Daddy Says

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Daddy Says Page 8

by Maggie Ryan

  It’s just a little bloodwork. You’ve had blood drawn before and lived through it, remember?

  They were led down the hall a bit before turning into a room where a woman met them with a big smile.

  “Hi, my name is Nurse Julie.” The woman was probably only a few years older than her and Jane wondered what she honestly thought about this entire daddy/little thing. If her cheery voice was any indication, she must think it was just fine. “Are you scared of needles, sweetie?”

  “Um… not really, but I don’t like getting stuck a lot,” Jane said.

  “I don’t blame you, and I promise I’m very good at what I do. Would you like to climb up on the table or would you rather sit on your daddy’s lap while I draw your blood?”

  Jane looked at the exam table, which looked like the one she remembered from her childhood, if a bit taller. Deciding she might as well make the most of what wasn’t one of her favorite things, she looked up at Sawyer. “My daddy’s lap.”

  “Good choice,” Julie said with a wink. “All right, you get settled, and we’ll get started.”

  Sawyer sat in an armless chair and pulled her onto his lap. “Don’t worry,” he said, bending to kiss the top of her head. “Nurse Julie is very gentle.”

  Julie put an elastic band on Jane’s upper arm and asked her to make a fist. Doing so, Jane then straightened her arm and pointed to a spot on the inside of her left elbow where the bulge of a vein was visible. “That’s where they stuck me last time,” she informed the nurse.

  “Well, that’s a good vein. Thank you, Miss Janie.”

  Jane knew it was ridiculous, but the woman’s words, her tone, and her very smile made her relax and feel proud that she’d helped. It didn’t hurt that her daddy was smiling and patting her thigh. The moment the nurse lifted the syringe, Jane’s head swam as a memory of watching her blood burbling into the tubes made her feel faint. Enough of this trying to be a grownup shit. With a whimper, she turned her head and pressed her face into her daddy’s chest.

  “Easy, sweetie, you’re being so brave.”

  His hand running up and down her back took her mind off the fact that another tube was being filled… and another. From the number of tubes taken, she wondered how many tests the doctor was planning to have run.

  “All right, all done,” Julie said, tucking the tubes away before applying an alcohol swab and placing a cotton ball over the puncture site. Jane was about to hold it in place when her daddy gently lowered his finger to the white piece of fluff.

  “Now comes the fun part,” the nurse said, moving to the built-in countertop and returning with a basket. “What Band-Aid would you like?”

  Choosing a neon pink one with tiny white polka dots, Jane turned to her daddy. “Can you put it on, Daddy?”

  “Certainly, honey,” he said, applying it and then bending to place a kiss on top of the bandage.

  Jumping off his lap, she said, “Thank you, can we go eat now? I’m starving and you promised coffee!”

  “No, we’re not done. You still need to see Dr. Harper.”

  Her mouth dropped open. “Oh, right. But the bloodwork is done. I’m sure I have time for a cup of coffee first. Doesn’t this office at least have a Keurig?” His shaking head did not make her happy, and neither did Nurse Julie’s offer.

  “Don’t fret, Miss Janie. You’ve been such a little darling. It’s nice to have such a brave and good patient to start my morning. I’ll be happy to bring you some juice and a snack after we get your urine sample, honey.”

  Jane didn’t know if that was some sort of praise or subtle warning, but she honestly didn’t care. “I don’t want juice; I want coffee and a lot of it!”

  “Jane, settle down. You are being rude and throwing a fit is not acceptable.”

  “Neither is breaking your promise!”

  “Nurse, would you mind giving us a minute?”


  The moment Julie opened the door, Jane was right behind her. Her squeal of surprise when she was lifted off her feet rang out down the hallway before she was carried back into the exam room and the door shoved closed by her daddy’s foot.

  “Put me down!”

