The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 35

by Theodora Lau

  Like their equally humanitarian friend, the Tiger, Dogs seldom direct their wrath at someone personally. They will take you to task over a specific act or offense without hating you entirely or forever. Their anger is more of a bright flash. It could come without warning and may die as quickly, too. But it will always be a justifiable kind of anger, without malice, rancor, or jealousy. When all is said and done and proper reparations have been made, the Dog can bury the hatchet.

  Not all Dogs look for fights. It would be more apt to say the Dog person is a clear-eyed and open-minded observer who aims to preserve the social fabric and guard the interests of the general public. You will not find the Dog making senseless comments online or piling onto an argument for the entire community to see. Dogs are more likely to keep their thoughts to themselves or reach out privately to discuss something important to them. This is the way Dogs wish others would handle their business, so that is what they model as well.

  Once in a while, when the Dog decides to take up a cause he or she thinks is right, the Dog will emerge victorious. Fortunately, they don’t tend to champion bad causes because their ideals and morals are of the highest order. As the symbol of justice, Dogs are very serious about their self-imposed responsibilities. When the Dog speaks out and asks for support, you can trust that the cause is worthy.

  In general, Dogs are not materialistic. Nor are they ceremonious; they prefer plain talk. They usually see right through people’s motives anyway, so fancy language merely affects them the wrong way. They are natural lawyers and will listen to your case objectively. But don’t pry into their affairs or they will become secretive and withdrawn. The Dog was born with defense shields up. You will have to gain their confidence gradually and wait for them to warm up to you.

  The Dog is reputed to be cynical, but this is a callous generalization. Actually, it is more fitting to say that puppies are universally lovable and irresistible, young dogs are frisky and full of life, and only mature or old dogs earn the right to be the die-hard cynics of the Chinese zodiac. Staunch public defenders and members of the old guard must indeed belong to the elite Dog unit, getting bleary-eyed with disillusionment as the years go by but remaining ever faithful in rallying to the bugle’s call. Ranting in disgust about how low our morals have sunk, Dogs will still be found pitting their strength against the forces of evil and answering every S.O.S. that comes their way.

  Even as a young pup, the Dog will be able to spot the good guys and the bad guys. The Dog will want to be one of the good guys, of course. Whether they admit it or not, Dogs will have an inborn need to divide people into fixed categories. To the Dog, you are either a friend or a foe, a supporter or an opponent. They don’t allow any mousy grays or other shades of in-between colors. They have to know how to classify you before they can relax in your company. The Dog’s decision to trust or not trust you is often a final one. And if the Dog does suspect you, he or she may not be rude enough to come right out and accuse you without evidence, but you can be sure the Dog will be watching you. However, even snarling, barking, angry dogs have a good idea of how the legal system works and won’t come after you without a warrant. But when the Dog’s onto your scent and picks up your tracks, it will be difficult to shake him or her off.

  On the whole, Dogs are only violent when they are attacked on their home territory. They will work hard when they have to or want to; otherwise, they have a certain “lie by the fire” kind of laziness. Yet, while Dogs are tolerant and forgiving of their friends, they can be critical of and emotionally cold to people they dislike. Practical, fearless, and the owner of a very sharp tongue, the Dog person is highly realistic and outspoken. Dogs make good judges because they favor no one, not even themselves, in the final analysis.

  But while Dogs will be respected for their integrity, they will be loved for their warmth, charisma, and superb understanding of human nature. With their astute intelligence and noble character, they make good but sometimes reluctant leaders. People trust them and hold them in high esteem because of their sense of duty. Dogs are unemotional, altruistic leaders. But they are also prone to bouts of erratic and cantankerous behavior. This may be because the Dog is really an introvert at heart and hates having to function in a social and political arena.

  Dogs do not care much about money, but should they have desperate need for it, no one is better equipped to find it. In many cases, they will be born into a good family; if not, they will elevate themselves without shunning their family or hiding their humble origins.

  Although they put on a bright and cheerful appearance, Dogs are pessimists by nature. They tend to worry unnecessarily and will expect trouble to be lurking in every corner. But there are times when their predictions come true. It would be wise to note that people in both the East and the West believe that everyone needs a Dog at home to distinguish friend from foe and to warn of the approach of danger.

  You can trust the Dog to hand you the bad news with the good. In their matter-of-fact way, they may even be quite good at breaking sad tidings, especially to theatrical and overemotional people. It is not that they enjoy informing people of disaster, but it is against their nature to hedge or delay the inevitable. The Dog is a definite person who has a need to give you a definite answer. As for themselves, Dogs can face the hard facts of life, even when they are young and untried.

  When Dogs are in the right, they can be obstinate and unbending. It is hard to influence the unprejudiced Dog once his or her mind is made up. They will cut the opposition’s arguments to ribbons with their flawless logic and acid wit. Their bad temper and hot criticism can do a lot of damage, but they only resort to such tactics when they are getting nowhere with diplomacy and formal protests. Dogs may be pugnacious and quarrelsome, but they will take their fights into the open and rarely stoop to underhanded methods in order to win. They excel as lawyers, teachers, judges, doctors, captains of industry, missionaries, or in the military. The Dog is a person who can carry on revolutionary activities while holding pacifist views. Ethical and moralistic by nature, they will never want to change sides once they have made their choice and will go down with the ship rather than abandon it.

