The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition)

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The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes (40th Anniversary Edition) Page 47

by Theodora Lau

  Rooster + Monkey

  These two ambitious, materialistic, and similarly powerful personalities may clash more often than they cooperate, unless the attraction is irresistible. The Monkey likes to get things done with a minimum of fuss and supervision, taking pride in his or her ingenuity and innate capabilities. The Rooster is efficient and fastidious but prone to play devil’s advocate and pick on the Monkey’s imperfections. As a result, they try each other’s patience and endurance. However, the Monkey has the annoying habit of grabbing what he or she wants and hanging on to it, oblivious of how others may feel. The Rooster is too rigorous and exacting to let the Monkey get away with this. The Monkey is not amused by the Rooster’s skillful and parsimonious ways, nor is the Monkey impressed with the Rooster’s high level of debate. With equally impressive rhetorical skill, the Monkey will enjoy provoking the Rooster. These two definitely tend to rub each other the wrong way, and they will only cooperate when the inducement to do so is too good to pass up.

  Rooster + Rooster

  This match could provoke an unhealthy “holier than thou” competition between these two aggressively virtuous personalities. Both are peevish and often obsessed with their own views, and they will not pay much heed to the other’s opinions. However, they are duty-oriented and have conscientious and responsible natures. Who knows; they may be able to relinquish some of their demanding ways to achieve common goals. Then again, both are argumentative and opinionated, and there may be endless discussions before they sign a peace treaty or agree to call a truce.

  Rooster + Dog

  Both parties here have fine minds, value their integrity, and are self-assured. However, both are also very outspoken. With such sharp tongues, each of these could hurt the other quite painfully. Discriminating and forthright, these souls may be easily displeased with each other’s faults. Normally, they strive hard to be agreeable, but this match could bring out their most offensive traits, making them willful and uncompromising. Both are too quick to retaliate when challenged and can be fierce fighters. The Dog is pleasant and easygoing only as long as you keep out of the Dog’s hair. The Rooster is virtuous and equally sincere in his or her efforts but has too rigid an outlook to suit the Dog. A workable relationship is possible only if one of them is unselfish and sensible enough to induce the other to lay down arms.

  Rooster + Boar

  If both parties make the proper concessions, this could turn out to be a feasible match. There will be areas of disagreement, but both have the capacity to work out differences if they admire the other enough. The Boar is prone to naiveté and easily imposed on by others, and the Boar therefore may have need of the Rooster’s sharp faculties. Nevertheless, the Boar may be too passionate and warm for the analytical and mentally inclined Rooster; the Rooster is too argumentative and knowledgeable to follow or love blindly. However, on the positive side, neither is too thin-skinned, and criticism will affect them like water running off a duck’s back. The honest and accommodating Boar has a true need for the Rooster’s diligent and critical mind. Although the Rooster is capable and self-confident, the Rooster will need the affable Boar’s diplomacy and reliability. This is a partnership where if each person sees the strength of the other, the two could learn and benefit a great deal.

  The Dog’s Relationships

  Dog + Rat

  This union could develop fairly well if the parties have strong mutual interests. Both are sensible and outgoing and could find contentment because of the lack of friction in this marriage. The Rat may be more affectionate and thrifty, but the Dog is reasonably easygoing and tactful enough to avoid bickering about unimportant issues. Both will try to give each other enough breathing space to ensure freedom of expression and movement. However, their peace-loving ways present the danger that they may both do too much compromising to challenge each other’s growth. Without some friction, they may end up with a bland relationship where one may lose interest.

  Dog + Ox

  Both are faithful and loyal and will take their relationship duties seriously. However, difficulties could arise from the Ox’s overbearing attitude and rigid opinions. The Dog prefers free speech and equality and may not humor the narrow-minded Ox for too long. The Ox, on the other hand, may resent the Dog’s overdirect and outspoken ways; the Ox can nurse grievances for a long time. They both denounce pettiness and injustice but are sometimes guilty of these faults themselves. The Ox looks for money and prestige, and abhors dependency. The Dog is generous, open-minded, and a loyal ally. But the Ox could be too spartan and domineering for this friendly and communicative animal. The Dog will be tough, outspoken, and antagonistic should the Ox push too hard. The Ox could be too rigid and aloof for the Dog’s tastes. Meanwhile, the Dog’s questioning mind and cynical logic may be hard for the Ox to swallow. To work, this relationship needs a lot of understanding and compromise from both animals.

  Dog + Tiger

  This is an ideal marriage of two charming, attractive, and humanitarian signs. Both are idealistic by nature. The Tiger is passionate and animated. The Dog is loyal, understanding, and helpful. While the Tiger is impulsive and impatient, the Dog is logical and clear-headed enough to give advice without getting personal. The Dog can be more objective and logical than the animated but hotheaded Tiger. The Tiger admires and respects the Dog’s loyalty and good sense. As a result, the Dog’s diplomacy and objectivity will persuade the Tiger to see reason without touching any sensitive spots. The Tiger, on the other hand, is demonstrative, affectionate, and honest, which the Dog likes, and the Tiger’s sanguine disposition could liven up any relationship. As a result, these two will feel completely at ease with each other. This admirably well-suited match should enhance this couple’s unpretentious and generous personalities, bringing out the best in both of them. The fact that each is warm and responsive to the other’s needs without invading privacy guarantees a very satisfactory relationship.

