Claimed in CHAOS (CKMC Book 4)

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Claimed in CHAOS (CKMC Book 4) Page 1

by Linny Lawless

  Claimed in CHAOS

  Ckmc 4

  Linny Lawless

  Copyright October 2018 by Linda Lawson

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN 1726356053

  This book is a work of fiction. Some of the places named in the book are actual places found in Virginia. The names, characters, brands, and incidents are either the product of my imagination and used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or establishments is solely coincidental.

  This book contains mature content and is intended for adults 18+ only.

  Cover Models: Jamie Walker & Ivy Edinger

  Photographer: Reggie Deanching

  Cover Design: Cosmic Letterz Cover Design

  PA Services: Mikki Thomas

  Editor: Darice Gamble

  Formatting: Dandelion Designs


  Claimed in CHAOS

























  The End

  About the Author

  Other Books by Linny Lawless

  To Jeanette

  My long-time book worm friend

  Claimed in CHAOS

  Ckmc 4


  I either have my nose in a book, or I’m stocking shelves at the used bookstore. I’ve had a crazy crush on Magnet ever since the moment I laid eyes on him. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen, a biker who looked like a sexy pagan god! He’s different from the type of guys I’ve dated. Now I’m just infatuated with him. But he was a Chaos King and would never notice someone like me. I’m not the type of woman that Magnet likes - the wild and pretty biker chick. Plus, I totally embarrassed myself by falling right on top of him. Literally. But when he invites me for a ride on his bike, there was no way in hell I would pass that up, just so I could be near him. And I wanted to show Magnet that there was a wild and wanton woman behind the reading glasses.


  All my brothers in the CHAOS KINGS MC call me the Chick Magnet. I guess I’ve earned that name. Hell, I can’t even count how many women I’ve banged, let alone remember their names. And Becky and Brandy are currently my go-to gals for all the fun uninhibited sex I need. But I promised to do a favor and invited the bookstore clerk, Kat, out for a ride on my bike. She’s been over at the Chaos clubhouse a few times, but I didn’t really notice her until she falls into my arms. Literally. The wind gets knocked out of me when Kat shows up for the ride and I really see her for the very first time. Now she’s all I can ever think about. But when my own brothers in the club see that sexy little kitten, I realize Kat is the only woman I’ve ever wanted to claim for myself.


  “You’re not backing out of this, Magnet. You already promised Sam.” Ratchet took a drag off his smoke. He had daggers in his eyes as he glared at me.

  “Who is she again?” I asked.

  Ratchet exhaled and rolled his eyes. “Sam’s friend Kat. They work together over at the used bookstore. She’s been here at the clubhouse a few times.”

  “The one with the purple hair?”

  I remembered meeting Kat before. She was cute. The last time I saw her, she had purple hair and wore glasses. I could never quite make out the shape of her body (was she curvy? was she petite?) because she always wore long flowy skirts.

  I glanced at Becky and Brandy, who were both leaning their asses up against the pool table near the jukebox. They weren’t going to like the idea of another chick riding on the back of my chopper.

  “Yeah. Ok.” I nodded my head towards them. “I just gotta break the news to my girls.”

  Wez chuckled, standing there, his boulder-sized biceps crossed over his chest. “You’re such a fuckin’ slut, Magnet. Who’s the boss in this threesome jamboree you got goin’ on? You? or them?”

  Ratchet smashed his cigarette in one of the big glass ashtrays and climbed off the barstool. “Whatever you need to do, Magnet. Just make it happen. Kat’s a nice girl and she’s a good friend of Sam’s.” He sauntered over and socked me right in the shoulder with his southpaw jab. “And don’t fuck around with her. You got your two B’s over there for that.”

  Becky rode my face, and Brandy rode my cock the night before. They both knew how to have fun and were kinky as fuck. Sometimes they’d hiss and get into little cat fights over who got to ride on my bike, so I made them play rock-paper-scissors to decide. Becky had platinum blond hair and a delicious ass you just wanted to sink your teeth into. Brandy had hair like the color of honey. She had plenty of curves and a nice set of paid-for tits. The three of us together were just a hot bundle of sexy-as-fuck.

  I was out of the shower and ready to get my day going, but the girls were still in my bed. I lunged and landed on the bed in between them, slapping their asses. “Time to rise and shine girls!”

  Brandy groaned first, then Becky whimpered. They weren’t going to budge. I knew they both were going to suffer through the day with hangovers. So I left them to sleep in my bed all day. I told them both last night about the break-out ride and about Kat. They pouted and whined a bit, so I reassured them that it’s for a good cause. Besides - I couldn’t back out of a favor I promised to one of my Chaos brothers and his ole lady. So, I climbed on my shovelhead and headed over to the bookstore to ask Kat out for this break-out ride.