  The Dog will be a thoughtful and capable person who will be a simple dresser, preferring casual, serviceable clothing. Those with long hair will opt for a loose, flowing hairstyle that will frame their expressive face quite dramatically. Female dogs are known to have a warm, enduring beauty. Ava Gardner, Sophia Loren, Brigitte Bardot, and Cher are but a few of the glamorous examples of fabulous females born under this sign.

  A Dog’s home will most likely be a simple or traditional one. This sign is not typically motivated to impress others with appearances, so everything chosen will be something the Dog truly loves and not simply a passing trend. Dogs will choose comfort over flash any day of the week. They will be drawn to fabrics that are soft to the touch, which will keep Dogs and their family warm when the weather is unfriendly. The Dog’s home will be decidedly informal, where friends and family are comfortable to spend long hours and not worry about leaving a pillow out of place. This is what makes the Dog the most happy: creating a home of comfort and respite, where he or she doesn’t have to think.

  Dogs can become curt, impertinent, and impatient when they are crossed, but on the whole they are unaffected and attentive to the needs of others. They are cooperative, unprejudiced, and very good sports, and they will enjoy being active. Dancing, swimming, tennis, or any chance to be outdoors will delight the Dog. Dogs are real friends to their partners and children and will allow them enough freedom to express themselves and choose their own futures without being possessive or interfering.

  Although Dogs exhibit a fairly amiable disposition and have a ready smile for everyone, they like to form friendships slowly. You will have to come over to the Dog’s house for tea (a good sign of acceptance) and discover each other’s qualities in a leisurely manner. Compare likes and dislikes; exchange mutual oaths of loyalty. When the Dog’s sense of equilibrium is s
atisfied, you will get the royal stamp of approval. Henceforth, your name is engraved in gold in the Dog’s little black book under the heading “Friend” (they have another section for enemies), and when you call upon them, they will come to your rescue wherever they may be.

  Dog people are never without resources, and even when they do not have direct power, they will wield influence with important or decision-making people through their sound advice and remarkable insight. People lend Dogs their ears, and Dogs champion moderation in all things. Yet the Dog-born is the first to see and try to avoid the perils of being at the top of the power game; as a result, Dogs are often criticized for their lack of desire for fame and authority. Dogs keep their aspirations to themselves and are modestly prepared to serve others, if that is their duty, or else to be left alone to do whatever pleases them most. Moreover, they are not renowned for their patience and have the tendency to snap at others when irked.

  It will never be easy for Dogs to trust everyone profoundly, as the Boar does, but they do their best to bring out the good in their neighbors. Once you have gained a Dog’s allegiance, they will have complete faith in you and give you their undivided support. Try criticizing someone who is dear to the Dog, and you will be in for a very strong rebuttal. And while they will not go out and fall madly in love like the Horse or Tiger, they will be deeply attached to and affectionate with those they love. If you are looking for true companionship and fidelity throughout life, you can’t go wrong loving a Dog.

  Most people born under this sign are tough; they can endure a good deal of stress without cracking. The Dog’s stable mind makes him or her a good counselor, minister, or psychologist. During times of crisis, Dogs can suffer great hardships and deprivation without complaining. Dogs earnestly wish the world were a better place to live in, and they will not be afraid to go out and do something about it. Many saints and martyrs were born under the idealistic sign of the Dog.

  A Dog who is born at night is reputed to be more aggressive and high-strung than one born during the day. Dogs of all seasons will be well-provided for throughout their lives and will have need of little.

  Paradoxically, the Dog’s happiness may come from worrying about and protecting those he or she loves. Often putting their own wishes on hold, Dogs are always ready to sacrifice themselves for the good of others. Dogs are humanitarians deserving of the respect and love of those who know them.

  The Dog Child

  This child will be friendly, happy, and well-balanced. Cheerful and even-tempered, they expect little of others and can accept their parents and friends as they are. Open, confident, and loyal, they will perceive other people’s viewpoints with amazing clarity while still maintaining their own convictions and dignity. They will never allow themselves to be bullied and in all probability will put up a hefty fight with the neighborhood tyrant and win the respect of their peers.

  Sensible and fairly consistent, Dog children will get their schoolwork done without much trouble. They will be reasonable when asked to help around the house and will be protective toward younger family members.

  Playful and outgoing, they will insist on having a certain degree of independence. But the faithful Dog will never stray too far from home. These children will be known and liked for their sense of humor, warmth, and candid ways. When offended, the Dog child can turn rebellious, mean, and hypercritical. But their anger flares and subsides relatively quickly, and they return to his normal equilibrium. They will not keep a grudge for long and can forgive and forget readily once they feel you have listened to their grievance.

