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Phoenix Daniels- Beautiful Prey 3

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by Unknown


  I dedicate this book to my wonderful daughter and best friend, Jasmine Marie McMorris (September 1, 1990 - May 19, 2013). She was taken from me too fast. May she rest in peace. She was the absolute love of my life and always picked me up if ever I should fall. I wrote these books in her legacy because she died while in the process of writing her own novel. I decided to pick up where she left off.

  I also need to thank my super supportive family that pretended to understand when I locked myself away, ignored phone calls, and missed family outings. I need to thank my super intelligent fifteen-year-old daughter, NiYah, who had no problem making sure that I had everything I needed to get my creative juices flowing (she closed my office door and kept filling my glass of wine).

  I'd also like to thank my publisher, Jessica Watkins, for believing in me and providing an abundance of encouragement, along with a lot of hard work. I'm also very thankful for my editors and proof readers. And last but not least, my faithful readers, for passionately supporting my creativity.


  Robert sat tied to a chair, in a damp, dark room. After the beating he received, he couldn't muster up the energy to even attempt an escape. Earlier, when he entered the parking lot of his job, there were three big Europeans waiting by his car.

  Robert was a concierge at the Four Seasons Hotel in Chicago. His sole responsibility was making sure that his rich clients were happy; a task that, sometimes, included catering to their depravities. And he did his job without remorse... Until now.

  When Tammy called inquiring about the Russian mafia, he realized that he was sticking his neck out by telling her that they were staying in the hotel. He should have known better to mind his own business.

  He silently prayed that he wouldn't have to endure more blows from the brutal men. His head hung low as he whimpered and begged for mercy.

  Suddenly, he heard the clicking of high heels. He adjusted his swollen eyes, attempting to focus on the approaching figure. A tall, slender woman dressed in a slinky black dress strutted towards him. Even through swollen eyes, he could see that she was quite beautiful. She had long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Once in front of him, she stopped and kneeled, and Robert caught a whiff of her perfume.

  She smelled of Lilac.

  She reached for him, and used both hands to gently cup his face as she smiled sweetly.

  In a heavy Russian accent she said, "My name is Katya,” with a voice filled with compassion.

  "Tell me, who was it that you spoke to about my men staying at your hotel?"

  Robert had no idea that someone was listening to his telephone conversation, but he also didn't have anyone in his life worth protecting—especially considering the kind of beating that he had suffered through.

  "Her name is Tammy,” he offered, without hesitation. “Tamara Beauvais. She's a dancer," he confessed. He was hoping that they would be done with him now that they had the information they needed.

  Katya branded a sweet smile and gently kissed his bruised lips before standing upright. She turned to leave. Robert listened intently, as she click clacked away.

  "He lives,” she instructed. “I have plans for him," she said coldly over her shoulder, before disappearing.

  Sometime later...



  ♫ I done been around the world, I done kissed a lot of girls. So I'm guessing that it’s true.

  Make me holla and I bet a million dollars, don't nobody kiss it like you.

  Don't nobody kiss it like you.

  Don't nobody kiss it like you.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Don't nobody kiss like you.

  Don’t nobody kiss it like you. ♫

  Tammy sauntered to the front of the stage and allowed Usher's sultry voice to take her to a place beyond the dark gentlemen's club, packed with horny patrons. She was completely topless, but wore black, cheeky boy shorts over a tiny, pink thong. The air kissed her pebbled nipples, that were still cold from rubbing ice cubes over them backstage.

  Along the way, Tammy made sure to make eye contact with several of the men sitting in the VIP section of the club. Men with money needed personal acknowledgement. She reached for the stripper pole and allowed her body to slowly glide around its surface before making her ascent to the top. She performed a few tricks for the crowd, and then spun her way down the pole.

  Tammy danced her way to the front of the stage and turned to show off her round ass. She dropped to her knees, got on all fours, and popped her ass. She could feel paper currency dropping on her back. When she looked seductively over her shoulder, Victoria Storm was standing behind her.

