The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 11

by Theodora Lau

  Tiger children will express their feelings directly. You will have to put up with their strong opinions on how things should be run, as they will air their views passionately and without hesitation. They don’t like anyone to keep secrets from them, and they themselves are poor at keeping secrets.

  Since Tiger children don’t bottle up their emotions, you will know immediately when something is troubling them. Just be sure they are given enough outlets to release all that pent-up energy. Once they vent their anger, it dissipates and they are back to their old selves.

  If the Tiger’s assertiveness is unchecked, they could dominate their parents completely and turn into a dreadful brat. Tigers should be taught to hold their temper, listen to reason, and understand the value of compromise. But the little rebel won’t just take your word for it. They won’t be themselves if they don’t keep testing the boundaries and limits set for them. It will be no mean task making them toe the line. The earlier they realize who is boss, the better for them and everyone else around.

  However, if they are given the proper discipline, coupled with love, warmth, and loads of understanding, no other child will respond as spontaneously as the lovable Tiger. Life may not always run smoothly with them around, but it would be dull and empty without them. Having a Tiger child is a reward in itself.

  The Five Different Tigers

  Metal Tiger—1950, 2010

  The Metal Tiger is definitely not a reticent type. These Tigers are bound to be active, aggressive, and passionate. They may or may not be artistic, but they will certainly project a glamorous image and persona that will not go unnoticed. Self-centered and ostentatious, they are competitive and untiring workers when motivated in the right way.

  They approach their problems in a direct or even radical way and are never in doubt about what they want to accomplish. The problem is that they want too much too soon. They tend to be overoptimistic about expected results.

  The combination of Metal and Tiger could produce a person who is sudden, unorthodox, and drastic in their actions. These are people who are faithful only to themselves and their desires, and they don’t mind stepping on a few toes along the way. Easily stirred by both good and bad influences, these Tigers will tend to act independently, as they hate having to get permission for anything or having their freedom curtailed in any way.

  Water Tiger—1902, 1962, 2022

  An open-minded Tiger who is always inclined toward new ideas and experiences, the Water Tiger also has a gift for seeing things objectively. The Water element combined with their lunar sign gives them a calmer nature. They are humane, excellent judges of the truth, and exceptionally perceptive about the feelings of others. Their intuition and ability to communicate make them excellent candidates for public relations or other media work.

  This more realistic type of Tiger has their finger on the pulse of the people. They are adept at making deals, seldom make errors in judgment, and are often engaging speakers. Their mental abilities are above par, but like all Tigers, they sometimes waste precious time procrastinating. Still, they are less temperamental than other Tigers because they can control their impulsiveness and concentrate on long-term endeavors.

  Wood Tiger—1914, 1974, 2034

  This is a tolerant Tiger who evaluates situations in a practical and impartial light. They are democratic, love group action, and understand the importance of enlisting the cooperation of others in order to advance rapidly. They will attract a great many friends and supporters, as they can mingle with people from all walks of life. The corporate world, however, is this Tiger’s domain.

  The Wood element gives them a more even and affable disposition, and their charming, innovative personality is very conducive to group efforts. Wood Tigers are sought after in polite society, and they have a talent for bringing different types of people together. However, their loyalty is mostly to themselves. Because they’re able to look at things from a broad perspective, they are well aware that no one is indispensable.

  The Wood Tiger is also inclined to be the least penetrating of the Tigers. They may prefer to merely skim the surface of things, keeping only the semblance of order. Not as fierce or combative as other Tigers, they are good negotiators. Adept at delegating chores and skillful at commanding and manipulating people into performing their best, they will take on the minimum amount of responsibility possible. They take their hobbies and leisure time seriously, and they have many outside interests. Their lunar sign is not blessed with a great deal of self-discipline, so they should not take on more than they can handle. As with all Tigers, it will be hard for them to admit their limitations or readily take any criticism, no matter how constructive or kindly given.

  Fire Tiger—1926, 1986, 2046

  Because Fire Tigers find it difficult to contain their enthusiasm and boundless energy, they are always ready for action. They especially like going from one place to another to experience new thrills and discoveries. Transient by nature, they are primarily concerned with the here and now. Because they are so independent and unconventional, their moves are hard to predict. The only thing you can be sure of is that when they act, they will be dramatic and influential. Fire makes them even more expressive than they already are. These Tigers never fail to impress anyone they are after or to transmit their electric vitality to any project they decide to undertake.

  They seek constant outlets for their nervous energy and channel their ideas into forceful action. At times, they are downright theatrical. Generous to a fault, they will also display more leadership qualities than Tigers of the other elements. To these Tigers, everything they do is worthwhile and imperative, so don’t try to tell them otherwise. They are thoroughly optimistic and have no use for naysayers. But while they could be on top of the world one day, the next they could be down in the dumps.