  Dog + Rabbit

  This will be a good and enduring match. The Rabbit is imaginative, charming, and diplomatic. The Dog is straightforward and agreeable in manner. Both enjoy honest fun and entertainment but will prefer activities that have a useful purpose. They have innately cooperative spirits and will allow each other a fair degree of independence and assertiveness. The Rabbit has a strong need for comfort and luxury, while the Dog is less materialistic and more understanding. The Dog will be loyal and affectionate to the Rabbit even when the Rabbit feels indifferent and moody. The Dog admires the Rabbit’s suave and diplomatic ways, and the Rabbit can rely on the Dog’s support and logical assessment of situations. The Dog is the more positive of the two and will encourage the Rabbit, even when the Rabbit is depressed. It helps that the Rabbit is always considerate and sensitive enough to know what is bothering him or her. Both will have little difficulty in putting up with each other’s peculiarities. This union should bring out the best in each partner.

  Dog + Dragon

  Many disputes will ensue because of the wide gap in this duo’s basic temperaments. Both are aggressive and forceful but in different ways. The Dragon loves freedom and will act independently, while the Dog demands cooperation and unflagging loyalty. Subconsciously, each may be trying to attain the attributes of the other that he or she lacks. However, they don’t have the first idea of how to go about it. Both signs are proud and willful when challenged. Neither will want to give in easily or lose face. The Dog thrives on cooperation and may resent the Dragon’s audacious, high-handed, overpowering tactics. The Dragon may find the Dog taciturn and erratic if the Dragon pushes the Dog too much; the Dog has a reputation for being pugnacious and acidly sharp when hurt. A great many adjustments are needed in order for this relationship to work, perhaps too many.

  Dog + Snake

  The Dog is level-headed and open-minded but may still be puzzled by the Snake’s mystique. The Snake is inclined toward more sophistication and luxury than the unmaterialistic Dog can endure. Both lack the proper understanding to ever be totally enchant
ed with each other’s personality, but they may be realistic enough to have an amicable life together if each can accept the other for what he or she is. The Snake is power-hungry, cool, and deliberate in his or her actions. The Dog is affectionate, loyal, and fair. They may have a mutual admiration for each other, but the Dog will support the Snake only to the extent that his or her principles allow. The Snake expects total commitment and adheres to the belief that the end justifies the means. Both have strong convictions. They may clash if the Dog finds the Snake straying from the righteous path. The Snake feels one must make hay while the sun shines and cannot understand why the Dog’s conscience is so easily offended. The Dog is not materialistic and cannot comprehend the Snake’s fascination with wealth and power. Their disapproval of some of each other’s ways may drive a wedge between them.

  Dog + Horse

  This will be a happy and fruitful match, as these two people have a sound understanding of each other’s needs and deficiencies. Both are animated and demonstrative people who may find real joy in their union. The Dog is loyal, honest, and sincere, and the Dog will pay attention to the Horse’s excellent intuition. The Dog will be impressed by the Horse’s intelligent, high-spirited, and perceptive ways, while the Horse loves the Dog’s sense of humor, reason, and logic. The Dog is realistic enough to understand and accept the Horse’s shortcomings. The Horse, in turn, will not take offense at the Dog’s curt but observant and straightforward manner. The Dog is honorable and intelligent enough to work well with the capable Horse. The Horse admires the Dog’s keen sense of timing and strategy. These two will both get the cooperation they seek and still be able to enjoy the degree of individualism and independence they require to be fulfilled.

  Dog + Sheep

  This relationship will probably not work because these two communication styles will grow to wear on each other’s nerves. The Sheep needs a lot of compassion and support to be able to put his or her best foot forward. But the wistful ways of the sentimental Sheep will only irritate the logical Dog, who will be more curt and impatient than sympathetic. The Sheep is tolerant and unselfish when handled correctly, but in this case the Sheep may become withdrawn and dejected in response to the Dog’s hardy and direct manner. In the final analysis, both may find that they have too little in common to bear the strain of their very different personalities. There is not much congeniality to go around, as each tends to bring out the other’s negative traits.

  Dog + Monkey

  This can be a workable and fairly positive match if these partners are generous and forgiving enough to discount each other’s frailties. The Monkey will admire the Dog for his or her sensible approach and logical outlook; no one appreciates the value of intelligence more than Monkey does. The Dog, on the other hand, sees the Monkey as a capable go-getter and will bask in the Monkey’s witty and charming personality. The Monkey is the more materialistic of the two, with the Dog being the more idealistic. The Monkey values tangible wealth, while the Dog puts principles first. Should the Dog have the more successful career of the couple, the Monkey will struggle with his or her big ego. Nevertheless, with the necessary compromises, the two can contentedly travel right down the middle of the road.

