The Prince's Royal Dilemma

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The Prince's Royal Dilemma Page 12

by Brenda Harlen

  He’d dated a lot of beautiful women in the past few weeks, but none who lingered in his mind or stirred his blood. None who made him want as she did.

  And he did want her. Even before he’d looked up to find her in the doorway, he’d been thinking about her, as he so often found himself doing these days. Then suddenly she was there, and his heart had actually skipped a beat.

  He’d always thought she was beautiful. But tonight—Mi Dios—she was breathtaking. It wasn’t the gown, though the dress looked as if it had been made for her. The bronze color highlighted the creamy tone of her skin, while the neckline was low enough to entice, the slit up the side high enough to tantalize. And the shimmery fabric caressed her curves as he dreamed of doing.

  But for now, he was content just to kiss her. He felt as if he could drown in the sweet flavor of her lips, the warm softness of her embrace, and when her lips parted and her tongue touched his, he wanted only to go on kissing her forever.

  Unfortunately, the sound of footsteps in the hall put an end to that fantasy, and he reluctantly eased his lips from hers.

  “Miss Chantal St. Laurent is here, Your Highness.”

  If the butler was aware that he’d interrupted something, he certainly gave no indication of it.

  “She’s waiting in the parlor,” he continued.

  “Thank you, Antonio.”

  He bowed, then backed out of the room, leaving them alone again.

  Lara turned away and plucked a tissue from the box on the table, then handed it to him. “You’ll want to wipe off that lipstick before you greet your guest.”


  “I promised to check on Lexi and Damon before I left,” she interrupted. “I need to do that now, or I’m going to be late.”

  He could order her to stay, but he wasn’t sure what he’d intended to say. He didn’t have the words to express the feelings that were churning inside, and even if he did, what difference could they make? He’d already taken more from her than he had any right to take. Besides, Chantal was waiting.

  “I’ll see you later, then,” he finally said, and let her go.

  Luke had outdone himself with respect to the gala. Whether it was simply his talent for putting on a show or his confidence in Tanis’s work, every piece was spectacularly displayed.

  Lara spent a few minutes talking to her friend and admiring the ring Luke had put on her finger only a few hours earlier—because he wanted her to be assured that he’d fallen in love with her before she proved to be a huge success. Then Lara let Tanis mingle with other guests while she took a quick tour through the exhibit and tried not to envy her best friend the success and happiness she so deserved.

  Later she would wonder if it was her preoccupation with Tanis’s upcoming wedding that distracted her from watching the clock or the rumbling of her stomach when the waiters started to circulate with hors d’oeuvres, but whatever her reasons, she didn’t manage to escape from the gallery before the prince and his date showed up.

  She couldn’t have missed Rowan’s entrance if she wanted to. The excited whispers that raced through the crowd and the flurry of flashbulbs that winked in the muted light attested to the fact that the prince regent had arrived. And the stunning woman who walked in with him was as accustomed to the media spotlight as any member of the royal family.

  Chantal St. Laurent wasn’t just the image of Divine Cosmetics, she was the face that had graced more magazine covers than any other in the past two years. She was twenty-two years old with big blue eyes, pouty lips and a figure that made men stop in their tracks.

  As Lara watched the model make her way through the crowd, she couldn’t help but envy her—not for her beauty or reputation but for the fact that she was with the prince tonight.

  She’d given up trying to sort out her feelings for Rowan. Her emotions were too much of a tangle. She respected and admired the prince, and she’d grown to care deeply about the man behind the crown. But it hurt, more than a little, that he could kiss her as he had in the library, then carry on with his evening in the company of another woman as if the kiss had never happened.

  Or maybe it had simply meant more to her than it had to him. Maybe the kiss hadn’t been anything special. Maybe he’d kissed a hundred women just like that before and would kiss Chantal St. Laurent the same way later tonight.

  Yes, Rowan might desire her, but he would never love her as she was starting to love him, and he could certainly never marry a palace employee. That thought was just the jolt of reality she needed to remember that she had no business dreaming of princes or fairy tales.

  Then she turned, and he was there.

  He smiled, and her heart pounded.

  “Your friend is very talented,” Rowan noted.

  “Yes, she is,” Lara agreed, relieved that her voice remained strong though everything inside her was weak. “But she’ll be pleased to know that you think so.”

  “Has she forgiven me yet for trying to replace you as the royal nanny?”

  “She might, after tonight. Your appearance here, and with Chantal St. Laurent, is certain to generate even more publicity for her show.” She stepped away from him, all too conscious of his nearness as the eyes of all other patrons followed him around the room. “Where is your date, anyway?”


  She lifted her eyebrows at his vague response.

  “Shouldn’t you be with her—you know, dating?”

  “She doesn’t need me to hold her hand every minute,” he said.

  Across the room Chantal was looking at them, rather than the art on display, and the narrow-eyed gaze she focused on Lara was anything but pleasant. “You should be with her.”

  “Chantal can take care of herself,” he said. “I’m more concerned about you.”

  “There’s no need to be concerned about me, Your Highness.”