  Her daddy plopped her onto the exam table, instantly caging her in with his arms planted next to her hips, his body leaning toward her so that she had to lean back, her hands splayed against the white paper that covered the table. “You need to calm down, young lady. We’ve discussed this—”

  “We didn’t discuss how the hell I’m supposed to pee in some cup when I haven’t had anything to drink in forever! I’ve got to have coffee or at least a Coke!”

  “It’s quite obvious that you are addicted to caffeine, which is not healthy. And as far as providing a sample, I assure you that you will be doing so.”

  “Good luck with that! You can’t force me to pee!”

  “I would not need or desire to force you to urinate.” He paused, his eyes darkening. “You will either be a good little girl and obey Nurse Julie, or Dr. Harper will take the sample himself.”

  Jane scoffed, “Oh, so he will force me—”

  “No, Jane, the doctor will simply insert a catheter into your urethra and empty your bladder—”

  The very thought of that being a possibility had her bladder clenching and her eyes going wide. “This is-is bullshit! I didn’t agree to this!”

  “Wrong,” he said. “You agreed last night when you accepted me as your daddy.”

  “I’ve changed my mind! I don’t want a daddy and I don’t want to play Little anymore!”

  “No? You could have fooled me. You’re certainly doing a great job at being a Little. You are throwing a temper tantrum worthy of a spoiled toddler. Last chance—”

  “Fuck yo—”

  She never got to finish her vulgar curse as he easily lifted her, ignoring the fact that she tore the white paper from the table as she attempted to retain her seat. All she could do was drop the paper and clutch his leg as she was placed over his thigh, his foot propped up on a stool, keeping her well above the floor. Before she could blink, she felt his arm pulling her tightly into his waist. To her horror, he flipped up her skirt, yanked down her panties and his hand slapped down on her bare bottom. Shocked, it took a stroke delivered sharply, and quite loudly, to each globe of her butt before she shrieked, her legs kicking and her hands hammering at his calf. Cracks as loud as gunshots joined the sound of her shrieks as he began to pepper her bottom. It didn’t take a half dozen before she whipped one arm behind her, attempting to cover his target.

  A bit shocked when the swats stopped, she thought she’d won until the next swat landed on her right thigh, instantly reminding her that he’d said there were a lot of places where a naughty girl could be spanked. The stroke against her left thigh had her squealing. “I’m sorry! Please, Daddy, not there!”

  “Naughty girls who cover their asses get their thighs spanked,” he said calmly.

  After another pair of swats, she lifted her hand from her bottom and waved it in the air. When he took it, she didn’t attempt to pull it free, even when he pinned it to the small of her back.

  “I promised to provide for you, take care of all your needs, and be the daddy you’ve dreamed of forever. I promised not to let you down, not to have you worry about what you can expect. I take my commitments seriously, and, young lady, when you throw tantrums, you get spanked… every single time.”

  Suddenly, it was like she had an epiphany. This wasn’t a dream. Last night’s spanking had not been a fluke. The heat she felt all across her nether cheeks easily telegraphed that to be true. The echo of each stroke reverberated around the room and through her very soul. This wasn’t some man reluctantly agreeing to give her a few swats after she’d finally gotten up the nerve to beg him and then have him making her feel like some sort of deviant for even suggesting they at least try a little spanking. She was not in control. She’d thrown a fit and he—her daddy—was taking her to t
ask for doing so.

  “I’m sorry!” she cried, clinging to his leg with her free hand instead of swatting at it. “Please… stop…”

  “Are you going to be my good girl?”

  “Yes!” she screeched as each of her poor, burning buttocks was treated to a harder stroke.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Are you going to apologize to Nurse Julie?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Are you going to do exactly as the nurse and doctor instruct you?”

  “Yes, sir!”

  “Are you going to remember that your daddy is committed to you? That he wants nothing more than to assure that his precious girl knows that he will take care of all that she needs?”

  “Yes, yes, Daddy!”

  “All right. Then we will finish your punishment later.”

