The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 40

by Theodora Lau

  3 a.m. to 5 a.m. = Hours of the Tiger

  You are likely to be a daring, big-hearted, and athletic Boar, a fine performer, and an organizer. The dynamic and colorful Tiger makes you more lusty and passionate than most mortals. Both signs here are basically led by emotion, and this makes you easily influenced by others. The Boar may have huge appetites, while the Tiger ascendant loves to be in the center of things. You could be a commanding speaker or entertainer. Whatever you do, you tend to give to it your whole impressive self.

  5 a.m. to 7 a.m. = Hours of the Rabbit

  With the Rabbit as your ascendant, you are an easygoing but sagacious Boar who will not like to carry any more burdens than you have to. You are a great partier, too—but you also never forget to collect what is owed you. The prudent and practical Hare teaches your Boar self to be less trusting of others. Hence, you will not be easily led nor as obliging as others may want you to be. Artistic, diplomatic, and intuitive, you will always read the fine print before signing a document.

  7 a.m. to 9 a.m. = Hours of the Dragon

  You are a strong, dutiful Boar with an immense devotion to those you love. Your Dragon ascendant makes you think big, and you like to do things on a large scale and get everyone you know involved. Whether you sink or swim, you will have no lack of supporters. Both signs here are strong but innocent. You may carry things to the extreme and rely too much on your ability to rally people on behalf of worthy causes. If you have good advisers to guide you, you will be able to achieve many successes. If not, you may get carried away with your extreme optimism and enthusiasm.

  9 a.m. to 11 a.m. = Hours of the Snake

  With the intellectual Snake as your ascendant, you may be a calmer and more meditative Boar who will pursue your goals with more consistency. Here the ambitious Snake could relax your Boar scruples and make you go after what you want without so much self-imposed guilt. A more reserved and secretive Boar, you have an unshakeable self-confidence. But at times you could be very possessive and extravagant.

  11 a.m. to 1 p.m. = Hours of the Horse

  You are a Boar with more mettle for doing things that stir your imagination. With the spontaneous and self-assured Horse as your ascendant, you will be more outgoing and strong willed. For once, the Horse should be commended for making your Boar nature more selfish and inconsiderate in order to achieve personal profit and recognition. The Horse will want you to put yourself first, and the naive and good-hearted Boar will become a little more self-centered with the Horse directing the action.

  1 p.m. to 3 p.m. = Hours of the Sheep

  You may be a compassionate and sentimental Boar with the kindly Sheep in charge of your ascendant. Tremendously sociable and popular, you have a gift for relating to people and making them love and trust you. However, you may present an image that is too conciliatory and allow people to take advantage of you. You will work hard for others or be overly generous with your money and talent in other ways. If you view the world through rose-colored glasses, you could be disappointed. Your particular combination will attract parasites as well as influential supporters.

  3 p.m. to 5 p.m. = Hours of the Monkey

  You will be clever and conniving with the mischievous Monkey as your other self. Not likely to be tricked or taken advantage of, you will easily differentiate your friends from your foes. A Boar who conceals your ambitions under a friendly and sociable exterior, you know how to influence people with your inventive mind. The Monkey here will be able to maneuver and manipulate situations to your advantage. However, you may not be as generous and affectionate as you could be with the wily and calculating Monkey pulling your strings.

  5 p.m. to 7 p.m. = Hours of the Rooster

  With the Rooster as your ascendant, you are an unorthodox and studious Boar who has a definite opinion on everything under the sun, and who is full of good intentions and helpful advice. You perform splendid tasks for free and are absurdly tenacious and hardworking, even in unrewarding circumstances. The Rooster is efficient, though at times detached from the real purpose of many activities, while the Boar in you may be oblivious to your true worth. If the Rooster can be more resourceful and less competitive, your Boar half will be able to exploit your many positive qualities and bring people together to work as a team. You could be a tireless volunteer.

  7 p.m. to 9 p.m. = Hours of the Dog

  With the practical Dog as your ascendant, you could be a direct, logical, and less sensuous Boar, guided by the Dog’s sound judgment. Unable to tolerate deceit, you are less good-natured and forgiving than most Boars. With your innate strength of character, you are loyal, reliable, and giving—but always guarded. Tough and uncomplaining, you do your job without much fuss. You will find that people keep turning to you for help because of your common sense and altruism. Bold and passionate when challenged, you will love to champion unselfish causes that benefit the lives of others.

  9 p.m. to 11 p.m. = Hours of the Boar

  Having the same ascendant sign as your birth sign, you are a true Boar—a diamond in the rough. Once you have been cut and polished, you will blaze forth with the magnificence that is in you. The task is to uncover the real you. Despite your naturally boisterous and outgoing nature, you tend to hide your light under a bushel and come across as someone who is obliging and modest. All your fine qualities are intact and waiting to be discovered. But you are often too intent on pleasing other people and may shortchange yourself by putting aside your desires to attend to their wishes, which you regard as more important or urgent.