  He took a step closer, so that his arm brushed against hers. She held herself still, willed herself not to respond to the casual contact, but she couldn’t prevent the shivers that danced down her spine and raised goose bumps on her flesh.

  “Do you want me to apologize for kissing you earlier?”

  “There’s no need for that, either,” she told him. “I’d prefer to just forget it ever happened.”

  “I’m not sure I can do that,” he told her. “I’ve been haunted by the taste of your lips since our first kiss, though I tried to convince myself the flavor couldn’t possibly be as intoxicating as I remembered. Then I kissed you again, and realized that it was even more so.”

  She swallowed. “There are a lot of people in this room who would give almost anything for a minute of your time. You’ll give them cause to gossip if you spend too many of those minutes with me.”

  “Then we’ll finish this conversation later, Lara.”

  Her only response was to curtsy. “Good evening, Your Highness.”

  He made his way back to his date, and Lara assured herself, despite the ache in her heart, that she was glad she’d had this opportunity to see him with Chantal. Nothing like coming face-to-face with a gorgeous supermodel to remind Lara how far out of her league Rowan really was.

  And though she would have avoided it if she could, she did end up face-to-face with Chantal. Lara was looking for Tanis to say good-night to her friend, when Rowan’s date fell into step beside her.

  “I have just one question,” Chantal said to her.

  Lara feigned polite interest. “What’s that?”

  “Are you sleeping with him?”

  She paused with her wineglass halfway to her lips.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m neither gullible nor stupid, and I’ve seen the way Rowan looks at you.” Though her tone was deliberately mild, Chantal’s eyes were as sharp and cold as shards of ice.

  “I’m flattered that you think he could be interested in someone like me,” she said.

  “He’s a man,” the model noted derisively, “and they aren’t always discriminating when it comes
to sex. I just wanted to remind you that the prince might take you to his bed, but he’ll never take you as his wife. And as soon as he and I are married, you’ll be gone.”

  She managed to hold her glass steady as she lifted it in a mock toast. “Just one more reason I should hope he marries Lady Victoria Barrow then.”

  “Victoria?” Chantal fairly sneered the name. “He’d be bored to tears in a week with her.”

  “You think so?” Lara shrugged and took a bracing sip of her wine. “And yet, the prince has spent time with her on a few occasions over the past several weeks.”

  Chantal shrugged one bare shoulder. “I’m not worried about Victoria. After all, I’m here with him now.” Her lips curved with supreme self-confidence. “And I’m the one who will be with him tonight.”

  And with that parting remark, she sauntered away, leaving Lara both shaken and seething.

  She stayed another half hour, so she didn’t look as if she was in retreat. Then she said goodbye to Tanis and went home.

  Lara had gone.

  She’d slipped away, not without Rowan being aware of her departure but unable to do anything about it. He’d seen her talking briefly to Chantal, and then, before he could end his conversation with Luke Kerrigan, she was on her way to the door. He wished he could have slipped away with her.

  “Looking for someone?” Chantal whispered the question close to his ear.

  He forced a smile as he turned to his date. “And now I’ve found her.”

  She leaned in, allowing the curve of her breast to rub against his arm, a blatant signal that failed to pique his interest.

  “Are you ready to go?” he asked.

  Her smile was slow, deliberately seductive. “I’ve been ready for a while.”

  She slid a perfectly manicured hand into the crook of his elbow and tossed her hair over her shoulder. He couldn’t help but contrast her polished facade to Lara’s natural beauty, her neatly filed but unpainted nails, the choppy chin-length layers of her auburn hair, the subtle scent she wore.

  Mi Dios. The woman was driving him crazy.

  It was hell to want so desperately what he couldn’t have, and crazy to be thinking about her when he was with a beautiful woman who was offering everything a man should want.

  The best thing, he knew, would be to keep his distance from the nanny, to find a woman who could help him forget about Lara. But as his date edged closer, he knew that woman wouldn’t be Chantal—and it wouldn’t be tonight.

  Lara told herself she didn’t care if Rowan spent the night with Chantal St. Laurent, but it was a lie.

  The thought of him with the other woman—kissing her, touching her, making love with her—was unbearable. She knew that the few kisses she’d shared with the prince didn’t give her any proprietary rights, but there was nothing logical about her feelings.

  She was aware that he would be getting married soon. In fact, planning for the big event was already in full swing despite the fact that he had yet to choose his bride.

  Still, she couldn’t help but wonder what might have developed between them if not for that wedding date looming ahead. Though she knew his impending marriage wasn’t the only obstacle to a relationship. Maybe if she wasn’t the nanny…or if he wasn’t a prince…

  She shook her head, banishing such fantasies from her mind. There was no point in wondering “what if,” no hope of changing the circumstances. She might not like the idea of him marrying Chantal St. Laurent, but the reality was that he was going to get married. And if Lara was going to stay on as the royal nanny after his marriage, she was going to have to respect whomever he chose as his bride.

  In the meantime, it would probably be best if she kept her distance from him. Kisses like the one they’d shared in the library today weren’t just inappropriate, they were dangerous, because every time she was with him, she fell a little bit more in love.