  Brilliantly imposing, outspoken, and sensual, the Fire Tiger finds it hard to ever be impersonal about anything in his or her life.

  Earth Tiger—1938, 1998

  This Tiger possesses a quieter and more responsible nature. Warm and likable, they will tend to be practical and realistic in what they undertake. The achievable is what they are after. They will not jump to hasty conclusions or fly off the handle if they suspect somebody is trying to put one over on them. Concerned about others, they can be thoughtful, mature, and sensible in outlook.

  The Earth element steadies this type of Tiger by giving them a longer attention span, which enables them to work diligently and objectively on important matters without getting restless. Although they may be as brilliant and passionate as other Tigers, they are generally clear-headed and reasonable. They see issues in their true light and rarely allow their emotions to cloud their vision.

  These Tigers are apt to form relationships on the basis of usefulness. The Earth Tiger is an intellectual and is more of a worrier than a daredevil. They apply their knowledge and capabilities to areas they are familiar with and that will bring them the greatest reward. At times they can be overly proud, insensitive, and callous, especially when they are so wrapped up with their own concerns and cannot relate to anything outside their scope.

  The Earth Tiger is the least likely to choose an adventurous lifestyle, no matter what they may like others to believe. They are realists. First, they will make it to the top; then, when they have proven their genius to the world, they may indulge themselves in a radical, scandalous, or unconventional way, just to be different or maybe to be noticed, as all Tigers love to be. Nonetheless, they will always be serious about their work and career. Their native element makes them desire status and recognition acquired through their own merits.

  Compatibility and Conflict for the Tiger

  The Tiger is part of the Third Triangle of Affinity, a group of action-oriented signs who seek to serve humanity, promote universal understanding, and facilitate communication. The Tiger, Horse, and Dog are good at making personal contacts and will develop strong bonds with their fellow human beings. The signs in this trio relate well t
o each other and are basically honest, open, and motivated by idealism. Unorthodox at times but always honorable in intent, they act more on impulse than on premeditation, and they listen to their conscience rather than the dictates of convention. They will provide their own counsel and inspire others to action with their high-spirited and aggressive personalities. Extroverted and energetic, defiant in adversity, and relentless foes of injustice, they get along fabulously together.

  Triangle of Affinity for the Tiger

  The Tiger will encounter the most difficulties with the opposite sign in the Circle of Conflict, which in this case is the Monkey. Anyone whose ascendant is in the hours of the Tiger (birth time between 3 a.m. and 5 a.m.) will most likely also be incompatible with the Monkey native. The Tiger’s direction or compass point is east-northeast, while the Monkey is across from the Tiger at west-southwest. The Tiger rules the winter season, while the Monkey is active in the summer. The Tiger’s fixed element, Wood, is also in direct conflict with the Monkey’s fixed element of Metal. Tigers and Monkeys are both competitive but in altogether different ways, and these two signs are very sore losers. The Tiger has power and daring on their side, while the Monkey uses wits and guile to turn the tables on the Tiger. In their game, there can be no winners, as both will refuse to surrender. They work well or are in agreement only when dealing through experienced go-betweens who are well respected by both parties or if they happen to share a common ascendant.

  Circle of Conflict

  Aside from the totally compatible Horse and Dog, and the totally incompatible Monkey, the other nine signs are compatible with the Tiger to varying degrees.


  Rat and Tiger have few common interests, and to a large extent they may not care too much for each other’s company unless one has the other’s sign as an ascendant. If they have the same goals, they will have a cool to moderate relationship. There may also be many complications, as the Rat’s best friend is the Monkey, and the Tiger’s soul mate may be a Horse; and neither of these signs is much help when it comes to close friendships.


  Serious clashes of will and intense rivalry could result when Tiger and Ox do not see eye to eye. These two powerful personalities do not take defeat well and hate to accept second prize for anything. Unless they share the same ascendant, such as the Ox having a Tiger’s ascendant or the Tiger person having been born during the hours of the Ox, there will be conflict and misunderstanding. Strong tempers, strong wills, and a strong need to have their own way contribute to their incompatibility.


  Two Tigers are compatible to a certain degree. If they have similar backgrounds and relate to the same kinds of people, such as Horses and Dogs, they will get along fine. Otherwise, they will have reservations about each other and will be easily annoyed by each other’s petty habits. Neither one of them, of course, is willing to change. Their animosities are usually short-lived, however, and they can be friends if they can agree never to get mad at the same time. This is easier said than done with unpredictable Tigers.


  The lines of communication are not well connected between the Tiger and the Rabbit. The Tiger is too rash for the conservative and peace-loving Rabbit, who is often scandalized by the Tiger’s antics and hot temper. They will have sympathy for each other only when their ascendants are in harmony. Otherwise, they will not clash, but the diplomatic Rabbit may avoid the aggressive Tiger because the two do not share similar interests. Rabbits always watch their tongue; Tigers rarely do so.