  When Moon Signs Meet Sun Signs

  In our interpretation of Chinese horoscopes, the first lunar sign, the Rat, is not linked with the first Western astrological sun sign, Aries. Instead, we pair the Rat with its Western counterpart based on the month and season of the Rat, which are December and winter. This makes the most sense, as the lunar month of December (also called the Twelfth Moon or the Twelfth Earth Branch) is supposed to parallel the sun sign, Sagittarius, the Archer. We envision the Eastern and Western horoscope cycles as two large wheels, each with twelve spokes. To correctly juxtapose these cycles, we must find the matching notch that will join them together. Once the Rat and Sagittarius are paired as the first signs, the other eleven signs of both systems fall into place.

  Following are the twelve Western solar signs, with descriptions of each sign’s effect on the Boar born under that sign.

  Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21

  Sagittarius Boar = Fire + Negative Water

  This combination produces a candidate for the good citizen award, a person with considerable humor and large appetites. Both signs here are noble but naive, although Archers can be more blunt when declaring their wishes. Jupiter’s bounty and the Boar’s luck are heaped together on this subject because of his or her trusting and uncalculating nature. One can count on Sagittarian Boars to share their last cent with a friend. Neither sign succumbs to despair easily, so this person will be made of sturdy stuff, perhaps even a bit thick-skinned. Yet when they achieve success, they won’t hoard their money. They will dole it out, and somehow everyone will benefit from their good fortune.

  Capricorn: December 22 to January 20

  Capricorn Boar = Earth + Negative Water

  This is a tough but cautious Boar with towering ambitions who makes a slow but steady climb all the way to the top of the mountain. Both solar and lunar signs here do not fear facing obstacles, although this conservative person has great respect for the wishes of others. Punctilious and hardworking, the Capricorn Boar will have the Pig’s good faith and the Goat’s “better safe than sorry” mentality—no pie-in-the-sky dreams for this conscientious worker. The Capricorn Boar upholds tradition with pride and does not skirt responsibility when rules have to be enforced.

  Aquarius: January 21 to February 19

  Aquarius Boar = Air + Negative Water

  The Boar is amorous by nature and has considerable strength of character. Joined with an Aquarian, this native can be candid, rec
kless, defiant, and definitely a personality who will stir one’s imagination. This Boar’s didactic qualities could be well-masked behind that boisterous exterior. A trend-setter, he or she is never content to play a fixed role. This sign either makes delightful ripples or strong, splashing waves, but they will certainly like to keep on the move and be progressive and ambitious. When the Water Bearer’s broad outlook is joined to the Boar’s spirit of cooperation and brotherhood, the result is a person who is happy, prosperous, and popular in spite of any shortcomings.

  Pisces: February 20 to March 20

  Pisces Boar = Water + Negative Water

  The Fish has the essential instincts for survival and a quiet confidence in his or her ability to comprehend the human mind. The Boar has vast reserves of energy and a positive mental attitude that makes everything possible. A combination of these two signs could produce effective and harmonious results if each plays his or her part well. Both Boar and Fish seem always able to find support when they need it, and somehow the Pisces Boar will muddle through with unbelievable success. They are totally devoted to their loved ones and lavish affection upon them, but along with their worthy friends, there will be the unworthy who take advantage of the Pisces Boar’s goodness. However, confrontation is not the Boar’s cup of tea. They treasure their personal relationships, and should matters come to a head, they prefer to settle out of court.

  Aries: March 21 to April 19

  Aries Boar = Fire + Negative Water

  Sunny optimism and passion are the key words for this energetic combination. Here the Boar’s easygoing nature could override that famous Aries temper and directness. Naturally, they will be concerned with everyone’s welfare and will have the interests of the majority at heart. Both signs are robust, rowdy, and given to free and generous displays of affection. The result is an unselfish but strong-minded personality, rich in raw sex appeal and expendable energy. Sturdy and magnanimous, the Aries Boar is a veritable pillar of strength.

  Taurus: April 20 to May 20

  Taurus Boar = Earth + Negative Water

  Solidly reliable, Taurean Boars can be as impregnable as a fortress when they want to be. But most of the time, they are affable folks with large and lusty appetites. A person of this combination will do everything with mucho gusto, as both solar and lunar signs here are remarkably sensual and healthy. Patient and conscientious, the Taurean Boar will be a genuine friend and confidant. This combination produces a Bull who is more cooperative and a Boar who is favored with people skills and perseverance.

  Gemini: May 21 to June 21

  Gemini Boar = Air + Negative Water

  The Twins’ whirlwind activities will sometimes leave the poor Boar somewhat lightheaded. But while the generous Boar invests goodwill and honesty in this bargain, Mercury will provide initiative, stimuli, and quick thinking. The Gemini Boar will be a sociable and very popular problem solver. They see the whole picture with scientific clarity, yet they never ignore humane aspects in their final considerations. They will want life to be varied and are at their best where there is a frequent change of scenery. A good sport and an athletic person, they won’t let any grass grow under their feet.