  Tammy took notice of the hundred dollar bills that Victoria was making rain on her. She also took notice of Jack, Victoria’s drop dead gorgeous husband, who was standing behind his wife. He was branding a panty-dropping smile. Tammy dropped her head and laughed.

  Victoria smacked Tammy's ass, forcing Tammy to glance at her.

  "It's time," was all Victoria said. But it was enough to make Tammy stop dancing, collect her money, and walk offstage. She ignored the protests of angry men as she made her way to the locker room.

  "Hey Tammy! What the fuck?" Bambi, her manager, shouted from the doorway.

  "Sorry, Bam. I got a family issue. I gotta go. And I'm gonna need a few days off."

  Bambi's expression became worried. "Oh God, it’s not your little boy, is it?"

  "Noooo. Nothing like that, but I do need to go now."

  “Okay. Call me if you need me."

  "Will do. Thanks."

  Then Bambi nodded and walked out of the locker room.

  Tammy hurried into her clothes and made a quick call to her dad to let him know she needed to leave town, but that she would be back soon. After he ensured her that her son would be fine in her absence, she exited the locker room. She weaved her way through the crowd, searching for Jack and Victoria.

  When she finally located them in a dark corner, Flame, her busty, Brazilian co-worker, was giving Jack a lap dance while Victoria dropped bills on her. Tammy stood in front of them with her hands on her hips. She cleared her throat, seeking their attention.

  "Don't we have a plane to catch?"

  Victoria looked up at Tammy, as if she were the cat that swallowed the canary.

  "Yeah, Jack! Don't we have a plane to catch? Geesh!" she exclaimed, shifting the blame.

  Jack narrowed his eyes at Victoria and gently swatted Flame's ass, signaling for her to stand and make room for him to stand. He adjusted his package and slipped her another bill.

  "Let's go," he said, gesturing for them to walk ahead of him.

  What a fun couple, Tammy thought as they left out of Caviar's.


  Natasha howled and winced through her latest contraction. She was seriously questioning why she was so eager to bear a child in the first place. The pain was unbearable. It was as if God had reached inside of her body and squeezed, crushing her insides.

  "Argh!" she groaned, in agony.

  She attempted to regulate her breathing, but the pain was debilitating.

  "Breathe, baby. Relax," Gianni whispered, in a comforting tone.

  “Stop talking!" Natasha ordered, through gritted teeth.

  Gianni only smiled and insisted that Natasha continue the breathing techniques that they'd learned in Lamaze class.

  "Stop fucking smiling at me!" Natasha shouted. "This shit hurts!"

  "I know, baby. I know. But I'm here," Gianni reassured.

  A pang of guilt hit Natasha. Gianni was being so sweet and attentive, and she was behaving like a woman possessed by evil. But instead of apologizing, she simply did as she was tol
d. She performed the breathing techniques.

  Gianni gently massaged her hairline with his thumb and smiled lovingly at her. "That's it, baby. You're doing good."

  His voice was soothing, and Natasha found comfort in his sexy, Euro-blended accent and his clean masculine scent. But when another contraction hit, she remembered that it was his sexy accent that got her into his bed in the first place.

  When the pain subsided, she took a minute to rest. She gave Gianni's hand a reassuring squeeze and closed her eyes for a few minutes of much-needed rest. Natasha found it unbelievable that she could actually catch a few winks between contractions. But she didn’t waste time thinking about it. She just closed her eyes and drifted.

  That is, until the next wave of pain yanked her from her brief nod.



  “Okay, Natasha, with this contraction you're going push," the doctor instructed, in a soothing tone.

  Gianni listened to his normally soft-spoken wife scream and curse as another contraction hit her. Seeing Natasha in so much pain was too much for him.

  She was working hard to bring their child into the world, and all he could do was hold her hand and wipe the sweat from her head. He couldn't remember ever feeling so helpless. But, when he saw the soft, dark hair of his offspring emerging, his feelings of inadequacy were replaced with the joy and excitement of meeting his child for the first time.