  A Tiger-Dragon pairing may enjoy moderate success, because both signs are colorful, action-loving personalities who are basically sincere and well-intentioned. A shared idealism could unite them into a powerful team capable of bulldozing any opposition with their dynamic ways. Each may constantly struggle for dominance, but if the two of them can share the burdens and define their areas of expertise, they will achieve much together. Mutual respect and cooperation can only follow if they work hard to resolve their differences right from the beginning.


  The Tiger is suspicious of the quiet, introverted Snake and overreacts when confronted by them. The Snake is not sympathetic to the outspoken Tiger and feels threatened by the jungle cat’s often intimidating ways. Their relations range from cold to indifferent unless they share a common ascendant to bind them together. Conflict and misunderstanding arise because these two signs like to come to their own conclusions and, right or wrong, stick to them, especially if anyone dares question them.


  The Tiger finds a kindred spirit in the passionate Horse. Both animals possess a strong emotional compass when making decisions. Each animal thinks with the heart and makes decisions by instinct. The two animals like the process of introspection and enjoy the thrill of a challenge. Cut from the same cloth, both will seek out opportunities to learn more about the world as well as themselves. The Tiger and the Horse find a strong friendship, where each can depend on the other for support through good times and bad.


  There will be no outright confrontations or serious rivalry between these two. The Tiger could be protective of the Sheep, and the Sheep will give the Tiger lots of sympathy when a good listener is needed. Permanent and lasting relationships result when they share the same ascendant, move in the same circle of friends, or work in the same profession. Otherwise, the ties are cordial but not as strong as they may appear. Both these signs could be fair-weather friends and go their separate ways when times get tough.


  There exists a natural conflict between the Tiger and the Monkey. Call it a love-hate relationship, but the Tiger and Monkey like to spar one-on-one on a regular basis. The Tiger and the Monkey have much in common that only fans the flame. They are both fierce competitors who hate to admit defeat. The Monkey enjoys taunting the proud Tiger, and the Tiger’s ego cannot resist the temptation of a good challenge. For the most productive results, the Tiger and the Monkey should work through a common ally. Otherwise, they could be stuck in a competitive loop.


  The Tiger and the Rooster are alike in that they are both attracted to controversy and will take on hot issues. They will either be the best of friends or find each other very irritating, and it may depend on something as inconsequential as which day of the week it is. They are both drawn to the limelight and may fight for center stage. The Rooster is the perfectionist who cannot understand how the feisty Tiger can ad lib their way through life and be so popular. The Tiger, on the other hand, thinks the Rooster makes a mountain out of a molehill and will insist on viewing the big picture instead of concentrating on the details, as the Rooster prefers to do.


  The compatibility between the Tiger and the Dog stems from respect. The Dog appreciates the Tiger’s commitment to their loved ones and beliefs, and the Tiger appreciates the Dog’s moral compass and loyalty. The Tiger and Dog relationship is the partnership of two protectors. Both animals are fierce guardians of their loved ones and will not back down from a fight. While Tigers can charm their way into bending the rules with many animals in the Chinese cycle, they find that the Dog is not so easily sold. Funny thing is, that’s what earns the respect of the proud Tiger.


  Theirs will be a successful match. The Tiger and Boar are both outgoing and generous and are secure in each other’s company. The honest Boar is forgiving, and the Tiger is really not as bad as they like to pretend. They will find happiness in love and business. The Tiger will provide the ideas; the Boar will find the Tiger captivating and will offer their wholehearted support. However, since they both have large appetites and are passionate and impulsive, they need a mitigating influence in their lives or someone to tell them when enough is enough. Self-control is not one of their virtues.

  The Tiger and Its Ascendant Relationships

  We all have a shadow that follows us throughout life. Sometimes it grows bigger than life,
and at other times it shrinks until it disappears into the soles of our feet. Sometimes it walks tall before us, and on other occasions it lags behind like a sulking friend. In Chinese horoscopes, this constant partner, manifest or not, is our ascendant, the animal sign that rules the hour of our birth and becomes a comrade in our journey through life. We may view it as friend or foe, or even a little of both. It surfaces when we least expect and shows a better or worse side of our nature. We can often be confounded by the way we listen to our “other self,” and we can feel resentful of the significant influence it can exert on us. Actually, a personality has many rings around the center of the self, and each ring can have a different size, texture, and aura. When all these factors combine, they bring forth the unique individual that the person truly is.

  Hence, a Dragon with an incompatible ascendant, like the Dog, has perhaps a more difficult inner struggle than a Snake born during the hours of the Snake. The double intensity of the Snake person will be easily understood by horoscope readers, while the more intricate Dragon/Dog may exhibit the contrary Dog and Dragon traits to varying degrees. There are many voices within each person, but in the end, only the individual determines which course he or she will follow, which choices he or she will make.


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