  I stuck my bottom lip out, blowing away the strand of hair that had come loose from my ponytail. I was frustrated with the new glasses that I just paid half my salary for. The new prescription lenses were giving me bad depth-perception and my eyes were still adjusting. It was late Sunday morning and the spring pollen really did a number on me as my eyes watered and my nose felt stuffed up. I turned the sign in the front window to OPEN and started my day by unpacking a full box of used Dean Koontz paperbacks. I climbed up the step ladder in the horror section, with mild vertigo. I had to reach up to the highest shelf to stack them in the right place.

  I heard the distant rumble of a motorcycle just then, and it made me think about Sam and her big burly caveman of a biker, Ratchet, and sighed. I thought it was so hot to see them together and how Ratchet treated Sam like a pretty princess, the way she deserved to be treated. The jingle of the doorbell came to my ears then, waking me from my daydream of brutish bikers. A customer this early on a Sunday was typically a huge book worm (like me), wanting an enjoyable book to read on a nice spring Sunday afternoon. “Welcome to CC’s used bookstore!” I called out, reaching up again with another Koontz book.

  I bit my bottom lip as I reached up to place another book on the shelf, when my peripheral vision caught the sight of Magnet walking toward me. No, he wasn’t walking. He was strutting toward me, looking just like a sexy erogenous pagan god! His light brown hair was long and tied back. His shoulders were so broad in a light denim blue tight ribbed tank top that matched the color of his eyes.

  My jaw dropped as he came closer and closer toward me. My balance was off with the vertigo and the new glasses. And then it happened…in slow motion.

  I cried out as I lost my balance, my long summer dress tangling up around my legs.

  “I got you, Kitten.” Magnet’s deep voice was music to my ears as I came crashing down on top of him, my chest smashing right onto his fa

  Magnet’s muscular arms wrapped around me as I gripped his broad shoulders. I slid down along his hard chest, until my feet touched the floor. But I had to lean my head back to look up. The corner of his mouth lifted, and I noticed a scruff of beard along his chiseled jaw. “Kat, right?”

  I was numb with shock and embarrassment. My mouth hung open, “Yes.” I stammered, “Thank you. I’m so sorry!”

  His gorgeous head fell back as he let out a chuckle. “No apology needed kitten. Good thing I was here to catch you.”

  My nipples hardened instantly, just by him calling me kitten. I stepped back, out from within his hard, bulging biceps. I somehow managed to find my voice again. “Well thank you. It’s Magnet, right?”

  “Yep. That’s the name my brothers gave me,” he winked.

  “How can I help you Magnet? Are you looking for a particular book or an author?”

  He looked up at the shelf where I placed the Koontz books on, then his eyes roamed to the other bookshelf. Then back at me “I’m not here to buy any books. Takes up too much of my time to read. I wanted to invite you to our club’s break-out ride. It’s the first ride of the season. Its next weekend.”

  My heart skipped a beat. Ride? on a motorcycle? With Magnet? Oh, hell yeah!

  “Sure!” I almost jumped up and down.

  He laughed again, and his smile made my knees weak. “Ok then.” Magnet’s eyes roamed down my body and I suddenly felt embarrassed and blushed. “You can’t ride wearing a dress or skirt. You’ll need to wear some jeans and good riding boots.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Good. And a pair of shades. I have an extra helmet for you. You ever ridden on a motorcycle before?”

  “Uh…no. But I learn quick.”

  “Ok good. So, you want me to pick you up at your place?”

  “No. I can meet you at the Chaos King clubhouse if that’s ok?”

  “Sure. I’ll meet you there at ten am next Saturday. “

  I was so excited, my face ached at the smile I couldn’t hide. “Thanks, Magnet. I’m really looking forward to it!”

  He winked again “Yeah, me too kitten. See you then.”

  As Magnet sauntered back out of the bookstore, I waited a few seconds, then hurried to the front counter to watch him. He strapped his helmet on that hung from the handlebar and climbed back on his bright yellow chopper. His faded jeans hugged his solid thighs and hips. I just then, had an image of the V shape of those hips. I squeezed my thighs together and groaned. He put his shades on and started the motorcycle. The pipes roared to life. He twisted the throttle a few times, making the pipes thunder even louder. He shifted, twisting the throttle, and rolled out of the parking lot.

  I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I exhaled loudly. Thank goodness I was alone and had no customers. I didn’t know what it was about Magnet. I’m no virgin, of course…but there was something about him that made him so intriguing to me. He was the most gorgeous man I had ever seen.

  I was sure that Magnet’s invitation was Sam’s idea. I had seen Magnet’s girlfriends at the clubhouse before. They were all pretty and voluptuous, with that biker-chick look that I always tried to pull off, but could never quite get right. I was practically a hermit. I was sitting on the inside, looking out at the world around me. Like shaking a snow globe to watch the little tiny flecks of snow whirl around and fall down in a fantasy wonderland.

  I was an obsessive book worm, reading books and living in another world in my imagination. I lived vicariously through the characters and worlds I read about. I was the complete opposite of my step-sister, Lillian. She was a gorgeous, successful, college graduate. I always felt like the boring ugly duckling next to her. My mother married Lillian’s father when we were young teenagers. He suffered from a heart attack and died a few years ago. . I only saw my sister during holidays, weddings, or funerals.