  After a few more minutes of more panting and pushing, Gianni was finally cutting his son’s umbilical cord. The baby’s eyes were opened wide and he was very alert, but he remained silent. A single tear escaped Gianni's eye as nurses rushed the baby away. He hurried back to Natasha. And although she was clearly exhausted, she was anxious to see their son.

  "He's perfect," Gianni reassured, right before the high-pitched angry wail of their son filled the hospital room.

  Hearing the cries of their son caused the couple to sigh in relief. When the nurse placed their son into Natasha’s arms, Gianni could see absolute joy in her expression and pure love in her eyes. At that point, his tears flowed freely and without shame.

  It was not too long ago that his strong, beautiful, loving, and giving wife was sure that she would never be able to have a child of her own. During her entire pregnancy, she would constantly thank Gianni for the gift that he'd given her. But it was she who had gifted him with a beautiful family, and he planned to spend his life showing his gratitude.

  "Ti amo," he whispered to his love.

  With much pride, he looked down at his small family.

  Natasha smiled and held their son close to her heart.


  Victoria paced back and forth through the waiting room. She and Jack had arrived in Palermo, Italy only an hour ago. As soon as they got the call from Gianni that Natasha was in labor, they hopped on Jack's private plane, along with Tracy and Tammy. Everyone wanted to be there to welcome the new addition to the family.

  Due to complications that she'd had when she was younger, Natasha's pregnancy was high‒risk. As a result, she’d had some minor difficulties throughout her pregnancy. Needless to say, Victoria was worried about her friend and the child that she carried.

  "Victoria, love, please sit down. Relax," Jack pleaded. "Natasha and the baby will be fine."

  Victoria finally took a seat next to Jack, only to jump to her feet as soon as Gianni entered the waiting room.

  "Un figlio!" Gianni happily announced.

  Victoria looked to Jack because she had no clue what Gianni had just said.

  "He has a son," Jack confirmed through laughter.

  "And Natasha?" Tammy asked.

  "She's stunning," Gianni confirmed. "The most beautiful mother in the world."

  Victoria exhaled.

  "Come," Gianni insisted. "Follow me."


  Luca walked into the hospital room, not expecting the group of Americans that were surrounding Natasha's bed. He stepped further into the room and was spotted by Gianni.

  "Luca!" Gianni exclaimed, rushing to embrace him. Luca had never seen his cousin so happy.

  "Congrats cugino," Luca said, hugging him tight.

  "Grazie. Come meet my son."

  Gianni led Luca through the small crowd of people that he greeted along the way. He kissed his Aunt Catarina and Uncle Jonathan. He hugged Jack and kissed Victoria. He smiled politely at Tracy and leaned in to place a kiss on both her cheeks, taking advantage of the unobstructed view that he had of her generous cleavage. She smiled uncomfortably, but Luca couldn't resist. Victoria's friend had the kind of curves that Sicilian men would kill for, and he never missed a chance to take a peek. However, his cousin, Francis' scowl didn't go unnoticed. Gianni chuckled under his breath and pulled Luca toward Natasha's hospital bed. She smiled, shaking her head at him.

  "Quoi?" he asked, in French.

  "Comportez-vous," Natasha warned.

  “Oh my God!” Victoria grumbled, rolling her eyes. “Speak English."

  “Um... heffa, you ain't in America. We're not expected to speak English here," Natasha rebutted.

  "Yeah? I didn't realize that Palermo was a part of France."

  "Shut up!"

  "You shut up!"

  "You shut up! Learn another language, dummy!" Natasha quipped.

  "Hablo Español," Victoria mumbled under her breath, rolling her eyes again.

  Everyone in the room laughed at the exchange between friends.

  Gianni took the tiny bundle from Natasha's arms and passed him over to Luca. Luca gathered the baby in his arms while Gianni went to pour champagne. It was some sort of Storm family tradition to welcome new babies into the family with a toast.