  She felt a little lightheaded as she was flipped upright and set down on her feet. Her daddy pulled her panties back into place and lowered her skirt before lifting her and setting her on his hip until he returned to his original chair, sat, and moved her onto his lap.

  Her emotions were churning, and she just couldn’t look at him. Instead, she buried her face in his shirt, clutching the fabric.

  “Shhh,” he said, rocking her in his arms. “You’re fine. I’ve got you.”

  “You… you really span-spanked me.”

  “I’m not sure why that comes as a surprise. I spanked you last night.”

  That was very true, but this was different. Pulling back a bit, her hand waved to indicate the room. “I mean… we aren’t in my house. This… this isn’t private.”

  “I told you last night that I would never hesitate to spank you whenever and wherever you earned a punishment, remember?”

  Well, she couldn’t argue with that, but it was as if another level of her new life had just been made crystal clear. She squirmed a bit, the movement doing nothing to ease the sting he’d put into her cheeks. “I blame it on the lack of caffeine,” she said, sitting back and looking up at him.

  He grinned. “I blame it on the fact that you’ve been wondering if your daddy really means what he says and if I’d actually call you on your behavior outside the setting of your home or mine.”

  She could feel her face heat and wondered if it was as red as her ass had to be.

  He bent to kiss her forehead. “Now you know that I most definitely will, so no more wondering required.”

  “I-I guess so,” she admitted and then remembered what he had said a few minutes earlier. “What did you mean by we’ll finish later?”

  He tugged her a little closer before answering. “Part of that you should be able to answer yourself as we discussed it last night.” When she didn’t immediately answer, he took her hand and laid it against the buckle of his belt.

  “But I didn’t lie!”

  “Didn’t you?”

  How an arched eyebrow could make her feel like she was either being purposefully obtuse or attempting to deny her guilt, she didn’t know, but it did. Her mind raced back to her tantrum and she sighed. “I didn’t mean it to be a lie. I just was… was angry.”

  “A lie is a lie, Janie. Our relationship isn’t a game. We’re not playing. Granted, it isn’t always an easy dynamic, but we have both agreed to it, and you hurt me and yourself when you use that commitment as a weapon.”

  It was hard to nod, but she had felt awful the moment she’d spewed the denial of her dream to have a daddy. “I’m sorry.”

  “And there is still the matter of washing your mouth out for the nasty words you uttered.”

  “I thought after a spanking, it was over. That I was forgiven when you held me.”

  “You’re partially right. You seem to have forgotten that Daddy is the one who decides when the punishment is over and the penance you’ll make each time. But, as I said, we will finish it later. And, Janie, know this as well. When Daddy says you will always be forgiven and I will always hold you just like this to make sure you know how very special my baby girl is to me, know that I mean every single word.”

  She thought about for a moment, remembering the words she’d read on the screen that first night. “Thank you, Daddy.”

  A few minutes later, a soft knock came on the door and she gasped. “Oh, my God! Everyone is going to know you span-spanked me!”

  “No, all the exam rooms are soundproofed, so while Nurse Julie might suspect, and Dr. Harper will know, no one else will.”

  “Why will he know?”

  “Because he’ll see your red bottom when he examines you.” He gave her a hug, another quick kiss and called out, “Come in.”

  Chapter Ten

  Sawyer took the plastic cup from Julie and looked down at Janie. He found the fact that she squirmed and then gave a little gasp very satisfying. He’d been telling her the truth, knowing without a doubt that her little tantrum had been more of a test than an actual fit of pique. Though he had told her, without equivocation, exactly what she could expect whenever she misbehaved, he knew that she’d be over his lap, her adorable bottom bared and reddened many more times before she truly believed he’d follow through every time. And follow through he would as that was what daddies did.

  “I want you to take this into the bathroom and…” When she opened her mouth, he shook his head before continuing. “Unless you are about to say, ‘yes, Daddy’, I suggest you remember that this is the easiest way to provide the sample that the doctor requires.”