  Dog + Rooster

  Both parties here have fine minds, value their integrity, and are self-assured. However, both are also very outspoken. With such sharp tongues, each of these could hurt the other quite painfully. Discriminating and forthright, these souls may be easily displeased with each other’s faults. Normally, they strive hard to be agreeable, but this match could bring out their most offensive traits, making them willful and uncompromising. Both are too quick to retaliate when challenged and can be fierce fighters. The Dog is pleasant and easygoing only as long as you keep out of the Dog’s hair. The Rooster is virtuous and equally sincere in his or her efforts but has too rigid an outlook to suit the Dog. A workable relationship is possible only if one of them is unselfish and sensible enough to induce the other to lay down arms.

  Dog + Dog

  These two are reasonably compatible. After all, they have the same warm and stable nature, although the females of the species may be more outspoken and critical. This idealistic and conscientious Dog couple will seek and value each other’s opinions. Dogs are conformists when it comes to romantic relationships and will perform well when they desire harmony and equality at home. There should be no major problems in this union provided they consult and respect each other. This couple should always make joint decisions, as neither can tolerate being left out.

  Dog + Boar

  These two will enjoy a kind and agreeable relationship despite their differing attitudes toward life. Both are robust, open, and honest, and they like doing their best whenever possible. However, the Dog can be aggressive and will not withhold criticism if the Boar is too self-indulgent or lax in his or her duties. The Dog is less outwardly passionate than the Boar and may lack understanding of the party animal’s large appetites and sensuality. Still, they may be able to find a common ground for cooperation. The Dog has more insight than the Boar and will always be loyal. And the Boar is tolerant and generous enough to forgive the Dog’s peculiarities. These two are not averse to mutual concessions and will share whatever they have with each other. Their partnership will be happy because neither will need to harp on the other’s weaknesses.

  The Boar’s Relationships

  Boar + Rat

  Both have a great zest for life. They will find each other attractive physically as well as mentally. Outgoing, sociable, and energetic, this couple will probably center their life around their home, friends and mutual interests, all of which will include a good deal of entertaining. This couple will be drawn to active pursuits and will have definite ideas about their involvements. The Rat could be the more sensitive and prudent of the two, while the Boar is positive but too conciliatory at times for his or her own good. If the Boar listens to the Rat’s wise counsel, this relationship may have staying power. However, if neither one can lead on discipline, they may just push their luck too far and fizzle out.

  Boar + Ox

  These two have the potential to make the best of each other’s outstanding qualities. The Ox is serious, well-mannered, and success-oriented, while the Boar is patient, self-sacrificing, and devoted. The Ox is hard-working, and the Boar is trusting enough to provide support and encouragement every step of the way. The Boar’s tastes may be more extravagant than the Ox’s, and the Boar will most likely be more sensual and demonstrative than the Ox. If motivated, the Boar will understand what the Ox needs and will lavish enough care to help make the Ox less reticent and stubborn. As a rule the Boar is warm, generous, and understanding, but the Ox may shy away from the animal’s love of extravagance and passionate ways. The Ox’s predilection for hard work and constant security and self-discipline may unnerve the Boar. The Boar is a jovial, gregarious, and open person who works toward leisure as a goal. Meanwhile, the Ox frequently gets lost in work as a joy in itself. If these two do not find common ground, their initial friction will discourage any lasting friendship.

  Boar + Tiger

  This will be a warm and gratifying union, as each side has a strong desire to please the other. Dedicated and inspired, they will work more energetically for the goals of others than for their own. They will make a happy team. The Boar will be tirelessly devoted to the idealistic pursuits of the Tiger, who admires the Boar’s courage and stamina. They are both sensual, uninhibited, and passionate in love. Both are affectionate, dynamic, and progressive in their basic attitude and will nicely complement each other. Both can brush aside little differences and will enjoy journeying through life hand in hand. The Boar is kind and understanding enough to cope with the unpredictable moods of the Tiger. Tigers are usually repentant for their outbursts when met with opposition, and the Boar’s good humor and compassionate ways will bring out the best in the Tiger, helping the Tiger become more compliant as well. The Boar may even bring out a more indulgent side to the Tiger, inspire
d by the animal’s natural taste for luxury.

  Boar + Rabbit

  These two will find each other interesting and sympathetic. The Rabbit is talented and astute and can negotiate his or her way out of trouble. Because the Boar admires the Rabbit’s poise and refined ways, the Boar will meet the Rabbit more than halfway. The Boar’s courage and dedication please the quiet and well-mannered Rabbit. The Rabbit is sagacious, resilient, and subtle, and the Rabbit will impart some of his or her astuteness to the Boar without the Boar noticing. The Boar finds the Rabbit kind and cautious and will lavish the Rabbit with affection and the luxuries that the Rabbit likes. The Boar is selfless enough not to seek more than the Rabbit can give, and the Rabbit will be happy to be the object of the Boar’s attentions and generosity. The Boar is dependable, generous, and naturally cooperative. The Rabbit will be touched by the Boar’s devotion and unselfishness. Neither of them is given to finding fault; rather, they will be content to count their blessings, especially in such a rewarding union.


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