  Luca looked down at the small pink face and chubby cheeks of his newest cousin. He tickled his little nose, coaxing him to open his eyes. The little guy stretched and then curled into a ball just before displaying piercing green irises framed by thick dark lashes.

  As Gianni handed everyone in the room flutes filled with champagne, Luca gently placed the baby in Natasha's arms.

  "He's beautiful," Luca whispered, planting a kiss to Natasha's forehead.

  "Grazie, Luca."

  The hospital door swung open, and Luca was entranced by the sight before him. With his gaze fixed on the dark‒skinned beauty that had just entered the room, and his lips still on Natasha's head, he assessed her beauty; stopping only when he heard Gianni's voice playfully telling him to, “Get your lips off of my wife!”

  Luca stood upright and watched as the woman approached Natasha. She had a pitcher in one hand and a cup in the other. She handed the cup to Natasha and poured water into it. She placed the pitcher onto a nearby table and walked over to Victoria and Jack. Luca watched her every move. She was stunning. She had dark‒chocolate skin and full, kissable lips. Her hair was long, straight, and parted in the middle. She wore a loose top that didn't hide her sizable tits. It was cropped to reveal a tiny waist, tight abs, and a belly piercing. She had on loose fitting baggy jeans and a pair of pink Converse sneakers.

  Luca's eyes slowly perused the entire length of her body. On his way back up, he locked into her dark stare.

  "Can I help you?" she asked as if she were irritated.

  Luca was stuck. "Um..." was all he could manage.

  He was making a fool of himself and didn't know how to recover. No woman had ever rendered him speechless. Gianni smacked him on the back, causing him to jump. He snapped out of the daze that he was in, only to realize that everyone, except her, was laughing at him.

  "Tammy, this is my cousin, Luca Savelli," Gianni chuckled. "Luca, this is Natasha's friend, Tammy."

  Luca walked over to her and gently grabbed her shoulders. He leaned down to kiss her cheek, but Tammy pulled away and stretched out her hand.

  "Sorry, Bella. To kiss is a European thing," Luca informed.

  "Yeah, but, I'm American."

  "Si, but you are in Sicily," Luca reminded her, before pulling her close and kissing both her cheek

  "Nice to meet you," he said, as he released her.

  Luca licked his lips, aware that his bold gesture may have angered her, but he didn't care. He simply wanted to taste her skin.

  "Likewise," she grumbled, as she turned to walk away.

  Luca smiled, watching her heart-shaped ass make its way across the room.

  Gianni loudly cleared his throat. "Remember us? Me and my wife? The ones with the new baby?"

  Jack, with a smirk, handed Luca a glass. Luca smiled and held his glass high as Jack began his toast. "Today, we were blessed with a miracle, an unexpected, but welcome addition to the Storm family. This child will be afforded love, affection, guidance, and protection from this day, until the Storms are no more."

  Gianni retrieved his son from Natasha's arms, then proceeded to hold him out for display.

  "Jackson Giovanni Storm," he declared.

  Luca and Jack exchanged looks of pride. After all, Gianni had just named his firstborn son after them both. Luca's given name was Giovanni Luciano Savelli.

  Jack raised his glass and shouted, "Happy birthday!"

  "Happy birthday!" the group repeated in unison, as they drank in celebration of little Gio Storm’s birth. .



  "You're so sweet for coming all this way for me," Natasha said, through a yawn.

  "Where else would I be?" Tammy asked as she gave Natasha one last hug before leaving the hospital room. Once outside the room, she ran smack into Luca's hard body, which prompted her to bounce back and hit the back of her head against the hospital door.

  "Shit!" Luca swore under his breath, before pulling her into his arms.

  He pulled her against him and gently rubbed the back of her head, and this time it was Tammy's turn to be stuck. She melted into his embrace and inhaled his masculine scent. She deduced that it was maybe a mixture of peppermint and firewood. She could only describe it as rugged and outdoorsy.


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