word.

  “No, not at all, but if you want to stay for the show tomorrow night, I’d love for you to be there.”

  She pulled her hands from his. “Right. So the media can get another shot at Carlos.”

  “You could wear disguises. Carlos could dye his hair green. I think the hotel can provide the Jello, or is it Kool-Aid?”

  She didn’t ask how he knew about temporary hair coloring. “Sure, and we could wear latex masks, or dress like Kiss imitators. That’ll work.”

  “Mom, I think Dad feels bad enough. Let’s figure out where we go from here,” Carlos said.

  She rubbed her chest. Hearing Jack referred to as “Dad” by their son added another layer of emotion to the evening. Emotion she couldn’t and didn’t want to identify.

  Jack threw her a smile but spoke to Carlos. “Your mom and I always used humor and sarcasm to work out problems. I still do, in fact, remember our first conversation? I can handle her comments.” He fake punched Carlos in the shoulder. “But, thanks for sticking up for me.”


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