  When she got back to the palace, she went up to the nursery to peek in on the children. Damon was sleeping soundly, though the covers that were twisted around his body suggested he’d tossed and turned for a while. She carefully untangled the sheets and blankets and tucked them back up around him. Lexi was on top of her quilt with her favorite teddy bear hugged tightly against her chest. Lara lifted the little girl up to pull back the blankets, then she slid her into bed between the sheets.

  As she closed the door behind her, Chantal’s words echoed in her mind. And as soon as he and I are married, you’ll be gone.

  She really hoped Rowan wouldn’t choose Chantal as his bride. While there was no doubt they made a beautiful couple, she wanted to believe the prince was looking for a wife whose IQ was at least higher than her enhanced bust size.

  She shook off the words and the worry as she moved on to Christian’s room. There was a sliver of light from beneath the door, so she tapped lightly on it before entering.

  He was propped up in his bed, an open book balanced on his bent knees.

  “Just a little longer?” Christian asked hopefully.

  It was next to impossible for her to refuse him anything when he looked at her with those deep brown eyes that were so like his uncle’s. But not completely impossible.

  “You’ve already had a lot longer than usual.”

  “But I’m just getting to the good part.”

  “The words won’t fade from the pages if you leave it until tomorrow.”

  He rolled his eyes as he closed the book.

  She glanced at the cover as she took it from him. Victor Hugo’s Hunchback of Nôtre Dame. “That’s pretty heavy bedtime reading. Are you enjoying it?”

  “It was one of my dad’s favorites.”

  Which said so much without actually answering her question. “Is that why you’re reading it?”

  “He always said that literature was the key to understanding so many things.”

  She nodded. “He loved to read. Just as Rowan loves music, Eric loves the sea and Marcus loves his horses. And you—” she said, taking the book from his hand and setting it on the bedside table “—need to find what you love.”

  “I’m going to be a man that my father would be proud of,” Christian told her.

  “Yes, you will,” she agreed. “No matter what your interests or hobbies.”

  His brow furrowed at that, but he made no further protest when she reached to switch off the light beside his bed.

  As she leaned over to touch her lips to her forehead, he squirmed just a little beneath his covers. It wouldn’t be very much longer before he balked at being tucked in by the nanny, but for now he still tolerated the gesture.

  “Good night, my charming prince.”

  He smiled at that as he fought back a yawn. “Good night.”

  She was yawning, too, as she made her way down the hall, though she knew she wouldn’t be able to sleep just yet.

  It was almost midnight, and she could see from her bedroom window that Rowan’s office was dark. He was with Chantal. She had to accept that. There was no point in waiting for him to come home when she didn’t even know if he would do so, no point in torturing herself with thoughts of what he was doing.

  She’d denied her growing feelings for a long time, but she could deny them no longer. Somehow she’d fallen in love with the prince, and now her heart would end up broken. She only wished she could have experienced the pleasure of making love with him before losing him forever.

  The tap on her door was so quiet she was sure she’d imagined it.

  Then it came again, a little louder, and her pulse skipped.

  She smoothed her hands down the front of her dress as she crossed the room, as hope beat frantically inside her heart. Then she opened the door, and he was there.

  “I saw your light on.”

  That was all he said. It wasn’t the words that made her throat dry and her knees weak, but the same naked desire she’d seen in his eyes when he’d kissed her in the library. And she knew that this was her chance—if she had the courage to take it—to have what her
heart most wanted, at least for this one night.

  Her fingers were still clamped around the knob as she tried to keep her tone steady. “Should I tell you that I couldn’t sleep? Or should I tell you that I was waiting for you?”

  His eyes darkened. “Were you?”

  She nodded. “Are you going to come in?”

  “Do you understand what will happen if I walk through that door?”

  “Yes.” Her voice didn’t falter, her gaze didn’t waver.

  “You need to be sure, Lara.” His eyes bored into hers and heat radiated from his body, taut with tension. “Because once I cross that threshold, there will be no going back.”

  She stepped away from the door so he could enter.

  Chapter Ten

  The door closed behind Rowan with a soft click, but he made no move toward her.

  Could he hear the frantic pounding of her heart? Did he think she was afraid? Was he, despite his warning, giving her one last chance to change her mind? Did he honestly think either of them could turn back now?

  She pushed these questions from her mind and went to him, moving into his arms and touching her lips to his. He kissed her back, his mouth hot and hungry, devastating hers with practiced skill and masterful intensity. Her lips parted on a sigh of pure pleasure, and his tongue dipped between them.

  He’d kissed her before, but somehow this was different, as if they both knew that this time there would be no interruptions, no retreat. She shivered at the thought, her body humming with anticipation, her blood churning with desire.

  But while she was thinking about getting naked and horizontal, he seemed content to keep on kissing her. And he continued to do so until he’d wiped every last coherent thought from her mind and it was filled with nothing but him, until she wanted nothing but Rowan.

  She reached for the zipper at her back, but he gently caught her hands, drew them away.


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