  I felt like I was floating on clouds, right up until Magnet left the parking lot. It was Easter Sunday, so my presence was expected at home, where I lived with my mother. As soon as I closed the bookstore later that afternoon, I headed home. I was already dressed for the occasion, wearing a flowy yellow dress with white daisies.

  I was humming a tune to myself in the kitchen cutting stems on the two dozen daisies I had bought earlier. My mom rushed around the kitchen preparing for a big Easter dinner. “Guess who asked me out today mom?”

  She was leaning down looking into the oven at the huge ham she was baking. She turned to look at me. “So that’s why you look so pretty today! Who asked you out?”

  “You know my friend Sam, right? And her boyfriend, Ratchet? Or James?”

  “Yes, I do! That sweet friend of yours and that big and buff biker that dotes on her?”

  “Yeah, they are a cute couple, aren’t they? Well, do you remember me telling you about their motorcycle club, the Chaos Kings? One of them, the one they call Magnet, asked me out today!” I almost jumped again out of pure excitement.

  “Oh, that good-looking beefcake you told me about?”

  “Yes! Him!” we both squealed and giggled.

  That’s when Lillian arrived. She was dressed in a bold, bright pencil skirt with a cute blouse and stiletto heels. I instantly felt frumpy. She had that effect on me.

  Lillian had chestnut-brown wavy hair with a perfect complexion, and one of those fake smiles that never quite seemed genuine. She gave me one of those hugs that was the standard holiday protocol “Pretty dress Katrina. Did you get it on sale?”

  She always said things that sounded nice, but had a double-meaning that could be interpreted as rude, making me feel inferior to her.

  “I actually bought this dress at the Second Chance thrift store in town.”

  Lillian shook her head slightly, with that fake smile, “Oh Kat. I hope you washed it first! I should take you where I go shopping – at the town center. Only the best designer-made clothes!”

  I put on a smile, just as fake as hers, “I can’t afford the kinds of clothes you wear Lilly. “

  She winked at me. “Well, if you find yourself a rich boyfriend, maybe he could afford it for you! Problem solved!”

  My mother, Jean, was there to help me get out of the awkward situation I found myself in with my materialistic stepsister. She held the pretty glass vase of daisies, “Well I just love her dress. There’s not a lot of women that can pull off wearing yellow, like my Katrina can. And to match these beautiful daisies too!” She beamed a smile at me, not at Lillian. I loved my mother. She was my hero.


  It was Saturday morning. I tied up my black riding boots, feeling like a nervous teenage boy going out on his first date. Ever since Kat fell on me last Sunday, I couldn’t stop thinking about her! The feel of her plump soft tits smashing up against my face instantly made my dick hard. Then I caught the feminine scent of vanilla and flowers on her and I was fucken done for. She looked up at me through those black-rimmed glasses as I held her. An image quickly flashed in my brain of Kat on her knees, sucking my cock, and looking up at me wearing those same glasses.

  I had no fucking idea why I called her Kitten. It just came to me the moment she cried out and I caught her. I usually liked a whole lot of cleavage and a nice pair of thighs on a woman. But the sight of Kat in that pretty yellow dress with flowers? It made my heart thump in my chest. What the fuck was wrong with me? I’d never really noticed her before at the clubhouse. I only knew she was a good friend of Sam’s. She had purple hair the last time I saw her, but she must have washed it out to go back to her natural color: so dark it was almost black.

  I’d bet she had more brain cells than me, Becky, and Brandy combined. But I made a promise I’d do this for Ratchet and Sam. And Ratchet was right. I’ve had my fair share of pussy: loose pussy, tight pussy, hairy pussy, shaved pussy, waxed pussy…all kinds. I had my girls anytime and anywhere I wanted.

  I slapped my cheeks and raked my hands through my hair, “You can do this. It’s just a break-out ride for
fucks sake!”

  The clubhouse lot was full as I rolled in. I spotted Kat instantly. “the Fuck?” my bike lurched me forward suddenly, as I missed a gear downshifting. Everyone turned and looked, including Kat. She was dressed in tight-ass jeans that showed off her round curvy ass, with a very snug, neon orange tank top. Her plump tits were smashed together, displaying an amazing cleavage.

  I was sure everyone could see the faint blush rising to my face as I planted me boots down and parked my bike next to Skully’s. I climbed off, walking right to Kat. Her head titled, and her dark brown doe eyes were gazing right at me.

  I opened my arms, “You wanna give me one of those nice tits-in-my-face hugs again, Kitten?”

  Her breath hitched and then she giggled, “I wore my contacts today, so I won’t be as clumsy this time.” She came into my arms and I squeezed her. She was very short, and cute as a button. My damn dick slammed against the zipper of my jeans, before I could release her. What the fuck was wrong with me!

  That’s when Tanya, the cock-blocker, jumped and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, “My brother from a different mother!” I gave her a hug back, lifting her off her feet. She hissed in my ear, “behave today Noah. I’m watching you.”


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