  Another wiggle, another soft mewl, and she accepted the specimen container. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “That’s my good girl. And what would you like to say to Nurse Julie?”

  “I’m-I’m sorry for… for being rude.”

  “And a naughty girl,” Sawyer prompted.

  Big violet eyes pleaded to be spared the admission, but he didn’t budge. With a blush that ran up from the neckline of her yellow blouse to color her cheeks, she watched the nurse pull the ruined paper off the table and replace it with a fresh piece. Jane proved she was very sorry for being so badly behaved by moving off her daddy’s lap and bending to pick up the shredded paper on the floor. “And a nau-naughty girl.”

  “I accept your apology, Miss Janie,” Julie said, reaching out her hand after Jane had thrown the paper away. “I’ll take you to the bathroom, and after you’ve finished, you can choose a juice box and a snack.”

  “Thank you,” Jane said, taking the nurse’s hand. Sawyer watched as the two left the room, willing to bet that once inside the privacy of the bathroom, Jane would not only fill the container, but she’d take a good long look at her bottom. He smiled, imagining her surprise to discover it wasn’t anywhere near as red as she probably thought. It was only her second spanking, and while he hadn’t given her love taps, he most certainly had gone easy on her. She’d learn soon enough that a naughty girl’s behind could be far more than the rosy hue he’d painted onto her plump little cheeks.

  When she returned, sucking on the straw of a box containing apple juice, the gurgling sound attesting to the fact that she’d emptied it rather quickly, he smiled and opened his arms, giving her a hug when she flew into them. “Good juice?”

  “It wasn’t bad, but it isn’t coffee or a Coke,” she said softly, leaning against him.

  “No, but it is far better for you. Did you eat something?”

  “Yes, Jul… Nurse Julie gave me a mini blueberry muffin, but I’m still hungry.”

  “You can eat a big breakfast after the doctor finishes your exam. And, remember, Janie, you’ve promised to do exactly as Dr. Harper instructs you—”

  “I’m sure she will do just fine.” They both looked toward the door to see a man in a white coat, a stethoscope peeking from one pocket, entering. Sawyer kept Janie close with one arm around her waist as he extended his free hand. “Hello, Martin. Thanks for fitting us in today.”

  “My pleasure, Sawyer. And this must be your Jane.”

“Yes, this is Janie. Janie, say hello to Dr. Harper.”


  “Please, sit down and we’ll go over what you can expect.”

  “Oh, okay,” she said, climbing onto Sawyer’s lap when he returned to the chair he’d occupied earlier.

  The doctor pulled up a wheeled stool and sat down. “As your daddy has probably told you, the purpose of today’s visit is to get a baseline on your health. We’ll take your height and weight, check your eyes, nose, and throat, your heartbeat, etc. You’ve had a Pap smear before?”

  “Um, no.”

  Sawyer was surprised and asked, “How did you get birth control without a pelvic exam?”

  “The clinic I go to doesn’t require one to get the shots,” Jane said.

  “No, but any doctor will tell you that regular Pap smears are important, and you’ll have your first today, young lady,” Dr. Harper said. He didn’t give her a chance to protest as he asked his next question. “Do you do regular self-exams of your breasts?”

  “No, well, not really.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll do that as well and show both you and your daddy how to perform them.”

  Sawyer saw her flush as she snuck a glance up at him, but she didn’t protest and turned her attention back to the doctor when he continued. “It’s really the same sort of exam you’d receive from your regular doctor. Now, before we begin, do you have any questions or concerns?”

  When she shifted on his lap, her fingers playing with the hem of her sweater, Sawyer spoke softly. “Go ahead, sweetie. You can ask whatever you want. It’s important that you feel comfortable.”

  “Really? So if I don’t want to do the pelvic thing, I don’t have to?”

  Sawyer shook his head. “Janie, that question has already been answered. You will have both a pelvic and a rectal exam.”

  “Daddy!” she squealed, immediately burying her face in his neck.


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