  Cancer: June 22 to July 21

  Cancer Boar = Water + Negative Water

  The two signs in this combination are emotional and given to the pursuit of physical pleasure and luxury. The Boar is highly sexed and easily dissipated by overindulgence; the Crab, while more aesthetic in outlook, is constructive only when they can relinquish their hold on things no longer essential to them—and unfortunately, they tend to be possessive and soemetimes melodramatic. Both Crab and Boar have lovingly generous natures and are very impressionable. But then, while the Moonchild votes for quality and stability, the Boar is in favor of quantity and rapid progress. If the positive qualities of both solar and lunar signs can be joined together here, this personality will no doubt find love, wealth, and contentment.

  Leo: July 22 to August 21

  Leo Boar = Fire + Negative Water

  This gregarious Boar has a refreshingly natural sense of humor and some excesses to boot. Gifted with irrepressible vitality, the Leo Boar will do everything with zest and will relish hard work compounded by equally hard play. They will lead the crowd when it comes to partying and looking for adventure. Because their emotions are usually expressed in red-hot tones, they are dramatic and could claim the theater as their favorite habitat. This personality is most unselfish and never hypocritical, and they will have a childlike faith that brings out the best in the people they deal with. But watch out: they could also be big spenders who do not believe in saving for that rainy day.

  Virgo: August 22 to September 22

  Virgo Boar = Earth + Negative Water

  The sensual and generous Boar should redeem the Virgo personality from too much intense or monotonous work. Yet the cautious Virgin’s deep intellectual qualities could assist the trusting Boar in making sound decisions. Virgo Boars commit themselves less willingly despite their modest and kind appearance. They examine all the pros and cons before making any decision and are hard to fool or mislead, as they are very prudent. This Boar is astute and knowledgeable, a reliable soul who is able to identify with the group while remaining sensibly true to his or her convictions. Here Virgo’s fine fiscal aptitude is joined to the Boar’s incredible luck.

  Libra: September 23 to October 22

  Libra Boar = Air + Negative Water

  Two agreeable signs unite here to form a very magnanimous and unselfish person. Sensitive and artistic Libra is given the Boar’s sustaining stamina and noble character. The Libran Boar will not only be gentle and tolerant but very much alive when it comes to sensuality. However, their patient and faithful exterior may conceal inner ambitions and secret aspirations that are difficult to guess. Libra always wants to take the middle of the road, while the Boar is a social animal with an immense capacity to help others. Rich and mellow like good red wine, this is a loving, sentimental, and constant native. Who could ask for more?

  Scorpio: October 23 to November 21

  Scorpio Boar = Water + Negative Water

  Lavish with their affections but very much set on gratifying their own wishes first, this hefty Boar is his or her own person. Aggressive and power-conscious, they will pursue their ambitions unabashedly. Still, this crafty and intuitive Boar knows how and when to compromise, though often it turns out to be at the expense of others. Despite their outward generosity, the intense and passionate Boar can be relentless when it comes to getting their rights. As a result, they are capable of great endurance and sacrifice when called upon to do so. They also see no lack of admirers queuing up for the pleasure of their company. But do watch for that vengeful streak.

  The Seasons of the Boar


  Boars born during the spring are active, outgoing, and highly communicative. They are gifted with childlike innocence and will radiate goodwill, refusing to believe the bad in people even when they have to suffer injustice and persecution. Their faith is often rewarded, however, and these Boar people are well regarded and cared for by those they love. Confident of their own abilities, they gravitate toward teamwork and community service. They are traditional in outlook, although they may have extravagant tastes, and they tend to indulge when given the opportunity. Sincere, honest, and scrupulous in their dealings, they must protect themselves against exploitation by linking up with powerful people who will shield them.


  The boisterous Boars of summer are quite a crowd to reckon with. Amorous, aggressive, and sometimes given to excess, they can overwhelm the ordinary person with their immense zest for life and love. Their rich, earthy personalities and inclinations ensure that they will be uninhibited about getting involved in things. Summer Boars wear their hearts on their sleeves and will fly their flags high when they support some cause or team. They can always be found in the center of a crowd, promoting something with a passion. The rowdy summer Boars will not like to do
things by half measures and will therefore follow their dreams with an awesome devotion. On the domestic and romantic fronts, they will be generous to, but possessive of, their loved ones.


  Boars born in the fall will value their security and will tend to worry and feel guilty about a great number of things. They have long wish lists but shun risks and danger, so consequently they may hesitate or wait too long to take positive action. However, they are sturdy, reliable, and sincere; they do not like to mislead or take advantage of others. Boars of this season born during the day are bound to be more outgoing and outspoken than Boars born in the quiet of the night. The evening boars of autumn will have a life of ease, while daytime boars must fight and assert themselves. They prefer to go with the majority instead of striking out on their own. Fall Boars dedicate themselves to fixed goals and do not like too much adventure or sudden changes in their lifestyles.


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