  When they are negative, Dogs are pugnacious, argumentative, caustic, and unbendingly opinionated. They are only liberal and fair-minded if not pushed too far. When they feel they have been taken undue advantage of, Dogs will retaliate bitterly and without any compassion. Once they start to fight, Dogs will not be open to discussion or negotiations anymore. It is better never to challenge this tolerant child to the point of no return. The unassuming Dog can erupt like a volcano.

  If Dog children are rejected or unappreciated, they could be lethargic, insensitive, cynical, or just indifferent to the wishes of their parents. If you compliment and encourage Dog children, they will flourish and reciprocate lavishly. They are basically cooperative, so there should be no need to cajole or threaten them in any way. Efficient and diplomatic, the Dog will exhibit a lack of prejudice or at least make a point never to show it. They are inclined to avoid scenes rather than create them. But with their conscience as their guide, you can be sure they will speak up if their rights are trampled. They hate to be taken advantage of or treated unfairly.

  It will be safe to give them responsibilities or take them into your confidence even at an early age. The trustworthy Dog will not like to be accused of having a loose tongue. They will guard a secret like a sacred trust.

  To sum up, Dogs will always defend what is theirs. They will have a strong sense of values, and to them home and family will come first.

  The Five Different Dogs

  Metal Dog—1910, 1970, 2030

  This type of Dog can be unwavering in their convictions and highly critical of every infraction of the law, according to their interpretation. However, their principles are the highest, and fundamentally they are noble and charitable. They will give themselves to a lifetime of selfless dedication if they find an object or cause worthy of their devotion. Yet they can be ruthless when aroused and will pursue their enemies until they are annihilated. However, at home they are loving, gentle, and sometimes overprotective.

  This lunar sign is governed by Metal, so the combination of Metal with the Dog produces a double Metal sign, which is extremely formidable. Tibetans call this combination the “Iron Dog” and look upon its year with considerable apprehension, as it could be either very good or very bad, depending on whether it takes on a negative or positive course.

  The stern and principled Metal Dogs will exercise strong mental discipline over themselves and take things very seriously, especially with regard to the affairs of the heart or their country.

  Their loyalty is unquestionable, and they have strong political views. Never one to be labeled as indecisive, they will pick a side and never desert their affiliation. Consequently, even though they hate injustice and foul play, this type of Dog can resort to extreme measures when they insist that others subscribe to their views.

  Water Dog—1922, 1982

  This intuitive type of Dog will be difficult to lead astray. They are likely to be very attractive. Water gives them more reflective qualities, and they will be sympathetic even to the views of the opposition. However, despite their pleasant personality and democratic stance, they do not always establish strong personal bonds with those close to them, and they are often too liberal when they should be firmer.

  More easygoing than other Dogs, they will tend to be lenient with themselves as well as with others, often indulging in self-gratification and adventurous sprees. But because their strong temperament will be toned down by the Water element, these Dogs are able to contain their emotions to an admirable degree and will present a calm and charming exterior. They project an impressive public image.

  A good counselor, a fair judge, and a legal-minded operator, the Water Dog will be fluid in expressing him- or herself, using psychological approaches that are hard to reject or refute. They are also fated to have a large circle of friends, and their company will be much sought after.

  Wood Dog—1934, 1994

  This is an enchanting, warm-hearted, even-tempered sort of Dog. In spite of their candor and wariness of strangers, they will form close and lasting relationships with those they choose to befriend and love. Honest, considerate, and well-liked, these Dogs seek intellectual stimulation and will work hard to develop themselves.

  Wood gives them a more stable and generous nature, and they will seek growth, balance, and beauty in their environment. They will also be attracted to money and success but will preserve themselves from too much materialism.
With an aptitude for dealing with vast numbers of people from all walks of life, they will act with maturity and common sense.

  The popular Wood Dog will gravitate toward refinement and social grace despite having hidden assertive qualities. Energetic and cooperative, they will like to deal in partnerships or ally themselves with the powerful.

  They are basically group-oriented and will be eager to please as many of their associates as possible. Thus, this type of Dog can sometimes be held back because they refuse to move without the sanction and backing of others. They must learn independence, even if it means rocking the boat on occasion.

  Fire Dog—1946, 2006

  These highly dramatic and attractive Dogs will be thrown into the limelight by their alluring yet friendly personality. They will be defiant and rebellious when forced to do something against their will, but they will be very popular with potential romantic partners. Although they may be the life of the party, they are careful to practice what they preach and will not be spoiled by success and fortune. Fire makes them very fierce when attacked, and they will only make threats they can carry out. This Dog’s bite is just as strong as his or her bark.

  The buoyant and self-assured Fire Dog has great magnetic charm and can convince others to follow his or her lead. Their independent spirit and courage prevents them from being afraid of getting involved with others. They will constantly thrill to new experiences and adventures. But they need a strong shining example to pattern themselves after. They will relate better to people older than themselves, those from whom they can learn a great deal, or those they can depend on to bring stability into their life.


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